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Monica Keating

Learning Segment Central Focus: Phenomenon: This is a paragraph describing the backdrop and
context of the lesson described in the ESA below. Must include attention to NGSS and phenomenon-
based learning.

The phenomenon is that there are varying weather conditions world wide. The teacher then
proceeds to demonstrate the different types of weather that occur using pictures and slides. The
students then investigate the phenomena through personal knowledge and what the students know
about the weather where we live.

Time Allotted: 20 to 30 minutes Classroom organization/ groups/ labs?: Students will be in their
assigned seats during the lesson.

Lesson plan format:

Unit name: All About Weather
Class/Grade: Kindergarten
NGSS Content Standard(s):
K-ESS2-1. : Use and share observations of local weather conditions to describe patterns over

The standards used in the lesson are highlighted.

Science and Engineering Practices: Analyzing and Interpreting Data. Scientific investigations
produce data that must be analyzed in order to derive meaning. Because data patterns and
trends are not always obvious, scientists use a range of tools- including tabulation, graphical
interpretation, visualization, and statistical analysis- to identify the significant features and
patterns in the data.

Disciplinary Core Ideas: ESS2.D: Weather and Climate Weather is the combination of
sunlight, wind, snow or rain, and temperature in a particular region at a particular time. People
measure these conditions to describe and record the weather and to notice patterns over time.

Cross Cutting Concepts: Patterns. Observed patterns of form and events to guide
organization and classification.

Language Supports: be specific regarding strategies you are choosing to support the
access of science language

 Teacher will label the pictures and provide definitions of key terms on the PowerPoint.
 Teacher will go through the Mini Book with the students and have them fill out the
blanks as we go. The PowerPoint will have the pages from the mini book on there in
English and for ELL student their Mini book will have Spanish and English in their own
 ELL students will also be asked to work closely with an English-speaking classmate
who can help demonstrate what needs to be done during the lesson.
 Using appropriate vocab words that will help support Academic Language.
Monica Keating

Materials Needed (indicate any safety measures that need to be considered):

 All about Weather Mini Book (1 for each student)

o Mini book will not be passed out until we are about to start that portion of the
 Crayons or colored pencils (to share at their tables)
o will not be passed out until we are about to start that portion of the lesson.
 Pencils
 PowerPoint or poster with the information would work in a regular kindergarten
classroom as well!
 Brain break (if used)
o “Movement and Mindfulness for Kids.” GoNoodle,
 Weather cloud coloring page

Objective(s)(be sure these are Possible Challenges /Misconceptions:

measurable and observable and aligned
with the NGSS and the assessments): Children may not understand that weather
differs worldwide.
 Students will be able to identify
different kinds of weather they have
previously experienced.

 Student will be able to indicate and

label the types of weather we have in
Pleasant Hill, California.

 Students will be able to identify the

four different types of weather: sunny,
windy, rainy, snowy and how they

Formative Assessment strategies (indicate WHY these are chosen – WHAT are you
assessing – concepts, skills):

Formal Assessment: I will be asking the students to fill out blanks in the Mini Book together
as a class where they will be able to demonstrate their understanding of the different types of
weather. This also is an assessment if students are paying attention and focused during the

Informal Assessment: I will be asking questions throughout the entire lesson to teach
concepts, check for understanding, also the review questions at the end of the lesson will
show what they learned from the lesson.

LESSON PLAN STRUCTURE: (could include the use of the 5Es as indicated)
Monica Keating

Opening: (engage) Teacher Actions Student Actions

Activate prior knowledge and
student interest- teacher Teacher will cover class rules
presents an interesting situation, (this should be review), have
phenomenon, or dilemma/
students read them aloud one
controversial issue that helps
students connect to the content. by one.

