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Foto 1 :

Introduc this my friends in college.

Yesterday we took an English class with Mrs.
Metha. Mrs. Metha also introduced us to an
English teacher who came from Jogya whose
name was Mr. Panca, we were taught by Mr.
Panca for one week, during our study with our
Mr. Panca we were taught to be able to
memorize vocabulary and how to teach
Mr.Panca very much fun so I can memorize
vocabulary that is often used everyday. After
the English class ended, my friend and I went
for breakfast, that morning we had breakfast in
the chicken porridge Ali, because there were
many choices for breakfast, there we eat
chicken porridge and chicken noodles, after
breakfast , we went home together.
Foto 2 :

This is one of my friends, his name is

Firman Hadi Kurniawan, he is from the
Bagan Batu area. I knew him when I
entered college, that day after we had
breakfast together , I remembered the
birthday of my friend, the birthday the
fell on January 6, but we were looking for
the right day to be celebrate to allow it
together. So after breakfast with my
friend, I went to a cake shop on the street
in Sumatra and we bought cakes to
welcome my friend's birthday. there we all
to be happy and I hope we can be friends
until we grow old.
Foto 3:

Introduc this my friend, his name is Kamila,

he was a student at the University of Indonesia. I
knew him when I attended an audition in the city
of Pekanbaru. At the I met, kamila were good and
friendly people, for 3 days my audition was always
with Kamila until one day we exchanged
telephone numbers and communicated with each
other to ask for audition requirements. Kamila is a
smart child in reading poetry, when I saw kamila
were reading poetry all the spectators gave a big
round of applause to Kamila. Until one day I and
kamila walked in a shopping mall and we had
lunch together, after lunch I and Kamila hung out
at one of the drinking places in Pekabaru city, after
the afternoon we returned home because he had to
leave to Jakarta. because the holiday period has
ended, and I hoped we can meet again on the next
college holiday.
Foto 4:

In the practice of the special group nursing

management I got a place of practice in the
Rajawali Sakti housing estate. There for three days
with my friends to record disease the in area RW
15. For three days I recorded with my friends the
highest disease in RW 15 was hypertension.
Because many people suffer from hypertension in
the RW 15 area. I along with group members
conduct counseling about hypertension, and also
do free blood pressure checks. We do these
activities on Sundays and the community is very
interested in holding a free health check. In the end
I felt happy with RW 15 who did hypertension
gymnastic, the people were very interested in the
gymnastics that we taught. And I hope that the
knowledge we provide to the community can help
the community in supporting their health.

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