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Nalanda Open University

Annual Examination - 2013

B.A. Economics (Honours), Part-I
(Micro Economics)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A
1. Discuss critically the definition of economics given by Marshall.
vFkZ'kkL= dh ek'kZy }kjk nh x;h ifjHkk"kk dh vkykspukRed foospuk dhft, A
2. "Economics Laws are hypothetical." Discuss this statement.
ßvkfFkZd fu;e dkYifud gksrs gSa AÞ bl dFku dh foospuk dhft, A
3. What do you mean by sound portfolio? Describe the methods of portfolio risk. Analysis.
l{ke iksVZQksfy;ks ls vkidk D;k rkRi;Z gS\ iksVZQksfy;ks tks[ke fo'ys"k.k dh fof/k;ksa dk o.kZu
dhft, A
4. Define market and state its classification.
cktkj dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk bldk oxhZdj.k izLrqr dhft, A
5. Explain the equilibrium of a 'Firm' under perfect competition.
iw.kZ izfr;ksfxrk ds vUrxZr QeZ ds lkE; dh O;k[;k nhft, A
6. Explain critically the innovation theory of Profit.
ykHk ds uo&izoÙkZu fl)kar dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k nhft, A
7. Examine critically the Ricardian theory of Rent.
fjdkMksZ ds yxku fl)kar dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A
8. Explain the law of demand. What are the exceptions of this law?
ekax ds fu;e dh O;[;k dhft, A bl fu;e ds dkSu&dkSu ls viokn gSa\
9. Discuss the law of variable proportions.
ifjorZu'khy vuqikrksa ds fu;e dh foospuk dhft, A
10. Explain the law of diminishing marginal utility. What are the exceptions to this law?
lhekar mi;ksfxrk gªkl fu;e dh O;k[;k dhft, A bl fu;e ds dkSu&dkSu ls viokn gSa\
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Economics (Honours), Part-I
(Indian Economics)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A
1. Describe urban industries and handicrafts before British rule.
vaxzstksa ds 'kklu ls iwoZ 'kgjh m|ksx ,oe~ gLrf'kYi dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Explain the demographic features of India.
Hkkjr dh tukafddh; fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A
3. Throw light on various types of unemployment in India. How can it be removed?
Hkkjr eas ik;h tkus okyh fofHkUu izdkj dh csjkstxkjh ij izdk'k Mkfy, A bUgsa dSls nwj fd;k
tk ldrk gS\
4. Outline the brief history of monetary and currency development.
ekSfnzd ,oe~ djsUlh fodkl dk laf{kIr bfrgkl js[kkafdr dhft, A
5. Describe the organisation and functions of Indian Planning Commission.
Hkkjrh; ;kstuk vk;ksx ds laxBu ,oe~ dk;ksaZ dk o.kZu dhft, A
6. What is meant by inflation? What are its effects on different classes of society? Explain.
eqnzk&LQhfr dk D;k vFkZ gS\ lekt ds fofHkUu oxksZ ij bldk D;k izHkko iM+rk gS\ O;k[;k
dhft, A
7. Describe the causes of low productivity of Indian agriculture.
Hkkjrh; Ñf"k dh fuEu mRikndrk ds dkj.kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
8. Evaluate the contribution of public sector in the industrial development of India.
Hkkjr ds vkS|ksfxd fodkl esa lkoZtfud {ks= ds ;ksxnku dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
9. Describe the composition and direction of India's foreign trade.
Hkkjr ds fons'kh O;kikj dh lajpuk ,oe~ fn'kk dk o.kZu dhft, A
10. Write notes on any two of the following:
fuEukafdr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fyf[k,%
(a) Small and cottage industries ¼y?kq ,oe~ dqVhj m|ksx½
(b) Agricultural financial ¼Ñf"k foÙk½
(c) Land reforms ¼Hkwfe lq/kkj ½
(d) Rural Economy ¼xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFkk½
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Economics (Subsidiary), Part-I
(Micro Economics)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A
1. Define economics and discuss its nature and scope.
vFkZ'kkL= dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk bldh izÑfr ,oa {ks= dh foospuk dhft, A
2. What is elasticity of demand? Explain its various types.
ekax dh yksp D;k gS\ blds fofHkUu izdkjksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. What points should be taken into consideration before investment decision?
