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Sketch a hydro-power plant and 7 7 7 7 3 7

explain its different elements.
Classify hydro-electric power plants 7 7
according to availability of head,
quantity of water and nature of load.
1 List the factors affecting selection of 7
site for hydro-electric power plant.
List out important hydroelectric power 4
plant installation in Gujarat. Also give
advantages and disadvantages of HEPP.
Show that the efficiency of a free jet 7 7 7 7 4
striking normally on a series of flat
plates mounted on the periphery of a
wheel can never exceed 50 %.
Show that the efficiency of propulsion 7 7 7
when the inlet orifice face the direction
of motion of ship is given by =2u/V+2u,
where V is the absolute velocity of
issuing jet and u is velocity of ship.
2 What is jet propulsion? Derive the 7 7 3
efficiency of jet propulsion.
Find an expression for the propelling 7 7
force and the work done per sec. on a
tank which is provided with an orifice
through which jet of water is coming
out and the tank is free to move.
Prove that for a curved radial vane the 7 7
efficiency is given by η= 2(Vw1u1±
Show that when a jet of water impinges 7
on a series of curved vanes, maximum
efficiency is obtained when the vane is
semi-circular and the velocity of jet is
double the velocity of vane.
Derive an equation for work done per 7
second of a jet of water striking a
moving curved vane tangentially at one
tip and leaving at the other.
Derive the equation for efficiency of 7
propulsion for ship when orifices face
the direction of motion of ship.
Calculate the value of efficiency when
Velocity of ship and absolute velocity of
jet are equal.
Derive expressions for work done for 4
impact of jet on a moving inclined plate.
Obtain expression for the efficiency 4
and maximum efficiency of jet
propulsion when inlet orifices are at
right angle to ship.
Prove that the force exerted by a jet of 3
water on a fixed semi-circular plate in
the direction of jet when the jet strikes
at the centre of semi-circular plate is
two times the force exerted by the jet
on a fixed vertical plate.
Define the term “Governing of a 7 7 7 7 7 4 4
turbine”. Explain with neat sketch
governing mechanism of Francis
What is a draft tube? Why is it used in a 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
reaction turbine? What are the various
types of it?
Explain function of draft tube. State
types of draft tube and explain
importance of cone angle (θ) in draft
Explain construction and working of 7 7 7 4 4
Pelton wheel turbine and derive the
equation of hydraulic efficiency of a
Pelton turbine. Obtain condition for
maximum hydraulic efficiency.
Explain how hydraulic turbines are 7 3 7 7
Define specific speed of a turbine and 7 7 7
derive an expression for the same.
What are the ill effects of cavitation in 7 7
turbine? Give causes and remedies to
avoid cavitation in a hydraulic turbine.
Sketch and describe a modern method 7 7
of regulation to maintain constant
speed for Pelton turbine. Explain
performance characteristic curves of
Pelton turbine.
Explain governing of Pelton Wheel.
Explain the following terms with 7 3
reference to water turbines. Give
expression of each efficiencies. (1)
Hydraulic efficiency (2) Mechanical
efficiency and (3) Overall efficiency
Explain function of components of 4 3 3
Pelton turbine.
What are different characteristics 7 3
curves for turbines? Differentiate
between main and operating
characteristic curves of hydraulic
Give detailed classification of Francis 7
turbine and explain function of wicket
gate. Compare Francis turbine with
Kaplan turbine also.
What is degree of reaction? Prove that 7
for Francis turbine degree of reaction is
Show that the work done per second 7
per unit weight of water in reaction
turbine is given as W =
State advantages and disadvantages of 4
Francis turbine over Pelton turbine.
Explain impulse turbine with neat 4
Differentiate clearly between Impulse 3
turbine and Reaction turbine.
How will you obtain an expression for 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
the minimum speed for starting of a
centrifugal pump?
With neat sketch explain construction 7 7 7 4
and working of submersible pump.
Discuss the various characteristic 7 7 4 3
curves of a centrifugal pump.
