Study On Effect of Custard Apple Leaf Extract On Physico-Chemical Properties of Aonla Juice

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Asian J.

Print ISSN:0971-4456 / Online ISSN:0976-0563

Study on effect of custard apple leaf extract on physico-chemical

properties of aonla juice
Mundhe Sushilkumar S.*, Sawate Arvind R., Patil Bhanudas M., Kshirsagar Rajesh B. and S.P. Kulkarni
Department of Food Engineering,
College of Food Technology, VNMKV, Parbhani - 431 401, India.
Received: 30-04-2015 Accepted: 09-01-2016 DOI: 10.18805/ajdfr.v35i1.9257
The leaf extract was prepared by shade drying of leaves for 4-5 days, the dried leaves were pulverized and boiled in water
bath with distilled water to get the liquid extract. Further the liquid extract was centrifuged and then supernatant was spray
dried to get powdered extract. Sweetened aonla juice formulation was made with different proportion of custard apple leaf
extract varying from 0 to 15 g in increasing order from control (0) to A1 (5g), A2 (10g) and A3 (15g) respectively. The
prepared juices were analyzed for physico-chemical composition and sensory evaluation. The retention of quercetin
[(a flavonol, is a flavonoid, in other words, a plant pigment with a molecular structure like flavone. It is found in fruits,
vegetables, leaves and grains. It can be used as an ingredient in supplements, beverages, or foods having nutraceutical
value.)] in aonla juice sample A1, A2, A3 was 15.20, 32.80 and 49.75 mg per 1000 ml. Sample A2 (10g custard apple leaf
extract) scored highest score for overall acceptability was 8.8.
Key words: Aonla juice, Custard apple leaf extract, Quercetin, Sensory evaluation.