1. Raise your hand to speak.

2. Get out of your seat only
when dismissed.
3. Keep eyes and ears open
4. Have fun.

The teacher will have

questions on the slides to
introduce the topic to the

1. Can anyone tell me Students will recall types of

what weather is? weather they may remember
Weather is the and answer the question.
Condition of the outside
2. What kind of weather Students will state the types
do we get here in of weather they see in
Pleasant Hill? Pleasant Hill. Such as, hot or
3. Today we are going rainy.
to learn about the 4
different types of
Introduction: After the Introductory slide I Students will answer the
Getting students ready - teacher will go over the 4 types of questions asked by the
introduces the task and makes weather individually 1 by 1, teacher, such as what they
sure students understand what with a slide for each type of like to do in the different types
they are trying to accomplish, weather with a definition as of weathers.
but not how they are to do it well as pictures with
examples. The students may respond
with answers like swimming
1. Rain: Read the whole when it is hot or staying near a
slide to them fire when it is rainy and cold.
2. Sunny: Read slide then
ask, what do you like to
do when its sunny Students will then state what
outside? Then show they think of when they hear
them 2 pictures of these words; sunny, rain, and
examples wind, snow. Students may
3. Wind: Read slide then respond with hot, ice cream,
ask, what do you think of hot chocolate. Things that they
when you hear the word
Monica Keating

wind? Then show them 2 may do due to the specific

pictures of examples. weather type.
4. Snow: Read the slide
then ask, what do you
like to do when it’s
snowing? Then show
them 2 pictures of

Break: Video off Go noodle’s

Body of lesson: (explore, After the brain break I will use 1. Students need to color the
explain, elaborate) an Attention Getter and have pictures using at least two
Students working on content - all the students sit back different colors
teacher observes students, down. Explain that we are 2. Allow as much time as
monitors their progress, and going to complete this Mini needed for the students to
provides clarification as Book that is about the 4 color the pictures.
necessary different types of weather we
just learned about. The Next the students will color
teacher will pass out the Mini the Weather Coloring page.
Book to each student. After 1. First put their name on the
passing out the Mini Books paper
we are going to go through 2. You can color however you
the pages together 1 by want but make sure you add
1. After we have completed hair of some sort like I did to
all the pages in the Mini represent wind!
Book, the students are now Share my example, give
going to color the pictures in them about 10 minutes to
the Book. color.

Closure (evaluate): Teacher will ask students Students will share and
Wrapping Up - teacher facilitates what types of weather they answer what types of weather
group discussion, helps students learned today. What types of they have learned throughout
share their work/progress, helps weather do we get here in the lesson. Students will look
students make connections, and Pleasant Hill? Can someone back on their coloring pages if
ensures that big ideas are tell me what happens for one they need assistance with
brought forward. Have you
of the types of weather we answering the given
connected your lesson back to
the overarching phenomenon? learned today? questions.
What skills (SEPs), concepts
(DCIs) and overarching
connections (CCCs) have you
included and assessed?
Monica Keating

Review the rubrics connected to this lesson. Below, indicate HOW you have addressed each one and
include this with your lesson plan/ unit outline.

RUBRIC # and corresponding reflection:

(see below and see EdTPA handbook on Blackboard, Course Materials):

a. Rubric #1 (See syllabus for rubric details)

The teacher addressed the vocabulary that was introduced in the lesson. The students become
aware of new types of weather, such as the sun, wind, rain, and snow. Teacher proceeded by
asking the students questions to engage them in inquiry of the varying types of weather. The
students then evaluated their prior knowledge on weather types they see where they live or may
have visited. The students will see patterns within the class and where these types of weather
occur in the world. The students will see the weather that occurs in Pleasant Hill versus other
places in the world. Both the teacher and students were able to address the patterns of the
weather seen in the varying parts of the world.

b. Rubric #2 (See syllabus for rubric details)

Teacher will specify the different types of weather and what we see where we live. This will
support the phenomenon given in the lesson and identify the common errors that students may
have. The teacher will identify the misunderstandings of the students and address where we may
see different types of weather and why we do not see some where we live. The students who
may have prior knowledge on weather will be able to support this concept as well.

c. Rubric #3 (See syllabus for rubric details)

Teacher was aware that students were knowledgeable about the weather conditions where we
live. The teacher allowed the students to engage in active learning, so that they were able to see
the similarities and differences themselves. This was carried out in a classroom discussion
where students shared their prior knowledge on weather conditions.
Monica Keating
Monica Keating
Monica Keating

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