fuos'k fu.kZ; ls iwoZ fdu fcanqvksa ij fopkj djuk pkfg, A
4. Explain critically the theory of consumers' surplus.
miHkksDrk dh cpr fl)kar dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft, A
5. What is meant by production in economics? Describe briefly the factors of production.
vFkZ'kkL= esa mRiknu dk D;k vFkZ gS\ mRiknu ds lk/kuksa dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, A
6. Explain the law of diminishing returns in production. Is it applicable to only agriculture?
mRifÙk gªkl fu;e dh O;k[;k dhft, AD;k ;g fu;e dsoy Ñf"k esa ykxw gksrk gS\
7. Discuss the liquidity preference theory of interest.
C;kt ds rjyrk vf/keku fl)kar dh foospuk dhft, A
8. What is the difference between monetary and real wages? describe the factors affecting real
ekSfnzd etnwjh vkSj okLrfod etnwjh esa D;k vUrj gS\ okLrfod etnwjh dks izHkkfor djus
okys dkjdksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
9. Discuss the impact of time element on price determination.
ewY; fu/kkZj.k ij le; rRo ds izHkko dh foospuk dhft, A
10. What do you understand by the law of diminishing marginal utility? Throw light on its
assumptions and exceptions.
lhekar mi;ksfxrk gªkl fu;e ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bldh ekU;rkvksa ,oa vioknksa ij izdk'k
Mkfy, A
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Economics (Honours), Part-II
Paper-III (Macro Economics)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A
1. Discuss the classical theory of employment. What are the assumptions of this theory?
jkstxkj ds 'kkL=h; fl)kar dh foospuk dhft;s A bl fl)kar dh ekU;rk,¡ D;k gSa\
2. Explain saving and investment of theory. What is your opinion about equilibrium between
saving and investment?
cpr ,oa fofu;ksx fl)kar dh O;k[;k dhft;s A cpr ,oa fofu;ksx ds chp lkE; ds
laca/k esa vkidk D;k er gS\
3. Describe the economic and non-economic factors of development. Which one of the two
you consider more important?
fodkl ds vkfFkZd ,oa xSj&vkfFkZd dkjdksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A vki nksuksa esa fdls
vf/kd egRoiw.kZ ekurs gSa\
4. Explain critically the over investment theory of Hayek.
gk;sd ds vfr fofu;ksx fl)kar dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft;s A
5. Evaluate solow model of economic development.
vkfFkZd fodkl ds lksyks ekWMy dk ewY;kadu dhft;s A
6. What are the various concepts of national income? Describe the difficulties arising in the
measurement of national income.
jk"Vªh; vk; dh fofHkUu vo/kkj.kk,¡ D;k gSa\ jk"Vªh; vk; dks ekius esa mRiUu gksus
okyh dfBukb;ksa dk o.kZu dhft;s A
7. What do you understand by trade cycle? Explain its causes and effects.
O;kikj pØ ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds dkj.kksa ,oa izHkkoksa dh O;k[;k dhft;s A
8. Discuss the classical theory of interest.
C;kt ds 'kkL=h; fl)kar dh foospuk dhft;s A
9. Critically explain the multiplier theory of Keynes. What are the assumptions of this theory?
dsUl ds xq.kd fl)kar dh vkykspukRed O;k[;k dhft;s A bl fl)kar dh ekU;rk,¡ D;k
10. Write notes on any two of the following:
fuEukafdr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fy[ksa %
(a) Leakages in multiplier xq.kd esa fjlko
(b) Gross Domestic Product ldy ?kjsyw mRikn
(c) Gross National Product ldy jk"Vªh; mRikn
Examination Programme, 2013
BACHELOR OF ART (Part-II) Economics (Hons)
Date Paper Time Name of Examination Centre
03/6/2013 HONOURS PAPER – III 3.30 to 6.30 pm Nalanda Open University, Patna
05/6/2013 HONOURS PAPER – IV 3.30 to 6.30 pm Nalanda Open University, Patna
07/6/2013 (SUB.) (Economics - II) 8.00 to 11.00 am Nalanda Open University, Patna
08/6/2013 (SUB.) (Hindi - II) (SUB.) 8.00 to 11.00 am Nalanda Open University, Patna
10/6/2013 (SUB.) (Tourism - II) 8.00 to 11.00 am Nalanda Open University, Patna
11/6/2013 (SUB.) (Geography - II) 8.00 to 11.00 am Nalanda Open University, Patna
12/6/2013 (SUB.) (Sociology -II) 3.30 to 6.30 pm Nalanda Open University, Patna
13/6/2013 (SUB.) (Psychology –II) 8.00 to 11.00 am Nalanda Open University, Patna
14/6/2013 (SUB.) (Pol. Sci - II) 3.30 to 6.30 pm Nalanda Open University, Patna
15/6/2013 (SUB.) (Home Science–II) 8.00 to 11.00 am Nalanda Open University, Patna
15/6/2013 (SUB.) (Education–II) 8.00 to 11.00 am Nalanda Open University, Patna
17/6/2013 (SUB) Social Work - II) 8.00 to 11.00 am Nalanda Open University, Patna
18/6/2013 (SUB) History - II) 12.00 to 3.00 pm Nalanda Open University, Patna
19/6/2013 Hindi 100 or Ur 50+Hn50 12.00 to 3.00 pm Nalanda Open University, Patna
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Economics (Honours), Part-II
Paper-IV (Money, Banking and Public Finance)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A
