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CHAPTER 9: MANAGEMENT OF QUALITY Present – A shift to a strategic approach(proactive) by

designing quality into products, and a focus on

Management of Quality
customer satisfaction
* two key elements of every purchasing decision are
price and quality
The Gurus and Their Contribution
Quality- the ability of a product or service to
consistently meet or exceed customer requirements or 1. Walter Shewhart – Father of Statistical Quality
expectations Control
-developed control charts and variance
-quality starts from the product/service design
-customer delight (exceeding customer expectations) 2. W. Edwards Deming – Compiled a list of 14
points needed to achieve quality
Evolution of Quality MGT - cause of inefficiency and poor quality is the
Prior to Industrial Revolution – skilled craftsmen system, not the employees.
performed all stages of production. Pride of - Special (correctable) Vs. Common Causes of
Workmanship and reputation motivated workers to do Variation (random)
the right job - Reason for the Establishment of Deming
Prize (Prize established by the Japanese and
Industrial Revolution-Quality became the responsibility awarded annually to firms that distinguish
of foremen themselves with quality management
-division of labor (each worker was then responsible for programs)
only a small portion of each product)

Frederick Taylor and GS Radford-Emphasis on product

inspection and gauging (FT), and quality considerations
in the early product design stage (GSR)


 1924 - Bell Telephone Laboratories introduced

statistical control charts that could be used to
monitor production
 1930 - H. F. Dodge and H. G. Romig, also of Bell 3. Joseph M. Duran – viewed quality as fitness-for-
Labs, introduced Tables for Sampling use
- 80 percent of quality defects are management
WW2-1950’s – Increase in emphasis on Quality Control controllable; thus, management has the
thru refined sampling techniques responsibility to correct this deficiency.
1950’s-1960’s -Described Quality mgt in terms of a trilogy
(quality planning, quality control, and quality
 1950s - Evolution from Quality Movement into improvement)
quality assurance * Quality planning is necessary to establish
 Mid-1950’s - greater involvement of upper mgt processes that are capable of meeting quality
1960’s-1970’s – concept of “zero defect” became
* Quality control is necessary in order to know
known (focused on employee motivation and
when corrective action is needed
awareness, and the expectation of perfection from each
* Quality improvement will help to find better
ways of doing things.
1970’s – Quality Assurance Methods gained emphasis
on services sectors (government operations, health 4. Armand Feigenbaum – instrumental in
care, banking, and the travel industry.) advancing the “cost of nonconformance”
approach as a reason for management to
commit to quality
-Quality is a total field
-Customer defines quality
5. Philip B. Crosby – Developed concept of “Zero
Defect” (DO IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME, and does
not believe in the possibility of defects)
-“Quality is free”(costs of poor quality are so
great that rather than viewing quality efforts as
costs, organizations should view them as a way
to reduce costs)
6. Kaoru Ishikawa – Dev’t of cause-and-effect *When referring to a product, a customer sometimes
diagrams (fishbone diagrams) for problem judges the first four dimensions by its fitness for use.
solving and implementation of quality circles
Service Quality Dimensions (CARRTTECC)
-Implementation of Quality Circles
7. Genichi Taguchi – Taguchi loss function  Convenience —the availability and accessibility
(involves a formula for determining the cost of of the service.
poor quality. The idea is that the deviation of a  Reliability —the ability to perform a service
part from a standard causes a loss, and the dependably, consistently, and accurately.
combined effect of deviations of all parts from  Responsiveness —the willingness of service
their standards can be large, even though each providers to help customers in unusual
individual deviation is small. An important part situations and to deal with problems.
of his philosophy is the cost to society of poor  Time —the speed with which service is
quality.) delivered.
8. Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo – Developed  Assurance —the knowledge exhibited by
philosophy and methods of kaizen (continuous personnel who come into contact with a
improvement; hallmarks of successful quality customer and their ability to convey trust and
mgt) confidence.
INSIGHTS ON QUALITY MGT  Courtesy —the way customers are treated by
employees who come into contact with them.
Product Quality Dimensions (PSCRDPSC) include in  Tangibles —the physical appearance of
paper facilities, equipment, personnel, and
communication materials.
 Performance —main characteristics of the
 Consistency —The ability to provide the same
level of good quality repeatedly.
 Aesthetics —appearance, feel, smell, taste.
 Expectations —Meet (or exceed) customer
 Special features —extra characteristics.
 Conformance —how well a product
corresponds to design specifications.
 Reliability —dependable performance.
 Durability —ability to perform over time.
 Perceived quality —indirect evaluation of
quality (e.g., reputation).
 Serviceability —handling of complaints or
 Consistency —quality doesn’t vary.
Assessing Service Quality

