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iSPED Staff Basic Rules

1. Strictly no gossiping-“Great Minds Discuss Ideas, Average Minds Discuss Events, Small
Minds Discuss People”
2. We speak only in English inside the classroom.
3. We promptly return all text messages and calls. No load is not an excuse.
4. We do not argue with each other.
5. We do not not bring anger or negative attitudes to work.
6. We are adults. So we need to act like an adult and professionals.
7. We do not shout or raise our voice to our co-teacher/worker.
8. We are here to work effectively with our students and families.
9. If we are asked a question, and do not know the answer our reply should be: let me get
back to you with that information.
10. We do not give our personal number to parents. They are to use the office number for
11. We dress professional at work. We do not dress like we are going to a night club. No tight
pants and extremely high heeled shoes.
12. We do not complain to our customers about work.
13. We are business.
14. If something is bothering you or you have a question, please it with the Head teacher or the
15. It is important to listen. And if you do not understand, please ask questions until you do
16. Ask for feedback-this is important.
17. No texting at work unless it is an emergency or work related.
18. Always be on time. Do not be late (3 consecutive lates will be called for attention)
19. Do not post any picture of our students in the social media (Facebook) without parents
permission. Respect Privacy
20. We are here for work, not for making friends or socializing
21. Submit all requirements/paper works ontime.

“Unless commitment is made, there are only promises and hope; but no

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