Explain how centrifugal pumps are 7 7
Explain following terms: Net positive 7
suction head, Priming, Cavitation in
4 pump
Enlist the various types of impeller 7
used in centrifugal pump and explain
any one from it with a neat sketch .
Write brief note on: Multi-stage 7
Centrifugal pump.
Derive expression for the pressure rise 7
in the impeller of the centrifugal pump
by neglecting the frictional and other
losses in the impeller.
Define and derive equation of NPSH in 7
centrifugal pump ? How its value
significantly affects efficiency of
centrifugal pump.
What is cavitat ion? What are its 7
causes? How it can be prevented in
centrifugal pump.
Write down difference between 7
Positive displacement pumps and
Rotodynamic pumps.
Define the slip in Centrifugal pump. 4
Explain briefly with sketch, the slip in
Centrifugal pump. How it can be
Define and derive specific speed 3
relation for pump.
What is pump? Classify Pumps. 3
Compare Reciprocating pump with 7 7 7 3 3
Centrifugal pump. Draw theoretical
indicator diagram of reciprocating
pump and explain function of air vessel.
Explain the following terms: Multistage 7 7 7
pumps, cavitation, Air vessel, Priming
With neat sketch explain construction 7 3
and working of Mud pump and deep
well pump
5 Explain construction and working of 7 3
single stage reciprocating pump.
Compare Reciprocating pump with 4 4
Centrifugal pump
Give classification of Reciprocating 7
pump. Draw neat sketch of single acting
reciprocating pump
Prove from the first principles that the 7
work saved in a single–acting
reciprocating pump by fitting an air
vessel is 84.8%.
Draw an indicator diagram for single 7
acting reciprocating pump by
considering effect of acceleration and
friction in suction and delivery pipes.
Find an expression for the work done
per second for it.
define following in relation with 3
reciprocating pump
(i) slip (ii) % slip (iii) negative slip
Show that for a two stage reciprocating 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
air compressor with complete
intercooling the total work of
compression becomes minimum when
the pressure ratio in each stage is
Derive an expression for the optimum
value of the intercooler pressure in a
two stage reciprocating air compressor
when inter cooling is perfect.
In a two stage air compressor in which
6 intercooling is perfect prove that the
work done in compression is minimum
when pressure in the intercooler is
geometric mean between initial and
final pressure.
Draw p à V diagram for two stage
reciprocating air compressor. Write
equation for indicated work per cycle
and find out optimum intermediate
pressure for minimum work supply.
Derive an expression for indicated 7 7 7 7
work of reciprocating air compressor
considering its clearance.
Justify the need for multistaging in a 7 7 7
reciprocating air compressor. What are
its merits over single stage
compression? Show this process on P –
V diagram.
Show that the minimum work input to 7 7
compress the air in two stage
reciprocating compressor is given by
W = (2n/(n-1))P1V1[{(P3/P2)^((n-
Classify air compressors and state 7
application and uses of compressed air.
Prove that the work done / kg of air in 7
single stage reciprocating air
compressor without clearance is given
by n R T1 W = ---------- { ( P2 / P1)
(n-1)/n - 1 } (n – 1) Where
notations have their usual meaning.
With neat sketch explain construction 7 7 7
and working of Scroll compressor.
Explain Root blower with the neat 7 7
sketch and derive expression for the
7 Roots efficiency.
Describe the working of a screw 7
compressor and list its applications.
State the advantages of scroll 3
With the help of velocity triangles and 7 4 7 7 7 7 7
head-capacity curves,discuss salient
features of radial, backward and
forward curved vanes in a centrifugal
8 compressor and state fucntion of
volute casing.
Explain the phenomenon of surging, 7 7 3 7 7
stalling and choking in a centrifugal
What is pre-whirl? Sketch the velocity 7 7 7
diagrams with and without pre whirl
for a centrifugal compressor.