INTRODUCTION of diabetes, with continued therapy ensuring up to 80%

Custard apple (Annona squamosa) (family: positive results. The treatment is particularly common and
Annonaceae) and Tribulusterrestris (family: Zygophyllaceae) popular in the Lodha community where the plant is
are two common plants of India and well described for their considered to be a holy fruit. The formula is being
traditional medicinal values. Anti-diabetic potential of both successfully used by some Unani and Allopathic physicians
the plant has been investigated by different researchers. and is in existence till date. Black pepper is reported to be
Methanol extract of aerial parts of Tribulusterrestris possess commonly used as a bioavailability enhancer (Atal et al.,
anti-diabetic effect against streptozotocin induced diabetes 1981) and piperine isolated from pepper fruits has been
(El-Tantawy et al., 2007) and anti-diabetic potential of patented as a bioavailability enhancer (Majeed et al., 1998).
saponins isolated from the plant also investigated in alloxan The aqueous leaf extract of annona squamosa has also been
induced diabetic mice ( Li et al.,2002). Different researcher reported to ameliorate hyperthyroidism which is often
also investigated the anti-diabetic potential of ethanolic and considered as a causative factor of diabetes mellitus (Sunanda
aqueous extract of Annona squamosa leaf against different and Anand, 2003).
type 1 and type 2 diabetic model (Gupta et al.,2005, Kaleem Quercetin may also induce insulin secretion by
et al., 2008). Annona squamosa L. (Annonaceae), commonly activation of L-type calcium channels in the pancreatic -
known as custard apple is a native of West Indies and is cells (Bardy et al., 2013).Quercetin is shown effective against
cultivated throughout India, mainly for its edible fruit. The numerous conditions. According to the University of
plant is attributed with medicinal properties, (Shirwaikar et Michigan Health System, studies prove Quercetin’s ability
al., 2004).
to fight and help treat prostatitis, allergies and type 1 and
The young leaves of annona squamosa are used type 2 diabetes. (University of Michigan Health System,
extensively for its anti-diabetic activity by tribal men in and 2014). At present, an increased consumer interest in diet and
around the villages of Aligarh district in the state of Uttar health is being observed. The food producers tend to produce
Pradesh, India (Atique et al., 1985) and also by the people safer food choices to meet consumers’ demand. A healthy
of Chota Nagpur district in the state of Bihar, India (Topno, food is a food believed to be highly beneficial to health which
1997). generally contains lots of fruits and vegetables and is low in
In Aligarh district villagers take a mixture of 4–5 fat, salt and sugar that may contribute to high risk of health
newly emerged young leaves along with five grains of black problems regarding to diabetes, obesity, high blood glucose/
pepper (Piper nigrum) early in the morning for the treatment cholesterol, teeth decay and cancer (Knecht 1990).
*Corresponding author’s e-mail:
Custard apple Leaves, distilled water, ethyl alcohol, Washing
spray dryer, pulverizer, Whatman No.1 filter paper, fresh
Lye Treatment (2% NaOH at 100°C for 5 minutes)
aonla, mesh, blender Centrifuge, Spectrophotometer.
Removal seed and Separation of fruit segments
Preparation of custard apple (annona squamosa) leaf
extract: The aqueous extract was prepared by cold Addition of water and Passing through mixer
maceration of 50 g of the shade-dried leaf powder in 1000 Fruit pulp passing through strainer
ml of distilled water and allowed to stand overnight and
Addition of custard apple leaf extract 250 mg/kg body weight
boiled for 5-10 hours till the volume was reduced to half of (Pornrutet al, 2008)
its original volume. The solution was then cooled, filtered,
concentrated and spray dried in spray drier at temp- 130 0c Addition of low calorie sweetener
(yield 7 g) and the powder stored in a refrigerator at 2-8°C Aonla juice
for subsequent experiments. Preparation of custard apple FIG 2: Flow sheet for the preparation of sweetened anola juice (Srivastava
(annona squamosa) leaf extract is given in figure 1. (Kaleem and Sanjeev Kumar, 2006)
et al., 2006) Determination of quercetin in prepared Aonla juice: It
was done by taking absorbance (AU) readings in du- plicate
Selection of custard apple (annona squamosa) leaves
at 362 nm using a double beam spectrophotometer and
Leaves of custard apple plants were shade dried (For 5-6 days) compared with standard sample of quercetin solution.
Pulverized and passed through sieve 40 mesh Sensory evaluation of custard apple leaf extract fortified
Sweetened Aonla juice: Custard apple leaf extract fortified
Cold Maceration
(Allowed to stand overnight) Sweetened Aonla juice was organoleptically evaluated by panel
members by using nine point Hedonic Scale.
Boiled till the volume was reduced to half of its original volume
Formulation of custard apple leaf extract fortified
Solution was then cooled and filtered Sweetened aonla juice: Recipe for preparation of artificially
(By using Whatman No.1 filter paper)
sweetened aonla juice, the formulation was made with
Centrifugation of filtrate was carried out different proportion of custard apple leaf extract varying from
(at 10000 rpm for 15 min) 0 to 15 g in increasing order from control (0) to A1 (5g), A2
Discarded sediment to get supernatant (10g) and A3 (15g) respectively.The recipe of aonla juice
was standardized by considering the quantity of ingredients
Leaf extract powder preparation like aonla juice, aspartame, and citric acid as per the process
(By using spray drier)
adopted by (Srivastava and Sanjeev Kumar, 2006). The
FIG 1: Flow sheet for preparation of custard apple (annona squamosa) leaf artificial sugar like aspartame was used as it is 200 times
extract (Kaleem et al., 2006) sweeter than sucrose and the amount (4g) is used as
Formulation of custard apple leaf extract fortified proportion to the sweetness ratio with sugar. (NICUS, 2013).
sweetened aonla juice: Fresh, fully ripe, sound aonla were The proportion of custard apple leaf extract used in the aonla
used for extraction of juice (Sasi Kumar et al, 2013). Each juice was decided by considering the permissible intake of
fruit was cleaned, thoroughly washed, blanched and blended 250 mg / kg body weight as suggested by (Pornrut et al.
in a laboratory blender to a pulp and the juice extracted was 2009). The data with respect to formulation of custard apple
blended with custard apple leaf extract and stored leaf extract fortified aonla juices were presented in Table 1.
refrigerated temperature. Further formulation process is Retention of quercetin in prepared aonla juice: In aonla
given in figure 2. juice custard apple leaf extract was fortified at the level of

TABLE 1: Formulation of custard apple leaf extract fortified SweetenedAonla juice

