KILN5 Follower 23-07-2019 DWL PDF

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7/23/2019 5:01:53 PM Parameters and Signals (DCS800/172) Page: 1

Name Value Unit Min Max

99 Start-up Data
01 Language English 0 14
02 M1NomVolt 460 V 5 708
03 M1NomCur 348 A 0 30000
04 M1BaseSpeed 600 rpm 10 6500
06 ServiceMode NormalMode 0 17
07 ApplRestore Done 0 1
08 ApplMacro NotUsed 0 18
09 DeviceNumber 0 0 65535
10 NomMainsVolt 415 V 0 525
11 M1NomFldCur 12.5 A 0.3 25
12 M1UsedFexType OnBoard 0 22
15 Pot1 0 -32768 32767
16 Pot2 0 -32768 32767
17 SqrWavPeriod 10 s 0.01 655
18 SqrWavIndex 0 0 9999
19 TestSignal SquareWave 0 3

1 Phys Act Values

01 MotSpeedFilt 579 rpm -32767 32767
02 SpeedActEMF 586 rpm -32767 32767
03 SpeedActEnc 0 rpm -32767 32767
04 MotSpeed 587 rpm -32767 32767
05 SpeedActTach 3 rpm -32767 32767
06 MotCur 29.19 % -327.67 327.67
07 MotTorqFilt 31.5 % -327.67 327.67
08 MotTorq 35.02 % -327.67 327.67
09 CurRipple 21.87 % 0 655.35
10 CurRippleFilt 29.76 % 0 655.35
11 MainsVoltActRel 100.24 % 0 655.35
12 MainsVoltAct 414 V 0 65535
13 ArmVoltActRel 98.41 % -327.67 327.67
14 ArmVoltAct 449 V -32767 32767
15 ConvCurActRel 11.93 % -327.67 327.67
16 ConvCurAct 123 A -32767 32767
17 EMF VoltActRel 95.5 % -327.67 327.67
20 Mot1TempCalc 11.4 % 0 327.67
21 Mot2TempCalc 0 % 0 327.67
22 Mot1TempMeas 0 °C -32767 32767
23 Mot2TempMeas 0 °C -32767 32767
24 BridgeTemp 29 °C -32767 32767
25 CtrlMode SpeedCtrl 0 4
29 Mot1FldCurRel 100.04 % -327.67 327.67
30 Mot1FldCur 12.4 A -3276.7 3276.7
31 Mot2FldCurRel 0 % -327.67 327.67
32 Mot2FldCur 0 A -3276.7 3276.7
33 ArmCurActSl 0 A -32767 32767

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35 ArmCurAll 0 A -32767 32767

37 DC VoltSerAll 0 V -32767 32767
38 MainsFreqAct 49.8 Hz 0 655.35
39 AhCounter 3.54 kAh -327.67 327.67
41 ProcSpeed 565 m/min -32767 32767
42 SpeedActEnc2 0 rpm -32767 32767

2 SPC Signals
01 SpeedRef2 580 rpm -32767 32767
02 SpeedRef3 580 rpm -32767 32767
03 SpeedErrNeg 1 rpm -32767 32767
04 TorqPropRef -0.72 % -327.67 327.67
05 TorqIntegRef 2.25 % -327.67 327.67
06 TorqDerRef 0 % -327.67 327.67
07 TorqAccCompRef 0 % -327.67 327.67
08 TorqRef1 25.45 % -327.67 327.67
09 TorqRef2 -3.49 % -327.67 327.67
10 TorqRef3 20.93 % -327.67 327.67
11 TorqRef4 19.41 % -327.67 327.67
13 TorqRefUsed 17.91 % -327.67 327.67
14 TorqCorr 0 % -327.67 327.67
16 dv_dt 0 rpm/s -32767 32767
17 SpeedRefUsed 580 rpm -32767 32767
18 SpeedRef4 565 rpm -32767 32767
19 TorqMaxAll 150 % -327.67 327.67
20 TorqMinAll -150 % -327.67 327.67
22 TorqUsedMax 150 % -327.67 327.67
23 TorqUsedMin -150 % -327.67 327.67
24 TorqRefExt 34.73 % -327.67 327.67
26 TorqLimAct 0 0 10
29 SpeedScaleAct 1000 rpm 0 65535
30 SpeedRefExt1 580 rpm -32767 32767
31 SpeedRefExt2 580 rpm -32767 32767
32 SpeedRampOut 580 rpm -32767 32767

3 Ref/Act Values
01 DataLogStat 27499 0 4
03 SquareWave 0 -32768 32767
05 PosCount2Low 0 0 65535
06 PosCount2High 0 -32768 32767
07 PosCountLow 0 0 65535
08 PosCountHigh 0 -32768 32767
09 PID Out 0 % -327.67 327.67
11 CurRef 55.7 % -327.67 327.67
12 CurRefUsed 55.35 % -327.67 327.67
13 ArmAlpha 37 ° 0 65535
15 ReactCur 16.29 % -327.67 327.67
17 ArmAlphaSl 150 ° 0 65535
20 PLL In 20074 0 65535
22 CurCtrlIntegOut 2.35 % -327.67 327.67

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23 CurActPeak 58.6 % -327.67 327.67

24 FluxRefFldWeak 100 % 0 655.35
25 VoltRef1 100 % -327.67 327.67
26 VoltRef2 100 % -327.67 327.67
27 FluxRefEMF 0 % -327.67 327.67
28 FluxRefSum 100 % 0 655.35
30 FldCurRefM1 100 % -327.67 327.67
31 FldCurRefM2 0 % -327.67 327.67

