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Gaia Ierace, Paula Grisdale, Down to Business © Loescher Editore, 2016

International trade
CLIL – Economia aziendale
Trading blocs In January 2010 China and six founding members
If a group of countries within a geographical of Asean (the Association of South East Asian
272 territory wish to protect themselves from imports Nations) came to an agreement called Asean Free
from outsiders, they set up a regional trading bloc. Trade Agreement. In terms of population involved,
Trading blocs are a form of economic integration this is now the largest free trade agreement and
and determine the pattern of world trade. includes some leading economies driven by export.
There are several kinds of trading bloc: China benefits because it imports raw materials
at better prices, in order to produce larger
• Preferential trade area - Preferential Trade quantities of finished goods for export.
Areas (PTAs) exist when countries agree to lower
or eliminate tariff barriers on a selection of goods • Customs union - A customs union involves the
imported from other members elimination of tariff barriers between members,
of their territory. This is often the first move the reduction of non-tariff barriers (for example,
towards the creation of a trading bloc. the time that it takes to clear goods at borders)
plus agreement on a common external tariff
• Free trade area - Free Trade Areas (FTAs) are on imports from outsiders. This enables members
created when two or more countries within a to trade as a single bloc with third parties.
region agree to reduce or eliminate trade barriers A successful example of this type of union is the
on all goods coming from other members. Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
For example, the North American Free Trade These countries agreed to establish the Customs
Agreement, NAFTA, was set up by the US, Canada Union in 2009. The strategies adopted have affected
and Mexico in 1994. This trilateral union trade both within each country, among the three
laid the foundations for remarkable economic members, and with the rest of the world. Since
growth and prosperity for the three countries the creation of the union, trade among the three
involved. NAFTA has shown how free trade countries has doubled. This increase owes a lot to
increases wealth and competitiveness, so that the Customs Union. The reduction of non-tariff
eveyone can enjoy economic benefits. barriers has been as decisive as lowering more

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Gaia Ierace, Paula Grisdale, Down to Business © Loescher Editore, 2016


1. firmatarie

MODULE 8 International trade

2. accordi
3. sede centrale

traditional barriers, like customs duties. The European Union

The structure of exports from Belarus, Kazakhstan The European Union (EU) is the largest trading bloc
and Russia also suggests that a union of this kind in the world, and second largest economy to the US.
has the potential to act as a platform for exports The original group of member countries, following
to the rest of the world. the Treaty of Rome in 1957, was called the Economic
Community (also Common Market or The Six).
• Common market - A common market aims at full The original six were Germany, France, Italy, Belgium,
economic integration, in which member countries Netherlands and Luxembourg. Their initial purpose
promote duty-free trade and free movement of was to create a single market for goods, services,
labour and capital. This means that barriers to capital and labour by removing trade barriers, thus
trade in goods, services, capital and labour no promoting free trade between members.
longer exist. Moreover, as well as removing tariffs, With regard to trade with non-members, common
non-tariff barriers are also reduced and removed. tariff barriers were put up against cheap imports,
Microeconomic policies, common rules regarding such as those from Japan, whose prices at the time
monopoly power and other anticompetitive were low because of the undervalued currency (yen).
practices must also be dealt with in a harmonious, By 2014, as a result of gradual expansion, the EU had
uniform way. As far as large companies are 28 members. Croatia, the most recent member,
concerned, common policies such as the Common joined in July 2013.
Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Common Fisheries
Policy (CFP) of the European Single Market (ESM) The World Trade Organization
can play a decisive role. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is an
international, multilateral organisation which sets
down the rules for the global trading system and
settles disputes between its member states, all of
whom are signatories1 to its 30 agreements2.
WTO headquarters3 are in Geneva, Switzerland.

❶ INFO SEARCH Read the text and write the following information in your notebook.
• What is a trading bloc; • outline why the Customs Union of Russia,
• list examples of trading blocs in the text; Belarus and Kazakhstan was successful;
• name two free trade areas mentioned in the • mention the secrets for a successful common
text; market;
• describe what happened in January 2010; • clarify why the EU was founded.

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Gaia Ierace, Paula Grisdale, Down to Business © Loescher Editore, 2016


A world map of WTO participation:

■ Members ■ Members, dually ■ Observers ■ Non-members
represented with
the European Union

❷ SPEAKING With a partner, choose a role and act out the situation described.
Student A: Read the information about free trade and ask your partner the following questions.
Then answer your partner’s questions.
• What is a trading bloc and what does it do?
• How does it promote economic growth?
• What is a PTA?
• What is an FTA?

Student B: Read the text and ask your partner the following questions. Then answer your partner’s
• What is a customs union?
• What is the WTO’s mission?
• What do the colours green, blue, yellow and red mean on the map?
• What does the WTO want to achieve in terms of development?
• How can the WTO help weaker countries?

❸ GUIDED WRITING Write a report with the information gathered from the speaking activity
and read it out to the class.

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