1. What is Index Number? How is it prepared?
funsZ'kkad D;k gS\ bldk fuekZ.k fdl izdkj fd;k tkrk gS\
2. What do you understand by gold Standard? Under what circumstances can it succeed?
Lo.kZeku ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ ;g fdu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa lQy gks ldrk gS\
3. Discuss the investment policy of a commercial bank.
,d O;kolkf;d cSad dh fofu;ksx uhfr dh foospuk dhft, A
4. Describe the merits and demerits of paper money.
i= eqnzk ds xq.k&nks"kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
5. "Money is what Money does." Explain this statement.
ßeqnzk ogh gS tks eqnzk dk dk;Z djs AÞ bl dFku dh O;k[;k dhft, A
6. What are the causes of increase in public expenditure? Explain in the context of India.
lkoZtfud O;; esa o`f) ds dkSu&dkSu ls dkj.k gSa\ Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa O;k[;kd dhft,
7. Describe the features of a good tax system and throw light on the economic effects of
,d vPNh dj iz.kkyh dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, rFkk djkjksi.k ds vkfFkZd
izHkkoksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
8. Discuss relative merits and demerits of inflation and deflation.
eqnzk&LQhfr ,oe~ foLQhfr ds lkisf{kd xq.k&nks"kksa dk foospu dhft, A
9. What is branch banking? Explain its merits and demerits.
'kk[kk cSafdax D;k gS\ blds xq.k&nks"kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
10. Differentiate the following:
fuEufyf[kr ds chp vUrj dhft,%
(a) Direct and Indirect Tax ¼izR;{k ,oe~ ijks{k dj½
(b) Progressive and Proportional Tax ¼izxfr'khy ,oe~ vkuqikfrd dj½
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
Bachelor of Arts, Part-II
Economics (Subsidiary),
Paper-II (Indian Economy)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A

1. Describe the main sources of agricultural finance.

Ñf"k foÙk ds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Throw light on the importance of small and cottage industries in Indian Economy.
What are its problems?
Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk esa y?kq ,oe~ dqVhj m|ksx ds egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A bldh
leL;k,¡ D;k gSa\
3. What is unemployment? What are its types? Explain the causes of unemployment
in India.
csjkstxkjh D;k gS\ ;g fdrus izdkj dh gksrh gS\ Hkkjr esa csjkstxkjh ds dkj.kksa dh
O;k[;k dhft, A
4. What is meant by commercialisation of agriculture? Throw light on its effects.
Ñf"k ds okf.kT;hdj.k dk D;k vFkZ gS\ blds izHkkoksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
5. Describe the characteristics of an underdeveloped country. Is India an
underdeveloped country? Give your comments.
,d v)Zfodflr ns'k dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A D;k Hkkjr ,d v)Zfodflr
ns'k gS\ viuk earO; nhft, A
6. Throw light on the importance of foreign capital and evaluate its contribution to
the economic development of India.
fons'kh iw¡th ds egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy, rFkk Hkkjr ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa blds ;ksxnku
dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
7. Explain the position of industry and handicraft in India before British rule.
vaxzstksa ds 'kklu ls igys Hkkjr esa m|ksx ,oe~ gLrf'kYi dh fLFkfr dh O;k[;k dhft,
8. What do you mean by industrial relation? Discuss the essential elements of cordial
relation between management and labour.
