Tentacle World - Planets and Myths - A List of Heavenly Bodies Linked To Ancestral Myths

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11/14/2019 Tentacle World: Planets and Myths - A List of Heavenly Bodies Linked to Ancestral Myths

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tentative World
Planets and Myths - A List of Heavenly Bodies Linked
to Ancestral Myths


Tentacle World

Throughout his life, HP Lovecraft

By John Beal. Translated by Frater AhaZeD, taken from the Sudden Death page never achieved the same fame he had
http://mortesubita.org/ after his death. His creations (and
creatures) have never been so famous.
According to L. Sprague , Lovecraft was a keen "astronomer" whose first interests were related to the If at the time of their death they were
just bizarre creations with
creation of myths by associating the constellations. The stories of Lovecraft and other writers of the
unpronounceable names, today many
Cthulhu Myth who often mention the roles of stars in event connections, rituals. A number of these
of them have cult status . Much of this
planets and stars were fiction, for example, the planet Sharnoth , home of Nyarlathotep beyond this is due to colleagues and friends of
universe, which may be called universe B. Other celestial bodies are real, hence the interest in Lovecraft who continued with his
investigating the connection to mythology. blessing to expand the concepts
defined by HP Lovecraft generating
what we now know as Cthulhu Mythos
and Mythos Cthulhu .

POLARIS (Alpha Ursae Minoris)

Obviously the name proves to be the star of the pole, and
is in fact within the celestial north pole. However in Greek
its name is Cynosura, and it means the dog's tail. Even
earlier Greek name was Phoenice, possibly related to Thanks to this community of authors
and fans, their creations have
Phoenissa, (whose name in masculine is Phoenix).
continued to live haunting a multitude
Phoenissa means "red" or "bloody". Robert's studies indicate it as interconnected with Demeter and
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11/14/2019 Tentacle World: Planets and Myths - A List of Heavenly Bodies Linked to Ancestral Myths
Astarte; Phoenix is interestingly indicated as the rebaptism of the land of Canaan as Phenicia, thus of fans for decades. They have inspired
producing another possible link. movies, cartoons, comics, RPGs,
television series and of course
The polar star will be at its closest point to the celestial north in the year 2100 and will then be hundreds of other authors interested in
contributing to further detail Mythos .
gradually succeeded by the star Vega. This procession seems to be commented on in Lovecraft's
story in the poem “polaris”: This blog is a small and humble
contribution in the same spirit as the
"Slumber, watcher, till the spheres, Lovecraft Circle members who kept
Six and twenty thousand years the name of Cthulhu and the Ancients
Have revolv'd, and I return alive. In these pages, Cthulhu and the
To the spot where now I burn. Ancients will find shelter until one day
Other stars anon shall rise the stars align permanently. Until then,
we were in good company ...
To the axis of the skies;
Stars that soothe and stars that bless Luciano Paulo Giehl
With a sweet forgetfulness;
Only when my round is o'er
Shall the past disturb your door. "
Your comment is always welcome
The use of the term 'the axis of the skies' - the center line of the heavens - in the poem is interesting
in that it connects the star with the Arabic name Al Kutb al Shamaliyy which means 'the northern axis'.
The text also comments about ARCTURUS and SIRIUS. The interesting thing about the text is the
specification of the seven suns that within the Seven Chaos Initiatic Circle are represented by seven
high priests able to work with the forces contained in the Chaos Core. - considered as black suns.

The term Black Sun is used by the Initiatic Circle for anyone who is able, through astral projection
techniques and through the Ancients, to project themselves into the Core of Chaos, where there is no
form, but that is the essence. of life; and this is the complicated point in the process, but once
conquered, the initiate can work with this force contained in this Chaotic Core, for in short ... He
becomes a face of Chaos.

Posted by King in Yellow at 12:02

Labels: Special Articles , HP Lovecraft

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Welcome all visitors to the "Tentacular

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on HP Lovecraft work, RPG Call of
Cthulhu and Trail of Cthulhu, movies
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We are here since 2009 and if the stars
allow us we hope to stay until the end
of times when Great Cthulhu rises.
Links to this post Maybe He thinks good of us and let us
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Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn.

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