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1. Open an excel sheet
2. Put a data on sheet like numbers then put a formula manually
[=SUM (number1, number2 and so on)].
1. Add a sheet
2. Put a formula manually [=AVERAGE (number1, number2 and
so on) ].
3. Select one by one of each data of a cell and you get an average
1. Again, add a sheet for MINIMUM
2. Put a data for calculating minimum by manually.
3. Put a data for calculating minimum in an acending order.
4. Put a formula [=MIN (number1, number2 and so on) ].
5. You get a result.
1. Add a sheet
2. Put a data for calculating maximum in an descending order.
3. Put a formula [=MAX (number1, number2 and so on) ].
4. You get a result for maximum.
1. Add a sheet
2. Put a name and last name for put a formula of concatenate
3. [=concatenate(first name,last name) ].
4. You get a resultof it.
1. Add a sheet.
2. Put a data
3. Such as numbers in cell, blank cells, fill with alphabets.
4. Put a formula of count [=count (value1, value2…) ].
5. You get a result.
1. Add a sheet
2. Put a data
3. Such as a numbers in cell, blank cells, fill with alphabets.
4. Put a formula of count blank [=count blank (valne1, value2…) ].
5. You will see only blank cell will calculate.
6. Finally, you see a result.
1. Add a sheet
2. Put a data
3. Such as a number in cell, blank cells, fill with alphabets.
4. Put a formula of counta [=counta (value1, value2…) ].
5. You will see counta calculate the cells rather than blank cell.
6. Finally, you see a result.
1. Add a sheet
2. Put a data such as name,, roll number, courses, semester, sgpa,
cgpa, abd etc.
3. Put a formula in it [=VLOOKUP (lookup value, table array, col
index num,[range lookup]) ]
4. You see a resuly
1. Add a sheet
2. Put a data on sheet like number then put formula manually
[=AND(B2>50,B3,80) ].
3. You get a result.
1. It is bit different from others.
2. This is called an “exclusive or”, & there’s another function that
serves that purpose.
3. Excel’s OR function returms true/false when any arguments are
4. You get the result.
1. The IF function can be performed a logical test & return one
value for a TRUE value & another for FALSE value.
2. Then we can see that result as grades
1. The IF function can be performed a logical test & return one
value for a TRUE value & another for FALSE value.
2. Then we can see that result as grades.
3. More than one condition can be tested by nesting IF function.
4. In this AND function returns TRUE if all conditions are TRUE
otherwise FALSE condition are FALSE.
A pivot table is a table of statistics that summarize the data of a more
extensive table (such as from a database, spreadsheet, or business
intelligence program). This summary might include sums, averages,
or other statistics, which the pivot table groups together in a
meaningful way.

Editing in MS Word

Most traditional publishers and freelance editors edit manuscripts in MS Word

before layout and typesetting. So, whether you are going the traditional or the
indie publishing route, as a professional writer, you should familiarise yourself
with MS Word and its functions as much as possible.

Formatting and style don’ts

 Don’t use tabs or spaces to indent paragraphs—set them up using styles

 Don’t add manual paragraph returns at the end of each line—Word wraps
the text automatically
 Don’t add two spaces between sentences—it causes spacing problems in
 Don’t insert multiple paragraph returns to get to the next page—use the
page break or section break function where necessary
 Don’t mix spelling and punctuation styles and usage—readers may pick
them up as errors rather than choices.

Check spelling and grammar

Word's Spelling and Grammar checker highlights typing errors in red and
grammatical errors in green as you type.

If you open an existing document, you can still use the checker to locate errors.
As the checker proceeds through the document, it will stop at each error it finds
and suggest one or more possible corrections

Select and delete text

You can use different methods to select text with the mouse or keyboard.

Use the mouse to quickly select any amount of text-a letter, a line, or the entire

To select a single line or more, click in the selection bar, which is the blank
space in the left margin where the cursor turns into an arrow.

After the text is selected, you can perform many actions, including deleting the
highlighted text by pressing the Delete key.