vkS|ksfxd lEcU/k ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ izca/k vkSj Jfed ds chp eS=hiw.kZ lEcU/k
ds vko';d rRoksa dh foospuk dhft, A
9. Write notes on any two of the following:
fuEukafdr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fyf[k,%
(a) National Income ¼jk"Vªh; vk;½
(b) Balance of payments ¼Hkqxrku larqyu½
(c) Regional inequalities ¼{ks=h; vlekurk,¡½
10. What do you understand by new economic reforms in India? Discuss.
Hkkjr esa u;s vkfFkZd lq/kkjksa ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ foospuk dhft, A
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Education, JMC, Public Administration (Hons.), Part-II
Economics (Subsidiary),
Paper-II (Indian Economy)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A

1. Explain the position of industries and handicrafts in India before British rule.
vaxzstksa ds 'kklu ls igys Hkkjr esa m|ksx ,oa gLrf'kYi dh fLFkfr dh O;k[;k dhft,
2. Describe the shortcomings of Indian agriculture. to what extent green revolution
has been successful in removing these shortcomings? Do India need a second
green revolution also?
Hkkjrh; d`f"k dh dfe;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A gfjr Økafr fdl gn rd bu dfe;ksa
dks nwj djus esa lQy jgk gS\ D;k Hkkjr esa f}rh; gfjr Økafr dh Hkh vko';drk
3. Describe the importance of cottage and small scale industries. what measures have
been taken by the government of India for their development? Do you consider
these measures adequate?
dqVhj ,oa y?kq m|ksxksa ds egRo dk o.kZu dhft, A Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk buds fodkl
ds fy, D;k mik; fd, x, gSa\ D;k vki bu mik;ksa dks i;kZIr ekurs gSa\
4. Describe the salient features of an under-developed country. Is India an
underdeveloped country?
,d v)Zfodflr ns'k dh izeq[k fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A D;k Hkkjr ,d
v)Zfodflr ns'k gS\ ;fn gk¡ rks dSls\
5. Throw light on the causes of unemployment and explain urban unemployment.
csjkstxkjh ds dkj.kksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, rFkk 'kgjh csjkstxkjh dh O;k[;k dhft, A
6. Describe the sources of agricultural finance.
d`f"k foÙk ds lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
7. Describe the importance of foreign trade in the economic development of a
country. Explain.
fdlh ns'k ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa fons'kh O;kikj dk D;k egRo gS\ O;k[;k dhft, A
8. Describe the following in brief :-
fuEufyf[kr dk la{ksi esa o.kZu dhft, %&
(a) Water resources ¼ty lalk/ku½
(b) Forest resources ¼ou lalk/ku½
9. Explain the characteristics of rural economy. Throw light on the merits and
demerits of self-dependence and seclusion.
xzkeh.k vFkZO;oLFkk dh fo'ks"krkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A vkRefuHkZjrk vkSj vyxkookn
ds xq.k&nks"kksa ij izdk'k Mkfy;s A
10. Write notes on any two of the following:
fuEukafdr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fyf[k,%
(a) Inequalities ¼vlkekurk,sa½
(b) Sources of rural credit ¼xzkeh.k lk[k ds L=ksr½
(c) Urban Handicrafts ¼'kgjh gLrf'kYi½
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Economics (Honours), Part-III
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft,
nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A
1. Examine critically the Harrod-Domar model of development.
fodkl ds gSjksM&Mksej ekWMy dk vkykspukRed ijh{k.k dhft, A
2. Throw light on the importance of environment. Discuss the effects of population explosion
on environment.
i;kZoj.k ds egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A tula[;k foLQksV dk i;kZoj.k ij iM+us okys
izHkkoksa dk foospu dhft, A
3. What do you mean by underdeveloped countries? Describe the characteristics of such
countries. Is India an under developed country?
vYi&fodflr ns'kksa ls vkidk d;k rkRi;Z gS\ bu ns'kksa dh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu
dhft, A D;k Hkkjr ,d vYi&fodflr ns'k gS\
4. What is Tariff? Describe various types of tariff.
iz'kqYd D;k gS\ fofHkUu izdkj ds iz'kqYdksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
5. What is International Monetary Fund (IMF)? Describe its objectives. What benefits have
accrued to developing countries from this institution.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; eqnzk dks"k D;k gS\ blds mís';ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A fodkl'khy ns'kksa dks
bl laLFkk ls D;k ykHk izkIr gq, gSa\
6. Discuss the Contribution of Public Sector in the economic development of India.
Hkkjr ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa jktdh; {ks= ds ;ksxnku dh foospuk dhft, A
7. What are the causes of adverse balance of payments? How can it be corrected?
izfrdwy Hkqxrku larqyu ds D;k dkj.k gSa\ bls dSls Bhd fd;k tk ldrk gS\
8. What is monetary policy? What are its objectives? Explain its role in the economic
development of developing countries.
