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Loryddy amor Canas

Take home task !

Supply the missing detail in the outline of the reading text.

Main Idea : Our Personal and Community Welfare is tied up with the
welfare of others.

1. Reasons why people should look after the welfare of others.

a. Because God wants us to treat each other as brothers and

sisters. Nobody lived for his or herself only. God made us to
care for one another, to be there for one another and to think
for other’s well-being too.

b. Because it is the only thing that makes us as humans. It is

because we know how to respect other’s dignity and well-
being. We know what and how they feel because they are
humans too. That is why we should also think about their
welfare. We are humans and we should act as humans too.

c. Because it is always a great pleasure and achievement when

we start helping and caring for others. Nothing in this world
can replace the feeling when you help others without
expecting any exchange.

d. Because not all the times you need to think about yourself
only, you also need to think about others’ welfare for us to
make sure that everyone feels alright.

2. Duties to consider in the growing society.

a. Being familiar with the constitution of the Philippines

especially the rights and obligations as a Filipino citizen.

b. Following the community laws and sharing in youth’s

responsibilities to the community, neighborhood and country.

c. Dealing fairly and kindly to our fellowmen in this community.

Lady Evony Lachica- Grade 9 St. Michael

Supply the Missing details in the outline of the Reading Text.

I. Reasons why people should look after the welfare of others.

A. Everyone should be respected and treated well. All of us
should respect one another in order to be respected. People
are born with dignity and you have your own dignity. In
order to earn respect you should respect someone because if
you don’t they will not respect you as well.
B. Because we all live in this world with the same treatment
and the same rights. Our obligation is to fight for our own
rights but in good reasons and way. We live here in this
world because we have our own purpose not because we
should be boastful and proud.
C. It is our duty to help other people in order for them to
survive and to make them feel better. We are born here in
earth but with different life status. If you are a good
student or person you should take responsibility of helping
other in order to live.
D. We should care for one another. Not all the time you will
only think of your own good. Always look for the needs and
welfare of others, always look for what is good to do when
they needed you. Because not all the time it only focuses on

II. Duties to consider in the growing society.

A. Follow the law. The one way to have a better and growing
society is to follow the law not to disobey them. If everyone
will follow there will be no problem.
B. Join every projects in your community like tree planting and
costal clean up. It can help clean the environment but at
the same time it can help the society to grow.
C. Paying taxes every time. Paying your bill right will help in
growing society. The bill that you are paying will be used of
the government to supply all the need of the people in the
community. And the bill we are paying is a big help to
support the project of the government.

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