4 Information
01 FirmwareVer 3.7 -327.67 327.67
02 FirmwareType 80 0 65535
03 ApplicName NoMemCard 0 0
04 ConvNomVolt 525 V 0 65535
05 ConvNomCur 820 A 0 65535
06 Mot1FexType OnBoard 0 22
07 Mot2FexType NotUsed 0 22
08 Mot1FexSwVer 0 -327.67 327.67
09 Mot2FexSwVer 0 -327.67 327.67
11 Com8SwVer 0 0 655.35
12 ApplicVer Undefined 0 0
13 DriveLibVer 2.00 0 0
14 ConvType D4 0 8
15 QuadrantType RelBridge2 0 2
16 ConvOvrCur 1886 A 0 65535
17 MaxBridgeTemp 86 °C 0 65535
18 DCS Link Stat1 0 0 65535
19 DCS Link Stat2 0 0 65535
20 Ext IO Stat C01 0 65535
21 CPU Load 56.6 % 0 6553.5
22 ApplLoad 43.7 % 0 6553.5
23 MotTorqNom 2440 Nm 0 65535
24 ProgressSignal 0 0 65535
25 TachoTerminal None 0 4
26 Iact Scaling 1413 A 0 65535

5 Analog In/Out
01 AITacho Val 0.017 V -33 33
03 AI1 Val 0.788 V -33 33
04 AI2 Val 7.886 V -33 33
05 AI3 Val 10.999 V -33 33
06 AI4 Val 0.458 V -33 33
07 AI5 Val -10.176 V -33 33
08 AI6 Val -10.176 V -33 33
11 AO1 Val 0 V -33 33
12 AO2 Val 0 V -33 33

6 Drive Log Signals

01 SystemTime 381 min 0 65535
03 CurCtrlStat1 CA1 0 65535

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04 CurCtrlStat2 0 0 65535
05 SelBridge Bridge1 0 2
09 CtrlStatMas 0 0 65535
10 CtrlStatSla 0 0 65535
12 Mot1FexStatus OK 0 7
13 Mot2FexStatus NotUsed 0 7

7 Control Words
01 MainCtrlWord 47F 0 65535
02 AuxCtrlWord 0 0 65535
03 AuxCtrlWord2 0 0 65535
04 UsedMCW 47F 0 65535
05 DO CtrlWord 0 0 65535
06 RFE CtrlWord 2 0 65535

8 Stat/Limit Words
01 MainStatWord 237 0 65535
02 AuxStatWord 1440 0 65535
03 LimWord 0 0 65535
05 DI StatWord 7 0 65535
06 DO StatWord 8D 0 65535
08 DriveStat Running 0 9
09 MotSel Motor1 0 1
10 MacroSel Factory 0 16
11 RFE StatWord 0 0 65535

9 Fault/Alarm Words
01 FaultWord1 0 0 65535
02 FaultWord2 0 0 65535
03 FaultWord3 0 0 65535
04 FaultWord4 0 0 65535
05 UserFaultWord 0 0 65535
06 AlarmWord1 0 0 65535
07 AlarmWord2 0 0 65535
08 AlarmWord3 0 0 65535
09 UserAlarmWord 0 0 65535
10 SysFaultWord 6B6B 0 65535
11 Diagnosis 0 0 65535
12 LastFault 0 0 65535
13 2ndLastFault 0 0 65535
14 3rdLastFault 0 0 65535
17 M1FexAlarmWord 0 0 65535
18 M1FexFaultWord 0 0 65535
19 M2FexAlarmWord 0 0 65535
20 M2FexFaultWord 0 0 65535

10 Start Stop Select

01 CommandSel MainCtrlWord 0 4
02 Direction NotUsed 0 20
03 Reset DI8 0 20

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04 SyncCommand NotUsed 0 10
05 SyncCommand2 NotUsed 0 10
06 MotFanAck NotUsed 0 11
07 HandAuto NotUsed 0 20
08 Off2 NotUsed 0 20
09 E Stop NotUsed 0 20
10 ParChange NotUsed 0 20
13 OvrVoltProt NotUsed 0 11
15 OnOff1 DI4 0 21
16 StartStop DI4 0 21
17 Jog1 NotUsed 0 28
18 Jog2 NotUsed 0 20
20 ConvFanAck DI1 0 11
21 MainContAck DI2 0 11
22 DynBrakeAck NotUsed 0 11
23 DC BreakAck NotUsed 0 11
25 DI1Invert Direct 0 1
26 DI2Invert Direct 0 1
27 DI3Invert Direct 0 1
28 DI4Invert Direct 0 1
29 DI5Invert Direct 0 1
30 DI6Invert Direct 0 1
31 DI7Invert Direct 0 1
32 DI8Invert Direct 0 1
33 DI9Invert Direct 0 1
34 DI10Invert Direct 0 1
35 DI11Invert Direct 0 1

11 Speed Ref Input

02 Ref1Mux Close 0 21
03 Ref1Sel SpeedRef2301 0 18
06 Ref2Sel SpeedRef2301 0 17
12 Ref2Mux Open 0 22
13 MotPotUp NotUsed 0 20
14 MotPotDown NotUsed 0 20
15 MotPotMin NotUsed 0 20

12 Constant Speed
02 ConstSpeed1 0 rpm -10000 10000
03 ConstSpeed2 0 rpm -10000 10000
04 ConstSpeed3 0 rpm -10000 10000
05 ConstSpeed4 0 rpm -10000 10000

13 Analog Inputs
01 AI1HighVal 10000 mV -10000 10000
02 AI1LowVal -10000 mV -10000 10000
03 ConvModeAI1 +/-10V Bi 0 4
04 FiltAI1 0 ms 0 10000
05 AI2HighVal 10000 mV -10000 10000
06 AI2LowVal -10000 mV -10000 10000