ekSfnzd uhfr D;k gS\ blds mís'; D;k gSa\ fodkl'khy ns'kksa ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa
bldh Hkwfedk dh O;k[;k dhft, A
9. Describe the objectives and achievements of Land Reforms Programmes in India.
Hkkjr esa Hkwfe lq/kkj dk;ZØeksa ds mís';ksa ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
10. What is globalisation? Discuss the impact of globalisation on Indian Economy.
oS'ohdj.k D;k gS\ Hkkjrh; vFkZO;oLFkk ij oS'ohdj.k ds izHkko dh foospuk dhft, A

Examination Programme-2013
B.A (Part–III)
Economics, Hindi iÉlÉÉ Tourism Honours ds
Eäò lHkh fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,
Date Papers Time Examination Centre
30/4/2013 Honours Paper–V 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
02/5/2013 Honours Paper–VI 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
04/5/2013 Honours Paper–VII 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
06/5/2013 Honours Paper–VIII 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
08/5/2013 Paper –XV (Gen.Studies ) 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Economics (Honours), Part-III
Paper-VI (International Economics)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A
1. What do you mean by 'Free Trade'? Describe its merits and demerits.
Lora= O;kikj ls vkidk D;k vfHkizk; gS\ blds xq.k&nkss"kksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. Explain the steps taken by the government of India for export promotion.
fu;kZr izksRlkgu ds fy, Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk mBk;s x;s dneksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
3. What do you understand by 'Terms of Trade'? Explain its various Concepts.
O;kikj dh 'krksZa ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ bldh fofHkUu vo/kkj.kkvksa dh O;k[;k dhft,
4. Discuss the merits and demerits of the policy of protection.
laj{k.k dh uhfr ds xq.k&nks"kksa dh foospuk dhft, A
5. Describe the composition and direction of India's foreign trade.
Hkkjr ds fons'k O;kikj dh lajpuk ,oa fn'kk dk o.kZu dhft, A
6. What is international economics? Throw light on its importance.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; vFkZ'kkL= D;k gS\ blds egRo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A
7. Discuss the opportunity Cost theory of international trade.
vUrjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ds volj ykxr fl)kar dh foospuk dhft, A
8. What is quota? What are its types? Give an account of its merits and demerits.
dksVk D;k gS\ ;g fdrus izdkj dk gksrk gS\ blds xq.k&nks"kksa dk ys[kk&tks[kk izLrqr dhft,
9. Describe the objectives and functions of the world Bank.
fo'o cSad ds mís';ksa ,oa dk;ksZa dk o.kZu dhft, A
10. Write notes on any two of the following:
fuEukafdr esa ls fdUgha nks ij fyf[k, %
(a) Visible and invisible trade ¼n`'; ,oa vn`'; O;kikj½
(b) Import Substitution ¼vk;kr izfrLFkkiu½
(c) International Monetary Fund ¼vUrjkZ"Vªh; eqnzk dks"k½

Examination Programme-2013
B.A (Part–III)
Economics, Hindi iÉlÉÉ Tourism Honours ds
Eäò lHkh fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,
Date Papers Time Examination Centre
30/4/2013 Honours Paper–V 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
02/5/2013 Honours Paper–VI 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
04/5/2013 Honours Paper–VII 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
06/5/2013 Honours Paper–VIII 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
08/5/2013 Paper –XV (Gen.Studies ) 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Economics (Honours), Part-III
Paper-VII (Agricultural Economics)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A
1. Explain the role and importance of agriculture in the economic development of India.
Hkkjr ds vkfFkZd fodkl esa Ñf"k dh Hkwfedk ,oa egÙo dh O;k[;k dhft, A
2. Describe various sources of agricultural finance in India.
Hkkjr esa Ñf"k foÙk ds fofHkUu lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
3. What are the causes of unsatisfactory growth of Indian agriculture ? What suggestions
would you like to give for increase in agricultural productivity ?
Hkkjrh; Ñf"k dh vlarks"ktud izxfr ds D;k dkj.k gSa \ Ñf"k mRikndrk esa o`f) ds
fy, vki D;k lq>ko nsuk pkgsaxs \
4. Define Agricultural Marketing and throw light on its importance. What is the position of
agricultural marketing in India.
