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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020

1. Define: Management. (Nov 2012, May 2014,April 2017,Nov 2017,Nov 2018)
Management is the process of designing and maintaining an environment in which
individuals, working together in groups, accomplish their aims effectively and
According to Koontz and Weilhrich "Management is process of designing and
maintaining of an environment in which individuals working together in groups,
efficiently and efficiently attain the organizational goals."
2. State the Functions of Manager. (Nov 2012, Nov 2016)
Managers have five basics functions. Those functions are; planning, organizing,
staffing, directing, and controlling. Managers must plan, or narrow goals from their
broadest to most intricate form. They must organize and create a structure for daily
tasks and communication. They must hire and fire people in various positions. They
must serve as a directing influence on staff behavior and morale. They must also have
control over all of the aspects of the company.
3. What are the various roles or skills required by a manager?
(May 2014, May 2016, Nov 2018)
Managers require three kinds of skills. They are i) Technical Skill – Knowledge of
and proficiency in working with tools and technology. ii)Human Skill – Ability to
work with people. iii)Conceptual Skill – Ability to recognize important
element in a situation and understand relationship among elements.
4.Write some characteristics of Management.
i)Management is a continuous process. ii) Managers use the resources of the
organization both physical as well as human to achieve the goals. iii) Management
aims act achieving the organization goals by ensuring effective use of resources.
5. Define Productivity.
Productivity is defined as the effectiveness of productive effort, especially in industry,
as measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input. It implies effectiveness
and efficiency in individual and organizational performance. Productivity is computed
by dividing average output per period by the total costs incurred or resources (capital,
energy, material, personnel) consumed in that period.
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering
MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
6. What is Effectiveness & Efficiency?
Effectiveness is the achievement of objectives and Efficiency is the achievement of
the ends with the least amount of resources. Effectiveness is doing right things &
efficiency is doing things rightly.
7. What are management levels?
The three levels of management typically found in an organization are low-level
management, middle-level management, and top-level management.

 Top-level managers are responsible for controlling and overseeing the entire
 Middle-level managers are responsible for executing organizational plans
which comply with the company’s policies. These managers act at an
intermediary between top-level management and low-level management.
 Low-level managers focus on controlling and directing. They serve as role
models for the employees they supervise.
8. Write some important functions of top level management.
i) To formulate goals and policies of the company. ii) Formulate budgets.
iii) To appoint top executives.
9. What is social responsibility?
Social responsibility is the part of the management to initiate actions to protect the
interest of the society.
10. Write Fayol's fourteen principles of management. (May 2014)
i) Division of work ii) Authority and Responsibility iii) Discipline
iv) Unity of command v) Unity of direction vi)Subordination of Individual
interest to general interest vii) Remuneration viii ) Centralization
ix) Scalar chain x) Order xi) Equity xii) Stability of Tenure
xiii) Initiative xiv) Esprit de Corps
11. Explain: Management is both —A science and an art.
Management is both an art and a science. Management combines features of both
science as well as art. It is considered as a science because it has an organized body of
knowledge which contains certain universal truth. It is called an art because managing
requires certain skills which are personal possessions of managers. Science provides
the knowledge & art deals with the application of knowledge and skills.

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
12. What is Esprit-de-corps?
It means ‘Unity is strength’.In an organization, amongst the employees there should
be harmony and unity.
13. List out the claimants of the business enterprise.
i) Shareholders ii) Employees iii) Customers
iv) Creditors v) Suppliers vi) Government
14. What are the major contributions of Taylor? (May 2014)
The major contributions of F.W.Taylor are as follows
 He developed the principle of division of labour work
 He developed method study
 He advocated time study
 He developed certain principles to breakup each job into small
independent elements
 He developed the concept of fair day’s work
15. Write some important functions of top level management.
i) To formulate goals and policies of the company ii) Formulate budgets
iii) To appoint top executives.
16. What is time study?
Time study refers to the measuring of (under controlled conditions) the time for
completing a particular process using specific materials and techniques. This will be
useful in arriving at a scientific standard for each work task in the marketing process.
This is highly calibrated only with respect to the materials available and the finished
goods produced in time.
17. Define partnership.(Nov 2017)
Under the Indian Partnership Act of 1932, Partnership is defined as –“the relation
between persons who have agreed to share the profits of a business carried on by all or
by any one of them acting for all”.
18. What do you mean by ‘unity of command’?
‘Unity of command’ is an important principle proposed by Henry Fayol. This implies
that an employee should receive orders from one superior only. Unity of command is
ensuring unity of effort under one responsible person (or commander) for completing
a task.

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020

19. List the characteristics of Modern Management thought.

 Management is a continuous process
 Managers use the resources of the organisation both physical as well as human
to achieve the goals.
 Management aims at achieving the organization goals by ensuring the effective
use of resources.
20. Name the different levels of Management. (May 2012, May 2014)
i) Top level management. ii) Middle level management. iii) Lower level management.
21.Who is known as father of modern operations management theory?
(May 2012)
Henry Fayolis thefather of modern operational management theory.
22. Differentiate administration and management.(Nov 2014, May 2014,
Nov 2015)
Management Administration
It is lower level function It is higher level function
It refers to the employees It refers to the owners of organization.
Management is the concerned with administration is concerned with
execution of decision. decision making.
It acts through the organization It acts through the management.
Management executes the policies laid Administration lays down broad
by administration into practice. policies and principles of guidance.
23. List out the different roles of manager in an organization?(May 2014,
April 2015, May 2018)
(i) Interpersonal role (ii) I nformationalrole (iii) Decisional role.
24. Who is the father of scientific management? What is scientific management?
(April 2015, Nov 2015)
Scientific management was introduced by F.W Taylor who is known as the Father of
Scientific Management.Scientific management involves specific method of
determination of facts through observation. It was concerned essentially with
improving the operational efficiency at the shop floor level. “Scientific Management
is concerned with knowing exactly what you want men to do and then see in that they
do it best and cheapest way”.

