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ISIJ International, Vol. 53 (2013), No. 2, pp.


bution and plastic strain distribution directly ahead the crack

Note tip along crack direction are schematically shown in Fig. 1.
Under a certain loading level, the crack begins to propagate.
We reveal the effect of grain refinement on fracture mode
through analyzing the effect of grain size on the conditions
required for the initiation of cracking.
Physical Interpretation of Grain Refinement-induced Because of the presence of crack, in addition to stress
Variation in Fracture Mode in Ferritic Steel concentration and strain concentration, stress singularity and
strain singularity exist near the crack tip. For a given crack,
Hai QIU,1)* Linning WANG,2) Toshihiro HANAMURA1)
stress or strain concentration is related to the material’s
and Shiro TORIZUKA1)
work-hardening ability. The effect of work-hardening is sys-
1) Research Center for Strategic Materials, National Institute for tematically discussed in Ref. 8). For plane strain state, alter-
Materials Science, 1-2-1 Sengen, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0047 Japan. ing work-hardening exponent (n) will change the local
2) Tianjin Pipe Group Corporation, Tianjin, China. stress field ahead of a crack tip. If we take remote flow
(Received on June 7, 2012; accepted on October 3, 2012) stress σ 0 as σ 0/E=0.0025 (where E is Young’s modulus), the
local peak stress (as shown in Fig. 1) can reach ~3σ 0, ~3.6σ 0
KEY WORDS: work-hardening; ductile fracture; brittle and ~5σ 0 for n=0, 0.1 and 0.2, respectively.8) This result
fracture; ferrite; grain size.
shows that decreasing work-hardening exponent (i.e., work-
hardening ability) reduces the level of local stress ahead of
a crack. As for the corresponding near-tip equivalent plastic
1. Introduction
strain distribution, it is essentially independent of work-
To utilize the effect of grain refinement in enhancing hardening ability.9)
strength and toughness, people have been making effort to It has been known that ductile fracture and brittle fracture
decrease ferrite grain size, and recently succeeded in devel- are strain-controlled and stress-controlled, respectively.8)
oping Si–Mn ultrafine-grained steels with ferrite grain size The critical condition for the initiation of brittle fracture (or
even less than 1 μ m. The toughness of ferritic steel has been ductile fracture) is that over a characteristic distance l0, as
confirmed to increase with a decrease in ferrite grain size.1–5) shown in Fig. 1, the local tensile stress perpendicular to the
In all the parameters applied to evaluate toughness, such as crack plane σ yy (or local equivalent plastic strain ε p) exceeds
fracture toughness (stress intensity factor, crack tip opening the critical fracture stress σ cr (or the critical fracture strain
displacement, J integral, etc.) and impact toughness ε cr). Which mode a material fractures in is depended on
(absorbed energy, ductile-brittle transition temperature which critical condition is first attained: if the condition for
(DBTT), and so on), only DBTT directly reflects the varia- ductile fracture is first satisfied, ductile fracture occurs, oth-
tion in fracture mode. Morrison6,7) used “Yoffee diagram” to erwise, brittle fracture takes place.
interpret DBTT, in which the fracture mode transition from Otsuka et al.10) used a schematic diagram to interpret the
ductile to brittle is recognized to occur at the condition correlation of stress-strain curve with the fracture conditions
where yield stress (or local stress) rises above the brittle
fracture stress. It has been found from Charpy impact tests
that DBTT is related to the ferrite grain size D by4,5)
DBTT = T0 − kD −1/ 2 ......................... (1)
where T0 and k are constants (k > 0).
There are two basic brittle fracture modes: intergranular
separation and transgranular cleavage. For a well-controlled
alloy, transgranular cleavage is dominant.6) It should be not-
ed that “brittle fracture mode” in the present study means
the transgranular cleavage. Equation (1) indicates that
decreasing ferrite grain size lowers the DBTT. Although the
decreased DBTT indirectly reflects the effect of grain refine-
ment on fracture mode, Eq. (1) doesn’t answer why grain
refinement can affect fracture mode. The correlation between
grain refinement and fracture mode is not yet physically and
systematically discussed, and thus we try to interpret it from
the viewpoint of fracture mechanics in the present study.

2. Physical Models for Ductile Fracture and Brittle

Suppose a stationary crack subjected to a load of Mode I
(i.e., opening mode). The opening tensile stress (σ yy) distri-
* Corresponding author: E-mail: Fig. 1. Schematic diagrams of microscopic fracture criteria for
DOI: brittle fracture and ductile fracture.

