In Partial Fulfillment of The Course Entrepreneurship: (Small Business)

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Republic of the Philippines


Region Vlll-Eastern Visayas

School Division of Calbayog City


Brgy. Pilar, Oquendo District, Calbayog City


(Small Business)

Salem, Michelle Ann B.

Grade 10- Rose

Layong, Lidan D.
Never let success get to your mind.
And never let failure get to your heart.

So goes the lines of an entrepreneur for its business of

determination in failure to success.
This is the lines came from the experience of the entrepreneurs
in building a business. Entrepreneur a person who starts a
business and is willing to risk in order to make money. Some
entrepreneurs are successful in life and some are get failed in
In line, 'never let success get to your mind' is for those successful
entrepreneurs that's being conceited person because we put our
success into our mind instead of we should happy that we
achieved our dreams. If we discontinue of being conceited we're
possibility get lost in business. Maintain of what you have now
and always thank of God.
In line, 'never let failure get to your heart' is for those trying
their best to become successful entrepreneurs. Although we are
failed, its normal because how could we successful if we
wouldn't experience the failure in building a business. And we
shouldn't think that we lost instead of putting to our mind that
we can do it and it's just like a part of getting the word
Small business is an organized effort of individuals to produced
sell goods and services in order to satisfy the needs of society.
I interviewed one who has a small business in our barangay to
know their experienced in building a business.
Questions and Answers
1. What kind of business do you have?
Small Business
2. What is the name of your business?
Nelda Sari- Sari Store
3. Who is the entrepreneur?
Name: Nelda Cadajas
Age: 53 yrs. old
Place: Brgy. Pilar, Oquendo District, Calbayog City
4. When you started in business?
5. How much is your capital in building a business?
P 10,000.00
6. How much is your profit every month?
P 1,000.00
7. What is your reason in building a business?
My reasons in building a business is to have a source of needs in every
day and necessary needs in school for my sons.
8. What are the challenges have you encounter in business?
The challenges that I've encounter in building a business is how you
face to the costumers. If there is an illness in our family I also credit ex.
56, ASA, etc., and the different person got unlimited credit in my
9. How did you exceed over this challenges?
I exceed those challenges by doubtless in self-esteem. I'm in good
condition, always have a good fellowship to my costumers and I'll
make sure that they pay for their credit.
10. What can you say for those who wants to begin their business?
I could say for those who want to begin their business is you have to
reserve some money in building a business, and make sure that you
are ache less or painless, maintain to credits and if you want to
success in business you should point your business. If you are a fist
timer it's okay to failed because all successful entrepreneurs
experienced it. And if became a successful thank first to God.
Never let

success get to

your mind.
And never let

failure get to

your heart.

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