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Determine what part of speech each word in the following sentences is.

Be as precise as possible (if

the word is a pronoun, specify the type; the same goes for adjectives, numbers, verbs, articles,
conjunctions. If the word is an –ing form, specify if it is gerund or present participle). When a verb
is put in a certain tense, treat all parts of it separately (for example, precisely determine both words
in ’are required’ – ’are’ is an auxiliary verb, and ’required’ is a lexical verb).
1. He noticed that many of them experienced low moods when they couldn’t train, and he came to
differentiate between positive and negative addictions.
2. It works like this: when we exercise strenuously, we activate our sympathetic nervous system,
causing a rise in the concentration of serotonin and other chemicals in the brain which make us
feel happy.
3. He does occasionally play the wrong note, but because he is able to improvise, he can cover it up
without anyone even noticing.
4. Yoga and meditation naturally play an important role in what he does, too. He practises them
regularly in order to better his focus and concentration.
5. It has been claimed that ’bin diving’ is a common way for thieves to get information. In an
extensive survey, a credit checking agency examined the contents of 400 rubbish bins.
6. Under existing financial regulations, banks and credit organizations are required to ’know their
customers’ before they are allowed to open an account.

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