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Job Number: 160602

5.1. Structural Design Calculations


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Job Number: 160602


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Job Number: 160602


The following calculations will consider the worst case. In the temporary condition no water will be taken into


TEDDS calculation version

Wall details
Retaining wall type Cantilever propped at base
Height of retaining wall stem hstem = 3500 mm
Thickness of wall stem twall = 350 mm
Length of toe ltoe = 3000 mm
Length of heel lheel = 0 mm
Overall length of base lbase = ltoe + lheel + twall = 3350 mm
Thickness of base tbase = 350 mm
Depth of downstand dds = 0 mm
Position of downstand lds = 1900 mm
Thickness of downstand tds = 350 mm
Height of retaining wall hwall = hstem + tbase + dds = 3850 mm
Depth of cover in front of wall dcover = 0 mm
Depth of unplanned excavation dexc = 0 mm
Height of ground water behind wall hwater = 0 mm
Height of saturated fill above base hsat = max(hwater - tbase - dds, 0 mm) = 0 mm
Density of wall construction Jwall = 23.6 kN/m3
Density of base construction Jbase = 23.6 kN/m3
Angle of rear face of wall D = 90.0 deg
Angle of soil surface behind wall E = 0.0 deg
Effective height at virtual back of wall heff = hwall + lheel u tan(E) = 3850 mm

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Job Number: 160602

Retained material details

Mobilisation factor M = 1.5
Moist density of retained material Jm = 18.0 kN/m3
Saturated density of retained material Js = 21.0 kN/m3
Design shear strength I' = 24.2 deg
Angle of wall friction G = 0.0 deg
Base material details
Moist density Jmb = 18.0 kN/m3
Design shear strength I'b = 24.2 deg
Design base friction Gb = 18.6 deg
Allowable bearing pressure Pbearing = 100 kN/m2
Using Coulomb theory
Active pressure coefficient for retained material
Ka = sin(D+ I')2 / (sin(D)2 u sin(D- G) u [1 + —(sin(I' + G) u sin(I' - E) / (sin(D- G) u sin(D+ E)))]2) = 0.419
Passive pressure coefficient for base material
Kp = sin(90- I'b)2 / (sin(90- Gb) u [1 - —(sin(I'b + Gb) u sin(I'b) / (sin(90 + Gb)))]2) = 4.187
At-rest pressure
At-rest pressure for retained material K0 = 1 – sin(I’) = 0.590
Loading details
Surcharge load on plan Surcharge = 10.0 kN/m2
Applied vertical dead load on wall Wdead = 85.6 kN/m
Applied vertical live load on wall Wlive = 3.8 kN/m
Position of applied vertical load on wall lload = 3150 mm
Applied horizontal dead load on wall Fdead = 0.0 kN/m
Applied horizontal live load on wall Flive = 0.0 kN/m
Height of applied horizontal load on wall hload = 0 mm

Loads shown in kN/m, pressures shown in kN/m2


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Job Number: 160602

Vertical forces on wall

Wall stem wwall = hstem u twall u Jwall = 28.9 kN/m
Wall base wbase = lbase u tbase u Jbase = 27.7 kN/m
Applied vertical load Wv = Wdead + Wlive = 89.4 kN/m
Total vertical load Wtotal = wwall + wbase + Wv = 146 kN/m
Horizontal forces on wall
Surcharge Fsur = Ka u Surcharge u heff = 16.1 kN/m
Moist backfill above water table Fm_a = 0.5 u Ka u Jm u (heff - hwater)2 = 55.8 kN/m
Total horizontal load Ftotal = Fsur + Fm_a = 71.9 kN/m
Calculate propping force
Passive resistance of soil in front of wall Fp = 0.5 u Kp u cos(Gb) u (dcover + tbase + dds - dexc)2 u Jmb = 4.4
Propping force Fprop = max(Ftotal - Fp - (Wtotal - Wlive) u tan(Gb), 0 kN/m)
Fprop = 19.7 kN/m
Overturning moments
Surcharge Msur = Fsur u (heff - 2 u dds) / 2 = 31 kNm/m
Moist backfill above water table Mm_a = Fm_a u (heff + 2 u hwater - 3 u dds) / 3 = 71.7 kNm/m
Total overturning moment Mot = Msur + Mm_a = 102.7 kNm/m
Restoring moments
Wall stem Mwall = wwall u (ltoe + twall / 2) = 91.8 kNm/m
Wall base Mbase = wbase u lbase / 2 = 46.3 kNm/m
Design vertical dead load Mdead = Wdead u lload = 269.6 kNm/m
Total restoring moment Mrest = Mwall + Mbase + Mdead = 407.8 kNm/m
Check bearing pressure
Design vertical live load Mlive = Wlive u lload = 12 kNm/m
Total moment for bearing Mtotal = Mrest - Mot + Mlive = 317.1 kNm/m
Total vertical reaction R = Wtotal = 146.0 kN/m
Distance to reaction xbar = Mtotal / R = 2172 mm
Eccentricity of reaction e = abs((lbase / 2) - xbar) = 497 mm
Reaction acts within middle third of base
Bearing pressure at toe ptoe = (R / lbase) - (6 u R u e / lbase2) = 4.8 kN/m2
Bearing pressure at heel pheel = (R / lbase) + (6 u R u e / lbase2) = 82.4 kN/m2
PASS - Maximum bearing pressure is less than allowable bearing pressure


