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Personal Details
Full Name : Bernadetta Indah Mustikawati, Amd.Kep.,SKM
Date of Birth : December 8th
Address : Surabaya, West Java, Indonesia
Email : :

Formal Education
1991 : Graduated from D3 Nursing Academy St. Carolus–
Jakarta;West Java, Indonesia
2011 : Bachelor in Epidemiology, Airlangga University, East-Java,

Related Education
1999 : Hospital Oriented Workshop at National University
Hospital, Singapore
2004 : Infection Control Course at Fremantle Hospital and
Health Service, Western Australia

Conference 2004 : 2nd Indonesia International Symposium on Infection
Experience Control Jakarta, West-Java, Indonesia
2007 : The 3rd Indonesian International Symposium On Infection
Control Hospital, Jakarta, West-Java, Indonesia
2010 : 4th International Infection Control Conference, Hongkong,
2011 : 2nd International Congress of Infection Control
Association, Singapore
2011 : Participant of APSIC Congress, Melbourne, Australia
2013 : Participant in APSIC Congress, Macau
2014 : Manajemen Risiko, Hotel Mercure Surabaya oleh PERSI –KARS
Pelatihan akreditasi 2012, Hotel Mercure Surabaya
2015 :Pertemuan Ilmiah dan Semiloka Nasional Tahunan Akreditasi
Rumah Sakit 2015, Hotel Sahid Jaya-Jakarta oleh Komisi
Akreditasi Rumah sakit

2010 : Bring Siloam Hospitals Surabaya as the 1st winner of
AZIMA (Astra Zeneca Infection management Award)
2011 : Bring Siloam Hospitals Surabaya as participant of Asia
Pasific Hand Hygiene Excellence Award held by WHO
2011 : Display Scientific Poster in The 5th International Congress
of the Asia Pacific Society of Infection Control
2014 : Bring Siloam Hospitals Surabaya as The Winner of Asia
Pasific hand Hygiene Excellence Award
2015 : Oral presentation in Infection Control Prevention International
Congress (ICPIC),Geneva

2015 : Menjabat sebagai Ketua Himpunan Perawat Pencegah
Pengendali Infeksi Indonesia ( HIPPII ) Surabaya dan
Sekitar peridoe 2015-2018

Work Experience
1993- 1996 Head Nurse in Medical Surgical in Yos Sudarso Padang,
West Sumatra
1996-1998 Tensindo Clinic in Semarrang ,central of Java
1998-2000 Head Nurse in Medical Surgical in Husada Utama
Hospital east of Java
2003-2012 IPCN Manager in Siloam Hospitals Surabaya
2013- Q&R manager in Siloam Hospitals Surabaya
(Ketua Komite PMKP)

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