Momentum Guido To Having Difficult Conversations On The Doorstep

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3. Ask why and listen!

​Find out more, isolate 

to a specific issue and try to find a talking 
point around a manageable issue. 

4. Challenge preconceptions. S ​ ome 

responses are based on presumptions 
that may not be true. For example, people 
presume that we shouldn’t be spending 
To prepare for door-knocking sessions it’s  more if we are in debt (austerity 
a good idea to familiarise yourself with the  arguments). Present alternative 
key talking points in the manifesto and  arguments in an engaging and 
constructive way.   
think about why they’re important to you. 
But there will always be some topics that  5. Share your experiences and build 
come up over and over again that we  connections. M ​ aybe you can't deal with 
struggle to deal with. That’s OK! This  their specific issue but you want to let 
document contains some possible  them know why you have taken the time to 
responses to challenging issues that may  knock on their door and share your 
be brought up at the doorstep.  experiences, making it relevant to their life, 
emphasising your optimism for Labour’s 
policies on the issue. 
General approach  6. Pivot. I​ f you can't deal with their issue, link 
it to a national or local issue and try and 
have a conversation based on this.  
Here are a few things to keep in mind 
when a difficult issue comes up: 
Common Issues and 
1. It’s okay to say I don't know.​ If someone 
presents you with a topic you don't know 
much about, reiterate that you are a  Below are a few ideas and suggestions for 
volunteer but refer them to Labour’s  responding to difficult questions. When 
pledges or manifesto - both are online.  adopting these responses, remember: 
You could also say you will put some   
information through their door over the  — there’s no single answer to any of these 
next couple of weeks.   questions, and different types of response 
2. Refer to basic facts/figures and  might be appropriate for different people. 
explanations ​that will address people's  — take the temperature of the type of 
concerns. For example, how Labour plans  arguments people are using and moderate 
to raise money to pay for their policies. A  your response accordingly.  
few pointers are below.  — find out about local makeup and issues 
in the region you’re canvassing in. 
— The country is incredibly divided right now. 
The Tories simply purged the MPs that don’t 
My vote doesn’t make a difference / All the  agree with their hard Brexit. Labour is 
parties/politicians are the same   committed to democratic solutions, unifying 
  the country around a transformative agenda. 
People who don’t vote are often concerned   
about the same things as all of us. Work out  — This election is about policies not 
what particular issue is important to them:  personalities. The Labour Party now 
how will Labour address that issue?  represents a movement and an agenda for 
  change we have all pushed for.   
Tell a personal anecdote about how you felt   
the same, but have been inspired to canvass  — There is a difference between politicians. 
because you now think the Labour party’s  Old politics is about position, careerism, while 
exciting policies will bring real change.  new politics is about making Labour a 
Emphasise the differences between Labour  people-powered party and putting forward a 
and Tory policies.   transformative agenda. It’s not about careers, 
  but about principles. Of course there will be 
Try saying:  frictions, but that’s because we are shaking up 
— The Labour Party is committed to rebuilding   
the bridge between Labour and communities -  Boris Johnson is a strong leader 
listening to people and their concerns.   
Thousands of people are door-knocking  Acknowledge why people might think this - 
because they feel part of the Labour Party’s  and concentrate on why you personally can’t 
commitment to real change. That’s why i am  trust him. 
out here today.   
  Try saying: 
The Labour Party has too many internal  — Yes, strong leadership is important, but 
problems  when I look at Boris Johnson I see someone 
  who is only in politics for personal gain. He’s 
Acknowledge that you can see how they  lied repeatedly, including to the Queen and 
might have seen this in the press, but that for  about the number of hospitals he’s said he’ll 
you being part of the Labour Party has been a  build. This is the man who conspired to beat 
really enjoyable experience.   up a journalist in the 90s - can you really trust 
  him in charge of the country?  
Try saying:  — Jeremy Corbyn is a strong leader because 
  he listens to the concerns of ordinary people. 
— Every family has its arguments. We should  He is a lifelong community campaigner, he 
concentrate on what we agree on — our  truly listens to and engages with ordinary 
exciting and transformative agenda for real  people and cares about their issues. He is 
change.  someone who I trust to put me and my family 
Boris Johnson is a man of the people  — There is no point voting for the Lib Dems if 
  you are serious about remaining. They will not 
Try saying:  win. Their position ignores half of the country 
  who wish to leave, and is undemocratic by 
— Eton-educated Johnson and his wealthy,  proposing to simply cancel the referendum. 
investment banker friends and backers are the  Only Labour will put Brexit back to the people 
establishment. The Tories are part of a rigged  in a second referendum.  
system that will help the rich get richer and   
make working people pay. I just don’t trust him  — They are responsible for passing austerity 
to work for people like us.   policies in the coalition government. 
  Remember tuition fees! 
— Labour is the true 'party of the people’— we   
are going to build a fairer society and  Immigration 
economy that genuinely does care for all.     
  Often when people make anti-immigrant 
— Labour are taking on the wealthiest  arguments, their real concern is economic 
billionaires, (think Sports Direct boss Mike  issues (jobs, public services). Unpick what 
Ashley, hedge fund manager Crispin Odey,  people are concerned about — often you find 
media owner Rupert Murdoch who will all be  it is to do with jobs, NHS waiting times, 
targeted Labour’s policies).  housing. These are issues we all share. 
I'm voting Lib Dem  Share an anecdote that builds a common 
  sense of identity by celebrating belonging to 