Aonla juice Quantity of Juice Aspartame Citric acid WaterIn liter Leaf extract
Control 750 ml 4 g 11 g 4.2 —
A1 750 ml 4 g 11 g 4.2 5g
A2 750 ml 4 g 11 g 4.2 10 g
A3 750 ml 4 g 11 g 4.2 15 g
A1 - 5 g custard apple leaf extract incorporated sample
A2 - 10 g custard apple leaf extract incorporated sample
A3 - 15 g custard apple leaf extract incorporated sample
Volume 35 Issue 1 (2016) 83
0 g to 15 g. In sample A1 (1g) of custard apple leaf extract was sample (2.95 per cent), A1 (2.97 per cent), A2 (2.98) and A3
fortified and the retention of quercetin in sample A1 was 15.20 (2.99 per cent) respectively. The reducing sugar content of
mg. and in sample A2 (2g) of custard apple leaf extract was all the samples was found to be less as sugar was replaced
fortified and the retention of quercetin in sample A2 was 32.80 by artificial sweetener.
mg. whereas in sample A3 (3g) of custard apple leaf extract The non-reducing sugar content of sweetened aonla
was fortified and the retention of quercetin in sample A3 was juice was also less. The non-reducing sugar content of control
49.75mg.In aonla juice the retention of quercetin was slightly sample (2.71 per cent), A1 (2.73 per cent), A2 (2.72) and A3
reduced may be due to the accumulation of quercetin at the (2.71 per cent) respectively. The non-reducing sugar content
bottom during storage of aonla juice. Data with respect to of all the sample was found to be less whereas lowest non-
retention of quercetin in aonla juice was presented in Table 2. reducing sugar content score was recorded by control sample
TABLE 2: Retention of quercetin in prepared aonla juice and A3.Total sugar content of sweetened aonla juice were
control (5.66), A1, A2 and A3 (5.70 per cent) respectively.
Retention mg / 1000 ml of juice
Control —
The ash content of sweetened aonla juice control
A1 15.20 (0.03 percent), A1 (0.047per cent), A2 (0.064 per cent) and
A2 32.80 A3 (0.81 per cent). Similar result for chemical properties are
A3 49.75 reported by Pareek et al, (2012). The data with respect to
effect of addition of custard apple leaf extract on chemical
Effect of addition of different proportions of custard properties of aonla juice were presented in Table 3.
apple leaf extract on chemical properties of Aonla juice: The prepared sweetened aonla juice containing
The aonla juice samples contain TSS in control sample different proportions of custard apple leaf extract were
(7 0Bx), sample A 1 (7.1 0Bx), sample A 2 (7.2 0Bx), A 3 organoleptically evaluated with regards to colour and
(7.30Bx).Acidity of control sample was (0.38 per cent) appearance, flavor, taste and mouth feel and overall
similarly sample A1 (0.37 per cent), A2 (0.37 per cent), A3 acceptability. The scores rated by the judges are summarized
(0.34 per cent). The control sample of aonla juice contains in Table 4.
(pH 3.8) similarly sample A1, A2 and A3 (pH 3.9, 4.0 and
4.1) respectively. The pH of control sample is statistically It can be finally concluded that organoleptically
significant over other samples whereas highest pH was acceptable aonla juice having higher nutraceutical value
recorded by sample A3. containing flavonoid Quercetin (16.72 mg/g) can be prepared.
The reducing sugar content of sweetened aonla juice Sample A2 (10g custard apple leaf extract) scored highest score
were 4.7 percent whereas reducing sugar content of control for overall acceptability was 8.8 on 10 point hedonic scale.

TABLE 3: Effect of addition of custard apple leaf extract on chemical properties of aonla juice
Sample TSS Acidity pH Reducing Sugar Non-reducing sugar TotalSugar Ash
(0Bx) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
Control 7.0 0.38 3.8 2.95 2.71 5.66 0.030
A1 7.1 0.37 3.9 2.97 2.73 5.70 0.047
A2 7.2 0.36 4.0 2.98 2.72 5.70 0.064
A3 7.3 0.34 4.1 2.99 2.71 5.70 0.081
Mean 10.65 0.45 3.98 3.31 3.076 6.39 0.063
SE 0.064 0.012 0.025 0.008 0.004 0.01 0.010
CD@ 5 % 0.20 0.039 0.077 0.026 0.014 0.03 0.035
A1 - 5 g custard apple leaf extract incorporated sample
A2 - 10 g custard apple leaf extract incorporated sample
A3 - 15 g custard apple leaf extract incorporated sample

TABLE 4: Organoleptic evaluation of sweetened aonla juice

Sample Color and appearance Flavor Taste and mouth feel Overall Acceptability
C 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
A1 8.3 8.5 8.2 8.1
A2 9.0 8.5 8.4 8.8
A3 7.5 7.0 7.0 7.1
Mean 8.3 8.1 8.1 8.1
S.E ± 0.08 0.09 0.10 0.07
C.D. at 5% 0.28 0.29 0.32 0.23
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