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07 ConvModeAI2 +/-10V Bi 0 4
08 FiltAI2 0 ms 0 10000
09 AI3HighVal 10000 mV -10000 10000
10 AI3LowVal -10000 mV -10000 10000
11 ConvModeAI3 +/-10V Bi 0 4
12 FiltAI3 0 ms 0 10000
13 AI4HighVal 10000 mV -10000 10000
14 AI4LowVal -10000 mV -10000 10000
15 ConvModeAI4 +/-10V Bi 0 4
16 FiltAI4 0 ms 0 10000
17 TachoHighVal 10000 mV -10000 10000
18 TachoLowVal -10000 mV -10000 10000
19 ConvModeTacho +/-10V Bi 0 4
21 AI5HighVal 10000 mV -10000 10000
22 AI5LowVal -10000 mV -10000 10000
23 ConvModeAI5 +/-10V Bi 0 4
25 AI6HighVal 10000 mV -10000 10000
26 AI6LowVal -10000 mV -10000 10000
27 ConvModeAI6 +/-10V Bi 0 4

14 Digital Outputs
01 DO1Index 603 -9999 9999
02 DO1BitNo 0 0 15
03 DO2Index 0 -9999 9999
04 DO2BitNo 0 0 15
05 DO3Index 801 -9999 9999
06 DO3BitNo 1 0 15
07 DO4Index 801 -9999 9999
08 DO4BitNo 2 0 15
09 DO5Index 801 -9999 9999
10 DO5BitNo 3 0 15
11 DO6Index 0 -9999 9999
12 DO6BitNo 0 0 15
13 DO7Index 0 -9999 9999
14 DO7BitNo 0 0 15
15 DO8Index 603 -9999 9999
16 DO8BitNo 7 0 15

15 Analog Outputs
01 IndexAO1 0 -9999 9999
02 CtrlWordAO1 0 -32767 32767
03 ConvModeAO1 +/-10V Bi 0 5
04 FiltAO1 0 ms 0 10000
05 ScaleAO1 10000 mV 0 10000
06 IndexAO2 0 -9999 9999
07 CtrlWordAO2 0 -32767 32767
08 ConvModeAO2 +/-10V Bi 0 5
09 FiltAO2 0 ms 0 10000
10 ScaleAO2 10000 mV 0 10000
11 IndexAO3 101 -9999 9999

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12 CtrlWordAO3 0 -32767 32767

13 ConvModeAO3 4mA-20mA Uni 0 4
14 FiltAO3 0 ms 0 10000
15 ScaleAO3 20 mA 0 20
16 IndexAO4 106 -9999 9999
17 CtrlWordAO4 0 -32767 32767
18 ConvModeAO4 4mA-20mA Uni 0 4
19 FiltAO4 0 ms 0 10000
20 ScaleAO4 20 mA 0 20

16 SysControl Inputs
02 ParLock Open 0 1
03 SysPassCode 0 0 30000
04 LocLock False 0 1
05 MacroChangeMode User1/2 0 1
06 ParApplSave Done 0 6
09 USI Sel Extended 0 1
11 SetSystemTime 0 min 0 65535
14 ToolLinkConfig 38400 0 6

19 Data Storage
01 Data1 2214 -32768 32767
02 Data2 0 -32768 32767
03 Data3 0 -32768 32767
04 Data4 0 -32768 32767
05 Data5 0 -32768 32767
06 Data6 0 -32768 32767
07 Data7 0 -32768 32767
08 Data8 0 -32768 32767
09 Data9 0 -32768 32767
10 Data10 0 -32768 32767
11 Data11 0 -32768 32767
12 Data12 0 -32768 32767

20 Limits
01 M1SpeedMin 0 rpm -10000 10000
02 M1SpeedMax 1000 rpm -10000 10000
03 M1ZeroSpeedLim 75 rpm 0 1000
05 TorqMax 150 % 0 325
06 TorqMin -150 % -325 0
07 TorqMaxSPC 325 % 0 325
08 TorqMinSPC -325 % -325 0
09 TorqMaxTref 325 % 0 325
10 TorqMinTref -325 % -325 0
12 M1CurLimBrdg1 150 % 0 325
13 M1CurLimBrdg2 -150 % -325 0
14 ArmAlphaMax 150 ° 0 165
15 ArmAlphaMin 15 ° 0 165
18 TorqUsedMaxSel TorqMax2005 0 6
19 TorqUsedMinSel TorqMin2006 0 7

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22 TorqGenMax 325 % 0 325

21 Start/Stop
02 Off1Mode RampStop 0 3
03 StopMode RampStop 0 3
04 E StopMode CoastStop 0 3
05 E StopDecMin 18000 rpm/s 0 18000
06 E StopDecMax 18000 rpm/s 0 18000
07 DecMonDly 20 s 0 100
10 FlyStart FlyingStart 0 2
13 3WireJogOffDly 5 s 0 20
14 FanDly 0 s 0 300
16 MainContCtrlMode On 0 3
18 FldHeatSel NotUsed 0 6

22 Speed Ramp Par

01 AccTime1 30 s 0 300
02 DecTime1 30 s 0 300
03 RampTimeScale 1 0.1 100
04 E StopRamp 20 s 0 3000
05 ShapeTime 0 s 0 30
07 VarSlopeRate 0 ms 0 30000
08 BalRampRef 0 rpm -10000 10000
09 AccTime2 20 s 0 300
10 DecTime2 20 s 0 300
11 Ramp2Sel Acc/Dec1 0 22
12 JogAccTime 20 s 0 300
13 JogDecTime 20 s 0 300

