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Nick Name: Fond

My Imaginary State

Name of State: Peaceland

Elements of the state
(describe your state’s territory, population, government, and sovereignty)

Territory: 500 km2 (Europe)

Population: 60 million

Government: Group of representatives working for citizen. They separate the duties by part of the land.

Sovereignty: Separate from Spain by gaining independence

Nation or Not?
(clearly say if your state is a nation or not, then describe why-characteristics)
Peaceland is nation because my citizen share many common factors such as language (Spain) and religion
(Catholic Christianity). Its culture or other factors got influence from Spain because it used to be part of
Spain. The reason why Peaceland separate from Spain is it prefers the type of government be
Representatives democracy rather than constitutional monarchy of Spain.
Type of Government
(explain what type of government your state has, be as specific as possible,
then describe how this type of government can or will affect its citizens - this part can be general)
Type of government: Representatives democracy

Effects (or potential effects) of the type of government chosen (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences):
Peaceland gives opportunity to citizen to choose people to represent their voice or vote. I will limit the time of
being representatives for only 3 years. In addition, I will set the rule that the representative must change gender
every term. Sometimes, I will allow the citizen directly vote their local leaders. If citizen found something
suspicious, they are able to make a complaint to government. The citizen has power to control the working of
government. Otherwise, the disadvantages of Representatives democracy are this government encourages
the deception of the government officials as well as it still considered as costly government type.
Type of State
(clearly say if your state is a unitary, federal, or confederal state,
then describe how this type of State can or will affect its citizens)
Type of State: Federal state

Effects (or potential effects) of the type of State chosen (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences):
I prefer my state to have both local and central government with slightly same power. The central government is
control public utility as well as check how the local government works. The local government has power to
manage its own resources (within its area) and solve problem that occur in its area. If the problem (beyond
ability) the power of local government, the local government must report that problem to central government.
The local government also has power to check the central government works. The advantages of this type of
state are separating power for avoiding corruption of officials and getting in touch with actual local
problem. In contrast, the disadvantages are the local may not like the rules or regulation of central
government and this type is able to make wealth gap.
Nick Name: Fond

(clearly explain how much your government follows Montesquieu’s idea of the separation of powers
and then describe how this can or will affect its citizens)
Effects (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences): My state, Peaceland, follows the idea of Montesquieu which is
about separation powers. The executive branch of Peaceland is group of people who manage the state and are
selected by our citizen. The legislative branch is creating laws for using in our state. The judicial branch is
interpreting laws for our state. Peaceland also uses the idea that talks about check & balanced among branches.
For example, if executive branch want some approval, it must be approve by other two branches before
start the action. The main advantage of this idea is preventing each branch makes some decision
arbitrarily. The drawback is when each branch checks other branch before making decision takes much
Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau
(clearly explain if the ideas of your government are most similar to Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau
and then describe how this can or will affect its citizens)
Effects (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences): Ideas of Peaceland’s government are most similar to Locke. Since
I have chosen the representatives democracy as the type of Peaceland’s government, this idea also follows the
Locke’s government idea. I prefer government of Peaceland to work for citizen as well as protect the rights of
citizen. As the definition of democracy, which means select or choose from citizen, so citizens have a chance to
rebel against the government that they chose. In contrast, my state still has distinct idea from Locke, which is
how they view on human nature. My state agree that human are good and wise. If my state does not think
people are good and wise, I will show that idea is true through action of representatives who were selected
by citizen. The advantage of Locke’s idea is the representatives protect right and make benefit for citizen.
On the other hand, the disadvantage is the good and wise of human may not occur in every people in
Authoritarianism or Libertarianism (government power)
(clearly explain if the ideas of your government are more similar to authoritarianism or libertarianism
and then describe how this can or will affect its citizens)
Effects (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences): My state also focus on personal liberty, so my state prefer
Libertarianism as our government power. I want my citizen have chance to act as what they like, to share their
thoughts or belief. As the type of government of Peaceland is representatives democracy, which mainly give the
right and freedom to citizen as well. If Peaceland also uses libertarianism as government power, the citizen will
get stronger right and freedom which comes from two ways. Overall, I prefer the powers in my state are given
to citizen not the government. The advantages of Libertarianism is citizens have freedom to express their
idea and can do whatever they want. Otherwise, government need to control citizen carefully because
they have much freedom to act or think.
Socialism or Liberalism (economics)
(clearly explain if the ideas of your government are more similar to socialism or liberalism
and then describe how this can or will affect its citizens)
Effects (at least 1 paragraph - 5 sentences): The economics idea of Peaceland will focus on socialism idea.
I decide to use idea of socialism because of social welfare. Peaceland is not only give the freedom to citizen but
also good life quality by providing them the good social welfare. I prefer social utility organizations in my
state are controlled by government. In my opinion, if the organizations control by only group of people,
the business become monopoly. Peaceland provides many social welfare such as healthcare and education.

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