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Job Number: 160602


TEDDS calculation version

Ultimate limit state load factors

Dead load factor Jf_d = 1.4
Live load factor Jf_l = 1.6
Earth and water pressure factor Jf_e = 1.4
Factored vertical forces on wall
Wall stem wwall_f = Jf_d u hstem u twall u Jwall = 40.5 kN/m
Wall base wbase_f = Jf_d u lbase u tbase u Jbase = 38.7 kN/m
Applied vertical load Wv_f = Jf_d u Wdead + Jf_l u Wlive = 125.9 kN/m
Total vertical load Wtotal_f = wwall_f + wbase_f + Wv_f = 205.1 kN/m
Factored horizontal at-rest forces on wall
Surcharge Fsur_f = Jf_l u K0 u Surcharge u heff = 36.3 kN/m
Moist backfill above water table Fm_a_f = Jf_e u 0.5 u K0 u Jm u (heff - hwater)2 = 110.2 kN/m
Total horizontal load Ftotal_f = Fsur_f + Fm_a_f = 146.6 kN/m
Calculate propping force
Passive resistance of soil in front of wall Fp_f = Jf_e u 0.5 u Kp u cos(Gb) u (dcover + tbase + dds - dexc)2 u Jmb =
6.1 kN/m
Propping force Fprop_f = max(Ftotal_f - Fp_f - (Wtotal_f - Jf_l u Wlive) u tan(Gb), 0 kN/m)
Fprop_f = 73.4 kN/m
Factored overturning moments
Surcharge Msur_f = Fsur_f u (heff - 2 u dds) / 2 = 70 kNm/m
Moist backfill above water table Mm_a_f = Fm_a_f u (heff + 2 u hwater - 3 u dds) / 3 = 141.4 kNm/m
Total overturning moment Mot_f = Msur_f + Mm_a_f = 211.4 kNm/m
Restoring moments
Wall stem Mwall_f = wwall_f u (ltoe + twall / 2) = 128.5 kNm/m
Wall base Mbase_f = wbase_f u lbase / 2 = 64.9 kNm/m
Design vertical load Mv_f = Wv_f u lload = 396.6 kNm/m
Total restoring moment Mrest_f = Mwall_f + Mbase_f + Mv_f = 590 kNm/m
Factored bearing pressure
Total moment for bearing Mtotal_f = Mrest_f - Mot_f = 378.6 kNm/m
Total vertical reaction Rf = Wtotal_f = 205.1 kN/m
Distance to reaction xbar_f = Mtotal_f / Rf = 1846 mm
Eccentricity of reaction ef = abs((lbase / 2) - xbar_f) = 171 mm
Reaction acts within middle third of base
Bearing pressure at toe ptoe_f = (Rf / lbase) - (6 u Rf u ef / lbase2) = 42.5 kN/m2
Bearing pressure at heel pheel_f = (Rf / lbase) + (6 u Rf u ef / lbase2) = 80 kN/m2
Rate of change of base reaction rate = (ptoe_f - pheel_f) / lbase = -11.19 kN/m2/m
Bearing pressure at stem / toe pstem_toe_f = max(pheel_f + (rate u (lheel + twall)), 0 kN/m2) = 76.1
Bearing pressure at mid stem pstem_mid_f = max(pheel_f + (rate u (lheel + twall / 2)), 0 kN/m2) = 78
Bearing pressure at stem / heel pstem_heel_f = max(pheel_f + (rate u lheel), 0 kN/m2) = 80 kN/m2

Design of reinforced concrete retaining wall toe (BS 8002:1994)

Material properties
Characteristic strength of concrete fcu = 40 N/mm2


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Job Number: 160602

Characteristic strength of reinforcement fy = 500 N/mm2

Base details
Minimum area of reinforcement k = 0.13 %
Cover to reinforcement in toe ctoe = 30 mm
Calculate shear for toe design
Shear from bearing pressure Vtoe_bear = (ptoe_f + pstem_toe_f) u ltoe / 2 = 177.8 kN/m
Shear from weight of base Vtoe_wt_base = Jf_d u Jbase u ltoe u tbase = 34.7 kN/m
Total shear for toe design Vtoe = Vtoe_bear - Vtoe_wt_base = 143.1 kN/m
Calculate moment for toe design
Moment from bearing pressure Mtoe_bear = (2 u ptoe_f + pstem_mid_f) u (ltoe + twall / 2)2 / 6 = 273.9
Moment from weight of base Mtoe_wt_base = (Jf_d u Jbase u tbase u (ltoe + twall / 2)2 / 2) = 58.3
Total moment for toe design Mtoe = Mtoe_bear - Mtoe_wt_base = 215.6 kNm/m

Check toe in bending

Width of toe b = 1000 mm/m
Depth of reinforcement dtoe = tbase – ctoe – (Itoe / 2) = 310.0 mm
Constant Ktoe = Mtoe / (b u dtoe2 u fcu) = 0.056
Compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm ztoe = min(0.5 + —(0.25 - (min(Ktoe, 0.225) / 0.9)),0.95) u dtoe
ztoe = 289 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As_toe_des = Mtoe / (0.87 u fy u ztoe) = 1713 mm2/m
Minimum area of tension reinforcement As_toe_min = k u b u tbase = 455 mm2/m
Area of tension reinforcement required As_toe_req = Max(As_toe_des, As_toe_min) = 1713 mm2/m
Reinforcement provided 20 mm dia.bars @ 150 mm centres
Area of reinforcement provided As_toe_prov = 2094 mm2/m
PASS - Reinforcement provided at the retaining wall toe is adequate
Check shear resistance at toe
Design shear stress vtoe = Vtoe / (b u dtoe) = 0.462 N/mm2
Allowable shear stress vadm = min(0.8 u —(fcu / 1 N/mm2), 5) u 1 N/mm2 = 5.000 N/mm2
PASS - Design shear stress is less than maximum shear stress
From BS8110:Part 1:1997 – Table 3.8
Design concrete shear stress vc_toe = 0.691 N/mm2
vtoe < vc_toe - No shear reinforcement required


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Job Number: 160602

Design of reinforced concrete retaining wall stem (BS 8002:1994)

Material properties
Characteristic strength of concrete fcu = 40 N/mm2
Characteristic strength of reinforcement fy = 500 N/mm2
Wall details
Minimum area of reinforcement k = 0.13 %
Cover to reinforcement in stem cstem = 30 mm
Cover to reinforcement in wall cwall = 30 mm
Factored horizontal at-rest forces on stem
Surcharge Fs_sur_f = Jf_l u K0 u Surcharge u (heff - tbase - dds) = 33 kN/m
Moist backfill above water table Fs_m_a_f = 0.5 u Jf_e u K0 u Jm u (heff - tbase - dds - hsat)2 = 91.1
Calculate shear for stem design
Shear at base of stem Vstem = Fs_sur_f + Fs_m_a_f - Fprop_f = 50.7 kN/m
Calculate moment for stem design
Surcharge Ms_sur = Fs_sur_f u (hstem + tbase) / 2 = 63.6 kNm/m
Moist backfill above water table Ms_m_a = Fs_m_a_f u (2 u hsat + heff - dds + tbase / 2) / 3 = 122.2
Total moment for stem design Mstem = Ms_sur + Ms_m_a = 185.8 kNm/m

Check wall stem in bending

Width of wall stem b = 1000 mm/m
Depth of reinforcement dstem = twall – cstem – (Istem / 2) = 310.0 mm
Constant Kstem = Mstem / (b u dstem2 u fcu) = 0.048
Compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm zstem = min(0.5 + —(0.25 - (min(Kstem, 0.225) / 0.9)),0.95) u dstem
zstem = 292 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As_stem_des = Mstem / (0.87 u fy u zstem) = 1461 mm2/m
Minimum area of tension reinforcement As_stem_min = k u b u twall = 455 mm2/m
Area of tension reinforcement required As_stem_req = Max(As_stem_des, As_stem_min) = 1461 mm2/m
Reinforcement provided 20 mm dia.bars @ 150 mm centres
Area of reinforcement provided As_stem_prov = 2094 mm2/m
PASS - Reinforcement provided at the retaining wall stem is adequate
Check shear resistance at wall stem
Design shear stress vstem = Vstem / (b u dstem) = 0.163 N/mm2
Allowable shear stress vadm = min(0.8 u —(fcu / 1 N/mm2), 5) u 1 N/mm2 = 5.000 N/mm2


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Job Number: 160602

PASS - Design shear stress is less than maximum shear stress

From BS8110:Part 1:1997 – Table 3.8
Design concrete shear stress vc_stem = 0.691 N/mm2
vstem < vc_stem - No shear reinforcement required


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Job Number: 160602

Indicative retaining wall reinforcement diagram

Stem reinforcement

Toe reinforcement

Toe bars - 20 mm dia.@ 150 mm centres - (2094 mm2/m)

Stem bars - 20 mm dia.@ 150 mm centres - (2094 mm2/m)


The following calculations will take into consideration the hydrostatic pressure to the rear of the wall.