25.Give the current trends in management.(Nov 2016)

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
The management functions are planning and decision making, organizing. leading,
and controlling — are just as relevant to international managers as to domestic
managers. International managers need to have a clear view of where they want their
firm to be in thefuture; they have to organize to implement their plans they have to
motivate those who work for them; and they have to develop appropriate control
i) Controlling in a Global Scenario ii) Leading in a Global Scenario
iii) Organizing in a Global Scenario iv) Planning and Decision Making in a
Global Scenario
26.Distinguih between public and private limited companies. (May
Public Limited Private Limited
Company Company
Minimum members 7 2
Minimum directors 3 2
Minimum capital 500000 100000
Invitation to public Yes No
Quorum at AGM 5 Members 2 Members

1. Explain the functions of management.
2. Discuss whether management is a Science or Art. Or Is management a science or
art?Discuss.(Nov 2018)
3. Explain the Henry Fayol’s principles of management.(May 2014,
Nov 2014,April2015,Nov 2017, May 2018,Nov 2018)
4. Explain the contributions of FW Taylor.
5. Explain forms of business organizations. (Nov 2015, Nov 2016)
6. Explain in detail about Types of Business Organizations.(April 2017)
7. State the characteristics of a company.
8. Discuss the scope and Nature of management. What are the environmental factors
that affectbusiness? Explain. (Nov 2012, Nov 2015)
9. Enumerate the trends and challenges of Management in the globalised era.
(Nov 2012, May 2014, Nov 2014, May 2016)

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
10. State and explain the important contributions of Taylor and Fayol in the field of
management thoughts. (May 2012, May 2014)
11. Discuss the role of manager. Describe the various types of decision.(May 2012,
Nov 2014, April 2015, May 2016,April 2017)
12.Describe the motion study as used by Gilbreth.(April 2015)
13.Enlighten the relevance of envirironmental factors that affect global business.
(May 2018)
14. Explain in detail the evolution of management.(Nov 2016, Nov 2018)

1. Define: Planning. (Nov 2014)

Planning is the process of thinking about the activities required to achieve a
desired goal. It is the first and foremost activity to achieve desired results. It involves
the creation and maintenance of a plan, such as psychological aspects that require
conceptual skills. The determination of what is to be done, how and where it is t be
done, who is to do it and how results are to be evaluated.
2. What are the types of planning? (May 2012, Nov 2012)
Three major types of plans can help managers achieve their organization's goals:
strategic, tactical, and operational. Operational plans lead to the achievement of
tactical plans, which in turn lead to the attainment of strategic plans. In addition to
these three types of plans, managers should also develop a contingency plan in case
their original plans fail.
3. What are the qualities of good plan?
Simple, logical, flexible, practical, and stable and it must be complete and integrated.
4. Define: Procedure
It is a series of related task that up the chronological sequence and the established
way of performing the work to be accomplished.
5.What are the advantages of planning?
 Planning facilitates management by objectives.
 Planning minimizes uncertainties.
 Planning facilitates co-ordination.
 Planning improves employee’s moral.
 Planning helps in achieving economies.
 Planning facilitates controlling.

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
 Planning provides competitive edge.
 Planning encourages innovations.
6. Define: Objectives.
Objectives are goals established to guide the efforts of the company and each of its
7. What is MBO? (May 2012, Nov 2016, May 2016)
Process where by the superior and subordinate of an organization jointly identify its
common goal, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of results
expected of him and use this measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing
the contribution of each if its members. This conceptual framework can be
successfully implemented in the private and public sectors effectively.
8. What is TOWS matrix?
It is a conceptual frame work for systematic analysis, which facilitates matching the
external threats and opportunities with the internal weakness and strength of the
9. Define: Strategy. (Nov 2012)
Strategy is an action that managers take to attain one or more of the organization’s
goals. Strategy can also be defined as “A general direction set for the company and its
various components to achieve a desired state in the future. Strategy results from the
detailed strategic planning process”.
10. What are Policies? (May 2014, Nov 2016)
Verbal, written, or implied overall guide setting up boundaries that supply the general
limits and direction in which managerial action will take place.
11. What are the classifications of budget?
i)Functional classification- Sales, production, cash, capital and master budget
ii)Time classification- Short, current and long term budget
iii)Activity level- Fixed and flexible budget
12. Define: Planning Premises. (Nov 2015, May 2018)
Anticipated environment in which plan are expected to operate. They include
assumptions or forecasts of the future and known conditions that will affect the
operation of plans.
13. What are the benefits of MBO?
The benefit of MBO are
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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
i)Improvement of managing ii)Clarification of organization iii) Team work
iv)Personnel satisfaction v) Development of effective contro v)Fast decision-making
14.What do you understand by decision-making? (Nov 2018)
It is a process of selection from a set of alternative courses of action which is thought
to fulfil the objectives of the decision problem more satisfactory than others.
15.State different strategies of Porter’s generic strategy.
Porter's generic strategies are as follows:
i) Cost Leadership Strategy ii) Differentiation Strategy.
iii)Cost Focus. iv)Differentiation Focus.
16. What are the benefits of planning?
Emphasis on objectives, minimizes uncertainty, facilitates control, improves
coordination, secure economy, encourage innovation and improve competitive
17. What are decision making techniques?
Decision making techniques are i) Marginal Analysis iii) Financial Analysis
iii) Break-Even Analysis iv) Ratio Analysis v) Operations Research
Techniques vi) Linear Programming vii) Waiting-line Method
viii) Game Theory ix) Simulation and x) Decision Tree.
18. What is Portfolio Matrix?
It is a tool for allocating resources, linking the business growth rate with the relative
competitive position of the firm.
19. Name some areas where strategies and policies need to be developed.
(May 2014)
Strategies and policies need to be developed in Finance, growth, organization,
personnel, public relations and marketing.
20. What is the process of policy making? (Nov 2014)
Public policy refers to the actions taken by government — its decisions that are
intended to solve problems and improve the quality of life for its citizens. At the
federal level, public policies are enacted to regulate industry and business, to protect
citizens at home and abroad, to aid state and city governments and people such as the
poor through funding programs, and to encourage social goals.
21. What is span of control? (Nov 2014)

