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Humans have the immune system and good bacteria. The so-called normal flora
that serves to kill the bad bacteria, so that minor illnesses do not require
 Bacteria become resistant Nausea
 Throw up Diarrhea
 tooth decay skin disorders
 And others

ANTIBIOTICS drinking rules?

 Tell your doctor if you have a history of allergies, so you get the right
 Use antibiotics only by prescription / instructions pharmacist. Do not take
antibiotics prescribed any other person or you set yourself to treat you.
 Taking antibiotics on schedule: if prescribed 2 x 1 days then taken to the
distance awaktu giving per 12 hours, if prescribed 3 x 1 day then taken
with the distance of time per 8 hours.
 Taking antibiotics should be spent.
 Do not continue to take antibiotics run out, if the antibiotics run out
immediately consult a doctor.
 Consider the reaction when taking medication, if it appears signs of
allergy symptoms, stop taking the medicine and see a doctor
 Beware pengguanaan antibiotics in pregnant and nursing mothers, infants
/ toddlers, people with impaired kidney and liver function.

Be patient smart, using medications properly

ask medicine, ask the pharmacist ...!

Not all illnesses require antibiotics. But if you get antibiotics must be considered
in its use. The use of antibiotics can cause your treatment is not effective.

What it Antibiotics?

Antibiotics are drugs that can kill the bacteria that cause infeksi.antibiotik a hard
drug use should be by prescription. Before the use of antibiotics should consult
first with your doctor / pharmacist.

ANTIBIOTICS PAIN what that entails?

Not all illnesses require antibiotics, depending on the cause of his illness. A
disease that requires antibiotics is a disease caused by germs / bacteria. For
example tuberculosis, urinary tract infections, diarrhea with mucus or blood,
typhoid and other infectious diseases that cause bacteria.

The use of antibiotics is not arbitrary, but is given based on needs based on the
type of bacteria and the severity of the pain. Therefore do not treat themselves,
must be with the doctor resp.


 Cough, fever, flu / colds do not need antibiotics, getting enough rest and
keep the intake of nutritious food. If more than 3 days sick contact your
doctor immediately.
 Diseases caused by viruses eg dengue.
 Non-communicable diseases such as heart disease, hypertension,
diabetes and others.

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