23 Speed Reference
01 SpeedRef 580 rpm -10000 10000
02 FixedSpeed1 0 rpm -10000 10000
03 FixedSpeed2 0 rpm -10000 10000
04 SpeedCorr -15 rpm -10000 10000
05 SpeedShare 100 % -400 400
06 SpeedErrFilt 0 ms 0 10000
07 WinIntegOn On 0 1
08 WinWidthPos 30 rpm -10000 10000
09 WinWidthNeg -30 rpm -10000 10000
10 SpeedStep 0 rpm -10000 10000
11 SpeedErrFilt2 0 ms 0 10000
12 WinCtrlMode SpeedErrWin 0 1
13 AuxSpeedRef 0 rpm -10000 10000
15 DirectSpeedRef 0 rpm -10000 10000
16 SpeedRefScale 1 -100 100

24 Speed Control
02 DroopRate 0 % 0 100
03 KpS 9 0 325
04 KpSMin 0 0 325

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05 KpSWeakp 0 % 0 325
06 KpSWeakpFiltTime 100 ms 0 10000
09 TiS 150 ms 0 64000
10 TiSInitVal 0 % -325 325
11 BalRef 0 % -325 325
12 DerivTime 0 ms 0 10000
13 DerivFiltTime 8 ms 0 10000
14 AccCompDerTime 0 s 0 1000
15 AccCompFiltTime 8 ms 0 10000
17 KpSTiSMinSpeed 0 rpm 0 10000
18 KpSTiSMaxSpeed 0 rpm 0 10000
19 KpSValMinSpeed 100 % 0 500
20 TiSValMinSpeed 100 % 0 500
21 ZeroFreqRFE 45 Hz 0 150
22 ZeroDampRFE 0 -1 1
23 PoleFreqRFE 40 Hz 0 150
24 PoleDampRFE 0.25 0 1
25 SpeedErrorScale 100 % 10 400
27 KpS2 5 0 325
28 TiS2 2500 ms 0 64000
29 Par2Select ParSet1 0 23

25 Torq Reference
01 TorqRefA 28.94 % -325 325
02 TorqRefA FTC 0 ms 0 10000
03 LoadShare 100 % -400 400
04 TorqRefB 0 % -325 325
05 TorqRampUp 0 s 0 120
06 TorqRampDown 0 s 0 120
10 TorqRefA Sel TorqRefA2501 0 6

26 Torq Ref Handling

01 TorqSel Add 0 6
02 LoadComp 0 % -325 325
03 TorqSelMod Auto 0 1
04 TorqMuxMode TorqSel2601 0 4
05 TorqMux NotUsed 0 20
08 GearStartTorq 325 % 0 325
09 GearTorqTime 100 ms 0 10000
10 GearTorqRamp 100 ms 0 64000
13 TorqScale 1 0.1 6
15 TorqCorrect NotUsed 0 6

30 Fault Functions
01 StallTime 0 s 0 200
02 StallSpeed 5 rpm 0 1000
03 StallTorq 75 % 0 325
05 ResCurDetectSel NotUsed 0 12
06 ResCurDetectLim 4 A 0 20
07 ResCurDetectDel 10 ms 0 64000

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08 ArmOvrVoltLev 120 % 20 500

09 ArmOvrCurLev 220 % 20 500
10 ArmCurRiseMax 325 %/ms 0 325
12 M1FldMinTrip 50 % 0 100
13 M1FldOvrCurLev 125 % 0 135
14 SpeedFbMonLev 15 rpm 0 10000
15 EMF FbMonLev 50 V 0 2000
16 M1OvrSpeed 1100 rpm 0 10000
17 SpeedFbFltSel EMF/Alarm 0 4
18 CurRippleSel Fault 0 2
19 CurRippleLim 150 % 0 650
21 PwrLossTrip Immediate 0 1
22 UNetMin1 80 % 0 150
23 UNetMin2 60 % 0 150
24 PowrDownTime 500 ms 0 64000
27 LocalLossCtrl RampStop 0 5
28 ComLossCtrl RampStop 0 5
29 AI Mon4mA Fault 0 3
30 FaultStopMode RampStop 0 3
31 ExtFaultSel NotUsed 0 20
32 ExtAlarmSel NotUsed 0 20
33 ExtFaultOnSel Fault 0 1
34 ExtAlarmOnSel Alarm 0 1
35 FB TimeOut 100 ms 0 64000
36 SpeedFbFltMode CoastStop 0 1

31 Mot1 Temperature
01 M1ModelTime 240 s 0 6400
02 M1ModelTime2 2400 s 0 6400
03 M1AlarmLimLoad 102 % 10 325
04 M1FaultLimLoad 106 % 10 325
05 M1TempSel NotUsed 0 15
06 M1AlarmLimTemp 0 °C -10 4000
07 M1FaultLimTemp 0 °C -10 4000
08 M1KlixonSel NotUsed 0 11

34 Panel Display
01 DispParam1Sel 101 0 9999
08 DispParam2Sel 116 0 9999
15 DispParam3Sel 130 0 9999

40 PID Control
01 KpPID 5 0 325
02 TiPID 2500 ms 0 64000
03 TdPID 0 ms 0 10000
04 TdFiltPID 10 ms 0 10000
06 PID Act1 0 -9999 9999
07 PID Act2 0 -9999 9999
08 PID Ref1Min -100 % -325 0
09 PID Ref1Max 100 % 0 325

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10 PID Ref2Min -100 % -325 0