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
Span of control refers to the number of subordinates under the manager’s direct
control. It explains the narrow and wide span of management.
22. What is the difference between strategy and policy?(Nov 2015)
A strategy is a special type of plan prepared for meeting the challenges posted by the
activities of competitors and other environment forces.
Policies are general statement or understanding which provides guidance in decisions
making to various managers.
23.What is the main purpose of planning?( April 2015,April 2017)
As a managerial function planning is important due to the following reasons:-
i) To manage by objectives ii) To offset uncertainty and change
iii)To secure economy in operation iv) To help in co-ordination
v) To make control effective vi) To increase organizational effectiveness
24. Distinguish strategic planning and tactical planning. (April 2015)
A strategic plan is an outline of steps designed with the goals of the entire organization
as a whole in mind, rather than with the goals of specific divisions or departments.
A tactical plan is concerned with what the lower level units within each division must
do, how they must do it, and who is in charge at each level. Tactics are the means
needed to activate a strategy and make it work.
25.What do you mean by Strategic Management? (Nov 2017)
It is the comprehensive collection of ongoing activities and processes that
organizations use to systematically coordinate and align resources and actions with
mission,vision and strategy throughout an organization.
26.Distinguish between Policy and Rules. ( Nov 2017)
Policy: It is a statement or general understanding which provides guidance in decision
making to members of an organization in respect to any course of action.
Rules:Authoritative statement of what to do or not to do in a specific situation, issued
by an appropriate person or body. It clarifies, demarcates, or interprets a law or policy.
27.List the planning tools available in business management.( Apr 2017)
Affinity Diagram, Interrelationship Diagram , Tree Diagram.Prioritization Matrix.
Matrix Diagram or quality table, Process Decision Program Chart, Activity Network

28. State various steps in planning. (Nov 2018)

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
i) Perception of opportunities ii) Establishing objectives
iii) Developing premises iv) Identification of alternatives
v) Evaluation of alternatives vi) Choice of alternative plans
vii) Formulating derivative plans viii) Quantifying plans by budgeting
29. What do you mean by inductive decision making? May 2018)
The inductive way of decision making is a dynamic process by which an executives
should make decisions according to what their intuition or “gut” tells them without
any favor.
1. Discuss the Nature and purpose of Planning.
2. Explain the Steps in Planning.(Nov2012,May 2014,Nov2014,Nov 2015,May 2016)
3. Explain the Process of MBO.(May2012,May2014,April2015,Nov2017,May 2018)
4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Mangement.(Nov 2014, April 2015)
5. Explain Tows Matrix and Portfolio Matrix .
6. Explain the principle of planning and describe the various types of decision.
(May 2012)
7. Write short notes on i) Management by Objectives ii) Types of strategies.
(Nov 2012, Nov 2015, May 2016)
8. Explain Decision making process in detail.(Nov 2014, April 2015, Nov 2016,
April 2017, Nov 2017, Nov 2018)
9.Expalin any four methods of performance appraisal.(Nov 2015)
10.Discuss some of the tools for developing organizational strategies.(Apri 2015,
May 2016)
11.Explain the different types of organizational plans.( April 2015, Nov 2016)
12. Explain the general planning process adopted by the business Organizations.
(April 2017)
13.Explain in detail the various types of Planning.(Nov 2017)
14. Classify the types of goals organization might have and the plans they have use for
accomplishment. (May 2018)
15. What are the objectives of planning?Illustrate how you will set objectives for a
manufacturing organization. ( Nov 2018)


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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020

