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Script for Cultural Night 2019

May&Rodel: We would like request everybody to stand for our invocation and please remain
standing for Philippine National Anthem

May: Ladies and gentlemen, a very warm welcome to each and every one of you and welcome
to CIT Cultural Night 2019 .My Name is May Rosely Toralba.

Rodel: My Name is Rodel Morala and we are your hosts for tonight’s Event

May: Tonight’s Event promises to be unlike any other! Believe me ladies and gentlemen we are
going to be treated to a dazzling night of Dance.

Rodel: You know, May CIT Cultural Night is a grand opportunity for our dear friends and peers
to showcase their performing talents, and I must admit that I am very excited to see what will
unfold tonight.

May: Yes absolutely right, Rodel. Now, to formally welcome us this evening event, please
welcome Mr.Christian Navasa for opening remarks, a big hands please.

Rodel: Thank you Mr. Navasa for that welcoming message.

May: At this juncture, we will be entertained an intermission number by CIT Vocals Club, A
round of applause please.

Rodel: Thank you CIT Vocal Club for that beautiful rendition.

May: To help us decide who among the competitors deserve to win this evening event, please
help me welcome Mr.Jason Tandog for introduction of board of judges.

Rodel: Thank you Mr. Tandog and now to understand the criteria for judging for Modern Jazz
and Dance Sports please welcome Ms.Jeniede Lipao.

May: Thank you Ms.Lipao.

Rodel: Alright, since we’ve already presented our panel of board of judges and the criteria for
judging, let us not keep our audience waiting...

May: Are you ready?? Let me hear your voice for Red Iostream!! And how about for Green

Rodel: Let me hear your scream Blue Ryzen!!! And how about for Yellow web Creators?!!!

May: Alright, I think everyone is ready now! Our first performer for Modern Jazz Category is Red
Iostream, followed by Green Technocrats, Blue Ryzen and lastly the Yellow web creators.
Rodel: First to perform for modern Jazz Category, Let us put our hands together for
the RED Iostream! Around of applause please.
May: Thank you Red Iostream Jazzers! Next to perform is Green Technorcrats, A big hands

Rodel: Thank you Green Technocrats. And now let’s give a hand for Blue Ryzen!

May: Thank you so much Blue Ryzen before we proceed to the last set of performer for modern
jazz category. We would like to thanks our following sponsors for this said event. (AVP)

Rodel: Alright! Our last performer for moden jazz category let’s give it up for the Yellow Web
Creators, a big hands please.

May: at this point we will now proceed to Dance sports competition.

Rodel: Dance Sports competition consists of two categories the Modern Standard Category and
Latin American Category.

May: Alright I think everyone now is ready. First to perform for Modern Standard Category is
Red Iostream , followed by Green Technocrats , Blue Ryzen and Yellow web creators . Let’s
give them a round of applause please.

Rodel: Thank you so much Red Iostream .Our next set to perform is the Green Technocrats. A
big hands please.

May: Thank you So much Green Technocrats.! And the next team to perform is the Blue Ryzen,
a round of applause please.

Rodel: Thank you So much Blue Ryzen, and our last but the least the Yellow web creator, a big
hand please.

May: Alright we’ve seen the four Teams competing for the modern Standard category and now
we will proceed to the Latin American category, but before that we would like to thanks our
sponsors for this event (AVP).

Rodel: Our first set to perform for the Latin category is RED Iostream, Let’s give them big

May: Thank you RED Iostream, Our next performer is now ready; let’s give it up for Green

Rodel: Thank you so much Green Technocrats. Next to perform is the Blue Ryzen please give
them a round of applause

May : Thank you so much Blue Ryzen ,and for the last performer please welcome Yellow web
creators. Around of applause please
Rodel: Alright! We’ve already seen the the four teams expressing their emotions by means of
dancing, but I assure you that this young talented students will surely become a successful
dancers someday!

May: at this juncture we will be entertained again an intermission number by the CIT VOCALS

Rodel: Alright thank you so much CIT VOCALS Club!

May: So, to give us the winners for this evening event may I call on Ms.Faye Cresell D.Sarsalijo
for the declarations of winners for Modern Jazz and Dance Sports. A big hands please.

Rodel & May: Thank you Ma’am Faye, we would also like to express our deepest appreciation
to our panel of judges. Once again, we extend our congratulations to all winners, you are all
equally deserving. This is has been your host, Rodel Morala, May Rosely Toralba and this is
CIT Cultural Night 2019! Have a good night everyone!

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