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Criminal justice




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Role of the Prosecutor

As a prosecutor, there are various duties to be accomplished in a case prosecution. The

attorney is required to scrutinize standard references as a well as police station applications that

connect with the case trial. His or her office has a prosecution is responsible for its jurisdiction.

It is his or her duty to convict and seek justice. Moreover, the prosecutor attempts to reform and

improve criminal justice administration (Mwalili, 1997). Under this instance, he or she

stimulates remedial action efforts in case of inadequacies in the procedural law.

Importance of prosecutions final report

The final report presents the finding after investigating the witnesses involved and

information about any recovered and collected evidence. In particular, the report shows essential

case elements and evidence which has to be relied on to prove the elements presented. It is

through the report that, as the prosecutor, I shall present facts and information to defend the

defendant or used by the defense. Also, the report offers required evidence for rebutting possible

defense lines of argument. Also, it records the victim views about the proposed prosecution

(HSE, 2014). They also give a time line which aid in logical follows up for the principal suspect

exact actions.

Possible effects of poorly completed final prosecution case reports

Since it is the prosecutor’s duty to convict and seek justice, this role may not be achieved

in case the final reports are not well completed. In such a case a victim who would otherwise be

guilty may end being freed without facing the law. On the other hand, an innocent victim may

end up being sentenced if the final reports were erroneous.

Evidence use in criminal justice progress

The investigative stage starts when the police officer goes to the crime scene. The case is

filtered out if the police officer finds out that the act was not illegal. Hence, the case does not

proceed to the next stage. An arrestment is made if the police find that the crime was committed.

The preliminary investigation is done by the patrol officers at the scene of the offense and later

specialized detectives conduct a secondary study. The subsequent investigation leads to a

thorough collection, presentation, and preservation of the evidence. Several investigating

agencies may be used in this process. All pieces of evidence available are utilized to establish

whether the government ought to present the case to the Federal Grand Jury. The prosecutor

uses the direct and circumstantial evidence to make any final decision.

The next stage is charging after the prosecutor decision whether to present the case to the

grand jury. A formal notice is issued to a person believed that he or she committed the crime. A

grand jury has put forward the evidence by the prosecutor for possible felony charges. Witnesses

give evidence to the grand jury. After listening to the prosecutor and the witnesses, the grand

jury votes secretly to decide whether the person accused indeed committed the crime. Based on

the evidence provided by witnesses, the grand jury may choose not to judge the person. All

information made before the grand jury is sealed. Sixteen to twenty-three members carry out the

grand juries. Only specific persons can attend their proceedings. For example, individuals who

are supposed to testify before the grand jury are not accepted to have the presence of attorney

general. The federal government may use grand juries for all felony crimes.

Discovery and motion stage

In preparation for a trial, there is an interrogation of the witnesses who will be used to

testify in the court. Witnesses are called to say what they know about the situation by the defense

and the prosecutor (United States Attorneys, 2014). Witnesses must take an oath to affirm to tell
the truth to test. The earlier conversation with the prosecutor and the witnesses determines

whom to call as a witness in court. Defendant copies of materials and proof that the prosecution

anticipates utilizing in the trial must be provided by the prosecutors. Fines and sanctions may be

given to prosecutors who fail to provide continually defendant documents and other information.

Trial stage

Facts of a case are presented to the grand jury. Witnesses and evidence submitted are

used by attorney and jury to prove the defendant committed the crime. A judge in charge decides

the proof to be shown to the jury. Jurors are selected chosen to listen to the facts and determine

whether the person committed the crime. The prosecutor and the defense attorney are briefly

allowed to tell the accounts of the events in the opening statements. It follows the examination of

the witnesses by the prosecutor. Closing arguments by the prosecutor and defense attorney to the

jury makes the final decision of guilty or not guilty. Judge advises the board on the procedure to

reach a verdict. The final determination is made to the judges, defendant and lawyers in an open


Role of criminal investigator in preparing a case for court

I preparation for court cases, the investigator is responsible for making facts presentation

collected from his conducted prompt and diligent investigation. He also ensures that all the

involved witnesses are notified and appear in the court. He is responsible for obtaining the court

case disposition he presented to the Superior Court and informing the investigation bureau

Officer-In-Charge of the decision (Fitch Burg Police, 2016).

Investigator and Prosecutor cooperation in enhancing courtroom presentation

There is an intimate connection in the process management elements of prosecutor and

investigator cooperation process. They are both involved in planning, organization, leadership

and control. In planning and organization, the two officers plan orderly and corresponding

activities (Navickiene, 2010). They also solve any arising trial related organizational problems.

The prosecutor implements leadership and control functions and controls the pre-trial process

and the investigator activity intensity.

The difference between acquitted and not guilty

Not-guilty and acquitted have got the same meaning. In court, someone is acquitted by

the magistrate or jury when found not guilty. When the judge acquits someone in the court, this

does not necessarily mean that the criminal investigator has failed in his or her duty. It is

because, as the law states, no one is guilty until proven. Criminal investigators not only

researches on the negative sides of someone but also the good things he or she does. If there

lacks enough evidence to prove someone guilty, the investigator succeeds in freeing the accused.

Changes likely to occur in criminal investigation in twenty years’ time

There is a probability that the Automated Fingerprint Identification System will include

palm prints in future (George, 2000). It is because crime investigators often encounter latent

palm prints in crime scenes. Since there are no reference suspect palm prints, such information

cannot be investigated immediately. It is predictable that in the next 20 years, latent palm prints

obtained from crime scenes shall be photographed and sent digitally into AFIS.

Fitch Burg Police. (2016, March 12). Criminal Investigator. Retrieved March 12, 2016, from


George Schiro. (2000). Forensic Science Crime Scene Investigation Past Present Future.

Retrieved March 12, 2016, from

HSE. (2014). The prosecution report - Investigation - Enforcement Guide (England & Wales).

Retrieved March 12, 2016, from

Mwalili, J. J. (1997). The role and function of prosecution in criminal justice.UNAFEI, Annual

Report for.

Navickiene, Z. (2010). Cooperation between Investigators and Prosecutors in Pre-Trial

Investigation: Investigators' Viewpoint. Socialiniu Mokslu Studijos, (2).

United States Attorneys. (2014). Steps In The Federal Criminal Process | USAO | Department of

Justice. Retrieved March 12, 2016, from


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