1. Define: Organizing.
Organizing is the process of identifying and activities required to attain the objectives,
delegating , creating responsibility and establishing relationships I people to work
2. Mention any four characteristics of an organization.
i) Common objectives ii) Specialization or Division of Labour
iii) Authority of structure iv) Group of persons
3. List out the steps involved in organization process.
i) Determination of activities ii) Grouping of activities
iii) Assignment of Duties iv) Delegation of authority
4. Differentiate between formal and informal organization.(May/June 2014)
Point of view Formal organization Informal organization
Origin It is created deliberately and It is created spontaneously naturally.
consciously by the frames of
Purpose It
the is created for achieving It is created by members of the
legitimate objectives of the organization for social and
Nature Planned and official
organization. Unplanned andsatisfaction.
psychological unofficial.
Size It may quite large. It may be small size.
5. Mention the various principles involved in organization.
i) Principle of unity of objective ii) Principle of division of work or specialization
iii) Principle of efficiency iv) Principle of span of control
6. Mention the three categories of relationships in span of management.
i). Direct single relationship ii) Direct group relationships iii) Cross relationship
7. State the important factors in determining an effective span of management.
( May/June 2016)
i) Capacity of superior ii)Capacity of subordinates iii) Nature of work
iv) Type of technology v) Delegation of authority
8. What are the types of departmentation? (May/June 2014)
i) Departmentation by function. ii) Departmentation by Territory or Geography.
iii) Departmentation by Customers. iv) Departmentation by equipment or process.
v) Departmentation by product or service.
9. State the advantages of departmentation by function.
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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
Advantages of departmentation by function are
i) It is most logical, scientific, time proven and natural method of departmentation.
ii) It provides specialization of work which makes maximum utilization of
manpower and ther resources.
iii) It ensures proper performance control and iv) It facilitates delegation of
authority and therefore, reduces the burden of top executives.
10. State the disadvantages of departmentation by function.
Disadvantages of departmentation by function are
i) There is a tendency for overspecialization. The department managers are
experts in handling the problems in their department alone. They may not be able to
understand the problem of other departments.
ii) Functional departmentation discourages communication across functions so that the
workers develop a narrow technical point of horizontal conflicts.
iii) It increases the workload and responsibility of the departmental heads.
11.Define authority. (May/June 2014)
Authority is the right to exercise power, which can be formalized by a state and
exercised by way of judges, appointed executives of government, or the ecclesiastical
or priestly appointed representatives of a God or other deities."Authority is the right to
give orders and the power to exact obedience".
12. List out the sources of authority.
The sources of authority/legal/power are: i) Formal authority theory iii) Acceptance
Authority Theory iv) Competence theory iv) Environmental factors
13. What is line authority?
Line authority is the direct authority which a superior exercises over a number of
subordinates to carry out orders and instructions. In an organizing process, authority is
delegated to the individuals to perform the activities.
14. What is staff authority?
A staff person assists the line people in attaining their objectives. Staff authority is
purely advisory. Types of staff authority are
i) Advisory staff authority
ii) Compulsory staff authority
iii) Concurrent staff authority.

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
15. What is decentralization? Or Define decentralization (Nov 2012, May 2014,
May 2016, Nov 2018)
Decentralization is a systematic delegation of authority at all levels of management
and in all of the organization. In a decentralization concern, authority in retained by
the top management for taking major decisions and framing policies concerning the
whole concern. Rest of the authority may be delegated to the middle level and lower
level of management.
16. What is Performance Appraisal? What are the different methods/techniques
of Performance appraisal? (Nov/Dec 2016)
Performance Appraisal is evaluating the actual performance of the employee
foridentifying the potential and determiningthecompensation of the employees.
Methods/Techniques of Performance Appraisal:
(i) Trait-based appraisal: (job knowledge, leadership, judgment, ability, initiative,
loyalty): Graphic scale method, ranking method, grading system, forced distribution
method, check list method, Critical incident method, group appraisal
(ii)Appraisal by results: MBO, Behaviorally Anchored Rating (BARS), Assessment
Centre, 360 degree performance appraisal.
17. What is functional departmentation? (May/June 2012)
It is most logical, scientific, time proven and natural method of departmentation.It
provides specialization of work which makes maximum utilization of
manpower and other resources.It ensures proper performance control.It facilitates
delegation of authority and therefore, reduces the burden of top executives.
18. State the types of organizational charts.
i) Vertical or Top-to-Bottom chart ii) Horizontal or Left-to-right chart iii)
Circular or concentric chart
19. What is meant by delegation? (May/June 2012) Delegation is the partnership
of authority and responsibility to another person (normally from a manager to a
subordinate) to carry out specific activities. It is one of the core concepts of
20. What are the sources of recruitment? (Nov/Dec 2012, May/June 2014)
The different sources of recruitment are classified into two categories.
Internal: sources of recruitment are from within the organization.
External: sources of recruitment are from outside the organization.

St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
21. What are the new kinds of departmentation?
The new kinds of departmentation are the product, matrix or grid, or project
organization and the strategic business unit.
22.What is staffing? (Nov/Dec 2014)
The process of allotting human resource to carry out the respective task in an

organization. staffing can be defined as one of the most important functions of

management. It involves the process of filling the vacant position of the right
personnel at the right job, at right time. Hence, everything will occur in the right
23. What are the limitations of line and staff authority? (Nov/Dec 2015)
 Under line authority, there are line officers who have authority and command over
the subordinates and are accountable for the tasks entrusted to them.
 Under staff authority, the staff officers prepare the plans and give advice to the line
officers and the line officers execute the plan with the help of workers.
 The line and staff authority is based on the principle of specialization.
24.What do you understand by assessment centres? (April/May 2015)
The term 'Assessment Centre' can be defined as:‘A method for assessing aptitude and
performance; applied to a group of participants by trained assessors using various
aptitude diagnostic processes in order to obtain information about applicants' abilities
or development potential.
25.Give an example of how functional authority works in an organization?
(April/May 2015)
The normal job of the marketing manager is to sell the products of the company.The
managing Director(MD) may give him authority to conduct a New year party for the
full company.This authority is called functional authority.So, functional authority is
given to a manager to do a specific job.This job is not his normal job. When he is
doing this new job, he may or may not do his normal job. The manager already has a
line or staff authority to do his normal job.Thus, Functional authority is an additional
authority given to him to do the new job.When this new job is completed, the
functional authority is taken away, and he has to go back to his normal job.
26. Define “Departmentation”.( Nov/Dec 2016)
Koontz and O’Donnell defined, “A departmentation is a process of dividing the large
monolithic functional organization into small and flexible administrative units”.

