WAD Internal Question Paper

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B. Tech Semester V ( CSE – CBA/MA)
First MID Examination (Augest-2019)
Max. Time: 1hr 15 Min. Max. Marks: 30
Question 1 and Question 2 (A) have no options. Question 2 (B) has option.
Solve any two questions from Question 3.
1) What are the six steps involved in establishing a connection using JDBC API? [10 Marks]
2) For what purpose executeUpdate () method of a PreparedStatement interface is used?
3) What are the two major abstract classes that extends with Servlet class?
4) Name two types of packages that are part of Servlet API.
5) Mention the role of DriverManager.registerDriver () in JDBC Programming.
6) What will be the result after execution of bellow mentioned code?
response.setHeader("Refresh",timeout+"; URL=timeout.html");

7) What is the purpose of scriptlet tag in JSP? What’s the syntax of it?
8) What all JSP lifecycle methods can you override in your JSP application?
9) Is it possible to import packages in a JSP page? Give a suitable example?
10) How model and controller layer works in MVC design pattern?
(A) [5 Marks]
1) Discuss the significance of ServletConfig Interface? What types of methods determine use
of accessing initialized configuration from web.xml? What’s the syntax of it? [3 Marks]
2) What are the different types of JDBC Drivers? Explain any three? [2 Marks] [5 Marks]
1) What are the four rules that implementing java beans class in Servlet? Give a suitable
example of java bean class.[2 Marks]
3) Discuss the importance of four methods supported by ResultSetMetaData interface to get
types and properties from the ResultSet Object? What’s the syntax of it?[3 Marks]
1) What is Deployment descriptor file (web.xml)? How it should be mapping between
URL’s to Servlet? [2 Marks]
2) What are the standard action tags available in JSP and what is their purpose? [3 Marks]
QUESTION-3 [10 Marks]
[*Solve any Two Questions]

1) Briefly outline the different types of Statements in JDBC? What’s the syntax of it? Create
a JDBC Program which has update details with Product_Brand and Product_Price based
on given Product_id. Consider the bellow Product table data for update details.
Product_id Product_Name Product_Price Product_Brand
52362 IBMDB2 6310.00 Microsoft
It should check that the given Product_id exist in the database then updated LIKE
[Change the Product_Brand from “Microsoft” to “IBM” and Product_Price from
“6310.00” to “8500.00” in the first record of Product table] otherwise redirect to
System.out.println(“Product is Not Updated”) statement. [5 Marks]
1) What are HttpSession and URL Rewriting in session Management? Consider Orders table
with columns (Order_No, Customer_Name, Food_type and price) and records as per
Order_id Customer_Name Food_Type Price
SWG5236 Kaushal SouthIndian 1250.00
SWG5237 JackRubins American 2650.00
Consider the above orders data for two customers. Create Swiggy web application to
relate HTML form with one text box to enter price value like Rs.1600/- in it. When page is
submitted to Servlet, it should print orders of all customers whose order price is greater
than given price. (Consider web.xml file also.) [5 Marks]
2) What are the various directives and describe purpose of each directive with their attributes
in JSP? What’s the syntax of it? [5 Marks]

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