TEDDS calculation version


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Job Number: 160602

Wall details
Retaining wall type Cantilever propped at base
Height of retaining wall stem hstem = 3500 mm
Thickness of wall stem twall = 350 mm
Length of toe ltoe = 3000 mm
Length of heel lheel = 0 mm
Overall length of base lbase = ltoe + lheel + twall = 3350 mm
Thickness of base tbase = 350 mm
Depth of downstand dds = 0 mm
Position of downstand lds = 1900 mm
Thickness of downstand tds = 350 mm
Height of retaining wall hwall = hstem + tbase + dds = 3850 mm
Depth of cover in front of wall dcover = 0 mm
Depth of unplanned excavation dexc = 0 mm
Height of ground water behind wall hwater = 2500 mm
Height of saturated fill above base hsat = max(hwater - tbase - dds, 0 mm) = 2150 mm
Density of wall construction Jwall = 23.6 kN/m3
Density of base construction Jbase = 23.6 kN/m3
Angle of rear face of wall D = 90.0 deg
Angle of soil surface behind wall E = 0.0 deg
Effective height at virtual back of wall heff = hwall + lheel u tan(E) = 3850 mm
Retained material details
Mobilisation factor M = 1.5
Moist density of retained material Jm = 18.0 kN/m3
Saturated density of retained material Js = 21.0 kN/m3
Design shear strength I' = 24.2 deg
Angle of wall friction G = 0.0 deg


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Job Number: 160602

Base material details

Moist density Jmb = 18.0 kN/m3
Design shear strength I'b = 24.2 deg
Design base friction Gb = 18.6 deg
Allowable bearing pressure Pbearing = 100 kN/m2
Using Coulomb theory
Active pressure coefficient for retained material
Ka = sin(D+ I')2 / (sin(D)2 u sin(D- G) u [1 + —(sin(I' + G) u sin(I' - E) / (sin(D- G) u sin(D+ E)))]2) = 0.419
Passive pressure coefficient for base material
Kp = sin(90- I'b)2 / (sin(90- Gb) u [1 - —(sin(I'b + Gb) u sin(I'b) / (sin(90 + Gb)))]2) = 4.187
At-rest pressure
At-rest pressure for retained material K0 = 1 – sin(I’) = 0.590
Loading details
Surcharge load on plan Surcharge = 10.0 kN/m2
Applied vertical dead load on wall Wdead = 85.6 kN/m
Applied vertical live load on wall Wlive = 3.8 kN/m
Position of applied vertical load on wall lload = 3150 mm
Applied horizontal dead load on wall Fdead = 0.0 kN/m
Applied horizontal live load on wall Flive = 0.0 kN/m
Height of applied horizontal load on wall hload = 0 mm

Loads shown in kN/m, pressures shown in kN/m2

Vertical forces on wall

Wall stem wwall = hstem u twall u Jwall = 28.9 kN/m
Wall base wbase = lbase u tbase u Jbase = 27.7 kN/m
Applied vertical load Wv = Wdead + Wlive = 89.4 kN/m
Total vertical load Wtotal = wwall + wbase + Wv = 146 kN/m


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Job Number: 160602

Horizontal forces on wall

Surcharge Fsur = Ka u Surcharge u heff = 16.1 kN/m
Moist backfill above water table Fm_a = 0.5 u Ka u Jm u (heff - hwater)2 = 6.9 kN/m
Moist backfill below water table Fm_b = Ka u Jm u (heff - hwater) u hwater = 25.4 kN/m
Saturated backfill Fs = 0.5 u Ka u (Js- Jwater) u hwater2 = 14.6 kN/m
Water Fwater = 0.5 u hwater2 u Jwater = 30.7 kN/m
Total horizontal load Ftotal = Fsur + Fm_a + Fm_b + Fs + Fwater = 93.7 kN/m
Calculate propping force
Passive resistance of soil in front of wall Fp = 0.5 u Kp u cos(Gb) u (dcover + tbase + dds - dexc)2 u Jmb = 4.4
Propping force Fprop = max(Ftotal - Fp - (Wtotal - Wlive) u tan(Gb), 0 kN/m)
Fprop = 41.5 kN/m
Overturning moments
Surcharge Msur = Fsur u (heff - 2 u dds) / 2 = 31 kNm/m
Moist backfill above water table Mm_a = Fm_a u (heff + 2 u hwater - 3 u dds) / 3 = 20.3 kNm/m
Moist backfill below water table Mm_b = Fm_b u (hwater - 2 u dds) / 2 = 31.8 kNm/m
Saturated backfill Ms = Fs u (hwater - 3 u dds) / 3 = 12.2 kNm/m
Water Mwater = Fwater u (hwater - 3 u dds) / 3 = 25.5 kNm/m
Total overturning moment Mot = Msur + Mm_a + Mm_b + Ms + Mwater = 120.8 kNm/m
Restoring moments
Wall stem Mwall = wwall u (ltoe + twall / 2) = 91.8 kNm/m
Wall base Mbase = wbase u lbase / 2 = 46.3 kNm/m
Design vertical dead load Mdead = Wdead u lload = 269.6 kNm/m
Total restoring moment Mrest = Mwall + Mbase + Mdead = 407.8 kNm/m
Check bearing pressure
Design vertical live load Mlive = Wlive u lload = 12 kNm/m
Total moment for bearing Mtotal = Mrest - Mot + Mlive = 299 kNm/m
Total vertical reaction R = Wtotal = 146.0 kN/m
Distance to reaction xbar = Mtotal / R = 2048 mm
Eccentricity of reaction e = abs((lbase / 2) - xbar) = 373 mm
Reaction acts within middle third of base
Bearing pressure at toe ptoe = (R / lbase) - (6 u R u e / lbase2) = 14.5 kN/m2
Bearing pressure at heel pheel = (R / lbase) + (6 u R u e / lbase2) = 72.7 kN/m2
PASS - Maximum bearing pressure is less than allowable bearing pressure