Servqual – instrument designed to obtain feedback on

quality service of an org
-focus on 5 service dimensions include taking training in quality, issuing
-Of particular interest are any gaps or discrepancies in periodic reports on quality, and attending
service quality. There may be discrepancies between: meetings on quality.
1. actual customer expectations and management 2. Design. Quality products and services begin
perceptions of those expectations. with design. This includes not only features of
2. management perceptions of customer expectations the product or service; it also includes attention
and service-quality specifications. to the processes that will be required to
3. service quality and service actually delivered. produce the products and/or the services that
4. service actually delivered and what is communicated will be required to deliver the service to
about the service to customers. customers.
5. customers’ expectations of the service provider and 3. Procurement. The procurement department has
their perceptions of provider delivery. responsibility for obtaining goods and services
that will not detract from the quality of the
If gaps are found, they can be related to tangibles or organization’s goods and services.
other service quality dimensions to address the 4. Production/operations. Production/operations
discrepancies. has responsibility to ensure that processes yield
products and services that conform to design
specifications. Monitoring processes and finding
and correcting root causes of problems are
important aspects of this responsibility.
5. Quality assurance. Quality assurance is
responsible for gathering and analyzing data on
problems and working with operations to solve
Determinants of Quality problems.
6. Packaging and shipping. This department must
1. Design. ensure that goods are not damaged in transit,
- starting point for the level of quality that packages are clearly labeled, that
eventually achieved. Design involves decisions instructions are included, that all parts are
about the specific characteristics of a product or included, and that shipping occurs in a timely
service such as size, shape, and location. manner.
Quality of design - refers to the intention of 7. Marketing and sales. This department has the
designers to include or exclude certain features responsibility to determine customer needs and
in a product or service. to communicate them to appropriate areas of
2. How well the product or service conforms to the organization. In addition, it has the
the design. responsibility to report any problems with
Quality of conformance - refers to the degree to products or services
which goods and services conform to (i.e., 8. Customer service. Customer service is often the
achieve ) the intent of the designers. first department to learn of problems. It has the
3. Ease of use. responsibility to communicate that information
4. Service after delivery. to appropriate departments, deal in a
Responsibility for Quality reasonable manner with customers, work to
resolve problems, and follow up to confirm that
1. Top management. Top management has the the situation has been effectively remedied.
ultimate responsibility for quality. While
establishing strategies for quality, top Benefits of Good Quality
management must institute programs to 1. enhanced reputation for quality
improve quality; guide, direct, and motivate 2. the ability to command premium prices
managers and workers; and set an example by 3. an increased market share
being involved in quality initiatives. Examples 4. greater customer loyalty
5. lower liability costs, and fewer production or Ethics and Quality Management
service problems
 Failure to report the knowledge of Substandard
Consequences of Poor Quality Work - including defective products and
substandard service, poor designs, shoddy
1. Loss of business – damaged reputation and
workmanship, and substandard parts and raw
decreased share of market
2. Liability
 How an organization chooses to deal with
3. Productivity - Poor quality can adversely affect
information about quality problems in products
productivity if parts are defective and have to
that are already in service.
be reworked or if an assembler has to try a
number of parts before finding one that fits Quality Awards
4. Costs – costs to remedy a problem 1. Philippine Quality Award - highest level of
national recognition for exemplary
Costs of Quality organizational performance (equivalent to
baldridge award).

- Republic Act No. 9013 “Philippine Quality

Award Act”
- focuses on results, including customer
- not an award for product quality or service
quality but for a quality management

2. European Quality Award - Europe’s most

External failure costs are typically much greater than prestigious award for organizational excellence
internal failure costs on a per-unit basis. Internal and
3. Deming Prize - Japan’s highly coveted award
external failure costs represent costs related to poor
recognizing successful quality efforts.
quality, whereas appraisal and prevention costs
represent investments for achieving good quality. - The major focus of the judging is on
statistical quality control, making it much
Schools of Thought on Value Received from
narrower in comparison with PQA.
Expenditures on Prevention
Quality Certification
1. One is that prevention costs will be outweighed
by savings in appraisal and failure costs. International Org for Standardization – 9000, 14000,
2. Some managers believe that by attempting to 24700
go beyond a certain point, such expenditures on
- promotes worldwide standards for the
quality reduce the funds available for other
improvement of quality, productivity, and
objectives such as reducing product
operating efficiency through a series of
development times and upgrading technology.
standards and guidelines
economics of quality efforts, wherein quality 1. ISO 9000 - A set of international standards on
improvement projects are viewed as investments, and, quality management and quality assurance,
as such, they are evaluated like any other investment, critical to international business.
using metrics related to return on investment (ROI). - have a basis which is composed of quality
management principles, namely a customer
focus, leadership, involvement of people, a
process approach, a system approach to
management, continual improvement, use of
factual approach to decision making, and
mutually beneficial supplier relationships
2. ISO 14000 - A set of international standards for
