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what is Wastewater treatment?

·0 Wastewater treatment, also called sewage treatment, the removal of impurities
from wastewater, or sewage, before they reach aquifers or natural bodies of
water such as rivers, lakes, estuaries, and oceans or , or directly reused.

·1 This is done so as to reduce the effect on environment.

·2 Also the treated water is sometimes used directly so as to reduce the water
scarcity and also to meet the needs

·3 Wastewater treatment has four common methods:

1. physical water treatment

2. biological water treatment

3. chemical treatment

4. sludge treatment

Biological Water Treatment

·4 Waste water must be cleaned to remove the contaminants , which can affect
human health.

·5 InBiological Water Treatment bacteria plays an important role.

·6 Bacterias metabolize organic matter in the wastewater in biological treatment

were they breakdown the organic matter and improve the quality of the water.

·7 The Biological Water Treatment is divided into three parts

5. Aerobic processes

6. Anaerobic processes

7. Composting
1) Aerobic processes:
What is Aerobic Treatment?
·8 Aerobic treatment is a biological process that uses oxygen to break down
organic matter and remove other pollutants like nitrogen and phosphorus. It
converts the organic matter into carbon dioxide and new biomass.

·9 Oygen required is forced from an air blower or compressor is mixed with

the wastewater

·10 The aerobic bacteria feeds on the waste in this water and aerobic
treatment takes place

Aerobic Treatment Uses:

·11 Aerobic treatment is used to achieve maximum degradation while
meeting the strict regulations set by environmental agencies regarding what is
released into the air, ground, or water.

·12 The stabilised resulting sludge is odour free and makes an excellent

·13 The operation is relatively simple.

2)Anaerobic processes:
What is anaerobic Treatment?
·14 Anaerobic digestion is a process in which microorganisms convert organic
matter into biogas in the absence of oxygen. It is an energy-efficient process that
is typically utilized to treat high-strength industrial wastewater that is warm and
contains high concentrations of biodegradable organic matter

·15 During anaerobic digestion, the organic matter in the waste and
wastewaters is transformed to biogas, a mix of methane (CH4) and carbon
dioxide (CO2) and a nutrient rich sludge.

Aaerobic Treatment Uses:

·16 Biogas can be used as a renewable energy source.

·17 The nutrient-rich sludge can be composted and used as fertilising soil
amendment in agriculture.

·18 Anaerobic processes use substantially less energy, require less chemicals

·19 A type of aerobic process where wastewater is treated by mixing it with
sawdust or other carbon sources.

Further Treatment:
·20 The type of biological treatment selected for wastewater treatment,
whether aerobic or anaerobic, depends on many factors such as compliance with
environmental regulations on discharge quality.

·21 Biological treatments are often supplemented with treatments including

chlorination and carbon filtration, as well as technologies like reverse osmosis
and ultrafiltration.
Water plays a important role in our daily life both directly and indirectly. We people
use water for household , agriculture, industrial and for many other purposes. Infact
70% of human body is made of water and water is one of the most important element
for living.

Though water is important we people waste and pollute water. And with the increasing
population the demand for water isn keep on increasing. In various parts of our country
people have suffered from water scarcity during summer and dry season.

The water which is used has many contaminants which affect human and animal health.
If it is directly returned to water cycle the environment gets affected and it increases the

Thus the water should be treated before they return to the water cycle. This process is
called wasterwater treatment. We have seen the biological method of treating the waste
water which is a easy and efficient method which also gives several useful side products
such as biogas.In biological process the microorganisms are used to clean the water by
metabolizm. Biological process has three parts Aerobic processes were oxygen is used
by Aerobic bacteria to breakdown the organic matter ,Anaobic processes were oxygen
is used by Anaerobic bacteria to breakdown the organic matter , Composting which is
also a aerobic process where wastewater is treated by mixing it with sawdust or other
carbon sources.

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