11 PID Ref2Max 100 % 0 325
12 PID Mux PID1 0 21
13 PID Ref1 0 -9999 9999
14 PID Ref2 0 -9999 9999
16 PID OutMin -100 % -325 0
17 PID OutMax 100 % 0 325
18 PID OutDest 0 -9999 9999
19 PID ResetIndex 0 -9999 9999
20 PID ResetBitNo 0 0 15
21 PID Reserved 0 -32767 32767

42 Brake Control
01 M1BrakeCtrl NotUsed 0 3
02 M1BrakeAckSel NotUsed 0 20
03 M1BrakeRefDly 0.1 s 0 60
04 M1ZeroSpeedDly 0 s 0 60
05 M1BrakeFltTime 1 s 0 60
06 BrakeFaultFunc Alarm 0 2
07 M1StrtTorqRefSel NotUsed 0 8
08 StrtTorqRef 100 % -325 325
09 BrakeEStopMode Disable 0 1
10 M1TorqProvTime 0 s 0 100
11 M1BrakeLiftDly 0 s 0 60
12 M1BrakeLongTime 4 s 0 60
13 M1BrakeStopDly 1 s 0 60

43 Current Control
01 OperModeSel ArmConv 0 7
02 CurSel CurRef311 0 12
03 CurRefExt 0 % -325 325
04 CurRefSlope 10 %/ms 0.2 40
05 CtrlModeSel Standard 0 4
06 M1KpArmCur 0.02 0 100
07 M1TiArmCur 50 ms 0 10000
08 M1DiscontCurLim 86.78 % 0 325
09 M1ArmL 1.2 mH 0 640
10 M1ArmR 57 mOhm 0 65500
11 PropFbSel PeakCur 0 1
12 Uk 0 % 0 15
13 FiringLimMode FixSingle 0 3
14 RevDly 5 ms 0 600
16 RevMode Hard 0 1
17 MaxCurLimSpeed 1500 rpm 0 10000
18 ArmCurLimSpeed1 325 % 0 325
19 ArmCurLimSpeed2 325 % 0 325
20 ArmCurLimSpeed3 325 % 0 325
21 ArmCurLimSpeed4 325 % 0 325
22 ArmCurLimSpeed5 325 % 0 325
23 PwrConfig B6C 0 4

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24 PwrSpplyRefExt 0 % -150 150

44 Field Excitation
01 FldCtrlMode EMF 0 7
02 M1KpFex 10.82 0 325
03 M1TiFex 66 ms 0 64000
04 M1FldHeatRef 100 % 0 100
07 EMF CtrlPosLim 10 % 0 100
08 EMF CtrlNegLim -100 % -100 0
09 KpEMF 0.5 0 325
10 TiEMF 50 ms 0 64000
12 FldCurFlux40 34.39 % 0 100
13 FldCurFlux70 61.37 % 0 100
14 FldCurFlux90 83.89 % 0 100
15 FldWeakDyn 100 % 80 100
17 FldBoostSel NotUsed 0 21
18 FldBoostFact 100 % 100 160
19 FldBoostTime 0 s 0 600
21 RevVoltMargin 6 % 0 20
22 VoltRefExt 0 % -325 325
23 EMF RefSel Internal 0 7
25 VoltCorr 0 % -325 325
26 VoltRefSlope 30 %/ms 0.01 100
27 FluxCorr 0 % -100 100
28 MG ConfigWord 0 0 65535

45 FieldConvSettings
01 M1FreewhlLev 20 %/ms 0 100
02 M1PosLimCtrl 55 % 0 100
05 M1FldRefMode Internal 0 2
06 M1FldRefExt 100 % 0 100
07 ForceFldDir NotUsed 0 3
08 FluxRevMonDly 0 ms 0 20000
09 FldRevHyst 2 % 0 100
10 FldRefHyst 2 % 0 100
11 FldRefGain 50 % 0 100
13 M2FldRefMode Internal 0 2
14 M2FldRefExt 100 % 0 100
15 M2FreewhlLev 20 %/ms 0 100
16 M2PosLimCtrl 100 % 0 100
17 FldCurTrim 0 % -20 20
18 FldMinTripDly 2000 ms 50 10000
20 S M1FldScale 0 A 0 60
21 S M2FldScale 0 A 0 60
22 M1OperModeFex4 3-phase 0 1
23 M2OperModeFex4 3-phase 0 1
24 MultiFexCount 0 0 32
25 MultiFexOff1 0 0 65535
26 MultiFexOff2 0 0 65535

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47 12Pulse Operation
01 12P Mode Normal 0 4
02 DiffCurLim 10 % 1 50
03 DiffCurDly 500 ms 10 64000
05 12P RevTimeOut 100 ms 0 1000