assessing a company’s environmental
- bear upon 3 major areas: Management
Systems, Operations, and Environmental
3. ISO 24700 - A set of international standards that
pertains to the quality and performance of
office equipment that contains reused
components. Total Quality MGT – refers to a quest for quality in an
4. ISO 27001 - Allows proof to stakeholders that organization
the security of information is properly managed
- primary role of management is to lead an organization
5. ISO 45001 - Framework for establishing,
in its daily operation and to maintain it as a viable entity
implementing and maintaining an Occupational
into the future. Quality has become an important factor
Health and Safety Management System
in both of these objectives.
6. ISO 17025 - Continuous improvement of daily
laboratory practices 3 Philosophies
7. ISO 22000 - Implementing a more robust food
1. Continuous improvement – never ending push
safety management system and control of food
to improve
safety hazards
8. ISO 13485 - Outlines quality management 2. Involvement of everyone –
system standards for medical devices
3. Customer satisfaction – meeting or exceeding
PH STANDARDIZATION: customer expiration
 1947 – Division of Standards under BOC, DTI We can describe the TQM approach as follows:
 1964 – RA 4109 “Bureau of Standards”
1. Find out what customers want.
 Bureau of Product Standards – present
2. Design a product or service that will meet (or
mandate (staff bureau under DTI)
exceed) what customers want. Make it easy to
use and easy to produce.
3. Design processes that facilitate doing the job
right the first time.
A philosophy that involves everyone in an organization - Fail-safing - Incorporating design elements
in a continual effort to improve quality and achieve that prevent incorrect procedures.
customer satisfaction. (Pokayake in Japanese; also foolproofing)
4. Keep track of results, and use them to guide
Quality and the Supply Chain improvement in the system.
1. Supply Chain Quality Mgt 5. Extend these concepts throughout the supply
2. Emphasis on reducing outsourcing risk as well chain.
as product or service variation and overhead 6. Top management must be involved and
3. Risk comes from the use of substandard committed. Otherwise, TQM will just be
materials or work methods, which can lead to another fad that fails and fades away.
inferior product quality and potential product ELEMENTS OF TQM
1. Continuous improvement. The philosophy that
The following reading offers some guidelines for seeks to improve all factors related to the
improving quality and reducing outsourcing risk.
process of converting inputs into outputs on an and the need to address strategic implications
ongoing basis. (KAIZEN in Jap) of change is ignored.
- “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” gets transformed 3. Lack of a customer focus: Without a customer
into “Just because it isn’t broke doesn’t mean it focus, there is a risk of customer dissatisfaction.
can’t be improved.” 4. Poor intraorganizational communication: The
2. Competitive benchmarking. This involves left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is
identifying other organizations that are the best doing; frustration, waste, and confusion ensue.
at something and studying how they do it to 5. Lack of employee empowerment: Not
learn how to improve your operation empowering employees gives the impression of
3. Employee empowerment. Giving workers the not trusting employees to fix problems, adds
responsibility for improvements and the red tape, and delays solutions.
authority to make changes to accomplish them 6. View of quality as a “quick fix”: Quality needs to
provides strong motivation for employees. be a long-term, continuing effort.
4. Team approach. The use of teams for problem 7. Emphasis on short-term financial results: “Duct-
solving and to achieve consensus takes tape” solutions often treat symptoms; spend a
advantage of group synergy, gets people little now—a lot more later.
involved, and promotes a spirit of cooperation 8. Inordinate presence of internal politics and
and shared values among employees. “turf” issues: These can sap the energy of an
5. Decisions based on facts rather than opinions. organization and derail the best of ideas.
Management gathers and analyzes data as a 9. Lack of strong motivation: Managers need to
basis for decision making. make sure employees are motivated.
6. Knowledge of tools. Employees and managers 10. Lack of time to devote to quality initiatives:
are trained in the use of quality tools. Don’t add more work without adding additional
7. Supplier quality. Suppliers must be included in resources.
quality assurance and quality improvement 11. Lack of leadership: 6 Managers need to be
efforts so that their processes are capable of leaders.
delivering quality parts and materials in a timely
8. Champion. A TQM champion’s job is to promote 1. Overzealous advocates may pursue TQM
the value and importance of TQM principles programs blindly, focusing attention on quality
throughout the company. even though other priorities may be more
9. Quality at the source. Quality at the source important (e.g., responding quickly to a
refers to the philosophy of making each worker competitor’s advances).
responsible for the quality of his or her work. 2. Programs may not be linked to the strategies of
The idea is to “Do it right the first time.” the organization in a meaningful way.
10. Suppliers are partners in the process, and long- 3. Quality-related decisions may not be tied to
term relationships are encouraged. This gives market performance. For instance, customer
suppliers a vital stake in providing quality goods satisfaction may be emphasized to the extent
and services. that its cost far exceeds any direct or indirect
benefit of doing so.
* To truly reap the benefits of TQM, the organization
4. Failure to carefully plan a program before
must change its culture.
embarking on it can lead to false starts,
OBSTACLES TO IMPLEMENTING TQM employee confusion, and meaningless results.
5. Organizations sometimes pursue continuous
1. Lack of a companywide definition of quality:
improvement (i.e., incremental improvement)
Efforts aren’t coordinated; people are working
when dramatic improvement is needed.
at cross-purposes, addressing different issues,
6. Quality efforts may not be tied to results.
and using different measures of success.
2. Lack of a strategic plan for change: Without
such a plan the chance of success is lessened

1. Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle (Shewhart Cycle

or Deming Wheel)
-A framework for problem solving and
improvement activities.

4 Basic Steps in the Cycle

 Plan. Study and document the current process.
Then collect data on the process or problem.
Next, analyze the data and develop a plan for
improvement. Specify measures for evaluating
the plan.
 Do. Implement the plan, on a small scale if
possible. Document any changes made during
this phase. Collect data systematically for
 Study. Evaluate the data collection during the 2. Six Sigma - A business process for improving
do phase. Check how closely the results match quality, reducing costs, and increasing customer
the original goals of the plan phase. satisfaction.
 Act. If successful, standardize and communicate  Statistically, six sigma means having no more
the new. If unsuccessful, revise the plan and than 3.4 defects per million opportunities in any
repeat the process or cease this project. process, product, or service.
 Conceptually, the term is much broader,
BASIC STEPS IN PROBLEM SOLVING referring to a program designed to reduce the
occurrence of defects to achieve lower costs
and improved customer satisfaction.
 Management and Technical Components of Six-
> The management component
-providing strong leadership, defining
performance metrics, selecting projects likely to
achieve business results, and selecting and
training appropriate people.
> The technical component
-improving process performance, reducing
Process improvement - a systematic approach to variation, utilizing statistical methods, and
improving a process. It involves documentation, designing a structured improvement strategy,
measurement, and analysis for the purpose of which involves definition, measurement,
improving the functioning of a process. analysis, improvement, and control.
 Buy-in at the Top (essential for 6-sigma to
succeed) - Top management must formulate
and communicate the company’s overall
objectives and lead the program for a successful
 Other Key Players in Six-Sigma
- Program Champions - identify and rank
potential projects, help select and evaluate
candidates, manage program resources, and
serve as advocates for the program.
- Master black belts - have extensive training in - provides a format that enables users to
statistics and use of quality tools. They are record and organize data in a way that
teachers and mentors of black belts. facilitates collection and analysis
- Black belts - project team leaders responsible 3. HISTOGRAMS -can be useful in getting a
for implementing process improvement sense of the distribution of observed
projects (4 weeks training); plays pivotal role values.
- Green belts - members of project teams. - A chart of an empirical frequency
1. Reduction of variation is an important goal. (Vilfredo Pareto) -Technique for classifying
problem areas according to degree of
2. The methodology is data driven; it requires valid importance, and focusing on the most
measurements. important.
3. Outputs are determined by inputs; focus on - A diagram that arranges categories from
modifying and/or controlling inputs to improve outputs. highest to lowest frequency of occurrence
- The concept is that is that a relatively few
4. Only a critical few inputs have a significant impact on factors generally account for a large
outputs (the Pareto effect); concentrate on those. percentage of the total cases.
5. Scatter diagram - A graph that shows the
degree and direction of relationship
DMAIC (define-measure-analyze-improve-control) is a between two variables. (knowing if there’s
formalized problem-solving process of six sigma. correlation between variables)
6. Control chart - A statistical chart of time-
1. Define: Set the context and objectives for
ordered values of a sample statistic.
7. Cause-and-effect diagram - A diagram used
2. Measure: Determine the baseline performance and to search for the cause(s) of a problem; also
capability of the process. called fishbone diagram.
- Ishikawa diagram, after the Japanese
3. Analyze: Use data and tools to understand the cause-
professor who developed the approach to
and-effect relationships of the process.
aid workers overwhelmed by the number of
4. Improve: Develop the modifications that lead to a possible sources of problems when problem
validated improvement in the process. solving
8. Run chart - Tool for tracking results over a
5. Control: Establish plans and procedures to ensure period of time.
that improvements are sustained. - can aid in identifying trends or other
patterns that may be occurring
B. Methods for Generating Ideas
QUALITY TOOLS 1. Brainstorming - Technique for generating a
A. Graphical Tools free flow of ideas in a group of people.
1. FLOWCHARTS - is a visual representation of - a group of people share thoughts and ideas
a process (A diagram of the steps in a on problems in a relaxed atmosphere that
process.) encourages unrestrained collective thinking.
- help investigators in identifying possible - GOAL is to generate a free flow of ideas on
points in a process where problems occur identifying problems, and finding causes,
DIAMOND – decision points solutions, and ways to implement solution
RECTANGLES – procedures (no one dominates)
ARROW – flow of process 2. Quality Circles - Groups of workers who
2. CHECKSHEETS - A simple tool frequently meet to discuss ways of improving products
used for problem identification or processes.
-The circles comprise a number of workers • Different business organizations are in different
who get together periodically to discuss stages of this evolutionary process: Some rely
ways of improving products and processes. heavily on inspection.
- less structured and more informal (Have
 Many occupy a middle ground that involves
little authority)
some inspection and a great deal of process
3. Benchmarking - the process of measuring
an organization’s performance on a key
customer requirement against the best in PHASES OF QUALITY ASSURANCE
the industry, or against the best in any
- The benchmarking process usually involves
these steps:
1. Identify a critical process that needs
improvement (e.g., order entry,
distribution, service after sale).
2. Identify an organization that excels in the
process, preferably the best. Inspection - is an appraisal activity that compares goods
3. Contact the benchmark organization, visit or services to a standard. Inspection is a vital but often
it, and study the benchmark activity. unappreciated aspect of quality control. Inspection
4. Analyze the data. cannot be completely eliminated.
5. Improve the critical process at your own
Points where Inspection can occur:
 Before Production – (logic) make sure that
inputs are acceptable
 there is a positive link between quality and  During Production - make sure that the
productivity conversion of inputs into outputs is proceeding
 it is essential that a majority of those in an in an acceptable manner
organization buy in to the idea  After Production - make a final verification of
 Top-down approach: Top management needs conformance before passing goods on to
to be visibly involved and needs to be customers
supportive, both financially and emotionally.
*Inspection before and after production often
involves acceptance sampling procedures;
CHAPTER 10: QUALITY CONTROL monitoring during the production process is
referred to as process control.
Quality control is a process that measures output
relative to a standard and takes corrective action when Basic Issue of Inspection:
output does not meet standards.
1. How much to inspect and how often.
Statistical Process Control – Quality control efforts that 2. At what points in the process inspection should
occur during production occur.
3. Whether to inspect in a centralized or on-site
Acceptance Sampling – Quality assurance that occurs location.
primarily on inspection of lots (batches) of previously 4. Whether to inspect attributes (i.e., count the
produced items number of times something occurs) or variables
• The best companies emphasize designing (i.e., measure the value of a characteristic).
quality into the process, thereby greatly HOW MUCH TO INSPECT AND HOW OFTEN
reducing the need for inspection or control
efforts.  can range from no inspection whatsoever to
inspection of each item numerous times
 Low-cost, high-volume items such as paper 5. Before a covering process. Painting, plating, and
clips, roofing nails, and wooden pencils often assemblies often mask defects.
require little inspection because:
* Inspection can be used as part of an effort to improve
(1) the cost associated with passing defective
process yield.
items is quite low and
(2) the processes that produce these items are * One measure of process yield is the ratio of output of
usually highly reliable, so defects are rare. good product to the total output
 high-cost, low-volume items that have large
Centralized versus On-Site Inspection
costs associated with passing defective
products often require more intensive  The central issue in the decision concerning on-
inspections. site or lab inspections is whether the
advantages of specialized lab tests are worth
*In high-volume systems, automated inspection is one
the time and interruption needed to obtain the
option that may be employed
*The majority of quality control applications lie  Reasons favoring on-site inspection include
somewhere between the two extremes quicker decisions and avoidance of introduction
of extraneous factors (e.g., damage or other
*As a rule, operations with a high proportion of human
alteration of samples during transportation to
involvement necessitate more inspection effort than
the lab).
mechanical operations, which tend to be more reliable.
 On the other hand, specialized equipment and a
WHERE TO INSPECT IN THE PROCESS more favorable test environment (less noise
and confusion, lack of vibrations, absence of
1. Raw materials and purchased parts. There is little
dust, and no workers “helping” with
sense in paying for goods that do not meet quality
inspections) offer strong arguments for using a
standards and in expending time and effort on material
that is bad to begin with. Supplier certification
programs can reduce or eliminate the need for STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL
Quality control is concerned with the quality of
2. Finished products. Customer satisfaction and the conformance of a process:
firm’s image are at stake here, and repairing or
replacing products in the field is usually much more  Does the output of a process conform to the
costly than doing it at the factory. Likewise, the seller is intent of design?
usually responsible for shipping costs on returns, and  Variations in characteristics of process output
payments for goods or service may be held up pending provide the rationale for process control
delivery of satisfactory goods or remedial service. Well- Quality of conformance - A product or service
designed processes, products and services, quality at conforms to specifications
the source, and process monitoring can reduce or
eliminate the need for inspection. Statistical process control (SPC) - Statistical
evaluation of the output of a process.
3. Before a costly operation. The point is to not waste
costly labor or machine time on items that are already - used to evaluate process output to decide if
defective. a process is “in control” or if corrective
action is needed.
4. Before an irreversible process. In many cases, items
can be reworked up to a certain point; beyond that Process Variability - All processes generate output that
point they cannot. For example, pottery can be exhibits some degree of variability. The issue is whether
reworked prior to firing. After that, defective pottery the output variations are within an acceptable range.
must be discarded or sold as seconds at a lower price. The issue is addressed by answering two basic questions
about the process variations:
1. Are the variations random? If nonrandom variations Take Note:
are present, the process is considered to be unstable.
 both distributions have the same mean;
Corrective action will need to be taken to improve the
process by eliminating the causes of nonrandomness to  the variability of the sampling distribution is less
achieve a stable process. than the variability of the process; and
 the sampling distribution is normal.
2. Given a stable process, is the inherent variability of
process output within a range that conforms to In the case of Sample Means:
performance criteria? This involves assessment of a Central limit theorem - The distribution of sample
process’s capability to meet standards. If a process is averages tends to be normal regardless of the shape of
not capable, this situation will need to be addressed. the process distribution.
Kinds of Variability in Process

Random variation (Chance) - Natural variation in the

output of a process, created by countless minor factors.

