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[ Create Maintenance Plan ]


[ 07.07.2017 ]
Program Name :Create Maintenance Plan
TCode :IP41
Filename :Document1


Version Date Description Prepare By Approve By

1.0 17 Dec 2015 Initial Draft Suria Arsono

1.1 05 Jan 2015 Updated version
1.2 07 Jul 2017 Updated version

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Program Name :Create Maintenance Plan
TCode :IP41
Filename :Document1


1.1 Purpose 4
1.2 Prerequisites 4
1.3 Trigger 4
1.4 Menu Path 4
1.5 Transaction Code 4
1.6 Legend 4


2.1 Transaction 5
2.1.1 Create Maintenance Plan 5


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Program Name :Create Maintenance Plan
TCode :IP41
Filename :Document1

1. General Information
1.1 Purpose

Use this procedure to create maintenance plan.

1.2 Prerequisites

Task list has been created.

Functional location and or equipment has been created.

1.3 Trigger

There is a need to Create Maintenance plan data based on the request form that is
submitted by the requester.

1.4 Menu Path

SAP menu → Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Preventive Maintenance →

Maintenance Planning→ Maintenance Plans → Create → IP41– Single Cycle Plan

1.5 Transaction Code


1.6 Legend
Icons Function
To execute key in transaction code.
To save any records.
To back to the previous screen.
To exit the current screen.
To cancel all the action in the program.
To print the screen.
To Find.
To find next.
To first page.
To previous page.
To next page.
To last page.

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Program Name :Create Maintenance Plan
TCode :IP41
Filename :Document1

2. Using the Program

2.1 Transaction

2.1.1 Create Maintenance Plan

1. Run IP41 Transaction Code, press “Enter” or press , System will direct to
Create Maintenance Plan: Initial Screen.

2. Fill Maint. Plan Cat. Field WITH suitable type and then press “Enter".

Field Name Description/Function Condition/Control R*

Maintenance Plan Maintenance Plan number. Leave blank. System will generate
(Blank) running number after save.
Maint. Plan Cat. Maintenance plan category. W1 = Preventive Order
W2 = Condition Monitoring R
W3 = Calibration

3. System will direct to Create Maintenance Plan: Single Cycle plan screen, enter
the necessary fields as follow:
a. Header Data

Field Name Description/Function Condition/Control R*

Maintenance Plan Maintenance Plan Description Naming convention as follow: R

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Program Name :Create Maintenance Plan
TCode :IP41
Filename :Document1

Description (1Y PM of W= Week

Compressor) M= Month
Y = Year

CM: Condiiton monitoring

PM: Preventive maintenance
CAL: Calibration
Cycle Unit Frequency and unit of the cycle MON=Month
(1/YR) YR=Year

Field Name Description/Function Condition/Control R*

Call horizon How much time in advance maintenance 90 means 90% from 1Year = 328,5
(90)% order should be generated in term of days the maintenance order will
percentage before its due based on the be generated from the start of
cycle. cycle date.
Scheduling period Length of time for which the system Number format and DAY UoM.
(5/YR) creates maintenance calls during In most cases 365 Day. R
maintenance plan scheduling.
Start of cycle Last maintenance date. Date format
Scheduling indicator Selection of which form of time-based Always time
maintenance is involved.

Field Name Description/Function Condition/Control R*

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Program Name :Create Maintenance Plan
TCode :IP41
Filename :Document1

Sort field Its very important parameter that will be PREVENTIVE_MTN for preventive
(ID01_PREVENTIVE_MTN used as selection criteria to run maintenance.
) preventive maintenance (deadline COND_MONITORING for R
monitoring) in background. condition monitoring.
CALIBRATION for Calibration.

b. Item Data
- Item
We can enter maintenance ietm data on this part such as planner group,
technical object to be maintained and the task list group.

Field Name Description/Function Condition/Control R*

Maintenance Item: Desc. Maintenance Item description Same with maintenance plan
(1Y PM of Tank) description
Functional Location Functional location where maintenance Funtional location master data
(IDCA.CA05.PRD.FRC01.D plan will be assigned.
Equipment Equipment number where maintenance Equipment number
(100000000000001727) plan will be assigned.
Planning plant A plant in which maintenance tasks are Planning plant
(CA72) planned and prepared.
Order Type Order type will be created when running WM02 = Preventive maintenance
(WM02) maintenance plan either preventive or WM03 = Condition monitoring R
condition monitoring.
Main Work Center Maintenance team who execute the Work Center list
(E.ME0001/CA05) maintenance tasks & plant associated R
with the work center.
Priority Reason of the preventive or condition WM02:
(1 PM) monitoring. 1 = PM
3 = Safety

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Program Name :Create Maintenance Plan
TCode :IP41
Filename :Document1

4 = Legal
5 = Environmental
1=Condition monitoring
Maint. Planner Group A group of employees responsible for Maintenance planner group list.
(ME1) planning and processing maintenance R
tasks in a plant.
MaintActicityType When this preventive or condition W01 = Plant shutdown
(W04) monitoring will be done. W02 = Area shutdown
W03 = Equipment shutdown
W04 = In operation
Type (A) Task List type Always A R
Task List Group Task list group number Selection list
Group Counter (2) Task list group counter number Number format R

- Object List Item

If its a condition monitoring, we can enter the tag to be check on this part
whether its functional location or equipment. In case of condition
monitoring, the functional loccation to be used is level 5 in order to
minimize the amount of Maintenance Order document for condition
monitoring/inspection activity.

Field Name Description/Function Condition/Control R*

Equipment Equipment number list we want to check List of equipment number

4. Click on save button.

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Program Name :Create Maintenance Plan
TCode :IP41
Filename :Document1

3. Error / Warning Message

Error message has a standar warning message in SAP.

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