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Job Number: 160602


TEDDS calculation version

Ultimate limit state load factors

Dead load factor Jf_d = 1.4
Live load factor Jf_l = 1.6
Earth and water pressure factor Jf_e = 1.4
Factored vertical forces on wall
Wall stem wwall_f = Jf_d u hstem u twall u Jwall = 40.5 kN/m
Wall base wbase_f = Jf_d u lbase u tbase u Jbase = 38.7 kN/m
Applied vertical load Wv_f = Jf_d u Wdead + Jf_l u Wlive = 125.9 kN/m
Total vertical load Wtotal_f = wwall_f + wbase_f + Wv_f = 205.1 kN/m
Factored horizontal at-rest forces on wall
Surcharge Fsur_f = Jf_l u K0 u Surcharge u heff = 36.3 kN/m
Moist backfill above water table Fm_a_f = Jf_e u 0.5 u K0 u Jm u (heff - hwater)2 = 13.6 kN/m
Moist backfill below water table Fm_b_f = Jf_e u K0 u Jm u (heff - hwater) u hwater = 50.2 kN/m
Saturated backfill Fs_f = Jf_e u 0.5 u K0 u (Js- Jwater) u hwater2 = 28.9 kN/m
Water Fwater_f = Jf_e u 0.5 u hwater2 u Jwater = 42.9 kN/m
Total horizontal load Ftotal_f = Fsur_f + Fm_a_f + Fm_b_f + Fs_f + Fwater_f = 171.9 kN/m
Calculate propping force
Passive resistance of soil in front of wall Fp_f = Jf_e u 0.5 u Kp u cos(Gb) u (dcover + tbase + dds - dexc)2 u Jmb =
6.1 kN/m
Propping force Fprop_f = max(Ftotal_f - Fp_f - (Wtotal_f - Jf_l u Wlive) u tan(Gb), 0 kN/m)
Fprop_f = 98.8 kN/m
Factored overturning moments
Surcharge Msur_f = Fsur_f u (heff - 2 u dds) / 2 = 70 kNm/m
Moist backfill above water table Mm_a_f = Fm_a_f u (heff + 2 u hwater - 3 u dds) / 3 = 40 kNm/m
Moist backfill below water table Mm_b_f = Fm_b_f u (hwater - 2 u dds) / 2 = 62.7 kNm/m
Saturated backfill Ms_f = Fs_f u (hwater - 3 u dds) / 3 = 24.1 kNm/m
Water Mwater_f = Fwater_f u (hwater - 3 u dds) / 3 = 35.8 kNm/m
Total overturning moment Mot_f = Msur_f + Mm_a_f + Mm_b_f + Ms_f + Mwater_f = 232.5 kNm/m
Restoring moments
Wall stem Mwall_f = wwall_f u (ltoe + twall / 2) = 128.5 kNm/m
Wall base Mbase_f = wbase_f u lbase / 2 = 64.9 kNm/m
Design vertical load Mv_f = Wv_f u lload = 396.6 kNm/m
Total restoring moment Mrest_f = Mwall_f + Mbase_f + Mv_f = 590 kNm/m
Factored bearing pressure
Total moment for bearing Mtotal_f = Mrest_f - Mot_f = 357.5 kNm/m
Total vertical reaction Rf = Wtotal_f = 205.1 kN/m
Distance to reaction xbar_f = Mtotal_f / Rf = 1743 mm
Eccentricity of reaction ef = abs((lbase / 2) - xbar_f) = 68 mm
Reaction acts within middle third of base
Bearing pressure at toe ptoe_f = (Rf / lbase) - (6 u Rf u ef / lbase2) = 53.8 kN/m2
Bearing pressure at heel pheel_f = (Rf / lbase) + (6 u Rf u ef / lbase2) = 68.7 kN/m2
Rate of change of base reaction rate = (ptoe_f - pheel_f) / lbase = -4.45 kN/m2/m
Bearing pressure at stem / toe pstem_toe_f = max(pheel_f + (rate u (lheel + twall)), 0 kN/m2) = 67.1


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Job Number: 160602

Bearing pressure at mid stem pstem_mid_f = max(pheel_f + (rate u (lheel + twall / 2)), 0 kN/m2) = 67.9
Bearing pressure at stem / heel pstem_heel_f = max(pheel_f + (rate u lheel), 0 kN/m2) = 68.7 kN/m2

Design of reinforced concrete retaining wall toe (BS 8002:1994)

Material properties
Characteristic strength of concrete fcu = 40 N/mm2
Characteristic strength of reinforcement fy = 500 N/mm2
Base details
Minimum area of reinforcement k = 0.13 %
Cover to reinforcement in toe ctoe = 30 mm
Calculate shear for toe design
Shear from bearing pressure Vtoe_bear = (ptoe_f + pstem_toe_f) u ltoe / 2 = 181.4 kN/m
Shear from weight of base Vtoe_wt_base = Jf_d u Jbase u ltoe u tbase = 34.7 kN/m
Total shear for toe design Vtoe = Vtoe_bear - Vtoe_wt_base = 146.7 kN/m
Calculate moment for toe design
Moment from bearing pressure Mtoe_bear = (2 u ptoe_f + pstem_mid_f) u (ltoe + twall / 2)2 / 6 = 294.8
Moment from weight of base Mtoe_wt_base = (Jf_d u Jbase u tbase u (ltoe + twall / 2)2 / 2) = 58.3
Total moment for toe design Mtoe = Mtoe_bear - Mtoe_wt_base = 236.5 kNm/m

Check toe in bending

Width of toe b = 1000 mm/m
Depth of reinforcement dtoe = tbase – ctoe – (Itoe / 2) = 310.0 mm
Constant Ktoe = Mtoe / (b u dtoe2 u fcu) = 0.062
Compression reinforcement is not required
Lever arm ztoe = min(0.5 + —(0.25 - (min(Ktoe, 0.225) / 0.9)),0.95) u dtoe
ztoe = 287 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As_toe_des = Mtoe / (0.87 u fy u ztoe) = 1894 mm2/m
Minimum area of tension reinforcement As_toe_min = k u b u tbase = 455 mm2/m
Area of tension reinforcement required As_toe_req = Max(As_toe_des, As_toe_min) = 1894 mm2/m
Reinforcement provided 20 mm dia.bars @ 150 mm centres
Area of reinforcement provided As_toe_prov = 2094 mm2/m
PASS - Reinforcement provided at the retaining wall toe is adequate
Check shear resistance at toe
Design shear stress vtoe = Vtoe / (b u dtoe) = 0.473 N/mm2


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Allowable shear stress vadm = min(0.8 u —(fcu / 1 N/mm2), 5) u 1 N/mm2 = 5.000 N/mm2
PASS - Design shear stress is less than maximum shear stress
From BS8110:Part 1:1997 – Table 3.8
Design concrete shear stress vc_toe = 0.691 N/mm2
vtoe < vc_toe - No shear reinforcement required

Design of reinforced concrete retaining wall stem (BS 8002:1994)

Material properties
Characteristic strength of concrete fcu = 40 N/mm2
Characteristic strength of reinforcement fy = 500 N/mm2
Wall details
Minimum area of reinforcement k = 0.13 %
Cover to reinforcement in stem cstem = 30 mm
Cover to reinforcement in wall cwall = 30 mm
Factored horizontal at-rest forces on stem
Surcharge Fs_sur_f = Jf_l u K0 u Surcharge u (heff - tbase - dds) = 33 kN/m
Moist backfill above water table Fs_m_a_f = 0.5 u Jf_e u K0 u Jm u (heff - tbase - dds - hsat)2 = 13.6
Moist backfill below water table Fs_m_b_f = Jf_e u K0 u Jm u (heff - tbase - dds - hsat) u hsat = 43.2 kN/m
Saturated backfill Fs_s_f = 0.5 u Jf_e u K0 u (Js- Jwater) u hsat2 = 21.4 kN/m
Water Fs_water_f = 0.5 u Jf_e u Jwater u hsat2 = 31.7 kN/m
Calculate shear for stem design
Shear at base of stem Vstem = Fs_sur_f + Fs_m_a_f + Fs_m_b_f + Fs_s_f + Fs_water_f - Fprop_f =
44.1 kN/m
Calculate moment for stem design
Surcharge Ms_sur = Fs_sur_f u (hstem + tbase) / 2 = 63.6 kNm/m
Moist backfill above water table Ms_m_a = Fs_m_a_f u (2 u hsat + heff - dds + tbase / 2) / 3 = 37.6
Moist backfill below water table Ms_m_b = Fs_m_b_f u hsat / 2 = 46.4 kNm/m
Saturated backfill Ms_s = Fs_s_f u hsat / 3 = 15.3 kNm/m
Water Ms_water = Fs_water_f u hsat / 3 = 22.7 kNm/m
Total moment for stem design Mstem = Ms_sur + Ms_m_a + Ms_m_b + Ms_s + Ms_water = 185.7 kNm/m