• In Deming’s terms, this is referred to as

common variability.

Assignable variation (Nonrandom) - In process output, a

variation whose cause can be identified. A nonrandom

 In Deming’s terms, this is referred to as special



statistical process control - periodic samples of process

output are taken and sample statistics, such as sample  The larger the sample size, the narrower the
means or the number of occurrences of a certain type sampling distribution.
of outcome, are determined  This means that the likelihood that a sample
statistic is close to the true value in the
sampling distribution - a theoretical distribution that population is higher for large samples than for
describes the random variability of sample statistics small samples.
- A sampling distribution serves as the theoretical basis
for distinguishing between random and nonrandom
values of a sampling statistic.

*most frequently used distribution is the normal


 Illustrates the possible limits and the probability

that a sample statistic would fall within those
limits if only random variations are present.
 limits are selected within which most values of
a sample statistic should fall if its variations are
 The limits are stated in terms of number of
standard deviations from the distribution mean.
Typical limits are (+/-) 2 standard deviations or -sample stat falling between UCL and LCL
(+/-) 3 standard deviations. suggests (but does not approve) randomness
-It is important to recognize that because any
THE CONTROL PROCESS (Effective Control Req)
limits will leave some area in the tails of the
• Define in sufficient detail what is to be distribution, there is a small probability that a
controlled value will fall outside the limits even though
only random variations are present.
• Measure Only those characteristics that can be
 A necessary (but not sufficient) condition for a
counted or measured are candidates for control process to be deemed “in control,” or stable, is
• Compare standard of comparison that can be for all the data points to fall between the upper
used to evaluate the measurements to know and lower control limits. (Out of Control)
level of quality being sought  The essence of statistical process control is to
assure that the output of a process is random so
• Evaluate Management must establish a that future output will be random.
definition of out of control. The main task of
quality control is to distinguish random from Errors:
nonrandom variability, because nonrandom
1. Type I Error - The percentage (or probability)
variability means that a process is out of
where the “error” is concluding that
nonrandomness is present when only
• Correct When a process is judged to be out of randomness is present.
control, corrective action must be taken. This -It is also referred to as an alpha risk, where
involves uncovering the cause of nonrandom alpha is the sum of the probabilities in the two
variability and correcting it. tails. (producer’s risk)
-Using wider limits reduces the probability of a
 Monitor results the output of a process must be Type I error because it decreases the area in the
monitored for a sufficient period of time to tails. (wider limits make it more difficult to
verify that the problem has been eliminated. detect nonrandom variations)
Control Charts: The Voice of the Process 2. Type II error - Concluding a process is in control
when it is not. (consumer’s risk)
Control chart - A time-ordered plot of sample statistics,
used to distinguish between random and nonrandom COMMONLY USED CONTROL CHARTS
variability. (Walter Shewhart) A. Variables - Generate data that are measured.
Basis: Sampling Distribution (describes random 1. Mean Control Chart (x-bar) - Control chart
variability) used to monitor the central tendency of a
process. (based on normal distrib)
Minor Difficulty of Usage: The theoretical distribution 2. Range control chart - Control chart used to
extends in either direction to infinity. Therefore, any monitor process dispersion.
value is theoretically possible, even one that is a 3. Using Mean and Range Charts - mean charts
considerable distance from the mean of the distrib. are sensitive to shifts in the process mean,
Solution: Set limits based on the sampling distrib, and whereas range charts are sensitive to
conclude that any value that was farther away than changes in process dispersion. Because of
these limits was a nonrandom variation. this difference in perspective, both types of
charts might be used to monitor the same
 Control Limits – upper and lower limits that process.
define the range of acceptable (i.e., random) -the use of both provides a more complete
variation for the sample statistics. information than either chart alone
-The dividing lines between random and
nonrandom deviations from the mean of the
Procedures used to determine initial control limits: MANAGERIAL CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING
1. Obtain 20 to 25 samples. Compute the appropriate
sample statistic(s) for each sample (e.g., mean). 1. At what points in the process to use control charts.
2. Establish preliminary control limits using the
The decision about where to use control charts should
focus on those aspects of the process that
3. Determine if any points fall outside the control limits. (1) have a tendency to go out of control
(2) are critical to the successful operation of the product
4. Plot the data on the control chart and check for or service (i.e., variables that affect product or service
patterns. characteristics).
5. If no out-of-control signals are found, assume that 2. What size samples to take. Sample size is important
the process is in control. If any outof-control signals are for 2 reasons:
found, investigate and correct causes of variation. Then (1) cost and time are functions of sample size (directly
resume the process and collect another set of related)
observations upon which control limits can be based. (2) smaller samples are more likely to reveal a change in
the process than larger samples because a change is
B. Attributes - Generate data that are counted. more likely to take place within the large sample, but
1. P- CHART - is one used for the between small samples
fraction/proportion of defective items in a 3. What type of control chart to use (i.e., variables or
sample. (binomial distrib but normal distrib for attribute).
large sample sizes) -In some instances, a manager can choose between
2. C-CHART - is one for the number of defects per using a control chart for variables (a mean chart) and a
unit. control chart for attributes (a p-chart). He must weigh
-control the number of occurrences per unit the time and cost of sampling against the information
- Use of the Poisson distribution assumes that provided and needed.
defects occur over some continuous region and 4. How often should samples be taken.
that the probability of more than one defect at -You need to determine the number of times you need
any particular point is negligible. to do a sampling test in order to get the information
you need.
-can be a function of the stability of a process and the
cost to sample.