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
27.Define Career Management.( Nov/Dec 2017)
It is the combination of structured planningand the active management choice of
one’s own professional career.It is a lifelong,self-monitored process of career planning
that involves choosing and setting personal goals,and formulating strategies for
achieving them.
28.What do you understand by Organization chart?( Nov/Dec 2017)
Is a graphical model of the formal structure of an organization.It indicates the
relationship between the various departments of the organization.
29.Why performance management is important?(April/May 2017)
Performance management best practices result in a wide range of benefits for
entraliemployees, managers and companies. Goals are the basis of an effective
30.What is delegation of authority? (Nov/Dec 2015,April/May 2017)
Since so many individuals work in the same organization, it is the responsibility of
management to lay down structure of relationship in the organization. Authority
without responsibility is a dangerous thing and similarly responsibility without
authority is an empty vessel. Everybody should clearly know to whom he is
accountable; corresponding to the responsibility authority is delegated to the
subordinates for enabling them to show work performance. This will help in the
smooth working of the enterprise by facilitating delegation of responsibility and
31.What is Job Design?(April/May 2018)
Job design (work design or task design) is a core function of human resource
management and it is related to the specification of contents, methods and relationship
of jobs in order to satisfy technological and organizational requirements as well as the
social and personal requirements of the job holder or the employee.Its principles are
geared towards how the nature of a person's job affects their attitudes and behavior at
work, particularly relating to characteristics such as skill variety and autonomy. The
aim of a job design is to improve job satisfaction, to improve through-put, to improve
quality and to reduce employee problems.(e.g.,grievances, absenteeism).
32.Define centralization. (Nov/Dec 2018)
Centralization is defined as the concentration of control of an activity or organization
under a single authority.It is also defined as the process by which the activities of an
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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
organization, particularly those regarding planning and decision-making, framing
strategy and policies become concentrated within a particular geographical location
33.Distinguish between authority and power?(April/May 2018)
Basis for Comparison Power Authority
Meaning Power means the ability or The legal and formal right
potential of an individual to give orders and
to influence others and commands, and take
control their actions. decisions is known as an
What is it? It is a personal trait. It is a formal right, given to
the high officials.
Source Knowledge and expertise. Position & office
Hierarchy Power does not follow any Authority follows the
hierarchy. hierarchy.

34.What is human resources planning? (Nov/Dec 2018)

Human resource planning (HRP) is the continuous process of systematic planning
ahead to achieve optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset—quality
employees. Human resources planning ensures the best fit between employees and
jobs while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. HRP is the process of
forecasting the future human resource requirements of the organization.

1. What are the various types of departmentation? (May/June 2014, Nov/Dec 2016)
2. Describe Selection Process. (Nov/Dec 2012, Nov/Dec 2014)
3. What are importances of Performance Appraisal? (May/June 2012)
4. Distinguish between formal and informal organization. (April/May 2015)
5. Explain the various sources of recruitment. What are their advantages and
disadvantages? (Nov/Dec 2014)
6. Explain any four methods of performance appraisal.(Nov2012, Nov2015,May2016)
7. Discuss the departmentation process with one example of its type. (Nov/Dec 2014)
8. Explain the line and staff authority in detail. (Nov/Dec 2014)
9.What is span of control and explain the factors which influence the span of control?

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MG6851 – Principles of Management Department of EEE 2019-2020
(Nov/Dec 2015, May/June 2016)
10.Describe a case in which matrix organization structure will be effective.Also
Discuss the advantages and limitations of matrix organization.( April/May 2015)
11.(i) “Delegation is the ability to get result through others” –Discuss
Explain the steps and guidelines to be followed while delegating Authority.
(April/May 2015)
12. Discuss about Centralization. (Nov/Dec 2016)
13. Explain about the organizational culture. (Nov/Dec 2016)
14.Explain the different types of Organizational structures followed by the companies.
(April/May 2017)
15.Describe the human resource Management activities in a business organization.
(April 2017)
16.Explain any four types of organization.(Nov/Dec 2017)
17.Distinguish between Training and Development and explain the various methods of
training (Nov/Dec 2017)
18. In detail explain the nature and purpose of organization. (Nov/Dec 2018)
19.Explain in detail about human resources planning. (Nov/Dec 2018)
20.Describe six key elements in organizational design.(April/May 2018)
21.Discuss the tasks associated with identifying and selecting competent employees.
(April/May 2018)
1. Define Leading.
It is a process of influencing people so that they will contribute to organization and
group goals. Leading involves motivating, communicating, guiding, and encouraging.
It requires the manager to coach, assist, and problem solve with employees.
2.What is personality?(April/May 2017)
Personality is defined as the set of habitual behaviors, cognitions and emotional
patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors.
3. Define Job Enrichment.(April/May 2017,Nov/Dec 2017)
It attempts to make a job more varied by removing the dullness associated with
performing repetitive operations.
4. What is QWL?
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Increasing productivity and reducing inflation and as a way of obtaining industrial
democracy and minimizing labor disputes.
5. Define Leadership. (May/June 2014)
Art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly and
enthusiastically towards achievement of the goal .
6. What are the Styles of Leadership ?(Nov/Dec 2015)
Leadership style is the manner and approach of providing direction, implementing
plans, and motivating people.
 Authoritarian or autocratic - the leader tells his or her employees what to do
and how to do it, without getting their advice.
 Participative or democratic - the leader includes one or more employees in
the decision making process, but the leader normally maintains the final
decision making authority.
 Delegative or laissez-fair (free-rein) - the leader allows the employees to
make the decisions, however, the leader is still responsible for the decisions
that are made
7. Define Communication.
Communication is defined as the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking,
writing, or using some other medium.Transformation of ideas from one person to
another. In business, it is a key function of management--an organization cannot
operate without communication between levels, departments and employees.
8. What are the various types of communication?
The various types of communication used between people or between teams are
Formal & informal,vertical,horizontal,grapevine,written and oral communication.
9. Define Motivation (Nov/Dec 2012)
It is a process of stimulating people to action to achieve/ accomplish desired goals.
internal and external factors that stimulate desire and energy in people to be
continually interested and committed to a job, role or subject.
Motivation results from the interaction of both conscious and unconscious factors
such as the i) intensity of desire or need
ii) incentive or reward value of the goal and
iii) expectations of the individual and of his or her peers.
10. Explain - Maslow’s Needs.( Nov/Dec 2016, May/June 2016)
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Maslow's hierarchy of needs is often portrayed in the shape of a pyramid with the
largest, most fundamental needs at the bottom and the need for self-actualization and
transcendence at the top. They are Physiological needs, Safety needs, Social needs,
Self- Esteem needs and Self- actualization needs.
11. Define Expectancy theory.
Expectancy theory (or expectancy theory of motivation) proposes that an individual
will behave or act in a certain way because they are motivated to select a specific
behavior over others due to what they expect the result of that selected behavior will
be.In essence, the motivation of the behavior selection is determined by the
desirability of the outcome. However, at the core of the theory is the cognitive process
of how an individual processes the different motivational elements. This is done
before making the ultimate choice. The outcome is not the sole determining factor in
making the decision of how to behave.
12. What is Equity theory
Equity theory focuses on determining whether the distribution of resources is fair to
both relational partners. Equity is measured by comparing the ratio of contributions
(or costs) and benefits (or rewards) for each person.
Outcomes by a person Outcomes by another person
--------------------------- = -----------------------------------
Inputs by a person Inputs by another person
13. Define Creativity. (May/June 2014, Nov/Dec 2014)
Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is
formed. The created item may be intangible (such as an idea, a scientific theory,
a musical composition, or a joke) or a physical object (such as an invention, a literary
work, or a painting).
14. What is Innovation? (Nov/Dec 2014)
Innovation in its modern meaning is a "new idea, creative thoughts, new imaginations
in form of device or method". Innovation is often also viewed as the application of
better solutions that meet new requirements, unarticulated needs, or
existing market needs. Such innovation takes place through the provision of more-
effective products, processes, services, technologies, or business models that are made
available to markets, governments and society.

