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Raphael John Isaiah B.


Summary of Book of Kings

Upon knowing that his death is near, King David anointed his son Solomon
as the new King. At the start Solomon led his kingdom well and it was marked
by wealth, prosperity and wisdom. All thanks to the Lord, in which he asked
wisdom from, but soon disobeyed the word of God. Soon after King David’s
death, the Lord tore the kingdom from his son’s hand and the people of Israel
was divided into two nations, the northern kingdom Israel and the southern
kingdom Judah.

Both of these kingdoms fell into idolatry, but Judah had its fair share of good
kings, like Jehoshaphat, Joash, Amaziah, and others who tried to bring
reform like Josiah, and even those who experienced miraculous deliverance
like Hezekiah. On the other hand, Israel didn’t have any godly rulers and
continuously stray from God’s grace like the nations who owned these lands
before they possessed it.

It is stated in the book of Kings the roles of Prophets. Most notably, are Elijah
and Elisha, both of them are zealous for the Lord, so they showed miracles
that proves that God is greater than those false deities. For the most part,
the prophetic teachings of the Lord fall on deaf ears as God raises up two
enemy nations, Assyria and Babylon, to invade Israel and Judah.

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