Check wall stem in bending

Width of wall stem b = 1000 mm/m
Depth of reinforcement dstem = twall – cstem – (Istem / 2) = 310.0 mm
Constant Kstem = Mstem / (b u dstem2 u fcu) = 0.048


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Compression reinforcement is not required

Lever arm zstem = min(0.5 + —(0.25 - (min(Kstem, 0.225) / 0.9)),0.95) u dstem
zstem = 292 mm
Area of tension reinforcement required As_stem_des = Mstem / (0.87 u fy u zstem) = 1460 mm2/m
Minimum area of tension reinforcement As_stem_min = k u b u twall = 455 mm2/m
Area of tension reinforcement required As_stem_req = Max(As_stem_des, As_stem_min) = 1460 mm2/m
Reinforcement provided 20 mm dia.bars @ 150 mm centres
Area of reinforcement provided As_stem_prov = 2094 mm2/m
PASS - Reinforcement provided at the retaining wall stem is adequate
Check shear resistance at wall stem
Design shear stress vstem = Vstem / (b u dstem) = 0.142 N/mm2
Allowable shear stress vadm = min(0.8 u —(fcu / 1 N/mm2), 5) u 1 N/mm2 = 5.000 N/mm2
PASS - Design shear stress is less than maximum shear stress
From BS8110:Part 1:1997 – Table 3.8
Design concrete shear stress vc_stem = 0.691 N/mm2
vstem < vc_stem - No shear reinforcement required


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Indicative retaining wall reinforcement diagram

Stem reinforcement

Toe reinforcement

Toe bars - 20 mm dia.@ 150 mm centres - (2094 mm2/m)

Stem bars - 20 mm dia.@ 150 mm centres - (2094 mm2/m)



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25.0 4.2 10.2 11.7 24.5
14.5 72.7


Concrete beam dimensions:-
Beam width b = 1000 mm
Beam depth h = 350 mm
Cross-section area A = b u h = 350000 mm2
Major axis second moment of area Ixx = b u h3 / 12 = 3.57u109 mm4
fcu = 35 N/mm2
E = 20 kN/mm2 + 200 u fcu = 27.0 kN/mm2
Ref BS8110:1985:Pt 2 - Eq 17

U = UC.norm = 2400 kg/m3


Number of spans = 1
Material Properties:
Modulus of elasticity = 27 kN/mm2 Material density = 2400 kg/m3
Support Conditions:
Support A Vertically "Restrained" Rotationally "Restrained"


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Support B Vertically "Free" Rotationally "Free"

Span Definitions:
Span 1 Length = 3500 mm Cross-sectional area = 350000 mm2 Moment of inertia = 3.57u109 mm4
Beam Loads:
Load 1 UDL Imposed load 4.2 kN/m
Load 2 Partial VDL Dead load 10.2 kN/m at 2.700 m to 0.0 kN/m at 3.500 m
Load 3 Partial UDL Dead load 10.2 kN/m from 0.000 m to 2.700 m
Load 4 Partial VDL Dead load 11.7 kN/m at 0.000 m to 0.0 kN/m at 2.700 m
Load 5 Partial VDL Imposed load 24.5 kN/m at 0.000 m to 0.0 kN/m at 2.700 m
Load combination 1
Span 1 1.4uDead + 1.6uImposed
Load combination 2
Span 1 1uDead + 1uImposed
Support Reactions - Combination Summary
Support A Max react = -95.2 kN Min react = -142.8 kN Max mom = -119.0 kNm Min mom = -177.7 kNm
Support B Max react = 0.0 kN Min react = 0.0 kN Max mom = 0.0 kNm Min mom = 0.0 kNm
Beam Max/Min results - Combination Summary
Maximum shear = 142.8 kN Minimum shearFmin = 0.0 kN
Maximum moment = 0.0 kNm Minimum moment = -177.7 kNm
Maximum deflection = 4.7 mm Minimum deflection = 0.0 mm


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6. Noise Vibration and Dust

Best construction method should be chosen to reduce the unnecessary Noise,
Vibration and dust. The following table is a guidance to minimise the effect of
the same.

Borehole test, soil investigation, CTMP and CMS. Full investigations and reports
have to be carried out ahead of building works to formalize the best practical
means to be used



In accordance with the best practical means, to be used

To minimize, noise, vibration and dust during the construction of the basement, including the
excavation, that is likely to affect adjacent residential premises and school(if any)

Boarding to Boarding keeps Dust from debris Any internal vibration is

1. Preparation
front of house noise inside the stored internally is further reduced by
of site to fully
enclosing house and keeps contained within additional boarding to
contain the
entrance, and house more rigid boarded up absorb before emitting
area windows kept stopping house preventing to neighbour: as timber
in place for attenuation, it from escaping absorbs vibration better
complete absorbs sound to neighbours than metal or glass. The
duration of and before collection. house is also more rigid,
construction stopping vibration
Stops airborne
sound escaping

Windows Airborne noise is Airborne dust is Windows being sealed

retained and contained within contained within shut (taped) stops any
sealed shut development the development rattling of windows or
during accentuation of any
construction, vibrations on site
including front
door and
terrace doors
kept closed

Hording and Covering with Sheeting to roof Hording and sheeting

sheeting to hording and terrace stops stops vibration as best is
cover roof sheeting restricts window blowing practicable.
terrace. airborne noise up dust from
from escaping as excavation and
best can be. any dust
generated from


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works escaping to

Retention of Keeping the Dust is contained Retaining the existing

internal floors internal floors in to a smaller area structure reduces
and structure situ during works and has several vibration by keeping
during allows the house filters (ie floors the house rigid and
excavation to work as a and walls) to pass secondly by having a
works buffer to contain through and thus mix of materials all with
noise and get stopped different attenuation
reduces the site before it can frequencies; vibration is
area to the affect absorbed and not
smallest volume neighbours, thus accentuated, lastly
reducing the reduced. floors and walls act as a
effect noise can break in otherwise
have. continuous structure
which acts as a buffer
to stop vibration
continuing out to

Temporary Temporary works Temporary works Temporary works keep

works and allow the house keep the house the house rigid which
structure to be kept rigid rigid and safe so stops vibrations.
and allow for stop other areas
small scale, less of the house
noise emitting degenerating
methods of through works
construction to and thus dust
be used. being created.


