Anna O's Significance in Psychology

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Anna O Made significant contributions to

social work in Germany.

Anna O. was the pseudonym
given to one of the patients of Birth and Death
physician Josef Breuer. Her case
February 27, 1859 - May 28, 1936
was described in the book that
Breuer wrote with Sigmund Freud, Anna O's Significance in
Studies on Hysteria. Bertha Psychology
Pappenheim was her real name
and she had initially sought Bertha Pappenheim referred to as
Breuer's help with a series of Anna O. in the case history, came
symptoms that included visual to Josef Breur for treatment for
disturbances, hallucinations, what was then known as hysteria.
partial paralysis, and speech While caring for her dying father,
problems. Breuer diagnosed the Pappenheim experienced a range
young woman with hysteria and of symptoms that included partial
later discussed her case with paralysis, blurred vision,
Freud who developed his own headaches, and hallucinations.
ideas of what lay at the root of During the course of
Anna O.'s condition. treatment, which lasted from 1880
Her treatment played an to 1882, Breuer found that talking
important role in the about her experiences seemed to
establishment and development of offer Pappenheim some relief from
psychoanalysis. her symptoms. She dubbed the
treatment the "talking cure."
Anna O's Real Name
While Freud never actually
Bertha Pappenheim met Pappenheim, her story
fascinated him and served as the
Best Known For
basis for Studies on Hysteria
Anna O. was a patient of physician (1895), a book co-written by
Josef Breuer. Breuer and Freud. Breuer’s
description of her treatment led
She coined the phrase "talking
Freud to conclude that hysteria
was rooted in childhood sexual
Freud’s insistence on of her symptoms, records
sexuality as a cause eventually led indicated that she became
to a rift with Breuer, who did not progressively worse and was
share this view on the origination eventually institutionalized. "So
of hysteria. "The plunging into the famous first case he treated
sexuality in theory and practice is together with Breuer and which
not to my taste," Breuer explained. was vastly praised as an
While the friendship and outstanding therapeutic success
collaboration soon ended, Freud was nothing of the sort," Carl
would continue his work in the Jung, a former Freud disciple,
development of talk therapy as a noted in 1925.
treatment for mental illness.
Pappenheim's case also
Mother, Amalia Nathanson,
influenced the development of the
was nineteen years old when she
free association technique. Breuer
married Jacob Freud, aged
used hypnosis during treatment
sessions, but found that allowing
Pappenheim to talk freely about
whatever came into her mind was
often a good way to improve Several months after his return
communication. Freud married Martha Bernays,
the daughter of a prominent
Freud himself once Jewish family whose ancestors
described Anna O. as the true included a chief rabbi of Hamburg
founder of the psychoanalytic and Heinrich Heine. She was to
approach to mental health bear six children, one of whom,
treatment. Five years later, Freud Anna Freud, was to become a
published his book The distinguished psychoanalyst in her
Interpretation of Dreams, which own right. Although the glowing
formalized much of his picture of their marriage painted
psychoanalytic theory. by Ernest Jones in his biography
of Freud has been nuanced by
While Breuer and Freud may
later scholars, it is clear that
have painted the picture that
Martha Bernays Freud was a
Breuer's treatment cured Anna O.
deeply sustaining presence during
her husband’s tumultuous career.

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