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Casual Register

Group 1
Jaime: Alexis! Hi! Great to see you!
Alexis: Well, I was just passing, and I thought I’d drop by and say ‘hello’
Jaime: Come on in! Have a drink!
Alexis: You’re sure? You’re not too busy?
Jaime: Never too busy to talk to you.
Alexis: Thanks Bro. It would be really nice to have a chat.
Jaime: Fantastic! Let me take your coat.
(They both take a sit and Jaime ordered coffee and empanada for the both of
Shien: Welcome to Starbucks, what can I get started for you today? Oh, it’s you!
Jaime: Hey Shien, What’s up? I didn’t know you’re working here.
Shien: Oh, I just started last week, so can I take your order?
Jaime: Ahh okay, we’re having one Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino Grande, one
Cold Brew with Cascara Cold Foam Grande and two Chicken Empanada.
Shien: Dine in or to go?
Jaime: Dine in.
Shien: Is that all?
Jaime: Yeah.
Shien: That would be 534 pesos; do you have a Starbucks card?
Jaime: Oh yeah, here you go.
Shien: Thank you for ordering at Starbucks, just wait for your name to be called.
Have a nice day! (Smiles)
Jaime: (Smiles back)
Alexis: So what happened?
Jaime: I’ve bumped into Shien. Our classmate in High School, remember?
Alexis: Oh your crush?
Jaime: Shut up! That was years ago bro.
Alexis: Fine, Whatever.
Shien: One Vanilla Bean Crème Frappuccino, one Cold Brew with Cascara Cold
Foam, and two Chicken Empanada for Jaime!
Alexis: Yieeee, I’m the one who will get it, look you’re blushing already. Charot!
Jaime: Do you honestly think you’re funny?
Alexis: Bro bro, I’m just kidding calm down, Hahaha!
Alexis: Hey Shien, What’s up?
Shien: Oh, hey Ax! Here’s your order.
Alexis: You want to join us?
Shien: Sure, I will just change my clothes.
(Alexis went to their table and accidentally spills the coffee to a random person)
Ara: What the?! Do you know how much this Anello bag is?!
(Ara gets a tissue and removes the stain off her bag.)
Alexis: Sorry, sorry I’m very sorry.
Ara: Where’s your Manager? Ax?
Alexis: Wait, Labay? Jan Arabella Labay?
Shien: What Happened? Ara?! Is that you?
Jaime: Oh there you are, Ara!
Mix: Excuse me, I’m the manager here.
Ara, Shien, Jaime, Ax: MIX?!
Mix: Hey Guys! Long time no see.
Shien: OMG! I can’t believe this is happening we’re complete!
Mix: What are you guys doing here?
Jaime: We’re here to play basketball.
Mix: Really?! Can I join?
Ara, Shien, Mix, Jaime: (face palm)
Ara: My God! Mix do you really think we can play basketball here? At Starbucks?
Mix: Oh hehe, so what are you doing here?
Ara: Jaime called me earlier for a meeting for our Alumni Homecoming this
Alexis: Why didn’t you tell me?
Ara: Why didn’t I tell you? Look what you’ve done.
Alexis: Oh sorry.
Jaime: Can we start?
Shien: We’re running out of time, let’s all sit down.
Mix: Wait, before we start can I ask something?
All: What is it?
Mix: Jaime, do you still have a crush on Shien?
Jaime: What the?!
All: HaHaHaHaHaHa!
(They all started to laugh so hard and within a minute, they already start the
Jaime: Let’s skip the formality, okay guys, so the venue for our Alumni
Homecoming is at Okada Manila.
Shien: Wow! that will be so Lit!
Ax: Wow! I really need to prepare for my OOTD.
Ara: What about the foods?
Jaime: Oh Ahm.
Mix: EHEM!
Jaime: Where could we get foods?
Mix: EHEM!
Jaime: I know, Okada actually has a Buffet there and their food is delicious.
Mix: KJ!
Shien: Mix owns a bar here in Manila, so he can actually be the provider for our
Ara: We really appreciate your offer, but I think it’s already included in the
menu. Some other time we can catch up and it’s your treat.
Mix: Okay.
Jaime: So we’re all settled, let us end our meeting here, and thank you guys for
your cooperation.
Ara: (RING RING) Yes? Oh yes, I’ll be there in a minute.
Guys, I need to go, I have to send a file to Salcedo Group of Companies.
Shien: Me too, there are many customers waiting at the counter.
Miko, let’s go.
Mix: Okay, bye guys! It’s nice to see you again.
Jaime: See you there!
All: Bye!
(And they all Parted their ways)
That’s all Thank you!

Jan Arabella A. Labay
Shien Chia Largo

Jaime Rafael Catubig
Alexis Echon
Aron Miko Macunat

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