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TIANEMIETHMIO OEZZAAIAE THHHa Mnxavondywv Mnxavixioy SIOMIETIA & EYNTHPHEH TEXNOAOTIKON ZYETHMATON 1" oeipé aoxijoewy ‘Mp6BAnua 1 A household appliance is advertised as having more than a 10-yr life. If the following is its ee determine its reliability for the next 10 yr if it has survived a.1-yr warranty period: f@ = 010 +005) 6 20 ‘What is its MTTF before the warranty period, and what is its MTTF after the warranty period assuming it has still survived? D6BAnue. 2 Find f(#) and R(#) when the hazard rate function is exponential. That is, A(t) where a is a constant and a > 0. This is one form of an extreme value distribution a te ‘been used to model wearout due to corrosion. It is also known as Gumbel's listribution. No6BAnua 3 ‘Show for the exponential distribution th th at the residual mean life i length of time the system has been operating. i eee NoéBAnua 4 ‘The time to failure in operating hours of a critical solid-state power unit ‘has the follow- ing hazard rate function: A(f) = 0,003(7/500)" fort = 0. (a) What is the reliability if the power unit must operate. continuously for 50 hr? (b) Determine the design life if a reliability of 0.90 is desired. (©) Compute the MTTE. (@). Given that the unit has operated for Or, what is the probability that it will survive a second 50 hr of operation? (©) The power unit is also subject to chance failures at a rate of 0.002 failure per oper- ating hour because of the external environment. What is the power unit’ reliability for the first 50 hr of operation considering both failure modes? NooBAnua 5 ‘The wearout of a machine part is normally distributed with 90 percent of the failures occurring between 200 and 270 hr of use (1e., 5 percent below 200 hr and 5 percent above 270 hr). (a) Find the MTTF and the standard deviation of failure times. (b) What is the reliability if the partis to be used for 210 hr and then replaced? (c) Determine the design life if no more than a 1 percent probability of failure prior to be replacement is to tolerated. (@) Compute the reliability for a 10-hr use if the part has been operating for 200 hr (e., find the conditional reliability) ModBAnua 6 ‘The Notso Reliable Company must decide between two AC motors for use in a new houschold appliance. Motor A has a CFR of 0.000011 failure per operating hour. Motor B has a hazard rate function given by 2 x 10°". (@) Specify completely the failure distribution of motor B. (b) Compare the MTTF of the two motors. On the basis of this comparison, which is preferred? (©) The company has a I-yr warranty on its appliances. If the motor is operated two- thirds of the time, which motor would the company prefer in order to reduce its warranty costs? Assume the same replacement cost for both motors. (a) If the customer expects to operate this appliance over a 10-yr period, which motor ‘would he or she prefer in order to reduce his or her replacement cost? Support your answer. Remember that the appliance is under a warranty the first yea. MpéBAnua 7 “Arrotor used in an AC motor manufactured by the Toole N. Di Company has a time to failure that is lognormal with an MTTE found to be 3600 operating hours and a shape parameter s equal to 2. {@) Current preventive maintenance practices require the rotor to be replaced every 100 operating hours. Determine the probability that a rotor will survive the 100 hr. (b) If at the end of 100 operating hours, the maintenance department neglects to re- place the rotor, what is the probability that it will survive until the next scheduled replacement (assume that it has not failed at 100 hr)? (© If the rotor is still operating after 200 hr, should it be replaced? (@) From the above analysis, what can you say about the hazard rate and the preventive ‘maintenance replacement policy? NodBAnua 8 ‘The failure distribution of your new $500 VCR is Weibull with B = 2 and 9 = 15,6419 yr. Assume that the unit cannot be repaired but must be replaced on failure, (a) Find the MTT, (b) A 12-month warranty is available, Compute the probability of a failure occurring during the first year. (©) You got by yout first year without a failure. You can now extend your warranty for another 12 months, What is the probability of failure the second year given that ‘your VCR did not fail the first year? (a) The first-year warranty cost $25 and the second year follow-on warranty costs $40. Compute the expected value of having the first- and second-year warranty and ‘compare with the warranty costs tc determine whether the warranties should be purchased. (©) Suppose the second-year warranty can only be purchased if the first-year warranty has been purchased. On the basis ofthe probability ofa failure occurring over the first two years and the total cost ofthe two warranties, decide whether both should be purchased.

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