15. What is brain storming?(April 2018)

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Process for generating creative ideas and solutions through intensive and freewheeling
group discussion. Every participant is encouraged to think aloud and suggest as many
ideas as possible, no matter seemingly how outlandish or bizarre. Analysis, discussion,
or criticism of the aired ideas is allowed only when the brainstorming session is over
and evaluation session begins. See also lateral thinking and nominal group technique.
16. Who is a leader? (Nov/Dec 2012)
Leader is one who influences people so that they will strive willingly and
enthusiastically towards achievement of the goal.
17. Mention the elements of directing. (May/June 2012)

The elements mainly concerned with the directing function in an organization are as
follows-1. Issuing orders and instructions, 2.Supervision, 3.Motivation, 4.Leadership,
5.Communication and 6. Maintaining discipline approach
18. List the components of communication process. (May/June 2012)
Communication consists of six components or elements.They are Context Sender /
Encoder, Message, Medium, Recipient / Decoder and feedback.
19. What are special motivational techniques?
The special motivational techniques include using money, encouraging participation
and improving the quality of working life. (QWL)
20. What is McClelland’s theory?
McClelland’s theory is a motivational model that attempts to explain how
the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation affect the actions of people from
a managerial context. It is based on the need for power, the need for affiliation and the
need for achievement.
21. What are the two dimensions identified by managerial grid?

Managerial Grid Model is based on two behavioral dimensions:

 Concern for people: This is the degree to which a leader considers the needs of
team members, their interests, and areas of personal development when
deciding how best to accomplish a task.
 Concern for production: This is the degree to which a leader emphasizes
concrete objectives, organizational efficiency, and high productivity when
deciding how best to accomplish a task.

22.What is laizzez faire leadership? (Nov/Dec 2014)

Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegative leadership, is a type of leadership
style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions.
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Researchers have found that this is generally the leadership style that leads to the
lowest productivity among group members.
23. What is meant by organizational culture? (Nov/Dec 2015,April/May 2017)
Organizational culture is an idea in the field of organizational studies and
management which describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and
values (personal and cultural values) of an organization. It has been defined as "the
specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an
organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with
stakeholders outside the organization."
24.Define Job Enlargement.(April/May 2015)
Job enlargement changes the jobs to include more and/or different tasks. Job
enlargement should add interest to the work but may or may not give employees more
25.How does leadership differ from management? (April/May 2015)
Leadership means "the ability of an individual to influence, motivate, and enable
others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success of the organizations of which
they are members."
Management comprises directing and controlling a group of one or more people or
entities for the purpose of coordinating and harmonizing that group towards
accomplishing a goal.
26. What is effective communication? (Nov/Dec 2016)
An Effective Communication is a communication between two or more persons
wherein the intended message is successfully delivered, received and understood.
Effective communication in the organization enables the employees to deepen their
connection with others and improve teamwork, decision-making, and problem-solving
27. Mention some communication barriers. (May/June 2016).
Barriers to communication are factors that block or significantly distort successful
communication. Effective managerial communication skills helps overcome some, but
not all, barriers to communication in organizations. The more prominent barriers to
effective communication which every manager should be aware of is given below:
iFiltering ii)Selective Perception iii)Emotions iv)Language v)Stereotyping
28.What is Job satisfaction.( Nov/Dec 2017)
It is the amount of pleasure or contentment associated with a job.If you like a job
intensely,you will experience high job satisfaction.If you dislike your job
intensely,you will experience lesser job satisfaction.

