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Name Akash Ref. By Dr.

Age: 25 years Patient 201903265
Sex: Male Date: 26-03-09


Clinical Info: H/o lower back pain


Multiplanar imaging done through lumbar spine acquiring T1/T2W sagittal and axial sequences.

There is normal alignment of lumbar spine.

Vertebral bodies are intact and the vertebral marrow show normal signal.

L1/L2: the disc shows normal hydration signal. No disc bulge, protrusion, extrusion or thecal sac
compression is noted. The facet joints appear normal

L2/L3: the disc shows normal hydration signal. No disc bulge, protrusion, extrusion or thecal sac
compression is noted. The facet joints appear normal

L3/L4: the disc shows normal hydration signal. No disc bulge, protrusion, extrusion or thecal sac
compression is noted. The facet joints appear normal

L4/L5: Disc dessicatory changes are noted. Circumferential broad based disc bulge &
right para central small disc protrusion is noted compressing the thecal sac & bilateral
lateral rescess. Bilateral exit foramina are markedly narrowed, more on the right side.
Mild facet joint arthrosis is also appreciated at this level.

L5/S1: Mild disc dessicatory changes are noted otherwise no disc bulge, protrusion,
extrusion or thecal sac compression is noted. The facet joints appear normal

Conus medullaris ends at normal level. No evidence of intra or extra dural abnormal MR signal
through out lumbar region is observed. The nerve roots are exiting normally.


L4/L5 disc dessicatory changes with circumferential broad based disc bulge & right para
central small disc protrusion causing compression of the thecal sac & bilateral lateral
rescess & markedly narrowing the bilateral exit foramina, more on the right side along
with mild facet joint arthrosis at this level
Please correlate clinically

Dr. Aniqua Saleem,

M.B.B.S, F.C.P.S,
Consultant Radiologist

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