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Francia, Miles Joevic B

“Semiotics in Call Me by Your Name”


Semiotics is a type of Communication theory that delves into interpreting verbal and
nonverbal styles. It focuses on how things can be read and explained in many ways
and how they are visually (or non-visually per se) showcasing their hidden meanings to
know each individual. It is more competently compared to metaphors it is because
they both same ideals on presenting things. This semiotics-thing really gives the way that
anything, either it is verbal one or nonverbal, has a legitimate meaning to explain like
when you just cry in front of a fireplace or smoke cigarette with a disappointed look, it
really gives a system of meanings to it

A film called ‘Call me By Your Name’

Call me by your name, directed by Luca Guadagino and stars Timothee Chalamet and
Arnie Hammer, is a coming of age film set in 1980’s Italy that focuses on two “friends”
named Elio, a talented 17 year old boy and Oliver, a 24 year old Graduate School
assistant to Elio’s Father, on how their relationship grows and evolves through the
timepiece of a move and how they deal with these things as soon their relationship
grows out. The film also tells us how to deal with trust and loyalty that surfaces around
the story and how to handle the relationship you want it to be. Released in October 20
2017, and it was critically acclaimed with Rotten Tomatoes giving out a score of 95%
and went on winning the Academy Awards for Best Adapted screenplay

The Semiotics

After two hours of watching this marvelous film, I found many evidences and highlights
to show how this film is loaded with hidden meanings needed to be found. Since there
are tons and tons of things needed to be interpreted, I’ll just shaved it down to more
general, and more significant to the film

The first one was the existence of notes, where throughout the film, it was scattered all
around the Perlman’s residence, but there are two notes that follows the theme of the
movie which is Elio’s “notes” that shows how he is interested wit Oliver and the note that
Elio dropped in the doorstep of Oliver’s room because these notes were the signs of
how the relationship between these two lads grow in the significance of time and it
worked as it visually sees.

Second one is at the outdoor disco, where we see Elio watching Oliver dancing and
smooching a girl while he is puffing a cigarette smoke signifies the grave dissonance of
relationship between the two and how the word “J-E-A-L-O-U-S-Y was swirling around
and heating up the disco in fire as we see Elio’s disappointment shirred around his face.

Third one when Elio and Oliver takes their relationship in the bed and Oliver whispers to
Elio this line: “Call me by your name and I call you mine” signifies how their relationship
has gone overboard and their genuine loyalty and trust has begun to flourish like the
peaches found in the Perlman’s residence. It is an interesting fact that this one liner just
strengthens up the bond of the relationship of theirs.

And the last one is the ending, where Elio is just sitting in front of the fireplace while
lamenting on the news that Oliver is married signifies Elio’s in depth sorrow about their
relationship that was gone, blown away. You could hear him saying “why this was let to
happen? Why? I don’t want to end this, he’s my true love and why he got married so
fast?” while his expressions change. It is especially heightens when he let a simple smile
that means he followed his dad’s lesson to him that he urges him to remove all the grief
and continue on. It is a sweet ender that showed a lot of emotions, tears, and hope you
want to know for.

So far, these are the hidden meanings to the film that were inclined with semiotics and


I just want you to know that semiotics were such a helpful theory to determine its insides
to others and howit was integrated well to the subject. Indeed, this theory keeps to
teach others on how it is worth it to have a hidden meaning inside.

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