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Algebraic Meteorology

Meteorology is basically an Atmospheric Science that majorly deals with the weather

forecasting as well as the Biology and Chemistry involved in this field. By the use of basic

weather elements like sunshine, moisture, pressure and clouds, meteorologists can actually

foretell the upcoming weather. On the broader sense, this could mean the science of the Earth’s

atmosphere with regard to the earth. The knowledge of composition, motion and structure of the

air is very crucial in predicting future weather patterns.

Weather forecasting, meteorology began with reoccurring astronomical events and

through these the early civilization was able to predict the upcoming seasons and weather

patterns. Since then numerous inventions have been made concerning this field, from the first

instrument called hygrometer. Currently, there is so much sophistication in this field including

use of satellites to monitor weather patterns.

The field of meteorology uses a variety of instruments including: thermometer,

hygrometer, rain gauge, Anemometer, Bathometer, Barograph, Barometer, Ceiling balloon,

Ceiling projector, Ceilometer, Dark adaptor goggles, Weather Satellites and many other new

technological tools. In all the weather stations, it’s inevitable to apply the common traditional

method of observation that basically utilizes the eye as the basic tool. There are other tools

applied in this field whose uses are specialized and likewise require specialized personnel and

attention. Instruments like weather satellites are not being by anyone, only those approved and

actually confirmed to be capable of handling it.

The field of Meteorology fully depends of heavy pre-requisite knowledge in the subjects

like mathematics, physics, computer science, and chemistry, students should possess a strong

mathematics and science background. Bachelor’s degree in this field requires one to be part of

the Civil service so as to get a chance in the National Weather Service. A student has to do a

total of 17 compulsory courses as well as a number of courses from the electives which are 21 in


Meteorologists in US earn a good amount of salary even for those just entering into this

wonderful field. A newly recruited meteorologist is entitled to earn about $49,320. This salary is

supposed to shoot spontaneously with experience in the field. A highly experienced and

respected Meteorologist is entitled to earn $129,750 and on average the amount is supposed to be

around $87,303. This is actually a good salary for a nuclear family man or a lady since most

families also take care of other small items like accommodation, travel and insurance.

Currently there are a number of professionals in this field considering the vast number of

colleges offering this course. However a number of companies offer reliable job opportunities for

the competent Meteorologists including the National Weather Service as the umbrella parastatal.

Other companies thriving well in this sector includes Asheville, Department of Airforce and New

Family series. These companies are really paying well especially the private sector that is

working very hard to counteract the public sector. This a field that a dedicated mind can actually

develop career wise as well as the network.


Step 2: Cold Front

Represented by a solid line. This is because there are triangles along the front pointing

towards the warmer air and in the direction of movement.

General form:𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎𝑥2 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐; 𝑎 ≠ 0

Standard form 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝑎(𝑥 − ℎ)2 + 𝑘 ∶ (ℎ, 𝑘) 𝑥=ℎ

The leading coefficient is negative since the front is being transformed to the negative axis.

Equation of the parabola:

𝑓(𝑥) = −√52 − 𝑥 2

Step 3

Total number of miles 40*4=160

New equation

𝑓(𝑥) = −√6602 − 𝑥 2

Step 4

250 miles south of Des Moines

210 miles east of Des Moines

250+500= 750 miles

New equation 𝑓(𝑥) = −√7502 − 𝑥 2


Step 5:

Using 1.5 units to represent 660 miles

The parabola graph at midnight

Step 6

Des Moines city is the most populous and the headquarters of Lowa state. The city got its

name from the French colonists Rivière Des Moines, meaning “River of Monks”. Ohio is a

city also located in the US specifically about river Ohio and people begun to settle here in

1788. Over the years, this city has waxed greatness in terms of industrialization which later

declined forcing the numerous US citizens to embrace service industry especially medicine

and education. Memphis city was founded in 1819 and which later became one of the major

producers of cotton. Louisville is another US city located in the state of Kentucky and was

named after French King Louis XVI. This was a port city that would bring people to the great

fall of Ohio. The founder of this grate city is called George Robert Clark in 1778 making it

one of those oldest towns in the west of the Appalachian Mountains just besides the Ohio

falls. The great development in this city was again as a result of a number of suburban parks

built on its edges by 1980.

Ohio city has a great number of Americans both professionals and the casual laborers. It

is a warm place to reside in as compared to cities like Louisville, Des Moines and Memphis.

Most residents in this city love playing basketball which in most cases turns out to be the

profession of most of them. A variety of job opportunities are available in this city ranging

from managers, directors, doctors, engineers, instructors and the rest. The salary is quite well

with an average value of $76,728. Workers are well paid in Ohio than in Memphis, that is, a

salary of $75,000 in Ohio that reduces to $65,836 in Memphis. This makes the cost of living

in these two cities to actually have a wide gap. It’s actually very cheaper to stay in Memphis

as compared to one staying in Ohio. Again putting on the scale in terms of population,

Louisville is less densely populated than Des Moines. Most blacks also do reside in

Louisville making it a multi-racial city.

Step 7: Conclusions.

As per the graph drawn above, it’s very clear that all the four cities have been affected by

front by midnight. The graph is in full support of this fact as the graph goes far past all these

cities in the south direction.



𝑓(𝑥) = −√6602 − 𝑥 2 This is the parabolic equation by midnight.

Checking location of all the four towns southwards, none of the values surpasses the 660.

That is,

 Des Moines (0, 0)

 Ohio (550, 80)

 Memphis (190,430)

 Louisville (420,230)

This is a solid ground to fix our argument that all the cities are engulfed by the cold front

come midnight.

Reference List

Rockswold, G. K., & Krieger, T. A. (2016). Intermediate Algebra with Applications &

Visualization. Pearson.

Whittlesey, C. (2015). Early History of Cleveland, Ohio.

Buchanan, M. (2013). Forecast: what physics, meteorology, and the natural sciences can teach u

us about economics. Bloomsbury Publishing USA.

Monto, A. S., & Webster, R. G. (2013). Influenza pandemics: history and lessons l

learned. Textbook of Influenza, 2nd Edition, 20-34

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