Comparative and Superlative e Handbook

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Comparative and Superlative:

1.When we compare two people or things or animals

then we use –er at the end of the adjective and then the
word than.  The green bag is bigger than the blue bag.
2.BUT!!!! When we have big words like the word:
beautiful , interesting , boring …. Then we DON’T add –
er. We add the word more before the adjective and then
the word than.  Helen is more beautiful than Maria.
Now…… 3. When we talk about more than 2 things,
people or animals, and the word is small then we add
-est  tigers are the fastest animals in the world.
4.When we talk about more than 2 things, people or
animals, and the word is big, like intelligent I add
the most. Maria is the most intelligent girl in her
classroom. DO PAGES: 73,74,75….71,71 A ,71B, 72
Bad – worse than – the worst // Good – better than – the best
PAGE 71:
Slow – slower than
Much – more than
Tall- taller than
Busier than
Noisier than
More interesting than
Good- better than
Difficult – more difficult
Clever – cleverer
Beautiful – more beautiful
Long – longer
Little - less
Expensive – more expensive
Short – shorter
Bad – worse than
Page 71 A:
1.Tallest 2. Smarter 3.hotter 4. The most
expensive 5. Heavier
Ex. 2: hardest , colder , smaller , expensive ,
difficult , better
Page 72: Steven’s car is faster than mine.
Danny’s marks are worse than mine.
Bob’s jacket is more expensive than mine.
Joanna’s flat is smaller than mine.

Ex, 3: 2. more boring , 3.more interesting ,

4.tastier than , 5.more comfortable than … ,
6. more exciting/ funnier , 7.more difficult .
Ex. 4: John is younger than Peter. Peter is heavier
than John. Peter is taller than John. John is shorter
than Peter.
Ex.: 5  Jenny is taller than Jane. Jenny is more
friendly /friendlier than Jane. Jenny is funnier than
Jane. Jenny is more hard-working than Jane.
Page 73: the most expensive, bigger than , worse
than – the worst , the heaviest , cleaner than – the
cleanest , better than – the best , fatter than - the
fattest , more – the most , the most comfortable
Page 74: ex. 2: 2) the tiniest , 3) the heaviest 4) the
most attractive , 5) the longest 6) the fastest 7) the
most dangerous
Ex. 3: 2) the most expensive 3) the longest 4)the
tallest 5) the highest
Ex. 4: which is the most difficult subject of the
week? Which is the best restaurant in your city?
Which is the most beautiful place in your city?
Who is the oldest member in your family?
Page 75: ex. 5  the most beautiful , cleverer
than , is better than , the most difficult , the fastest
, cheaper than , the most popular
Ex. 6 of , than , than , in , of

Page 77 ex. 7

The hottest
Wetter than
The driest is as expensive as
Maria is beautiful. Helen is beautiful too,
Maria is as beautiful as Helen.
The best
As many as
Is the most dangerous
As large as

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