Ñf"k foi.ku dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk blds egÙo ij izdk'k Mkfy, A Hkkjr esa Ñf"k
foi.ku dh D;k fLFkfr gS \
5. What is the position of rural unemployment in India ? Explain its causes.
Hkkjr esa xzkeh.k csjktxkjh dh D;k fLFkfr gS \ blds dkj.kksa dh O;k[;k dhft, A
6. What is Public Distribution System ? What have been its effects on the poor people.
lkoZtfud forj.k iz.kkyh D;k gS \ xjhcksa ij bldk D;k izHkko iM+k gS \
7. Examine the policy and progress of land reforms in India.
Hkkjr esa Hkwfe lq/kkj dh uhfr vkSj izxfr dk ijh{k.k dhft, A
8. Describe the salient features of National Agriculture Policy 2000.
jk"Vªh; Ñf"k uhfr 2000 ds izeq[k rRoksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
9. What do you mean by regional imbalance ? What steps have been taken by the
government to reduce it ?
{ks=h; fo"kerk ls vkidk D;k rkRi;Z gS \ bls de djus ds fy, ljdkj }kjk D;k
dne mBk, x;s gSa \
10. What is meant by food security ? What measures have been taken by the Government to
ensure food security ?
[kk| lqj{kk dk D;k vFkZ gS \ bls lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, ljdkj }kjk D;k mik;
fd, x;s gSa \

Examination Programme-2013
B.A (Part–III)
Economics, Hindi iÉlÉÉ Tourism Honours ds
Eäò lHkh fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,
Date Papers Time Examination Centre
30/4/2013 Honours Paper–V 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
02/5/2013 Honours Paper–VI 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
04/5/2013 Honours Paper–VII 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
06/5/2013 Honours Paper–VIII 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
08/5/2013 Paper –XV (Gen.Studies ) 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
Nalanda Open University
Annual Examination - 2013
B.A. Economics (Honours), Part-III
Paper-VIII (Industrial Economics)
Time: 3.00 Hrs. Full Marks: 80
Answer any Five Questions. All questions carry equal marks.
fdUgha ik¡p iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft, A lHkh iz'uksa ds vad leku gSa A
1. Define industrialisation and describe its characteristics.
m|ksxhdj.k dh ifjHkk"kk nhft, rFkk bldh fo'ks"krkvksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
2. What is industrial sickness? Throw light on its causes and give suggestions for remedies.
vkS|ksfxd :Xurk D;k gS\ blds dkj.kksa ij izdk'k Mkfy, rFkk mipkj gsrq lq>ko
nhft, A
3. What is institutional finance? Describe its main sources.
laLFkkxr foÙk D;k gS\ blds izeq[k lzksrksa dk o.kZu dhft, A
4. What is globalisation? Analyse its impact on Indian industries.
oS'ohdj.k D;k gS\ Hkkjrh; m|ksxksa ij blds izHkko dk fo'ys"k.k dhft, A
5. Evaluate economic reforms in India.
Hkkjr esa vkfFkZd lq/kkjksa dk ewY;kadu dhft, A
6. What is industrial economics? What is the relationship between industry and economic
vkS|ksfxd vFkZ'kkL= D;k gS\ m|ksx vkSj vkfFkZD fodkl esa D;k laca/k gS\
7. What do you understand by merger of industrial units? Describe its advantages and
vkS|ksfxd bdkb;ksa ds lafoy;u ls vki D;k le>rs gSa\ blds ykHk&gkfu dk o.kZu
dhft, A
8. What do you mean by agro–based industries? Explain.
Ñf"k vk/kkfjr m|ksxksa ls vkidk D;k rkRi;Z gS\ O;k[;k dhft, A
9. Throw light on the new industrial policy of India. Has this policy been successful?
Hkkjr dh ubZ vkS|ksfxd uhfr ij izdk'k Mkfy, A D;k ;g uhfr lQy gqbZ gS\
10. What do you know about multinational Companies? Discuss the positive and negative role
of such Companies?
cgqjk"Vªh; dEiuh ds ckjs esa vki D;k tkurs gSa\ ,slh daiuh dh ldkjkRed vkSj
udkjkRed Hkwfedk dh foospuk dhft, A

Examination Programme-2013
B.A (Part–III)
Economics, Hindi iÉlÉÉ Tourism Honours ds
Eäò lHkh fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy,
Date Papers Time Examination Centre
30/4/2013 Honours Paper–V 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
02/5/2013 Honours Paper–VI 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
04/5/2013 Honours Paper–VII 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
06/5/2013 Honours Paper–VIII 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna
08/5/2013 Paper –XV (Gen.Studies ) 12 to 3 P.M. Nalanda Open University, Patna

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