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What is Inclusive Education?

 Inclusive education is based on the simple idea that every child and family is valued equally and
deserves the same opportunities and experiences. Inclusive education is about children with
disabilities – whether the disability is mild or severe, hidden or obvious – participating in everyday
activities, just like they would if their disability were not present. It’s about building friendships,
membership and having opportunities just like everyone else.
 Inclusion is about providing the help children need to learn and participate in meaningful ways.
Sometimes, help from friends or teachers works best. Other times, specially designed materials or
technology can help. The key is to give only as much help as needed.
 Inclusive education is a child’s right, not a privilege. The Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act clearly states that all children with disabilities should be educated with non-disabled children
their own age and have access to the general education curriculum.

Why is Inclusive Assessment Important?

In order to provide all students with an equal opportunity to demonstrate their learning, you need
to consider the different means of demonstrating a particular learning outcome. Ensuring that students have
variety in assessment and some individual choice, eg, in the topic or in the method/format of the assessment,
can lead to overall enhancement of the assessment process to benefit all students.

Assessment procedures and methods must be flexible enough to allow adjustments to overcome
any substantial disadvantage that individual students could experience.

Inclusive Practice means:

 Ensuring that an assessment strategy includes a range of assessment formats

 Ensuring assessment methods are culturally inclusive
 Considering religious observances when setting deadlines
 Considering school holidays and the impact on students with childcare responsibilities when setting
 Considering students' previous educational background and providing support for unfamiliar
activities eg, for students unused to group work
 Considering the needs of students with disabilities - our guide on making assessments accessible
can help with this
6 Types of Assessment of Learning

1.) Diagnostic Assessment (Pretest/ Pre-assessment)

-Assesses a student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and suits prior to instruction.
2.) Formative Assessment
-Assesses a student’s performance during instruction, and usually occurs regularly throughout the
instruction process.
3.) Summative Assessment
-Measures a student’s achievement at the end of instruction.
4.) Norm Referenced Assessment
-Compares a student’s performance against a national or other “norm” group.
5.) Criterion-Referenced Assessment
-Measures a student’s performance against a goal, specific object, or standard.
6.) Interim/Benchmark Assessment
-Evaluates student performance at periodic intervals, frequently at the end of a grading period. Can
predict a student’s performance on end-of-year summative tests.

Assessment content

 Avoid references in your assessment questions which would be unclear or unknown to students of
different cultures.
 Avoid complex vocabulary unless you are testing vocabulary.
 Provide explicit practice with the types of assessment questions you plan to use prior to the graded
 Ensure that the content of the assessments is a true reflection of the key topics and skills you have
taught in the class and is directly targeted at the student learning outcomes for the course or module.


TF 10:30-12:00


Cartojano, Noel L.

Cinco, Dean Brando M.

Pacsa, Rizza G.

JISC. (2015). Inclusive Assessment. Retrieved frim


Kenyon, A. (2018). Best Practices for Inclusive Assessment. Retrieved from

PBS. (2013). Inclusive Education. Retrieved from


TeachThought Staff. (2018).6 Types of Assessment of Learning. Retrieved from

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