Compare the following: 1. Centrifugal 7 7
compressor and axial flow compressor
2. Screw compressor and Scroll
Define following terms: Power input 4 4 3
factor, slip factor, Pressure coefficient,
Pre-whirl, Isentropic efficiency
Describe principle construction and 7
working of centrifugal compressor.
Compare reciprocating compressor 3 4
and centrifugal compressor.
Define degree of reaction (R) for a 7
centrifugal compressor stage and
prove that
where ϕ is flow coefficient
Explain working principle of 4
centrifugal compressor with pressure
and velocity diagram.
Explain the phenomenon of surging 7 7 7 7 7
and stalling in an axial flow air
With a suitable sketch explain the 7 3 7 7 7 3
working principle of an axial flow
compressor. Draw the stage velocity
9 Derive an expression for pressure ratio 7
per stage of an axial flow co mpressor
in terms of isentropic efficiency, work
done, blade velocity, blade angles and
inlet temperature.
Draw stage velocity diagram for axial 7
flow compressor and derive an
equation for work input.
Sketch Symmetrical, Unsymmetrical 7
aerofoil and compressor cascade.
Define and show the important angles,
chord, pitch etc.
For 50% degree reaction of axial flow 7
compressor prove 𝛼α1=β2 and 𝛼α2 =
β1, notations carry usual meaning.
Give comparison between axial flow 4
and centrifugal compressor.
Define following terms with reference 4
to axial flow compressor
(i) flow coefficient (ii) blade loading
coefficient (iii) work done factor (iv)
radial equilibrium
Explain various losses associated in a 3
stage of axial flow compressor.
With neat sketch explain construction 7 3 4
and working of hydraulic crane.
Write a short note on hydraulic ram. 7
Write brief note on: Hydraulic 7
intensifier OR hydraulic ram.
With neat sketch explain construction 7
and working of hydraulic Ram.
Explain in brief working of hydraulic 7
ram with neat sketch. Derive equation
for efficiency.
10 Write a Shot note on Hydraulic RAM. 7
Write a short-note on: Hydraulic ram. 7
Explain working of Differential 7
hydraulic accumulator with neat
Explain wit h the help of a neat sketch 7
the principle and operation of (i)
Differential hydraulic accumulator and
(ii) Fluid coupling.
With neat sketch explain construction 7
and working of hydraulic press.
With neat sketch explain construction 7
and working of hydraulic press.
Write short note on “Fluid couplings” 7
Explain wit h neat sketch the 7
construction and working if hydraulic
Explain Fluid Coupling with neat 7
Explain fluid coupling with neat sketch 7
Explain Fluid Coupling with neat 7
With neat sketch explain construction 7
and working of hydraulic torque
Write short notes on: Hydraulic 7
intensifier and Air lift pump
Draw a neat diagram of a hydraulic 7
intensifier and Explain its working.
With neat sketch explain construction 7
and working of hydraulic intensifier.
Explain with neat sketch the working of 7
air lift pump.
Explain with neat sketch operation and 7
principal of Hydraulic Intensifies
Explain wit h the help of a neat sketch 7
the principle and operation of (i)
Hydraulic ram and (ii) Hydraulic
Write a note on – “Hydraulic 7
Write short note on “Hydraulic jack,” 7
Write working principle of hydraulic 7
press. Derive equation for ‘leverage of
press’ and state uses of hydraulic press.
Explain with the help of neat sketch the 7
working and principle of hydraulic
Explain function of hydraulic press, 7
hydraulic ram and fluid coupling.
Explain with the help of neat sketch the 4
principle and operation of (i) Bramah’s
Hydraulic press.
Write down comparison between Fluid 4
coupling and Fluid torque converter.
Explain with the help of neat sketch the 4
principle and operation of Fluid torque
Explain with the help of neat sketch the 4
principle and operation of Fluid torque
Write a short on Hydraulic Ram. 3
Draw a neat sketch, and explain the 3
operation of Hydraulic Accumulator.
Draw a neat sketch, and explain the 3
operation of Hydraulic Accumulator
Define – (a) Hydraulic Turbine, (b) 3
Hydraulic machines.

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