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+3 lllS CBCS-A . I
Sc P & H) SEC I
Eng Commn

Time : As in Programme ,

Full Marks : 80
- •

The figures in the right-hand margin indicate marks.

Answer all questions.

Group A
1. Answer all questions: 2x10 20

a State the three elements that are absolutely -


vital for communication ·? What are the three

parties involved in C,.Qmmunication ?
Explain in two sentences what you mean by
•grapevine' communication.
What is the difference betwe.en spoken and ....

written communication when it comes to the

Nan1e the types of non-verbal
communication known and identi those that
have to do with the body language .

OM 1/3 Turn over

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· e.,.,.. How are the important points to be located

and remembered in reading ? Indicate your
own method.
What form of reading is suitable for reading
depth meaning as opposed to surface •


g What are the 5w's of the new story ?

~ State the function served by a 'covering
Write the phrasal verb for ·postpone' and
make two sentences using this.
What is the level of language generally used
for a formal speech or oration ? Give

examples .

Group B

2. Show why clear and effective·communication is at

a premium in today's world. 12

OR •

communication ? What are its uses ?

OM 1/3 (2) Contd.

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as opposed to that used in formal and official
English. 12
What are the barriers of communication that
students of communication should be made
aware of?


~ In the essay "Lifestyle English'~ what are the

points that the author makes to snow the

limitations of survival English ·1 12
· OR ·
What are the various functions of language
described in the essay ''Lifestyle English'' ?
Which language function is supposed to deliver

grace and style ?

up: 12
Ignorance is bliss. •


A friend in need is a friend indeed.

on offer in group discussion, interview and

dialogue ? 12

OM 1/3 ( 3) (Tum over)

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Do as directed : 2><6= 12
(a The students could not make out the

explanation given by the teacher. (Replace
the phrasal verb underlined in the sentence
with a main verb with the same meaning)
(b) Give the phrasal verb of 'extinguish' and
make a sentence with that.
(c) The cultural troupe from Bhubaneswar
presented a ..... .___ _ _ show. (Use one

among the collocating words you find is the

most befitting that can go with 'show' : high,

tall, great)
(d) Which of the following modals is used in the
sense of seeking or asking for permission in
the sentences given below?
Can I come in ?
May I come in
proposal of the judge to adjourn the hearing.
(Fill in· the blank with a suitable preposition)
(f) I have known my neighbour smce ten years.
(Correct the error if any)

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OM 1/3 (62,000) (4) +3 lllS)CBCS-Arts/

Sc P & H SEC I
(Eng Commn)

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