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Project Hours of working Hours of working Hours of working are

2. Management
manager to are restricted and are restricted and restricted and staff
and hours of
working manage all staff supervised to staff supervised to supervised to use tools
works on site, use tools use tools appropriately and
member of appropriately. No appropriately reduced use of power
Considerate radio on site. with appropriate tools to minimize
Contractors guarding to vibration.
Small team
Scheme prevent dust
working reducing
between workers

Non-percussive Hand tools are Less dust Vibration is minimized

3. Excavation of
tools used for quieter. Method generated by by not using percussive
excavation (ie chosen reduces hand tools than tools
hand dug) need for any fast repetitive
heavy noisy motor driven
machinery tools.

Excavation Each underpin is Dust is contained Shuttering contains any

limited to 1m restricted to 1m within shuttering, subsequent vibration
runs and lengths area is from excavation and
shuttered for containing noise dampened with keeping surrounding
reinforced and amount of water to allow area soil intact.
concrete work that can be digging and
foundations. done at once to eliminate dust.
small area thus
reducing overall
hubbub. Method
is quieter than
piling or machine

Removal of All spoil is hand Spoil hand Spoil bagged by hand

spoil bagged and bagged, not (ie shovel) so no
stored internally using electric machinery to transmit
by hand so no conveyor belt, vibration
noise from skip or and reducing
large refuse area, emission of dust.
removed as per
CTMP by small


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van and hand


Removal of Bagged debris is Debris removed Debris removed by

debris stored internally in by hand; dust hand, vibration
a covered area contained within minimized, in bags.
and removed by refuse sack,
waiting small van sealed shut.
as per CTMP
timed to cause
least disruption

Mixing and Concrete is mixed Area set aside Concrete mixer put on
pouring of on site for small and shuttered off level base in clear
concrete for quantities for for mixing working area to avoid
underpins underpin, concrete to vibration.
contained within contain dust. Only
the site for noise small quantities
and for short mixed at time.
period of time Only small
once underpin amounts of dry
and shuttering concrete
formed (ie
Stored on site in
Separate activity) internal area to
unnecessary dust.

Delivery of Large quantities No dust emitted Large quantities of

concrete for are not mixed on from delivery of concrete mixed off site
floor reinforced site but delivered liquid concrete, to reduce continuous
floor slabs and pumped by area of road vibration and delivered
specialist lorry to washed down to site.
site in speedy low before and after
noise method delivery. Area
from front of cordoned off as
house through per CTMP
hording (approx. ½ hour).


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Appendix A

Construction Sequence


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1. Basement Formation Suggested Method Statement

1.1. This method statement provides an approach that will allow the basement design to be
correctly considered during construction. The statement also contains proposals for the
temporary support to be provided during the works. The Contractor is responsible for the
works on site and the final temporary works methodology and design on this site and any
adjacent sites

1.2. This method statement has been written by a Chartered Engineer. The sequencing has been
developed using guidance from ASUC (Association of Specialist Underpinning Contractors).

1.3. This method has been produced to allow for improved costings and for inclusion in the Party
Wall Award. Final site conditions need there to be flexibility in the method statement: Should
the site staff require alterations to the Method statement this is allowed once an alternative
methodology, of the changes is provided, and an Addendum to the Party Wall Award will be

1.4. Contact Party Wall Surveyors to inform them of any changes to this method statement.

1.5. On this development, the approach is: construct the underpin segments that will support the
permanent steel work insert the new steelwork remove load from above and place it onto
new supporting steelwork cast the remainder of the retaining walls that will form the perimeter
of the basement.

1.6. Temporary props will be provided along the height of the pin in the temporary condition.
Before the base is cast cross props are needed. The base/ground slab provides propping in
the final condition. In the temporary condition, the edge of the slab is buttressed against the
soil in the middle of the property. Also the skin friction between the concrete base and the
soil provides further resistance. The central soil mass is to be removed in portions (thirds but
no greater than 8m) and cross propping subsequently added as the central soil ass is

1.7. A ground investigation has been undertaken. The soil present is made ground over gravels,
over clay with decreasing sandy content and increased density as the depth increased with
accorded with other investigations made in the area.

1.8. The bearing pressures have been limited to 100kN/m2

1.9. The water table was encountered at 8.9m BGL and hence on this site it will not be an issue
during the construction.

1.10. The structural waterproofer (not Croft) must comment on the proposed design and ensure
that he is satisfied that the proposals will provide adequate waterproofing.

1.11. Provide engineers with concrete mix, supplier, delivery and placement methods two weeks
prior to the first pour. Site mixing of concrete should not be employed apart from in small

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sections (less than 1m3). The contractor must provide a method on how to achieve site
mixing to the correct specification. The contractor must undertake toolbox talks with staff to
ensure site quality is maintained.

2. Enabling Works

2.11. The site is to be hoarded with ply board sheets, at least 2.2m high, to prevent unauthorised
public access.

2.12. Licences for skips and conveyors should be posted on the hoarding.

2.13. Provide protection to public where conveyor extends over footpath. Depending on the
requirements of the local authority, construct a plywood bulkhead over the pavement.
Hoarding to have a plywood roof covering over the footpath, night-lights and safety notices.

2.14. Dewater: No significant dewatering is expected. Localised removal of water may be

required to deal with rain from perched water or localised water. This is to be dealt with by
localised pumping. Typically achieved by a small sump pump in a bucket.

2.15. On commencement of construction, the contractor will determine the foundation type,
width and depth. Any discrepancies will be reported to the structural engineer in order that
the detailed design may be modified as necessary.

3. Basement Sequencing

3.11. Begin by placing cantilevered walls 1 2 noted on plans. (Cantilevered walls to be placed in
accordance with Section 4.)

3.12. Needle and prop the first floor/ walls over.

3.13. Insert steel over and sit on cantilevered walls.

3.13.1. Beams over 6m to be jacked on site to reduce deflections of floors.

3.13.2. Dry pack to steelwork. Ensure a minimum of 24 hours from casting

cantilevered walls to dry-packing. Grout column bases

3.14. Excavate lightwell to front of property down to 600mm below external ground level.

3.15. Excavate first front corner of lightwell. (Follow methodology in Section 4)


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3.16. Excavate second front corner of lightwell. (Follow methodology in Section 4)

3.17. Continue excavating section pins to form front lightwell. (Follow methodology in Section 4)

3.18. Place cantilevered retaining wall to the left side of front opening. After 48 hours place
cantilevered retaining wall to the right side of front opening.

3.19. Needle and prop front wall. Insert support

Figure 17 Example of needling to existing wall

3.20. Excavate out first 1m around front opening, prop floor and erect conveyor.

3.21. Continue cantilevered wall formation around perimeter of basement following the
numbering sequence on the drawings.