© 2013 ISIJ 382

ISIJ International, Vol. 53 (2013), No. 2

(σ cr, ε cr) for all fracture modes in tensile tests, as shown in related by
Fig. 2. Three typical cases are given in Fig. 2. In Case A and
n = 0.3301 − 0.2401D −1/ 2 (D in μ m) ........... (2)
Case C, as stress and strain increase, only one critical value
(σ cr in Case A and ε cr in Case C, respectively) is exceeded, The valid range of D in Eq. (2) is 1.30 to 37 μ m. Within this
accordingly the fracture mode for Case A and Case C is brit- range, n linearly decreases with D–1/2, and when D is less
tle and ductile modes, respectively. In case B, the ductile than 1 μ m n reduces to zero.11) As aforementioned, decreas-
fracture condition is first satisfied, and followed by the crit- ing n reduces the local stress concentration ahead of a crack,
ical fracture stress being exceeded, and thus the material but has little effect on the local strain distribution. There-
first fractures in ductile and then in brittle mode. fore, the decrement in n induced by grain refining from Di
We select the minimum stress or strain point ahead of the to Di+1 merely lowers local stress, and as a result the three
crack tip along the crack direction within the characteristic solid lines will drop down as shown in Fig. 3.
distance l0 in Fig. 1, and depict the relationship between σ yy Cottrell analyzed the critical fracture stress for transgran-
and ε p at this point in Fig. 3 with the same way used in Fig. ular cleavage with dislocation theory,12) and found that the
2. Three typical cases (solid lines) are also given in Fig. 3 critical fracture stress σ cr is in proportion to D–1/2. For steels
as those in Fig. 2. We assume the solid lines correspond to and irons, the relationship between σcr and D in the range
the ferrite grain size Di. When ferrite grains are refined from of 10 to 10 000 μ m is given in the form13)
Di to Di+1 (Di > Di+1), the critical values (σ cr and ε cr) and
σ cr = 351.5 + 3.30 × 103 D −1/ 2 (D in μ m; σ cr in MPa)
the equation relating stress and strain will change.
.......................................... (3)
Qiu et al.11) investigated the work-hardening of ferritic
steels with carbon content blow 0.75%, and found that Therefore, grain refinement elevates the σ cr, as shown in
decreasing grain size (D) lowers the work-hardening expo- Fig. 3.
nent (n). When carbon content is below 0.22%, n and D are To investigate the dependence of critical fracture strain on
ferrite grain size, tensile tests were performed at room tem-
perature and at a crosshead rate of 0.4 mm/min with speci-
mens of 4 mm in diameter and 10 mm in gage length. The
used steels and samples are as follows: (1) 0.10C–0.3Si–
1.45Mn (in wt%) ferritic steels, grain size: 0.9, 4.6, 6.2 and
9.6 μ m; (2) 0.16C–0.3Si–1.45Mn ferritic steels, grain size:
0.9, 2.9, 4.5 and 7.1 μ m; (3) 0.45C–0.3Si–1.45Mn ferritic
steels, grain size: 0.46, 0.60, 4.83 μ m; (4) 0.75C–0.3Si–
1.45Mn ferritic steels, grain size: 0.58, 0.80 and 2.01 μ m.
All the samples are only composed of ferrite as well as sec-
ond phase particles (cementite particles). Figure 4 shows
the microstructure of the samples of 0.10C–0.3Si–1.45Mn
steel. Ferrite grains are equiaxial. The fracture strain of the
tensile specimens, ε f, was given by the equation
ε f = ln( A0 / A f ) ............................ (4)
where A0 and Af are the area of the initial and fractured
Fig. 2. Schematic description of the fracture initiation for ductile, cross-section, respectively. The results are given in Fig. 5.
ductile-brittle, and brittle fracture.
The results show that decreasing ferrite grain size reduces
fracture strain. Carbon content, i.e., cementite volume frac-

Fig. 3. Schematic interpretation of the effect of grain refinement

on fracture mode. Solid and dashed lines corresponding to Fig. 4. Microstructures of the samples of 0.10C–0.3Si–1.45Mn
the grain size of Di and Di+1, respectively (Di > Di+1). steel. (a) 0.9 μ m, (b) 4.6 μ m, (c) 6.2 μ m, and (d) 9.6 μ m.4)

383 © 2013 ISIJ

ISIJ International, Vol. 53 (2013), No. 2

MPam–1/2, D in mm). If the multiplier effects are significant

enough, fracture mode can be changed from brittle to duc-
tile. This type of transformation has been confirmed in the
ferritic steels with the composition of (0.10C or 0.16C)–
0.3Si–1.45Mn (in wt%).4)
In the ductile fracture region (e.g. Case C), for a given
stress, relatively large strain is produced for fine ferrite grain
rather than for coarse ferrite grain. This increased strain as
well as the decreased critical fracture strain induced by grain
refinement makes ductile fracture easily occur at a relatively
low load, which indicates that grain refinement has a negative
impact on toughness. The experimental results that ferritic
steels with fine grains have lower values of absorbed energy
than those with coarse grains agree with this conclusion.4)
Fig. 5. The dependence of fracture strain on ferrite grain size in For Case B, grain refinement changes the fracture mode
tension tests. from ductile/brittle to ductile fracture.

3. Summary
tion, also affects the fracture strain; higher carbon content is
harmful to fracture strain, which accords with Torizuka’s In summary, grain refinement in ferritic steels lowers the
result.14) work-hardening ability, and accordingly decreases the local
Round smooth tensile specimens were applied in the pres- stress ahead of a crack. The critical fracture stress for brittle
ent study, and thus before the onset of necking the speci- fracture and the critical fracture strain for ductile fracture
mens are in uniaxial stress state, but after necking stress are correspondingly increased and decreased, respectively.
state turns into triaxial state. For a sample with a crack, These variations are responsible for the effect of grain
because the crack tip is sharp, the stress triaxiality in the refinement on fracture mode. Grain refinement positively
region ahead of the crack tip is higher than that in the round impacts on toughness in brittle fracture region while nega-
smooth tensile specimen. Therefore the fracture strain tively in ductile fracture region.
obtained from tensile tests is usually larger than the critical
fracture strain in the local region ahead of the crack. REFERENCES
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