Run test - A test for patterns in a sequence.

 The presence of patterns, such as trends, cycles,

or bias in the output indicates that assignable,
or nonrandom, causes of variation exist even if
*Note that if an observation falls below the lower all points are within the control limits.
control limit on a p - chart or a c - chart, the cause Run - Sequence of observations with a certain
should be investigated, just as it would be for a mean or characteristic.
range chart, even though such a point would imply that
the process is exhibiting better than expected quality. It  Two useful run tests involve examination of the
may turn out to be the result of an undesirable overuse number of runs up and down (U/D) and runs
of resources. On the other hand, it may lead to a above and below the median (A/B).
discovery that can improve the quality of the process. - The first value does not receive either a U or a
D because nothing precedes it.
- use the mean instead of the median if it is
capability) - The inherent variability of process output
(ideally both control charts and run tests should be used
relative to the variation allowed by the design
to analyze process output, along with a plot of the data)
1. Compute control limits for the process output.
Three commonly used terms refer to the variability of
a. Determine which type of control chart is appropriate process output:

b. Compute control limits using the appropriate 1. Specifications (tolerances) - A range of

formulas. If no probability is given, use a value of acceptable values established by engineering
z = 2.00 to compute the control limits. design or customer requirements.
2. Control limits - are statistical limits that reflect
c. If any sample statistics fall outside of the control the extent to which sample statistics such as
limits, the process is not in control. If all values are means and ranges can vary due to randomness
within the control limits, proceed to Step 2. alone.
2. Conduct median and up/down run tests. 3. Process variability - reflects the natural or
 Use z +- 2.00 for comparing the test scores. If inherent (i.e., random) variability in a process. It
either or both test scores are not within z +- is measured in terms of the process standard
2.00, the output is probably not random. If both deviation.
test scores are within z = 2.00, proceed to Step * Control limits and process variability are directly
3. related
3. Plot the sample data and visually check for *There is no direct link between specifications and
patterns. either control limits or process variability
Note: If you are at this point, there is no CAPABILITY ANALYSIS
indication so far that the process output is
nonrandom. Plot the sample data and visually - Performed on a process that is in control for
check for patterns (e.g., cycling). If you see a the purpose of determining if the range of
pattern, the output is probably not random. variation is within (process is capable)
Otherwise, conclude the output is random and design specifications that would make the
that the process is in control. output acceptable for its intended use.



Managers should have response plans in place to

investigate the cause.
* we cannot automatically assume that a process that is in
1. It may be a false alarm (i.e., a Type I error) - control will provide desired output. Instead, we must
resume the process but monitor it for a while to specifically check whether a process is capable of meeting
confirm this specifications and not simply set up a control chart to monitor
2. It may be a real indication of the presence of an it. A process should be both in control and within
assignable cause of variation. specifications before production begins—in essence, “Set the
- needs to be addressed. toaster correctly at the start. Don’t burn the toast and then
scrape it!”
- If it is a good result (e.g., an observation
below the lower control limit of a p-chart, a In instances such as case C (tighter spec than what the
c-chart, or a range chart would indicate process is capable of) a manager might consider a range
unusually good quality), it may be possible of possible solutions:
to change the process to achieve similar (1) redesign the process so that it can achieve
results on an ongoing basis. the desired output,
(2) use an alternative process that can achieve LIMITATIONS OF CAPABILITY INDEXES
the desired output,
(3) retain the current process but attempt to 1. The process may not be stable, in which case a
eliminate unacceptable output u-sing 100 capability index is meaningless.
percent inspection, and
2. The process output may not be normally distributed,
(4) examine the specifications to see whether
in which case inferences about the fraction of output
they are necessary or could be relaxed
without adversely affecting customer that isn’t acceptable will be incorrect.
satisfaction. 3. The process is not centered but the Cp index is used,
giving a misleading result.
capability index - Used to assess the ability of a process
to meet specifications OPERATIONS STRATEGY

- For a process to be deemed to be capable, it must  Quality is a major consideration for virtually all
have a capability index of at least 1.00. However, an customers
index of 1.00 would mean that the process is just barely  Quality assurance, and product and service
capable. The current trend is to aim for an index of at design are two vital links in the process.
least 1.33. An index of 1.33 allows some leeway  Processes that exhibit evidence of
nonrandomness (or not capable), should be
Cpk - a measure to compute capability when a process is
viewed as opportunities for continuous process
not centered
- computed by finding the difference between each of
the specification limits and the mean, identifying the
smaller difference, and dividing that difference by three
standard deviations of the process
- requires changing the process target value and/or  The process of developing, analyzing, and
reducing the process variability that is inherent in a maintaining a preliminary, approx. schedule of
process. the overall operations of an organization
 An operational creativity critical to the
- Improved process capability means less need for
organization as it looks to balance long-term
inspection, lower warranty costs, fewer complaints
strategic planning with ST prod’n success
about service, and higher productivity. For process
 Intermediate-range capacity planning, usually 2-
control purposes, it means narrower control limits.
12 mos
 An attempt to balance capacity and demand in
such a way that costs are minimized.
 Also called Sales and operations planning -
Intermediate-range decisions to balance supply
and demand, integrating financial and
operations planning.
TAGUCHI LOSS FUNCTION (Gnocchi Taguchi) Demand
As long as output is within specifications, there is no  Quantity and Timing of expected demand
cost;  Minor Vs. Major Variations
Higher deviation from target value represents: Capacity
- Poor quality  Alter Capacity to meet demand?
- Greater cost  Alter Demand to meet capacity?
Supply Rough Cut Capacity Planning: testing the feasibility of a
proposed master schedule relative to available
 Prod’n budget
capacities, to assure that no obvious capacity
 Master Schedule constraints exist
 Supply Partners

 The needed length of time for implementation

 Allowance for flexibility
 Connection to the budgeting process
 Synchronization of the supply chain flow


 Intermediate Period: 2-18 mos

 Terms of Capacity: Expressed in various terms
 Focus on Groups: Not focused on a single
 Choice of Plan: Consider feasibility and cost
 Flexibility of the Plan: Rolling planning horizon


 Info about available production capacities and

 Solid demand forecast A. INPUTS
 Production cost
 Organizational Policy


▪ Aggregate Planning

-Intermediate-range capacity planning, usually covering

2 to 18 months.

