Fuzzy and Bayes Intro

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CS6659 Artificial Intelligence

Session VII 18-03-2016

Reasoning with Fuzzy logic and Bayesian systems

Dr. Bama S
Assistant Professor
Department of Information Science and Technology
CEG Campus
Anna University

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Fuzzy Logic Introduction

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Fuzzy Logic Introduction
1 We say something like “it is sunny and warm today”

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Fuzzy Logic Introduction
1 We say something like “it is sunny and warm today”
2 And “If it is sunny and warm today, I can walk outside”

2 / 39
Fuzzy Logic Introduction
1 We say something like “it is sunny and warm today”
2 And “If it is sunny and warm today, I can walk outside”
3 From the above statements we automatically infer “I can
walk outside”

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Fuzzy Logic Introduction
1 We say something like “it is sunny and warm today”
2 And “If it is sunny and warm today, I can walk outside”
3 From the above statements we automatically infer “I can
walk outside”

4 Definition: A form of knowledge representation suitable for

notions that cannot be defined precisely, but which depend
upon their contexts.

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Representation in Classical Logic
-Adapted from Shane Warren & Brittney Ballard slides

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Representation in Fuzzy Logic
-Adapted from Shane Warren & Brittney Ballard slides

4 / 39
Representation in Fuzzy Logic Contd.,
-Adapted from Shane Warren & Brittney Ballard slides

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-Adapted from Shane Warren & Brittney Ballard slides

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Fuzzy control system
-Adapted from Shane Warren & Brittney Ballard slides

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Fuzzy Temperature controller
-Adapted from Shane Warren & Brittney Ballard slides

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Fuzzy Control System - Block diagram

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Crisp vs Fuzzy sets

Crisp variables. Eg - x = 3.1415296, A ∈ {0, 1}

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Crisp vs Fuzzy sets

Crisp variables. Eg - x = 3.1415296, A ∈ {0, 1}

The proposition is either True or False.

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Crisp vs Fuzzy sets

Crisp variables. Eg - x = 3.1415296, A ∈ {0, 1}

The proposition is either True or False.

Example: “If King Richard is greedy, then he is evil”. In

predicate logic,

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Crisp vs Fuzzy sets

Crisp variables. Eg - x = 3.1415296, A ∈ {0, 1}

The proposition is either True or False.

Example: “If King Richard is greedy, then he is evil”. In

predicate logic,

king(Richard) ∧ greedy (Richard) → Evil(Richard).

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Crisp vs Fuzzy sets

Crisp variables. Eg - x = 3.1415296, A ∈ {0, 1}

The proposition is either True or False.

Example: “If King Richard is greedy, then he is evil”. In

predicate logic,

king(Richard) ∧ greedy (Richard) → Evil(Richard).

Richard is either greedy or he isn’t:

Greedy (Richard) ∈ {0, 1}

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Fuzzy sets

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Fuzzy sets

What if Richard is somewhat greedy?

11 / 39
Fuzzy sets

What if Richard is somewhat greedy?

The degree to which the greediness or not greediness can

b represented using a fuzzy set.

11 / 39
Fuzzy sets

What if Richard is somewhat greedy?

The degree to which the greediness or not greediness can

b represented using a fuzzy set.

Fuzzy sets have values in the range [0, 1].

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Fuzzy sets

What if Richard is somewhat greedy?

The degree to which the greediness or not greediness can

b represented using a fuzzy set.

Fuzzy sets have values in the range [0, 1].

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Fuzzy Control system - Example

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Fuzzy Control system - Example

Two inputs: Temperature and Cloud Cover.

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Fuzzy Control system - Example

Two inputs: Temperature and Cloud Cover.

Output: Control the driving speed.

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Fuzzy Control system - Example

Two inputs: Temperature and Cloud Cover.

Output: Control the driving speed.

If the temperature is warm and the cover is sunny, then

drive fast.

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Fuzzy Control system - Example

Two inputs: Temperature and Cloud Cover.

Output: Control the driving speed.

If the temperature is warm and the cover is sunny, then

drive fast.

If the temperature is freezing and the cover is partly, drive

very slow.

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Fuzzy Linguistic Variables - Inputs

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Fuzzy Linguistic Variables - Inputs

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Fuzzy Linguistic Variables - Output

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If it’s sunny and warm, drive Fast.

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If it’s sunny and warm, drive Fast.

sunny (cover ) ∧ warm(temp) → Fast(speed)

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If it’s sunny and warm, drive Fast.

sunny (cover ) ∧ warm(temp) → Fast(speed)

If it’s cloudy and cool, drive slow.

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If it’s sunny and warm, drive Fast.

sunny (cover ) ∧ warm(temp) → Fast(speed)

If it’s cloudy and cool, drive slow.

cloudy (cover ) ∧ cool(temp) → slow(speed)

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If it’s sunny and warm, drive Fast.

sunny (cover ) ∧ warm(temp) → Fast(speed)

If it’s cloudy and cool, drive slow.

cloudy (cover ) ∧ cool(temp) → slow(speed)

Driving speed is the combination of ouput of these rules...