3.21.1. Excavation for the next numbered sequential sections of underpinning shall
not commence until at least 8 hours after drypacking of previous works. Excavation
of adjacent pin to not commence until 48 hours after drypacking. (24hours possible
due to inclusion of Conbextra 100 cement accelerator to dry pack mix). No more

3.21.2. Floor over to be propped as excavation progresses. Steelwork to support

floor to be inserted as works progress.

3.22. Excavate and cast floor slab

3.22.1. Excavate 1/3 of the middle section of basement floor. As excavation

proceeds, place Slim Shore props at a maximum of 2.5m c/c across the basement.
Locate props at a third of the height of the wall.


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3.22.2. Continue excavating the next 1/3 and prop then repeat for the final 1/3.

3.22.3. Place below-slab drainage. Croft recommends that all drainage is encased
in concrete below the slab and cast monolithically with the slab. Placing drainage
on pea shingle below the slab allows greater penetration for water ingress.

3.22.4. Place reinforcement for basement slab.

3.22.5. Building Control Officer and Engineer are to be informed five working days
before reinforcement is ready and invited for inspection.

3.22.6. Once inspected, pour concrete.

3.23. Provide structure to ground floor and water proofing to retaining walls as required. It is
recommended to leave 3-4 weeks between completion of the basement and installing
drained cavity. This period should be used to locate and fill any localised leakage of the

4. Underpinning and Cantilevered Walls

4.11. Prior to installation of new structural beams in the superstructure, the contractor may
undertake the local exploration of specific areas in the superstructure. This will confirm the
exact form and location of the temporary works that are required. The permanent structural
work can then be undertaken whilst ensuring that the full integrity of the structure above is

4.12. Provide propping to floor where necessary.

4.13. Excavate first section of retaining wall (no more than 1000mm wide). Where excavation is
greater than 1.2m deep, provide temporary propping to sides of excavation to prevent earth
collapse (Health and Safety). A 1000mm width wall has a lower risk of collapse to the heel

4.14. Excavation of pins involves working in confined spaces and the following measures should be

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o Operatives must wear a harness and there must be a winch above the excavation.

o An attendant must be present at all times, at ground level, while excavation is


o A rescue plan must be produced prior to the works as well as a task-specific risk and
method statement.

o Working in the confined space should require a permit to work.

Figure 18 – Schematic Plan view of soil propping

Figure 19 Propping examples


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Figure 20 Examples of excavations of pins

Figure 21 Examples of completed walls and back propping to central soil mass

4.15. Backpropping of rear face: Rear face to be propped in the temporary conditions with a
minimum of 2 trench sheets. Trench sheets are to extend over entire height of excavation.
Trench sheets can be placed in short sections as the excavation progresses.


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Figure 22 Example of trench sheet back propping

4.15.1. If the ground is stable, trench sheets can be removed as the wall reinforcement is
placed and the shuttering is constructed.

4.15.2. Where trench sheets are left in, slight over spill may occur past the neighbours
boundary wall line. Where this slight over spill is not allowed by the Party Wall Surveyors
then cement particle board should be used as noted below.


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4.15.3. Where soft spots are encountered, leave in trench sheets or alternatively back prop
with precast lintels or sacrificial boards. If the soil support to the ends of the lintels is
insufficient, then brace the ends of the PC lintels with 150x150 C24 timbers and prop with
Acrows diagonally back to the ground.

4.15.4. Where voids are present behind the lintels or trench sheeting, grout voids behind
sacrificial propping. Grout to be 3:1 sand/cement packed into voids.

4.15.5. Prior to casting, place layer of DPM between trench sheeting (or PC lintels) and new
concrete. The lintels are to be cut into the soil by 150mm either side of the pin. A site
stock of a minimum of 10 lintels should be present to prevent delays due to ordering.

4.16. If cut face is not straight, or sacrificial boards noted previously have been used, place a
15mm cement particle board between sacrificial sheets or against the soil prior to casting.
Cement particle board is to line up with the adjacent owner’s face of wall. The method
adopted, to prevent localised collapse of the soil, is to install these progressively, one at a time.
Cement particle board must be used in any condition where overspill onto the adjacent
owner’s land is possible.

4.17. Excavate base. If soil over is unstable, prop top with PC lintel and sacrificial prop.

4.18. Visually inspect the footings and provide propping to local brickwork. If necessary install
sacrificial Acrow, or pit props, and cast into the retaining wall.

4.19. Clear underside of existing footing.

4.20. Local Authority inspection to be carried out for approval of excavation base.

4.21. Place reinforcement for retaining wall base and stem. Drive H16 Bars U-bars into soil along
centre line of stem to act as shear ties to adjacent wall underpin.

4.22. Site supervisor to inspect and sign off works before proceeding to next stage.

4.22.1. For pins 1, 3 and 5, inform the engineer five days before the reinforcement is
ready, to allow for inspection of the reinforcement prior to casting.

4.23. Cast base. On short stems it is possible to cast base and wall at the same time. It is essential
that pokers/vibrators are used to compact concrete.

4.24. Concrete Testing:

4.24.1. For first 3 pins take 4 cubes and test at 7 days then at 14 days and inform
engineer of results. Test last cube at 28 days. If cube test results are low then action
into concrete specification and placement method must be considered.


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4.24.2. If results are good from first three pins, then from the 4th pin onwards take 2
cubes of concrete from every third pin and store for testing. Test one at 28 days. If
result is low, test second cube. Provide results to client and design team on request
or if values are below those required.

4.24.3. A record of dates for the concrete pouring of each pin must be kept on site.

4.24.4. The location of where cubes were taken and their reference number must
be recorded.

4.25. Horizontal temporary prop to base of wall to be inserted. Alternatively cast base against

4.26. Place shuttering and pour concrete for retaining wall. Stop a minimum of 75mm from the
underside of existing footing. It is essential that pokers/vibrators are used, hitting shutters is not
considered adequate.

4.27. 24 hours after pouring the concrete pin, the gap shall be filled using a dry-pack mortar.
Ram in dry-pack between the top of the retaining wall and existing masonry.

4.27.1. If gap is greater than 120mm, place a line of engineering bricks to the top of
the wall. Dry pack from the engineering bricks to existing masonry.

4.28. After 24 hours, the temporary wall shutters can be removed.

4.29. Trim back existing masonry corbel and concrete on internal face.

4.30. Site supervisor to inspect and sign off for proceeding to the next stage. A record will be
kept of the sequence of construction, which will be in strict accordance with recognised
industry procedures.

5. Floor Support
Timber Floor
5.11. The timber floor will remain in situ and be supported by a series of steel beams, to provide
open areas in the basement.