▪ Master schedule:

- heart of production planning and control.

- determines the quantities needed to meet demand B. OUTPUTS

from all sources

* The master production schedule is one of the primary

outputs of the master scheduling process

Available-to-promise (ATP) Inventory – resulting

uncommitted inventory.
Once a tentative master schedule has been developed, - enable marketing to make realistic promises to
it must be validated. Validation is referred to as rough- customers about deliveries of new orders
cut capacity planning (RCCP).
MASTER PRODUCTION SCHEDULING Product structure tree - A visual depiction of the
* use customer orders (committed) when it is higher requirements in a bill of materials, where all
than forecasted sales components are listed by levels.
* Items at the lowest levels of a tree often are
* When the projected on-hand inventory becomes
raw materials or purchased parts, while items at
negative, this is a signal that production will be needed
higher levels are typically assemblies or
to replenish inventory. Hence, a negative projected on-
subassemblies. Product-structure trees for
hand inventory will require planned production (MPS).
items at the lowest levels are the concerns of



Dependent demand - Demand for items that are

subassemblies or component parts to be used in the
production of finished goods.

Material Requirements Planning (MRP)

- A methodology that translates master schedule

requirements for end items into time-phased
requirements for subassemblies, components,
and raw materials.
- The MRP is designed to answer three questions: Low-Level Coding - Restructuring the bill of
What is Needed? How much is needed? When materials so that multiple occurrences of a
is it needed? component all coincide with the lowest level at
MRP INPUTS, PROCESSING AND OUTPUTS which the component occurs
 Master Schedule (Master Production Schedule)
- tells how much finished product is desired and
when (States which end items are to be
produced, when they are needed, and in what
- quantities in a master schedule come from a
number of different sources, including
customer orders, forecasts, and orders from
warehouses to build up seasonal inventories.
- It is important, though, that the master
schedule cover the stacked or cumulative lead
time necessary to produce the end items.
1. Primary Inputs: 3 MAJOR SOURCES OF Stacked or cumulative lead time - The sum of
INFORMATION the lead times that sequential phases of a
 Bill of Materials - which tells the composition of process require, from ordering of parts or raw
a finished product (a listing of all the raw materials to completion of final assembly
materials, parts, subassemblies, and assemblies  Inventory Records File - tells how much
needed to produce one unit of a product.) inventory is on hand or on order (Includes
- The listing in the bill of materials is information on the status of each item by time
hierarchical; it shows the quantity of each item period, called time buckets.)
needed to complete one unit of its parent item. - supplier, lead time, and lot size policy.
- Changes due to stock receipts and to late deliveries, quality problems, or other
withdrawals, canceled orders, and similar problems.
events also are recorded in this file.
 The planner processes this information to 2 Basic Systems used to Update
determine the net requirements for each period Regenerative system
of the planning horizon Approach that updates MRP records
 MRP processing takes the end item periodically.
requirements specified by the master schedule Net-change system
and “explodes” them into time-phased Approach that updates MRP records
requirements for assemblies, parts, and raw continuously.
materials using the bill of materials offset by
lead times. 3. Outputs: planned-order schedules, order
 ASSEMBLY TIME CHART releases, changes, performance-control reports,
Gross requirements planning reports, and exception reports.
Total expected demand for an item or raw  Primary Reports (Main Reports)
material in a time period. (1) Planned Orders – Schedule indicating the
Scheduled receipts amount and timing of future orders.
Open orders scheduled to arrive from vendors (2) Order releases – Authorization for the
or elsewhere in the pipeline. execution of planned orders.
Projected on hand (3) Changes – Revisions of due dates or order
Expected amount of inventory that will be on quantities, or cancellations of orders.
hand at the beginning of each time period
Planned-order receipts  Secondary Reports (Optional Reports)
Quantity expected to be received by the (1) Performance-control Reports – Evaluation of
beginning of the period in which it is shown system operation, including deviations from
Planned-order releases plans and cost information.
Planned amount to order in each time period; (2) Planning Reports – Data useful for assessing
planned-order receipts offset by lead time future material requirements.
Gross Requirements (3) Exception Reports – Data on any major
The quantities that are generated by exploding discrepancies encountered.
the bill of materials; they do not take into
account any inventory that is currently on hand
or due to be received. SAFETY STOCK
Net Materials Requirements
The materials that a firm must actually acquire ● Theoretically, MRP systems should not require
safety stock
to meet the demand generated by the master
● Variability may necessitate the strategic use of
- The determination of the net requirements safety stock
(netting) is the core of MRP processing. ○ A bottleneck process or one with
varying scrap rates may cause shortages
- accomplished by subtracting from gross
in downstream operations
requirements the sum of inventory on hand and
any scheduled receipts. (negative results=zero) ○ Shortages may occur if orders are late
Pegging or fabrication or assembly times are
The process of identifying the parent items that longer than expected
○ When lead times are variable, the
have generated a given set of material
requirements for an item. concept of safety time is often used
- Pegging enables managers to determine which ● safety time – scheduling orders for arrival or
product(s) will be affected if orders are late due completions sufficiently ahead of their need so
that the probability or shortage is eliminated or Backflushing - Exploding an end item’s BOM to
significantly reduced determine the quantities of the components that were
used to make the item.
B. Requirements
● Determining a lot size to order or to produce.
1. A computer and the necessary software
● For independent-demand items, managers programs to handle computations and maintain
often use economic order sizes and economic records.
production quantities. 2. Accurate and up-to-date
a. Master schedules
● For dependent-demand systems, however, a b. Bills of materials
much wider variety of plans is used to c. Inventory records
determine lot sizes, mainly because no single 3. Integrity of file data
plan has a clear advantage over the others.
 Lot Sizing Models
(1) lot-for-lot ordering - minimizes investment Manufacturing Resources Planning - Expanded
in inventory approach to production resource planning, involving
(2) Economic Order Quantity Models - can lead other areas of a firm in the planning process and
to minimum costs if usage is fairly uniform enabling capacity requirements planning.
(3) Fixed-Period Ordering – ordering on a fixed-
Closed-Loop MRP
period basis
a software system used for production planning and
(4) Other Models
inventory control with a feedback feature that enables
MRP IN SERVICE dynamic adjustments during the processes.