49 Shared Motion
01 M2NomVolt 350 V 5 708
02 M2NomCur 0 A 0 30000
03 M2BaseSpeed 1500 rpm 10 6500
04 M2ZeroSpeedLim 75 rpm 0 1000
05 M2NomFldCur 0.3 A 0.3 655
06 M2FldHeatRef 100 % 0 100
07 M2UsedFexType NotUsed 0 22
08 M2FldMinTrip 50 % 0 100
09 M2FldOvrCurLev 125 % 0 135
10 M2KpFex 0.2 0 325
11 M2TiFex 200 ms 0 64000
12 M2CurLimBrdg1 100 % 0 325
13 M2CurLimBrdg2 -100 % -325 0
14 M2KpArmCur 0.1 0 100
15 M2TiArmCur 50 ms 0 10000
16 M2DiscontCurLim 100 % 0 325
17 M2ArmL 0 mH 0 640
18 M2ArmR 0 mOhm 0 65500
19 M2SpeedMin -1500 rpm -10000 10000
20 M2SpeedMax 1500 rpm -10000 10000
21 M2OvrSpeed 1800 rpm 0 10000
22 M2SpeedScale 0 rpm 0 6500
23 M2EncMeasMode A+-/B+- 0 3
24 M2SpeedFbSel EMF 0 5
25 M2EncPulseNo 1024 ppr 20 10000
26 M2TachoAdjust 0 rpm -10000 10000
27 M2TachoVolt1000 0 V -1 270
28 M2BrakeCtrl NotUsed 0 3
29 M2BrakeAckSel NotUsed 0 20
30 M2BrakeRefDly 0.1 s 0 60
31 M2ZeroSpeedDly 0 s 0 60
32 M2ModelTime 240 s 0 6400
33 M2AlarmLimLoad 102 % 10 325
34 M2FaultLimLoad 106 % 10 325
35 M2TempSel NotUsed 0 15
36 M2AlarmLimTemp 0 °C -10 4000
37 M2FaultLimTemp 0 °C -10 4000
38 M2KlixonSel NotUsed 0 11
39 M2BrakeFltTime 1 s 0 60
40 M2TorqProvTime 0 s 0 100
41 M2BrakeLiftDly 0 s 0 60
42 M2BrakeLongTime 4 s 0 60
43 M2BrakeStopDly 1 s 0 60

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44 M2StrtTorqRefSel NotUsed 0 8

50 Speed Measurement
01 M1SpeedScale 1000 rpm 0 6500
02 M1EncMeasMode A+-/B+- 0 3
03 M1SpeedFbSel EMF 0 5
04 M1EncPulseNo 1024 ppr 20 10000
05 MaxEncoderTime 3 ms 3 500
06 SpeedFiltTime 5 ms 0 10000
07 PosCountMode Scaled 0 2
08 PosCountInitLo 0 0 65535
09 PosCountInitHi 0 -32768 32767
10 SpeedLev 1500 rpm 0 10000
11 DynBrakeDly 0 s -1 3000
12 M1TachoAdjust 0 rpm -10000 10000
13 M1TachoVolt1000 0 V -1 270
15 PosSyncMode Single 0 1
17 WinderScale 1 -100 100
18 Enc2MeasMode A+-/B+- 0 3
19 Enc2PulseNo 1024 ppr 20 10000
21 PosCount2InitLo 0 0 65535
22 PosCount2InitHi 0 -32768 32767

51 Fieldbus
01 ModuleType 0 0
02 Fieldbus2 0 0 32767
03 Fieldbus3 0 0 32767
04 Fieldbus4 0 0 32767
05 Fieldbus5 0 0 32767
06 Fieldbus6 0 0 32767
07 Fieldbus7 0 0 32767
08 Fieldbus8 0 0 32767
09 Fieldbus9 0 0 32767
10 Fieldbus10 0 0 32767
11 Fieldbus11 0 0 32767
12 Fieldbus12 0 0 32767
13 Fieldbus13 0 0 32767
14 Fieldbus14 0 0 32767
15 Fieldbus15 0 0 32767
16 Fieldbus16 0 0 32767
17 Fieldbus17 0 0 32767
18 Fieldbus18 0 0 32767
19 Fieldbus19 0 0 32767
20 Fieldbus20 0 0 32767
21 Fieldbus21 0 0 32767
22 Fieldbus22 0 0 32767
23 Fieldbus23 0 0 32767
24 Fieldbus24 0 0 32767
25 Fieldbus25 0 0 32767
26 Fieldbus26 0 0 32767

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27 Fieldbus27 DONE 0 1
28 Fieldbus28 0 0 32767
29 Fieldbus29 0 0 32767
30 Fieldbus30 0 0 32767
31 Fieldbus31 OFF-LINE 0 1
32 Fieldbus32 0 0 32767
33 Fieldbus33 0 0 32767

52 Modbus
01 StationNumber 1 1 247
02 Baud Rate 9600 1 6
03 Parity Even 1 4

70 DDCS Control
01 Ch0 NodeAddr 1 0 254
02 Ch0 LinkControl 10 1 15
03 Ch0 BaudRate 4 Mbit/s 0 3
04 Ch0 TimeOut 100 ms 0 64000
05 Ch0 ComLossCtrl RampStop 0 5
06 Ch0 HW Config Ring 0 1
07 Ch1 LinkControl 10 1 15
08 Ch2 NodeAddr 1 1 125
09 Ch2 MaFoMode NotUsed 1 3
10 Ch2 MasSig1 701 0 9999
11 Ch2 MasSig2 2301 0 9999
12 Ch2 MasSig3 210 0 9999
13 Ch2 LinkControl 10 1 15
14 Ch2 TimeOut 100 ms 0 64000
15 Ch2 ComLossCtrl RampStop 0 5
18 Ch2 FolSig1 701 0 9999
19 Ch2 FolSig2 2301 0 9999
20 Ch2 FolSig3 2501 0 9999
21 Ch3 HW Config Ring 0 1
22 Ch3 NodeAddr 2 1 254
23 Ch3 LinkControl 15 1 15
24 Ch0 DsetBaseAddr 10 1 41

71 DriveBus
01 Ch0 DriveBus No 0 3

83 Adap Prog Control

01 AdapProgCmd Start 0 4
02 EditCmd Done 0 4
03 EditBlock 0 0 17
04 TimeLevSel 5ms 0 4
05 PassCode 0 0 65535
06 BreakPoint 0 0 16