5.12. Position 100 x 100mm temporary timber beams, lightly packed, to underside of joists either
side of existing sleeper wall and support with vertical Acrow props @ 750 centres. Remove
sleeper walls and insert steel beams as a replacement. Steel beams to bear onto concrete
padstones built into the masonry walls (refer to Structural Engineer’s details for padstone and
beam sizes)


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5.13. Dismantle props and remove timber plates on completion of installation of permanent steel

Concrete Ground bearing slabs

5.14. The support of the existing concrete floor will be undertaken in conjunction with the
underpinning process. Two opposite pins are constructed and allowed to cure as described

5.15. Locally prop concrete floors with Acrows at 2m centres with timbers between. If the
underside is found be in poor condition then temporary boarding and props are to be

5.16. Insert steelwork and dry pack to underside of floor

5.17. Between steelwork, place 215wide x 65dp PC lintels at a maximum spacing of 600mm

5.18. If necessary, brick up to 50mm below the underside of the floor

5.19. Dry pack between lintel/brickwork to underside of slab.

5.20. Remove props

5.21. This process is to continue one pin width at a time.

6. Supporting existing walls above basement excavation

6.11. Where steel beams need to be installed directly under load-bearing walls, temporary works
will be required to enable this installation. Support comprises the temporary installation of steel
needle beams at high level, supported on vertical props. This will enable safe removal of
brickwork below and installation of the new beams and columns.

6.11.1. The condition of the brickwork must be inspected by the foreman to determine its
condition and to assess the centres of needles. The foreman must inspect upstairs to
consider where loads are greatest. Point loads between windows should be given
greater consideration.

6.11.2. Needles are to be spaced to prevent the brickwork above ‘saw toothing’. Where
brickwork is good, needles must be placed at a maximum of 1100mmcenters. Lighter
needles or Strongboys should be placed at tighter centres under door thresholds


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6.12. Props are to be placed on sleepers on firm ground or, if necessary, temporary footings will
be cast.

6.13. Once the props are fully tightened, the brickwork will be broken out carefully by hand. All
necessary platforms and crash decks will be provided during this operation.

6.14. Decking and support platforms to enable handling of steel beams and columns will be
provided as required.

6.15. Once full structural bearing is provided via beams and columns down to the new basement
floor level, the temporary works will be redundant and can be safely removed.

6.16. Any voids between the top of the permanent steel beams and the underside of the existing
walls will be packed out as necessary. Voids will be drypacked with a 1:3 (cement: sharp sand)
drypack layer, between the top of the steel and underside of brickwork above.

6.17. Any voids in the brickwork left after removal of needle beams can at this point be repaired
by bricking up and/or drypacking, to ensure continuity of the structural fabric.

7. Approval

7.11. Building Control Officer/Approved Inspector to inspect pin bases and reinforcement prior to
casting concrete.

7.12. Contractor to keep list of dates of pins inspected and cast.

7.13. One month after the work is completed, the contractor is to contact Adjoining Party Wall
Surveyor to attend site and complete final condition survey and to sign off works.


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8. Basement Temporary Works Design Lateral Propping

This calculation has been provided for the trench sheet and prop design of standard underpins in
the temporary condition. There are gaps left between the sheeting and as such no water pressure
will occur. Any water present will flow through the gaps between the sheeting and will be required
to be pumped out.

Trench sheets should be placed at regular centres to deal with the ground. It is expected that the
soil between the trench sheeting will arch. Looser soil will require tighter centres. It is typical for
underpins to be placed at 1200c/c in this condition the highest load on a trench sheet is when 2
No.s trench sheets are used. It is for this design that these calculations have been provided.

Soil and ground conditions are variable. Typically one finds that, in the temporary condition, clays
are more stable and the Cu (cohesive) values in clay reduce the risk of collapse. It is this cohesive
nature that allows clays to be cut into a vertical slope. For these calculations, weak sand and
gravels have been assumed. The soil properties are:


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Trench Sheet Design

Soil Depth Dsoil = 3500mm

Surcharge sur = 10kN/m2

Soil Density J = 20kN/m3

Angle of Friction I = 25q

ka = (1 - sin(I)) / (1 + sin(I)) = 0.406

kp = 1 / ka = 2.464

Soil pressure bottom soil = ka * J*Dsoil = 21.916kN/m2

Surcharge pressure surcharge = sur * ka = 4.059 kN/m2


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Sxx = 15.9 cm3

py = 275N/mm2
Ixx = 26.9cm4
A = (1m * 32.9kg/m2 ) / (7750kg/m3 ) = 4245.161mm2


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Number of spans = 3
Material Properties:
Modulus of elasticity = 205 kN/mm2 Material density = 7860 kg/m3
Support Conditions:
Support A Vertically "Restrained" Rotationally "Free"
Support B Vertically "Restrained" Rotationally "Free"
Support C Vertically "Restrained" Rotationally "Free"
Support D Vertically "Free" Rotationally "Free"
Span Definitions:
Span 1 Length = 1000 mm Cross-sectional area = 4245 mm2 Moment of inertia = 269.u103 mm4
Span 2 Length = 1600 mm Cross-sectional area = 4245 mm2 Moment of inertia = 269.u103 mm4


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Span 3 Length = 1000 mm Cross-sectional area = 4245 mm2 Moment of inertia = 269.u103 mm4
Beam Loads:
Load 1 UDL Dead load 4.1 kN/m
Load 2 VDL Dead load 21.9 kN/m to 0.0 kN/m
Load combination 1
Span 1 1.4uDead
Span 2 1.4uDead
Span 3 1.4uDead
Support Reactions - Combination Summary
Support A Max react = -12.3 kN Min react = -12.3 kN Max mom = 0.0 kNm Min mom = 0.0 kNm
Support B Max react = -38.5 kN Min react = -38.5 kN Max mom = 0.0 kNm Min mom = 0.0 kNm
Support C Max react = -24.8 kN Min react = -24.8 kN Max mom = 0.0 kNm Min mom = 0.0 kNm
Support D Max react = 0.0 kN Min react = 0.0 kN Max mom = 0.0 kNm Min mom = 0.0 kNm
Beam Max/Min results - Combination Summary
Maximum shear = 18.8 kN Minimum shearFmin = -19.8 kN
Maximum moment = 2.4 kNm Minimum moment = -4.4 kNm
Maximum deflection = 17.1 mm Minimum deflection = -0.1 mm

Number of sheets Nos = 3

Moment M_allowable = Sxx * py * Nos = 13.118kNm

Deflection D = / Nos = 5.699mm

Acro Load Acro = Rmax_B / 2 = -19.272kN


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Acrow Props A or B are acceptable placed 0.5m from top,

middle and 1m from bottom

Cross Props

Props should be placed a third up the wall measured from the bottom slab.


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Surcharge sur = 10kN/m2

Soil Density J = 20kN/m3

Angle of Friction I = 25q

Soil Depth Dsoil = 3000mm

ka = (1 - sin(I)) / (1 + sin(I)) = 0.406

kp = 1 / ka = 2.464
1 - sin(I) = 0.577

Soil force bottomsoilforce = ka * J* Dsoil * Dsoil / 2 = 36.527kN/m

Surcharge Force Surchargeforce = ka * sur * Dsoil = 12.176kN/m

Place Props every other pin spacing = 2m

Propforce Propforce = spacing * (soilforce + Surchargeforce) = 97.406kN


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Figure 23 Mabey Mass 25 Load Chart


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Figure 24 Mabey Mass 50 Load Chart

Provide Mabey Mass 50 at 2m Centres at 1/3 the height of the



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Appendix B – Structural Plans & Details

Structural Drawings Plans 1:100

Structural Sections 1:50


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