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 Authentic leadership and leader’s emotional capacity

 The role of shared mental models and team mental transactive memory systems on creative
problem solving in teams

 Antecedents to and consequences of controlling and informing effects of different components

of pay-for-performance

 Power and self-other probability judgments of negative events

 Consequences of leader-member-exchange (dis)agreement and differentiation

 HR attributions and career success

 International labor, expatriates and foreign employee integration

 A midrange theory of the effect of monitoring behaviors on team performance outcome within
a dynamic environment

 The 'knowing-doing gap': Understanding the paralysis of leaders in organizations

 The effects of unstable power

 Leader-follower relationships through the lens of attachment theory

 Fixed and growth mindsets as predictors of work-related behaviors. Is there a potential to train
for growth?

 Mastering the art of adaptivity: the influence of development support and activities on
employees' propensity to adapt to change

 Employees' aspirational identities and behavior at work: Exploring the role of aspirational
selves in employees' behavioral choices

 Understanding high-quality connections and energy in the workplace

 HR systems, well-being, HR systems implementation, blending workforce, synergies, and firm


 Investigating Characteristics, Outcomes, and Antecedents of Enacted Patterns of Action: Do

organizational routines and task complexity influence team performance and to what extent are
they influenced by cognitive processing styles?
For Andrea Reina-Tamayo it's all about the moment
"There aren’t many studies of work engagement at the moment level. It’s something quite ‘out of the box.’"

Why do people behave the way they do? It’s something many people wonder.

For Andrea Reina-Tamayo, this became an even more intriguing question after she moved as a teenager with her
family from Colombia to Canada. “When you experience a culture change, you start wondering why people from
different cultures act so different,” Andrea recalls. Psychology classes during her Bachelor appeared to provide
many answers. A fascination for psychology was born. Andrea is currently conducting PhD research in the field
of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, in the area of momentary work engagement.

Positive psychology

“In clinical psychology, it’s a lot about pathologies, anxieties, etcetera. It’s all really interesting, but
instead of focusing on the negative, I’d rather focus on the positive,” Andrea explains. This is why she
chose to do research in the field of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. “I think it’s really
important that people stay motivated in their job. You spend a lot of your time at work; if you’re not
happy during all these hours of your life, what’s the point?”

Momentary engagement

It became something she experienced herself after having finished her Master’s degree: “I got a job in
recruitment, which soon became more of a routine,”

"This PhD is the perfect opportunity for me to expand my knowledge and to become an expert in a particular

Andrea recalls. “I wasn’t able to apply what I had learned, or to create programmes. That’s why after a year I
decided to do my PhD.” Currently, she is studying momentary changes in work engagement and the effect
the tasks, supervision and people around you can have on this experience.

Becoming an expert

Having worked with the concept of engagement while studying for her Master’s degree, she was already a
little familiar with the literature. “This PhD is the perfect opportunity for me to expand my knowledge on
the subject and to become an expert in a particular field,” Andrea explains enthusiastically.

Tracking your engagement levels

However, it was also the technology used in this research that really attracted her. Andrea: “A smartphone
app called ‘Bevlogenheid’ (‘Engagement’) was developed for the project, in which we use the method of
experience sampling. We send users three push messages a day at random times for a week with questions
relating to the activity they’re doing, where they are, who they’re with and how they feel in terms of energy,
enthusiasm and absorption. This way we are able to gather data and the users can track their engagement
and get insight into their energy levels.”
Out of the box

Doing research on momentary engagement and using this type of technology and the method of
experience sampling is new, Andrea explains. “There aren’t many studies about engagement at the
moment level. It’s something quite out of the box. Normally the research in organizational psychology and
in the literature on engagement is based on just one questionnaire which only gives you insight into how
people generally feel.”

Her analysis instead focuses on how people generally feel plus how they feel during the day, plus how they
feel during the moment. Andrea: “The moments are clustered in the day and the days are clustered in the
person. This way, we can not only explain differences in engagement between people, but also how
people’s engagement levels fluctuate within themselves from day to day and moment to moment.”

Microscopic view

By using this method, she’s able to track proximal factors, things that are really happening at that
particular moment and that are affecting someone’s work engagement. “It’s kind of a microscopic way of
looking at it.”

"The methodology we’re using to measure engagement is really hot as more and more people are using apps."

Of course it’s very thrilling to use these relatively new technologies and this multi-level analysis, but this
also accounts for some of the challenges Andrea encounters. “It’s not something a lot of people have done
before, which makes it more difficult to find people or research that can guide you on how to better
analyze the data.”

Something bigger

At the same time, this groundbreaking aspect of her research, coupled with the fact that she’s contributing
to the field of wellbeing, is exactly what keeps her motivated. Andrea: “The methodology we’re using to
measure engagement is really hot. More and more people are using apps to gain insights about themselves
just by tracking whatever they do.”

And for researchers, it’s becoming easier to gather all the available data out there. Andrea: “The
Bevlogenheid app can be developed into something much more interactive. Something where people can
get points or share their data with their colleagues and start tracking their engagement together. It can
become something much bigger. It’s really nice to think about all the possibilities that are out there.”

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