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Example speed calculation
How fast will one drive if it is:
65◦ F

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Example speed calculation
How fast will one drive if it is:
65◦ F

25% cloud cover

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Fuzzy operators

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Fuzzy disjunction

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Fuzzy conjunction

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Fuzzy conjunction

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Fuzzy conjunction

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Fuzzy conjunction

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Fuzzy conjunction

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Back to example

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-Adapted from Shane Warren & Brittney Ballard slides

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Most of the slides are adapted from Andrew L. Nelson’s slides

of Introduction to Fuzzy Logic Control

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Reasoning with probability

Used for predicting models

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Reasoning with probability

Used for predicting models

Prior Distribution: use probability to quantify uncertainty

about unknown quantities (parameters)

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Reasoning with probability

Used for predicting models

Prior Distribution: use probability to quantify uncertainty

about unknown quantities (parameters)

Likelihood: relates all variables into a full probability model

35 / 39
Reasoning with probability

Used for predicting models

Prior Distribution: use probability to quantify uncertainty

about unknown quantities (parameters)

Likelihood: relates all variables into a full probability model

Posterior Distribution: result of using data to update

information about unknown quantities (parameters)

35 / 39
Bayes Theorem

P(A|B) =

where P(B), P(B) - Prior probability,

P(B/A) - Likelihood
P(A/B) - Posterior probability
If E1 , E2 ..., En are n-mutually exclusive events with P(Aj ) > 0 for
all i. Then for any event A which is a subset of S, Bayes
theorem is given by:

P(Ei ).P(A/Ei )
P(Ei /A) =
∑ni=1 P(Ei )P( EAi )

36 / 39
Example 1

An urn B1 contains 2 white and 3 black balls and another urn

B2 contains 3 white and 4 black balls. One urn is selected at
random and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is found
black, find the probability that the urn chosen was B1.

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Example 1

An urn B1 contains 2 white and 3 black balls and another urn

B2 contains 3 white and 4 black balls. One urn is selected at
random and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is found
black, find the probability that the urn chosen was B1.
Let B1 and B2 denote urns 1 and 2, respectively.
P(B1 ) = P(B2 ) = 12 .

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Example 1

An urn B1 contains 2 white and 3 black balls and another urn

B2 contains 3 white and 4 black balls. One urn is selected at
random and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is found
black, find the probability that the urn chosen was B1.
Let B1 and B2 denote urns 1 and 2, respectively.
P(B1 ) = P(B2 ) = 12 .
P(B1 |Black ) =?

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Example 1

An urn B1 contains 2 white and 3 black balls and another urn

B2 contains 3 white and 4 black balls. One urn is selected at
random and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is found
black, find the probability that the urn chosen was B1.
Let B1 and B2 denote urns 1 and 2, respectively.
P(B1 ) = P(B2 ) = 12 .
P(B1 |Black ) =?
P(Black |B1 ) = 35 , P(Black |B2 ) = 74

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Example 1

An urn B1 contains 2 white and 3 black balls and another urn

B2 contains 3 white and 4 black balls. One urn is selected at
random and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is found
black, find the probability that the urn chosen was B1.
Let B1 and B2 denote urns 1 and 2, respectively.
P(B1 ) = P(B2 ) = 12 .
P(B1 |Black ) =?
P(Black |B1 ) = 35 , P(Black |B2 ) = 74
(Black |B1 )P(B1 )
P(B1 |Black ) =
P(B1 )P(Black |B1 ) + P(B2 )P(Black |B2 )

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Example 1

An urn B1 contains 2 white and 3 black balls and another urn

B2 contains 3 white and 4 black balls. One urn is selected at
random and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is found
black, find the probability that the urn chosen was B1.
Let B1 and B2 denote urns 1 and 2, respectively.
P(B1 ) = P(B2 ) = 12 .
P(B1 |Black ) =?
P(Black |B1 ) = 35 , P(Black |B2 ) = 74
(Black |B1 )P(B1 )
P(B1 |Black ) =
P(B1 )P(Black |B1 ) + P(B2 )P(Black |B2 )

( 35 )( 12 ) 21
= =
( 12 )( 35 ) + ( 12 )( 74 ) 41
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Example 2

A is known to tell the truth in 5 cases out of 6 and he states that

a white ball was drawn from a bag containing 8 blacks and 1
white ball. Find the probability that the white ball was drawn.

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Example 2

A is known to tell the truth in 5 cases out of 6 and he states that

a white ball was drawn from a bag containing 8 blacks and 1
white ball. Find the probability that the white ball was drawn.
P(truth) = 65 , P(¬truth) = 16 , Total balls = 9, P(w) = 91 ,
where w - white ball.

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Example 2

A is known to tell the truth in 5 cases out of 6 and he states that

a white ball was drawn from a bag containing 8 blacks and 1
white ball. Find the probability that the white ball was drawn.
P(truth) = 65 , P(¬truth) = 16 , Total balls = 9, P(w) = 91 ,
where w - white ball.
P(w|truth) =?

P(w|truth) =
P(truth|w)P(w) + P(¬truth|w)P(¬w)

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Example 2

A is known to tell the truth in 5 cases out of 6 and he states that

a white ball was drawn from a bag containing 8 blacks and 1
white ball. Find the probability that the white ball was drawn.
P(truth) = 65 , P(¬truth) = 16 , Total balls = 9, P(w) = 91 ,
where w - white ball.
P(w|truth) =?

P(w|truth) =
P(truth|w)P(w) + P(¬truth|w)P(¬w)

( 56 )( 19 ) 5
= =
( 56 )( 19 ) + ( 16 )( 98 ) 13

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The urns contain 6 green, 4 black; 4 green, 6 black and 5

green, 5 black balls respectively. Randomly selected an urn
and a ball is drawn from it. If the ball drawn is Green, find the
probability that it is drawn from the first urn.

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