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ADO.NET will depend only on two components.

1. Data Provider :
Providing the connections
Executing the sql commands within database
Fetching sql command results and forwarding to client applications.
Fill that fetched data to local database.

Supports 4 objects
1. Connection object : open, maintain and close connection

Sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection();

2. Command object : dml operations in central database.

Sqlcommand cmd = new Sqlcommand()

3. Datareader object : we can bind sql command result data and bind to the client application.
Only used in connection oriented.
Sqldatareader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

4. Dataadapter object :
Fetch the data from central db and forward to the client, local db
Sqldataadapter da = new Sqldataadapter();

2. Data Set :
Import using;

Data set is nothing but local database

Used in disconnected architecture

Dataset ds = new dataset();

Required to implement connection oriented :

Fetch the data from database and displayed to user.

Data Provider :

Connection object

Command object
Dataadapter object

Steps :

1. Importing data provider


2. Defining connection string

String cs = “server = ; database = ; uid = ; pwd = ”;

3. Creating connection onject

Sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection();

4. Defining command object

Sqlcommand cmd = new Sqlcommand(“select * from emp”, con);

5. Defining dataadapter
Sqldatareader dr = cmd.executereader();

6. Binding the data datareader object to client application

7. Con.close()

Required to implement connection oriented :

Fetch the data from database and DML operations.

Data Provider :

Connection object

Command object

Dataadapter object

Data Set

Steps :

1. Importing data provider


2. Defining connection string

String cs = “server = ; database = ; uid = ; pwd = ”;
3. Creating connection object
Sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection();

4. Defining command object

Sqlcommand cmd = new Sqlcommand(“select * from emp”, con);

5. Defining dataadapter
Sqldataadapter da = new Sqldataadapter();

6. Getting local database

Dataset ds = new dataset();

7. Filling the fetched data from central database to local database.


8. Con.close()

9. We can do dml operations to local database.

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