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29. What is meant by downward communication? (Nov 2018)
Downward communication occurs when information and messages flow down
through an organization's formal chain of command or hierarchical structure. In other
words, messages and orders start at the upper levels of the organizational hierarchy
and move down toward the bottom levels.
30. Mention various types of leadership styles. (Nov 2018)
The most common leadership styles are follows:
i) Servant leadership ii) Autocratic leadership iii) Laissez-faire leadership
iv) Democratic leadership v) Bureaucratic leadership vi) Charismatic leadership
vii) Situational leadership
31. What are the advantages of democratic leadership styles. (April 2018)
Advantages of democratic leadership include creating employee job satisfaction and
encouraging innovation and creative solutions to organizational issues and problems.
1.Explain different theories of Motivation? (May 2012, Nov 2012, May 2014,
Nov 2014, Nov/Dec 2015, May 2016,April 2017,Nov 2017)
2.Explain Likert’s Four System of Management.
3.Explain Managerial Grid.
4.Describe Communication Process.(May/June 2014)
5.What are the Barriers in communication and how they can be improved and explain
its importance.(May 2012,Nov 2012, Nov 2014, Nov 2015, Nov 2016,
April 2017,Nov 2017)
6. What are the qualities required for effective leadership? (Nov 2012, May 2016)
7.What are the essentials of good communication system?
8. Explain the various theories of Leadership.
9. What are the various types of formal organizational communication?( April 2015)
10.Discuss the obstacles to the leader flexibility and leader styles based on them.
( April/May 2015, May/June 2014, Nov/Dec 2016)
11.Does motivation important for organization development/achievement? Justify
your answer with Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.(April/May 2015)
12. Expalin in detil about the various types of leadership with itsdifferent styles.
(Nov 2018)
13. Define motivation. Expalain the theories of motivation in details. (Nov 2018)
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14.XYZ industries is a manufacturing company with line and staff organization.
Pandian, ayoung officer developed a paln of increasing the life of certain equipments
in the palnt. He took the plan directly to the foreman of the department but was
rdirectly to the foreman of the department but was rebuffed by the supervisor who
privately acknowledged the merit of the paln but resented the staff officer trying to
show off his talents. The staff officers’s association condemned the behaviour of
pandian that he should have allowed the paln to appear as a contribution of the staff
group rather than his own.
(a)Analyze the situation in terms of the possible causes of the reaction of the
supervisor and staff officeir’s group.
(b)Suggest a measure to diffuse the situation. (Nov 2018)
15.Compare and contrast early theories of motivation.(April 2018)
16. Identify barriers to effective interpersonal communication and how to overcome
them. (April 2018)
1. What is control?
Control is the measurement and correction of performance in order to make sure the
enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are accomplished.
2. Give some critical points standards of control. (Nov/Dec 2014)
Critical Control Point (CCP) is the point where the failure of Standard Operation
Procedure (SOP) could cause harm to customers and to the business, or even loss of
the business itself. It is a point, step or procedure at which controls can be applied and
a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated or reduced to acceptable (critical)
levels. The most common CCP is cooking, where food safety managers designate
critical limits. CCP identification is also an important step in risk and reliability
analysis for water treatment processes.
3. State the difference between feedback and feed forward control technique
Feedback Feed forward
It measures only the output of the process It measures the input of the process
It is submissive approach It is aggressive approach
Less benefit More benefit
4. Define Budget. (May 2012, Nov 2012, May 2014, Nov 2014, May 2016)

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A budget is an estimation of revenue and expenses over a specified future period of
time; it is compiled and re-evaluated on a periodic basis. At companies and
organizations, a budget is an internal tool used by management and is often not
required for reporting by external parties.ed.(Erde: 224003)
5. Define budgetary control. (Nov/Dec 2012,Nov/Dec 2017)
A system which uses budgets as a means of planning and controlling all aspects of
producing and selling commodities and services.
6. Write the objectives of budgetary control.
i) It aims at maximization of profits
ii) To plan and control the income and expenditure of the organization
iii) To provide adequate working capital
7. What are classifications of budget?
i) Functional classification- Sales, production, cash, capital and master budget
ii) Time classification- Short, current and long term budget
iii) Activity level- Fixed and flexible budget
8. What is zero base budget? (Nov/Dec 2015)
Zero based budgeting in management accounting involves preparing the budget from
the scratch with a zero-base. It involves re-evaluating every line item of cash flow
statement and justifying all the expenditure that is to be incurred by the
department.Initially the budget is designed from a zero base. The main element of
ZBB is future objective orientation.
9. Define MIS.
MIS is more advance technology for solving its basic requirements. MIS used for
decision making in the various functional areas of business.

10. What are the difference between PERT and CPM( May/June 2016)
It is activity oriented PERT is event oriented
CPM is planning device It is control device
It estimates only one time It estimates three times
It is a deterministic model It is probabilistic model
11. Define productivity. (Nov/Dec 2014,Nov/Dec 2017)