84 Adaptive Program
01 AdapPrgStat 1 0 65535

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02 FaultedPar 0 0 65535
03 LocationCounter 16 0 65535
04 Block1Type Compare 0 37
05 Block1In1 1901 -32768 32767
06 Block1In2 106 -32768 32767
07 Block1In3 0 -32768 32767
08 Block1Attrib 0 0 65535
09 Block1Output 9 -32768 32767
10 Block2Type Switch-I 0 37
11 Block2In1 8409 -32768 32767
12 Block2In2 8501 -32768 32767
13 Block2In3 8502 -32768 32767
14 Block2Attrib 0 0 65535
15 Block2Output 300 -32768 32767
16 Block3Type NotUsed 0 37
17 Block3In1 0 -32768 32767
18 Block3In2 0 -32768 32767
19 Block3In3 0 -32768 32767
20 Block3Attrib 0 0 65535
21 Block3Output 0 -32768 32767
22 Block4Type NotUsed 0 37
23 Block4In1 0 -32768 32767
24 Block4In2 0 -32768 32767
25 Block4In3 0 -32768 32767
26 Block4Attrib 0 0 65535
27 Block4Output 0 -32768 32767
28 Block5Type NotUsed 0 37
29 Block5In1 0 -32768 32767
30 Block5In2 0 -32768 32767
31 Block5In3 0 -32768 32767
32 Block5Attrib 0 0 65535
33 Block5Output 0 -32768 32767
34 Block6Type NotUsed 0 37
35 Block6In1 0 -32768 32767
36 Block6In2 0 -32768 32767
37 Block6In3 0 -32768 32767
38 Block6Attrib 0 0 65535
39 Block6Output 0 -32768 32767
40 Block7Type NotUsed 0 37
41 Block7In1 0 -32768 32767
42 Block7In2 0 -32768 32767
43 Block7In3 0 -32768 32767
44 Block7Attrib 0 0 65535
45 Block7Output 0 -32768 32767
46 Block8Type NotUsed 0 37
47 Block8In1 0 -32768 32767
48 Block8In2 0 -32768 32767
49 Block8In3 0 -32768 32767
50 Block8Attrib 0 0 65535
51 Block8Output 0 -32768 32767

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52 Block9Type NotUsed 0 37
53 Block9In1 0 -32768 32767
54 Block9In2 0 -32768 32767
55 Block9In3 0 -32768 32767
56 Block9Attrib 0 0 65535
57 Block9Output 0 -32768 32767
58 Block10Type NotUsed 0 37
59 Block10In1 0 -32768 32767
60 Block10In2 0 -32768 32767
61 Block10In3 0 -32768 32767
62 Block10Attrib 0 0 65535
63 Block10Output 0 -32768 32767
64 Block11Type NotUsed 0 37
65 Block11In1 0 -32768 32767
66 Block11In2 0 -32768 32767
67 Block11In3 0 -32768 32767
68 Block11Attrib 0 0 65535
69 Block11Output 0 -32768 32767
70 Block12Type NotUsed 0 37
71 Block12In1 0 -32768 32767
72 Block12In2 0 -32768 32767
73 Block12In3 0 -32768 32767
74 Block12Attrib 0 0 65535
75 Block12Output 0 -32768 32767
76 Block13Type NotUsed 0 37
77 Block13In1 0 -32768 32767
78 Block13In2 0 -32768 32767
79 Block13In3 0 -32768 32767
80 Block13Attrib 0 0 65535
81 Block13Output 0 -32768 32767
82 Block14Type NotUsed 0 37
83 Block14In1 0 -32768 32767
84 Block14In2 0 -32768 32767
85 Block14In3 0 -32768 32767
86 Block14Attrib 0 0 65535
87 Block14Output 0 -32768 32767
88 Block15Type NotUsed 0 37
89 Block15In1 0 -32768 32767
90 Block15In2 0 -32768 32767
91 Block15In3 0 -32768 32767
92 Block15Attrib 0 0 65535
93 Block15Output 0 -32768 32767
94 Block16Type NotUsed 0 37
95 Block16In1 0 -32768 32767
96 Block16In2 0 -32768 32767
97 Block16In3 0 -32768 32767
98 Block16Attrib 0 0 65535
99 Block16Output 0 -32768 32767

85 User Constants

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01 Constant1 300 -32768 32767

02 Constant2 -300 -32768 32767
03 Constant3 0 -32768 32767
04 Constant4 0 -32768 32767
05 Constant5 0 -32768 32767
06 Constant6 0 -32768 32767
07 Constant7 0 -32768 32767
08 Constant8 0 -32768 32767
09 Constant9 0 -32768 32767
10 Constant10 0 -32768 32767
11 String1 0 0
12 String2 0 0
13 String3 0 0
14 String4 0 0
15 String5 0 0

86 Adap Prog Outputs

01 Block1Out 0 -9999 9999
02 Block2Out 2304 -9999 9999
03 Block3Out 0 -9999 9999
04 Block4Out 0 -9999 9999
05 Block5Out 0 -9999 9999
06 Block6Out 0 -9999 9999
07 Block7Out 0 -9999 9999
08 Block8Out 0 -9999 9999
09 Block9Out 0 -9999 9999
10 Block10Out 0 -9999 9999
11 Block11Out 0 -9999 9999
12 Block12Out 0 -9999 9999
13 Block13Out 0 -9999 9999
14 Block14Out 0 -9999 9999
15 Block15Out 0 -9999 9999
16 Block16Out 0 -9999 9999

88 Internal
25 M1TachoMaxSpeed 1800 rpm 0 10000
26 M2TachoMaxSpeed 1800 rpm 0 10000
27 M1TachoTune 1 0 3
28 M2TachoTune 1 0 3
29 M1TachoGain 15 0 15
30 M2TachoGain 15 0 15
31 AnybusModType 0 0 65535

