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What is app-ads.txt?

Authorized Sellers for Apps or App-ads.txt is an activity by IAB in November

2018, that shields your application promotion stock from the advertisement
fraudsters.App-ads.txt is a progression for ads.txt,ads.txt is a content record
where distributors add to their sites which records the wellsprings of the
promotions to sell their advertisement stock.

App-ads.txt is a text file that app developers upload to the root domain of the
publisher's website which can be accessed by the buyers using the crawlers. This
document shows all the advertisement sources which are approved to sell that
distributors stock and it'll keep unapproved distributors from benefitting from
your stock.

How App-ads.txt works?

A demand-side platform(DSP), offers on application's stock crawls the

app-ads.txt document on the distributer's site to check which ad sources are
approved to sell that applications stock and it'll just acknowledge the offer
demands from the sources situated in the records just in the event that they are
authorized by the developer. By utilizing application ads.txt, purchasers can
distinguish the genuine vendors of their advertisement stock which they want.

How app-ads.txt file is implemented?

➔ Provide a developer website URL in the app listing.
➔ Connect with your direct ad resources to get their ads.txt line according to
the IAB structure.
➔ Create an app-ads.txt file listing all the lines you received and save.
➔ Upload the file to the root domain of your website.

It's not mandatory to use app-ads.txt, but it's better to implement it if you are
concerned about spoofing of your ad inventory.

While nobody can anticipate what sort of quick effect application ads.txt is
probably going to have, there’s no doubt that any effort designed to make the
mobile advertising ecosystem more transparent and secure is worthwhile. We'll
need to sit back and watch if application ads.txt spreads as quick and wide as its
web partner.

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