 MRP has applications in services as well as in

manufacturing. These applications may involve II. ERP
material goods that form a part of the product–
service package, or they may involve mainly Enterprise Resource Planning
service components.
(1) Integration of financial, manufacturing, and
 product–service package, remember that there
human resources in a single database.
is no such thing as pure product or pure service
(2) ERP is a generic term for a suite of software
BENEFITS AND REQUIREMENTS OF MRP programs that provide a business with a
system of integrated applications that can
A. Benefits help smoothly manage and automate the
Enables managers to easily determine the quantities of routine functions and operations of that
every component for a given order size, to know when business.
to release orders for each component, and to be alerted ERP MODULES – individually purchased depending on
when items need attention. how you want to customize the function of your ERP
1. Low levels of in-process inventories, due to an exact software
matching of supply to demand. • Financial Management
2. The ability to keep track of material requirements. • Supply Chain Management
• Inventory Management
3. The ability to evaluate capacity requirements • CRM
generated by a given master schedule. • Human Resource
4. A means of allocating production time.
5. The ability to easily determine inventory usage by
backflushing. (1) Automation
(2) Track Business Resources - Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2.6 years
(3) Manage Information Flow and Improved
- SAP and Oracle range from 2.9-3.2 years.
(4) Better Analytics WAYS OF ORGANIZING ERP
(5) Customer Relationship Management
1. Big Bang - companies cast off all their legacy systems
HOW LONG WILL ERP PROJECT TAKE? at once and implement a single ERP system across
the entire company
(1) For ERP to be properly implemented, the
ways people do business will change, as -dominated early ERP implementations, but no longer
well as the ways employees do their jobs. commonly used
(2) Real transformational ERP efforts usually
run between one to three years, on 2. Franchising Strategy - Independent ERP systems are
average. installed in each unit, while linking common processes
(3) Don’t focus on how long. Understand why across the enterprise.
there is a need and how to utilize it to - suits large or diverse companies that do not share
improve the business. many common processes across business units
WHAT ERP FIXES IN A BUSINESS? (why companies 3. Slam-dunk - focus is on just a few key processes, such
undertake ERP) as those contained in an ERP system’s financials
(1) To integrate financial data module
(2) To standardize manufacturing process - for smaller companies expecting to grow into ERP
(3) To standardize HR Information
E-commerce for ERP means IT departments need to
If ERP Softwares do not support the business processes: build two new channels of access into ERP systems –
 Change the business process to accommodate one for customers (known as business-to-consumer),
software and one for suppliers and partners (business-to-
 Modify software to fit process (slows down
project and introduce dangerous bugs) ERP IN SERVICES

COST OF ERP • In a service environment, the major functions

can differ from one service organization to
Total Cost of Ownership includes: another.
(1) Hardware • professional services, postal services, retail,
(2) Software banking, health care, higher education,
(3) Professional Services engineering and construction services, logistics
(4) Internal Staff Costs services, and real estate management
The average TCO was $15 million (the highest was KNOWN ERP SYSTEMS
$300 million and lowest was $400,000)
1. SAP - largest European software enterprise and
PAYBACK PERIOD the 4th largest in the globe, with headquarters
in Walldorf, Germany It is best known for its
• A Meta Group study of 63 companies found
SAP ERP software.
that it took 8 months after the new system was
in (31 months in total or 2.58 yrs) to see any 2. Baan - Baan ERP software is designed for
benefits. manufacturing industries working on complex
products with complex supply chains that work
• Panorama Consulting Group (approx. 2.7 yrs)
on different methodologies.
3. Oracle Corporation - specializes in creating and WHICH SHOULD I USE?
marketing enterprise software products which
1. What business process am I seeking to
are, in most cases, database management
systems. (E-Business Suite Financials and
2. What software programs am I currently using?
3. How much is my software budget?
4. Microsoft - Offers Microsoft NAV and AX 2009 4. What type of IT resources are available at my
5. How much growth is projected?
1. Believing the journey is complete at “go live.”
2. Not planning for—and minimizing—the interim
performance dip after start up. 1. Cloud-Based Deployment
3. Failing to balance the needs and power of Benefit:
integration with seeking quick business hits. • More cost-effective for your business initially
4. Starting too late to address all things data • Companies can upload and access data in real-
(architecture, standards, management, time via the cloud, from any device with an
cleansing, and so on). Internet connection, allowing for greater
5. Failing to staff the team with “A” players from collaboration among departments.
business and technical sides of the organization, Limit: Requires readily available internet
including program management. access
6. Starting without an effective and dedicated 2. Demand-Driven MRP (DDMRP)
senior governance council, including a single Benefit: uses actual data and reduces reliance on
executive sponsor. forecasting tools
7. Selecting a strong systems integrator and then
not heeding its advice.
Ma’am’s PPT
8. Trying to create a solution incompatible with
the company’s culture. Inventory Records - Stored information on the
9. Treating this as a technical project vs. a change status of each item by time period or time bucket
that balances people, process, and technology;
not using the power of the new, integrated Top MRP Brands:
information. 1. Megaventory
10. Embarking on the journey without a solid, 2. SAP Business ByDesign
approved business case, including mechanisms 3. Deltek Costpoint
to update the business case continuously and to 4. ERPAG
ensure the savings are baked into operational 5. Cetec ERP


1. High initial cost
2. Hight maintenance cost
3. Need for future upgrades
4. Intensive Training Requirement

* The real-time aspect of ERP makes it valuable as

a strategic planning tool. Because ERP tracks the
flow of information and materials through a
company, it offers opportunities for collecting
information on waste and environmental costs and,
hence, opportunities for process improvement.

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