90 Dset Rec Addr 1

01 DsetXVal1 701 0 9999
02 DsetXVal2 2301 0 9999
03 DsetXVal3 2501 0 9999
04 DsetXplus2Val1 702 0 9999
05 DsetXplus2Val2 703 0 9999
06 DsetXplus2Val3 0 0 9999

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07 DsetXplus4Val1 0 0 9999
08 DsetXplus4Val2 0 0 9999
09 DsetXplus4Val3 0 0 9999
10 DsetXplus6Val1 0 0 9999
11 DsetXplus6Val2 0 0 9999
12 DsetXplus6Val3 0 0 9999
13 DsetXplus8Val1 0 0 9999
14 DsetXplus8Val2 0 0 9999
15 DsetXplus8Val3 0 0 9999
16 DsetXplus10Val1 0 0 9999
17 DsetXplus10Val2 0 0 9999
18 DsetXplus10Val3 0 0 9999

91 Dset Rec Addr 2

01 DsetXplus12Val1 0 0 9999
02 DsetXplus12Val2 0 0 9999
03 DsetXplus12Val3 0 0 9999
04 DsetXplus14Val1 0 0 9999
05 DsetXplus14Val2 0 0 9999
06 DsetXplus14Val3 0 0 9999

92 Dset Tmt Addr 1

01 DsetXplus1Val1 801 0 9999
02 DsetXplus1Val2 104 0 9999
03 DsetXplus1Val3 209 0 9999
04 DsetXplus3Val1 802 0 9999
05 DsetXplus3Val2 101 0 9999
06 DsetXplus3Val3 108 0 9999
07 DsetXplus5Val1 901 0 9999
08 DsetXplus5Val2 902 0 9999
09 DsetXplus5Val3 903 0 9999
10 DsetXplus7Val1 904 0 9999
11 DsetXplus7Val2 906 0 9999
12 DsetXplus7Val3 907 0 9999
13 DsetXplus9Val1 908 0 9999
14 DsetXplus9Val2 803 0 9999
15 DsetXplus9Val3 805 0 9999
16 DsetXplus11Val1 806 0 9999
17 DsetXplus11Val2 124 0 9999
18 DsetXplus11Val3 122 0 9999

93 Dset Tmt Addr 2

01 DsetXplus13Val1 0 0 9999
02 DsetXplus13Val2 0 0 9999
03 DsetXplus13Val3 0 0 9999
04 DsetXplus15Val1 0 0 9999
05 DsetXplus15Val2 0 0 9999
06 DsetXplus15Val3 0 0 9999

94 DCS Link Control

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01 DCSLinkNodeID 2 0 63
02 BaudRate 500 kBit/s 0 7
03 12P Timeout 100 ms 0 64000
04 12P SlaNode 31 0 63
07 FexTimeout 100 ms 0 64000
08 M1FexNode 21 0 32
09 M2FexNode 30 0 32
12 MailBox1 -5 -64 64
13 MailBoxCycle1 220 ms 0 64000
14 TmtRecVal1.1 701 0 9999
15 TmtRecVal1.2 2301 0 9999
16 TmtRecVal1.3 2501 0 9999
17 TmtRecVal1.4 1901 0 9999
18 MailBox2 0 -64 64
19 MailBoxCycle2 100 ms 0 64000
20 TmtRecVal2.1 0 0 9999
21 TmtRecVal2.2 0 0 9999
22 TmtRecVal2.3 0 0 9999
23 TmtRecVal2.4 0 0 9999
24 MailBox3 0 -64 64
25 MailBoxCycle3 100 ms 0 64000
26 TmtRecVal3.1 0 0 9999
27 TmtRecVal3.2 0 0 9999
28 TmtRecVal3.3 0 0 9999
29 TmtRecVal3.4 0 0 9999
30 MailBox4 0 -64 64
31 MailBoxCycle4 100 ms 0 64000
32 TmtRecVal4.1 0 0 9999
33 TmtRecVal4.2 0 0 9999
34 TmtRecVal4.3 0 0 9999
35 TmtRecVal4.4 0 0 9999

97 Measurement
01 TypeCode S02-0820-05 0 150
02 S ConvScaleCur 0 A 0 30000
03 S ConvScaleVolt 0 V 0 2000
04 S MaxBrdgTemp 0 °C 0 150
05 ConvTempDly 0 s 0 300
07 S BlockBrdg2 Auto 0 2
09 MainsCompTime 10 ms 0 1000
11 OffsetPLL 0 -4 4
12 CompUkPLL 0 % 0 15
13 DevLimPLL 10 ° 5 20
14 KpPLL 2 0.25 5
15 TfPLL 0 ms 0 1000
16 AdjIDC 100 % 12.5 800
17 OffsetIDC 0 % -5 5
18 ZeroCurDetect Current 0 22
19 ZeroCurTimeOut 20 ms 0 12000
20 TorqActFiltTime 1000 ms 0 10000

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21 ResetAhCounter NotUsed 0 20
23 AdjUDC 100 % 12.5 800
24 OffsetUDC 5.1 % -5 5.1
25 EMF ActFiltTime 10 ms 0 10000
26 HW FiltUDC FilterOn 0 1
27 Measurement 0 0 1000
28 TestFire Off 0 12

98 Option Modules
01 Encoder2Module NotUsed 0 4
02 CommModule NotUsed 0 8
03 DIO ExtModule1 NotUsed 0 4
04 DIO ExtModule2 NotUsed 0 4
06 AIO ExtModule Slot1 0 4
08 ModBusModule2 NotUsed 0 4
12 AIO MotTempMeas NotUsed 0 4
15 IO BoardConfig SDCS-IOB-2 0 3

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