Move text within the document

The ability to move text within a document is a timesaving editing feature.

Moving text, compared to retyping the same amount of text, makes it much
easier to reorganize a document.

Dragging and dropping text enables you to move small or large amounts of text
with a few mouse clicks.

Cut, copy and paste text

Cutting or copying and then pasting text is another way to move text from one
location to another.

Cutting text removes it from its original location. Pasting places it in a new
Copying leaves the text in its original location, but places a copy of the text in
the new location when you paste. Cut and copied items are stored on the

Find and replace text

The Find feature enables you to locate a word or phrase in a document.

The Replace feature enables you to automatically change the word or phrase
after it is found.

You can set the options to automatically replace every occurrence of the text or
to only replace individually selected occurrences.

Delete a recurring word by searching for the word and replacing it with nothing
or a space.

You can also change the document's appearance by replacing a font, a special
character, or the appearance of the text (bold, italic, etc.).

Change margins, line spacing, alignment, and paragraph indents

Margins affect the amount of white space between the type and the edge of the

Line spacing, which you can change using the Line Spacing button on the
Formatting toolbar, determines the amount of white space between lines of type.

Text alignment identifies how the text lines up between the left and right

Paragraph indents change where text starts and stops on each horizontal line
without changing the margins.
Indents are most often applied to the first line of a paragraph, but entire
paragraphs can be indented for various reasons.

Copy formatting with the Format Painter

The Format Painter copies formatting from one paragraph to another in three

Select the entire formatted paragraph

Click the Format Painter button (double-click to apply the format to multiple
items), and then use the mouse pointer to select the item(s) you want to format

Click in the paragraph to be formatted. The format is copied to the second

paragraph. Click the Format Painter button again to turn the function off.

Emphasize points with bullets, numbering, boldface, underlining,

and italics

Bullets and numbers make lists stand out from the rest of the document.

Click the Bullets or Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar to add bullets
or numbers to each paragraph.

If you add or remove an item in a numbered list, Word will automatically adjust
the numbers.

Text can also be emphasized and made clearer through the use of bolding,
underlining, and italicizing.
Add a comment to a document

A comment is an electronic way of attaching a note about a certain word or

section of the text, much as you would write a note in the margins of a paper

You can insert, edit, and delete comments without affecting the document.

Insert comments at any point in the text.

Select sections of the text to indicate that your comment references all of the
text selected.

Comments can also be viewed as ScreenTips or, if you alter the default settings,
as margin notes.

Using the Research Task Pane

The Research task pane provides a number of research tools, including a

thesaurus, an Internet search engine, and access to the Encarta Encyclopaedia
and Dictionary

To take full advantage, your computer must be connected to the Internet

Select the text you wish to research, and click the Research button on the
Standard toolbar.
Speed up your everyday writing workflow with these basic
keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft Word.

Sometimes mouse-work can be slow and tedious. Here are a few essential PC
keyboard shortcuts you can use to get more done in less time!

Ctrl + A Select all

Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste
Ctrl + F Find
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + F2 Print preview
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + B Bold
Ctrl + I Italicize
Ctrl + U Underline
Ctrl + E Centre text
Ctrl + J Justify
Ctrl + L Left justify
Ctrl + R Right justify
Shift + F3 Change the case of text
Ctrl + = Subscript
Alt + 0145 Left single curly quote
Alt + 0146 Right single curly quote
Alt + 0147 Left double curly quote
Alt + 0148 Right double curly quote
Alt + 0150 En dash (–)
Alt + 0151 Em dash (—)

Obviously, do not enter the + signs..


A PowerPoint template is a pattern or blueprint of a slide or
group of slides that you save as a .potx file. Templates can
contain layouts, colors, fonts, effects, background styles, and
The views in PowerPoint that you can use to edit, print, and
deliver your presentation are as follows:

 Normal view.
 Slide Sorter view.
 Notes Page view.
 Outline view (Available in PowerPoint 2016 for Mac and newer
 Slide Show view.
 Presenter view.
 Master views: Slide, Handout, and Notes.

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