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Yesterday (November 5, 2019) there's a seminar for all senior high school students in Sapang Palay

National High School namely "Media Literacy". At exactly 7o'clock in the morning all students are at
Sarmiento Gym to prepare for the conference. It all started with the opening speech of Jonas Paulo (first
speaker). He discussed the meaning and significance of different advocacies like in the field of
Environment, Gender Equality, Education and others. He also explains the presence of Social media that
growing vigorously. So what I learned about what he said is that social media is considered to be the
deteriorating agent in academics by some people. Instead of fighting a losing battle, as social media is
here to stay, the problem of web usage can be turned into an opportunity for the good. Platforms like
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are used by almost everyone. Social media is about collaborating,
networking, sharing and generating knowledge and content, and all of these features are of great value
in the context of higher education. So, he also tackles the pros and cons of media nowadays.

What I learned about the advantages and disadvantages of social media in our society that he discussed





-Information and updates


-Nobles cause


-Helps Goverment and Agencies Fight Crime

-Improves Business Reputation

-Helps in Building Communities





-Fraud and scams

-Security Issues

-Cheating and Relationship Issues

-Health Issues

The Rise of Social Media

*Arab Spring- Revolutionary war


Total Media Blockout

*Black lives matter- Public Acknowledgement

*MeToo- sharing different stories online

Started by sexual harassment survivor

2nd speaker which is Mr. John Phillip Bravo tackles about FAKE NEWS, and what we can do to prevent
this kind of issue, which include on the following:

-Do not simply read headlines

-Check the source

-Verify if the author is real

-Look for reliable and establish news source

-Check if the story is up to date

-Use googles reverse image source

-Seek an experts advice

The third speaker which is John Spencer Oberas mostly tackles about Cyberbullying in our country. One
of the rhema word of mine to him is that when he said

"Social media is a powerful tool but don't let it consume you"

*Create your content

*Have your purpose

*Identify your audience

*Set your objectives

*Make it personal

*Be open for improvements

*Inspire people

Conclusion: Some of the advantages and disadvantages of social media for the society is mentioned
above. However, these are the enough discussion to decide which way to go on the social media. Limit
ourselves. Don't let our social media accounts use us. It's okay to have different applications to connect
to other people but don't forget to connect with the people around you. Be responsible and mature
enough. Don't let socia media ruin our lives.

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