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1- a) How has D. H. Lawrence achieved stylistic effects in his essay “Whistling of Birds”.

b) “If bad manners are infections so are good manners.” Elaborate with reference to the essay.
“On Saying Please” by Alpha of the Plough. 10
a) Critically examine E. M. Forster’s views on tolerance. 10
b) What kind of character is drawn by Stephen Leacock in his easy, “My Tailor”? 10

2- a) Draw a verbal portrait of the boy, “Manolin” in the novel “The Old Man and the Sea” by Hemingway. 10
b) “A man can be destroyed, but not defeated.” How does Santiago come upto these remarks? 10
a) What is Di Maggio’s significance in the novel, “The Old Man and the Sea” by Hemingway. 10
b) Draw a verbal character sketch of Santiago as noble, heroic and idealistic. 10

3- Make an Outline and then write an Essay (300 – 400 words) on ONE of the following topics: 5,20
i) Terrorism ii) Status of Women in Pakistan
iii) How to get rid of Corruption? iv) Environmental Pollution
v) How I spent my Eid Day?
4- Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given at the end:
A person who is aware of his duties and rights in his society is a good citizen. He knows that he is a
member of a group with which he is associated by a thousand and one ties. He realizes that he should live in
harmony with other members of society.
Man cannot live without a society. He cannot live alone. He must live with his fellow human beings. But
living in a society means cooperation with other members of that society. When you live in a society, you have
to live as others live. You have to accept the conditions and traditions that a society prescribes for its members.
These conditions and standards of behaviour are for the common good and welfare of the society and
individuals. Society gives you some rights and some duties.
A good citizen does his best to do his duty to the society. He always keeps in view the interests of his
society and state. He lives a clean and honest life. He keeps away from such activities that may harm the
interests of his fellow citizens.
A good citizen is aware of the fact that he is indebted to his society in many ways. He knows that the
labour and work of countless persons have enriched his life. His life, to a very great extent, depends on others.
He has received much in material and spiritual benefits from others. It is only just and right that he should pay
his debts.
How does a good citizen pay his debts to the society? By living a useful and fruitful life. He lives not for
himself alone. He lives for others. He pays his taxes. He takes keen interest in the affairs of his state. He does
not live in isolation. He is not selfish. He is tolerant kind and virtuous.
i) Who is a good citizen? 2
ii) Why is a society formed? 2
iii) What are the duties of a good citizen? 4
iv) Suggest a suitable title for the passage. 2
v) Make a précis of the passage. 15

5- Correct any TEN of the following sentences: - 10

i) My hairs are white. ii) I am tired from this work.
iii) One of my servant is a thief. iv) Be kind to the poors.
v) He is a coward man. vi) The man is a social animal.
vii) More we get, more we want. viii) Salma was married with Najam.
ix) Action and not words are what we want. x) Why did you absent from the class yesterday?
xi) I do not know where was he at that time. xii) I gave to him my book.
xiii) He was charged for murder.
***B.A/B.Sc-II (13/A) – v ***

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