Unit 3 The Consumer Sector Role of An Individual Kinds of Income

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UNIT 3 Kinds of Income


1. Wages/salaries. Individuals employed in private
business and government service receive compensation
Role of an Individual
for their services. In economics, the compensation paid
The active members of the society play several roles,
common workers is known as “wage.” Common
namely that of a citizen, worker, consumer, and
workers are normally called daily-wage earners.
“Salaries,” on the other hand, are paid to regular or
1. As a citizen. An individual has civic and patriotic permanent employees. Wage earners and salaried
duties to perform as a citizen. The responsible citizen personnel also receive allowances, paid vacation, sick
obeys the laws of the land. By paying correct taxes, the leaves, and other fringe benefits. The complete
citizen sacrifices part of his income to help government compensation package received is called reward
finance its operations. He voices out his opinion on system. Different employees offer different reward
significant issues and policy concerns that affect him, systems. An individual who retires is entitled to an
his community, and his country. He complies with his income called pension.
duty to elect competent people in government service.
2. Rent. Rent is income or compensation received when
He performs his patriotic obligation when called upon
a certain asset or property is leased. Leased properties
to defend his country from internal and external
include land, farms, houses, apartments, market stalls,
aggressors and enemies.
store spaces, offices, buildings, machinery and
2. As a worker. The individual is a productive member equipment, motor vehicles, and so forth. Rental income
of the economy. Unless physically or mentally is usually derived from business although many rent out
incapacitated, he earns his keep through employment in facilities in their personal capacity.
either a managerial of nonmanagerial job. He constantly
3. Interest. Interest is income or compensation received
develops himself for a higher things to deserve higher
when money is lent. An individual earns interest when
pay and, therefore, to enjoy a higher living standard.
he lends money to another person, the government (by
Perhaps without realizing it, the ambitious worker does
buying bonds, for example), or a bank. A person who
his share toward the economic growth of his country.
deposits money in a bank is actually lending his money
3. As an entrepreneur. The person with the to that bank. He could take back his money by simply
entrepreneurial spirit invariably engages in business. He withdrawing it.
invests his lifetime savings and invites friends to join
Banks, financing firms, pawnshops, and other
him in promising ventures. Collectively, entrepreneurs
lending institutions earn interest every time they lend
comprise the country’s private business sector. They
money to borrowers.
expand existing industries and build new ones, thereby
creating countless job opportunities. The business “Interest” is alternatively called the “cost” or
sector invests wealth to create more wealth and “price” of money. Strictly speaking, “interest” may also
prosperity. be considered as “rent” for the use of money.
4. As a consumer. People go to work or enter business 4. Profits. Profit is the excess of revenues over expenses.
in order to earn money. Enough money to buy what In corporations and cooperatives, only part of the total
they need and want. Consumers comprise the collective profit is usually paid and distributed to the owners. That
market for the economy’s producers. At the same time, portion is called “dividends.” The undistributed profit
the wise consumer realizes it is in his self-interest to kept in the business for growth and expansion purposes
economize, save some money, even as he stays vigilant is called retailed earnings.
and protective of his consumer rights. Furthermore, the
consumer uses credit only when absolutely necessary, The case of single proprietorship and
knowing that doing so mortgages his future income. partnerships, however, is different. The entire profit
goes immediately to the respective owners.

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