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Bright and Beautiful Colors

Kindergarten Reading, Science,

by Jasmine Gibson July 8, 2018

In this fun color-infused lesson, kindergarten students will practice turning their ideas into primary color

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to identify the primary colors.

Materials and preparation Key terms

An image of a painting with bright colors color

Small rubber ball reflection
Copy of the book Let’s Paint by Gabriel primary colors
Large sheets of white, heavy duty paper for
Paint in primary colors (red, blue, yellow)

Introduction (5 minutes)

Gather the students together for a read aloud.

Display the image of the painting (or actual painting if available) and ask students to identify the colors
that they see.
Ask a few students to share how they can tell the differences between the different colors.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (5 minutes)

Explain that color is a way that we describe things, color is created through the reflection of light.
Demonstrate reflection by bouncing a small rubber ball against a wall or hard surface. Explain that just
like the wall bounces back, sunlight bounces back against objects and reflects different colors that we can
see. Reflection means that the light bounces back in one color that we can see.
Explain that while there are lots of different colors, there are only three primary colors, or colors that
cannot be created by mixing other colors together. These colors are red, blue, and yellow. We use the
primary colors to make other colors.
Use visuals of the three primary colors to demonstrate your talking points.

Guided Practice (10 minutes)

Read aloud the book Let’s Paint by Gabriel Alborozo

When you finish reading, ask the students follow up questions about the story, such as "Where do ideas
come from? What happens when you want to create something and it doesn’t turn out the way you

Independent working time (20 minutes)

Explain that students will get to create their very own primary color masterpiece. Tell students that just
like in the story, they should think of an idea and use the paint to explore the idea on their paper.

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Pass out paper, paintbrushes, and water to each student.
Provide pairs or small groups of students with each of the three primary paint colors to share.



Provide sentence stems for students to utilize when participating in the classroom discussion such as "In
the story I heard ____, I think that one place my ideas come from is ____."

Provide translations of color words into students primary language if non-native English speakers.


Have students write a sentence to describe the idea they used in their primary color painting.

Assessment (5 minutes)

Ask students to identify the three primary colors throughout the independent work portion of the lesson.
Assess whether students are able to create a painting using primary colors.

Review and closing (5 minutes)

Ask the class to review what the primary colors are as a group.
Allow several students the opportunity to share their idea and the resulting painting as time allows.

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