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Productivity measure is expressed as the ratio of output to inputs used in a production
process, i.e. output per unit of input. Productivity is a crucial factor in production
performance of firms and nations. Increasing national productivity can raise living
standards because more real income improves people's ability to purchase goods and
services, enjoy leisure, improve housing and education and contribute to social and
environmental programs. Productivity is a measure of how much input is required to
produce a given output.
12. Define OR.
OR is a systematic analysis of a problem through scientific methods, carried out by
appropriate specialists, working together as a team, finding an optimum and the most
appropriate solution to meet the given objective under a given set of constraints.
13. Define Linear Programming?
It is a mathematical technique in operation research and a plan of action solve a given
problem involving linearly related variables in order to achieve the laid down
objectives in the form of minimizing or maximizing the objective function under
given set of constraints.
14.What is Inventory Control?
Inventory control refers to the control of raw materials and purchased material in store
and regulation of investment in them.
15. What is JIT?
Just in time inventory system, in this method the suppliers deliver the materials to the
production spot just in time to be assembled. This method reduces the cost of
16. What are objectives of value engineering?
i) It is a special type of cost reduction technique. ii)Modify and improve product
design iii)Reduce the product cost iv)Increase the profit v)Simplify the product
17. What is MNC?
Multinational corporation is an enterprise which own or control production or service
facilities outside the country in which they are based.
18. Write some advantages of MNCs.
i) It can promote quality product at low price. ii) MNC leads to increase in
production aggregate employment, exports and imports of the required inputs.
iii)It increases the government revenues.
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19. Define quality circles.
Quality circles are groups of people, from the same organizational area, who meet
regularly to solve problems they experience at work. Members are trained in solving
problems, in applying statistical quality control and working in groups.
20. What is preventive control? (May/June 2012,April/May 2017)
It the method to develop better managers who will skillfully apply concepts,
techniques and principles and who will look at managing the problems from system
point of view, thus eliminating the unwanted results caused by poor management.
21. What are the various forms of international business? (May/June 2014)
The various forms of international business are exportation, licensing agreement,
management contracts, Joint ventures and subsidiaries.
22.What is purchase control? (Nov/Dec 2014)
Purchase control is an element of material control. Material procurement is known as
the purchase function. The functional responsibility of purchasing is that of the
purchase manager or the purchaser. Purchasing is an important function of materials
management because in purchase of materials, a substantial portion of the company's
finance is committed which affects cash flow position of the company.
23. What is quality control? (Nov/Dec 2015)
Quality control refers to the technical process that gathers, examines, analyze& report
the progress of the project & conformance with the performance requirements.
24. List the basic types of control(April/May 2015)
The control systems can be classified into three types namely feed forward, concurrent
and feedback control systems.
25.Why controlling is important?(April/May 2017)
Controlling is to determine whether people and various parts of the organization are
on target and achieving the progress towards objectivies that they planned to achieve.

26.What are the three potential pitfalls of budgets? (April/May 2015)

Following are five common pitfalls to avoid when developing your company’s budget:
i) Making an unrealistic budget ii) Depending on future earnings
iii)Not outlining your objectives clearly:confusion between what is needed and wanted
iv) Not leaving room for the sudden and unexpected requirements
v) Insisting on precision
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27. What are the uses of computers in management control? (Nov/Dec 2016)
The computers can provide reports and data for management. Inventory sales analysis,
credit analysis can be calculated. The computer can provide management with data on
the composition of its personnel. It can print out information on job classification and
personnel capabilities and can list employees by department, by salary schedule or by
28. Discuss the productivity problems in a management. (Nov/Dec 2016)
i) Human resources ii) Government policy iii) Technology iv) Material
v) Machinery and equipment vi) Skill of the worker vii) Plant equipment
viii) Land and buildings ix) Capital and x) Research and Development.
29. What are various steps involved in the controlling process? (Nov/Dec 2018)

Some of the essential steps of controlling process as studied under Business

Management are i) Setting Performance Standards ii) Measurement of Actual
Performance iii) Comparing Actual Performance with Standards
iv) Analysing Deviations v) Taking Corrective Action.
30. Name any two HR related controlling techniques. (Nov/Dec 2018)
i) Direct Supervision and Observation ii) Financial Statements iii)Budgetary Control.
iv) Break Even Analysis v) Return on Investment (ROI) vi) Management Audit
vii) Management by Objectives viii) Management Information System (MIS)
31. What is performance appraisal (April/May 2018)
Performance Appraisal is defined as a systematic process, in which the personality and
performance of an employee is assessed by the supervisor or manager, against
predefined standards, such as knowledge of the job, quality and quantity of output,
leadership abilities, attitude towards work, attendance, cooperation, judgment,
versatility, health, initiative and so forth.
32. What are the characterstics of control function? (April/May 2018)
The nature or characteristics of controlling can easily be understood from the
following facts: 1.Controlling is a Fundamental Management Function 2.Essential
Function of Every Manager 3.Controlling is a Continuous Activity 4. Controlling is
Both the Beginning and the End of the Process of Management 5.Controlling is
related to Results
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1.Discuss the control techniques of budget. (Nov 2014, Nov/Dec 2016,Nov/Dec 2017)
2.What factors affect the Companies at International Level?(May/June 2014)
3.Explain how companies go international and also explain how they effect.
(May/June 2014)
4. Discuss the various types of budgets. (Nov/Dec 2012)
5. Explain the concept and process of controlling and write short notes on different
types of control. (Nov/Dec 2012, Nov/Dec 2014)
6. Give an account of some popular non-budgetary control techniques, with special
reference to break-even analysis and ratio analysis. (May/June 2012,Nov/Dec 2015)
7. Write short notes on i) Control of productivity problems and management.
ii) Direct and preventive control (Nov/Dec 2018)
8. Explain the concept and process of controlling in details.(Nov 2015,April 2017,
April 2018)
9.Write a note on different types of control .( Nov/Dec 2015, May/June 2016)
10.(i)Explain the relationship between controlling and overall management. Discuss
the steps in controlling process.
(ii) Describe the potential barriers to successful controlling.(April/May 2015)
11. Impact of IT in management concepts – Discuss. (Nov 2016,Nov 2017,Nov 2018)
12. Discuss briefly about (i) Break event Analysis and (ii) Budget as a tool for
organizational control. (April/May 2015)
13.Discuss in detail about the three steps in the control process.( April/May 2017)
14.Discuss the uses of Computers and IT in management control.(April/May 2017)
15.Discuss the various types of tools used to monitor and measure organizational
performance. (April/May 2018)

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