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What happens tomorrow is a mystery mile to make things, not better, but

and can be life’s greatest misery. right.

Thinking of all the bad possibilities Self-care can’t always be pretty. You
make me tremble in fear. cannot mask your difficulties in life
with face masks, it is not what they’re
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile
for. Stop the mentality that self-care
because it happened.”
is a treat, instead treat self-care as a
Face Mask is not self-care Instead of purchasing expensive face
Self-care is breaking down and masks, put on a brave new face and
sobbing on your bathroom floor bring on the sass.
because of the Performance Tasks
you still haven’t done or the
upcoming ‘stressful’ summative tests,
and having the courage to do what it
takes to pick yourself up.
Self-care can either be a sleepless
night trying to accomplish your
attained goals, or maybe getting up
an hour early to go to the gym or just
a slight exercise. It could be taking a
break from everything and just stare
at the ceiling and let your thoughts
and feeling sink in, maybe take a few
minutes and meditate.
Sometimes it’s cutting off toxic
people that do not bring you
happiness anymore, or letting go of
things that clutter your life. Possibly
having another painful breakdown, in
order to breakthrough. Self-care
should be stepping out of your
comfort zone and going the extra

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