Be aware of the make-up of the constituency  diverse local communities that are willing to 
you are canvassing. If you are a remainer feel  stand up for each other to create a better 
free to say that, and acknowledge why people  society. 
might have been drawn in by the Lib Dems.   
  Ask what would you change if you could 
Try saying:  change one thing. Use their response to pivot 
  to jobs, public services etc. 
-A vote for anyone else apart from Labour will   
get the Tories in. Vote tactically. Don't waste  Try saying: 
this vote — you'll end up with hard Brexit.    
  -​ Whether we’re born in [name of town,city] or 
- If you want to remain in the EU then your best  have come here more recently we tend to face 
bet is to vote Labour - that guarantees you a  similar problems. So many of us are struggling 
final say and a chance to stay in the EU.  to get by, while a tiny elite at the top gets 
  richer and richer.  
— On Brexit, the Lib Dems have changed their   
messaging several times and are divided on it.  - I personally believe that I have more in 
They were the first party to seek a referendum  common with my neighbours here in 
on the EU in 2008, and are now split on how to  [town,city] no matter where they are from than 
amend Article 50.  I do with the billionaire class or people like 
  Boris Johnson.  
  Try saying: 
— Labour is not committed to removing all   
controls on immigration. Labour is opposed to  -Of course Jewish people need to feel safe in 
cruel detention centres and discriminatory  the Labour Party and not experience 
immigration rules that are complex and  discrimination or hatred. I wouldn’t vote for 
expensive, leaving people in limbo, and  them, let alone be knocking on your door 
separating them from friends and family.  today unless i truly believed that they are 
  taking this seriously.  
— Working people have all been held back by   
precariousness, prejudice, lack of power and  — The Labour Party is a mass membership 
loss of community space. That is not the fault  party in a society where racism is pervasive. It 
of migrants but CEOs profiting from  is true that a small number of our members 
everyone’s bad working conditions. Only by  and supporters have been found to hold 
unifying can we fight these issues together.  anti-semitic views and attitudes. Of half a 
  million members, the number of cases that 
  have come up suggests less than 0.1% of 
Trident  Labour’s membership do hold anti-semitic 
  views. But no matter how small those 
Acknowledge that people value safety - it’s  numbers it is really important we all fight this. 
  — Labour is taking action, hiring caseworkers, 
Try saying:  investigating and suspending individuals. We 
  are collaborating with members of the Jewish 
-I would never be standing here as a volunteer  community on an education programme to 
if I didn’t believe that Labour was committed  deepen Labour members’ understanding of 
to keeping this country safe. That’s why i  what anti-semitism is and how to counter it. 
support their plan to get rid of nuclear   
weapons across the world.   — Refer them to the helpful guidelines on the 
  Labour Party’s website: 
— Labour’s policy is to lead multilateral efforts 
with international partners and the UN to   
create a nuclear-free world. This is an  Corbyn supports terrorism 
essential objective, because nuclear weapons   
currently pose a risk to millions of people, use  Acknowledge the desire to keep our country 
up resources that could be spent on teachers,  safe is important. That’s the number one duty 
schools, and houses, and do not keep us safe.    of any government. Be honest if you’ve felt 
  scared of terrorism at some point - and then 
  explain why you trust Labour with keeping the 
The Labour Party is anti-semitic  country safe.  
It is important to acknowledge and address  Try saying: 
people’s concerns about racism. Listen to   
what people have to say.  — Terrorism is atrocious and terrorists must 
be held accountable. But preventing terrorism 
means not fuelling the war on terror which will  retain economic and social benefits to protect 
always trigger a backlash at home (think of  jobs and maintain standards (which are all 
Corbyn’s response to the 2017 Manchester  under threat with the Tories).  
attacks). It’s about creating peace and not   
supporting policies that cause the war in the  — Labour’s offer is the most democratic, 
first place.  promotes dialogue and puts the issue to the 
  people to decide. Labour has an offer for both 
-We also need to give our public security the  leavers and remainers. Labour is the only 
resources they need. Labour has pledged  party trying to speak to the whole country on 
20,000 police offices and condemned Tory  this matter, and move beyond the divisiveness 
cuts to the police force.  that has poisoned UK politics over the last few 
— Our foreign policy needs to be based on   
international law and human rights, and not  — Boris Johnson’s hard Brexit will scrap 
supplying arms to oppressive regimes which  workers’ rights and put our NHS up for sale, 
only fuels more terrorism in the Middle East,  plunging the country into chaos if no deal is 
such as Saudi Arabia which us currently  reached, jeopardising millions of jobs. 
leading a brutal war on the people of Yemen.   
  — Labour’s offer is the best way to handle 
— In Northern Ireland, Corbyn supported peace  Brexit in a way that allows everyone to move 
and justice and this was why he met with Sinn  on and talk about the type of change we so 
Fein leaders, to enable the Good Friday  desperately want to see in this country.  
agreement. It’s not about condoning terrorism   
but recognising that dialogue is sometimes  — The majority of people who voted to leave 
necessary for peace.  wanted to take back control of an economy 
  which has been rigged in favour of the few, 
  and to gain greater control over their lives. 
Labour has no clear position on Brexit  That is the opposite of what a Tory Brexit will 
Acknowledge that the reports in the media   
have made the position seem confusing, and   
that things have kept changing really fast. But  How are we going to pay for Labour policies? 
then make it simple.    
Try saying: 
Try saying: 
— The manifesto will be fully costed — refer 
  them to the guide in the manifesto when it is 
— Labour has an honest and clear line on  published. 
Brexit: we will put it to the people and sort   
Brexit in six months. If you want to remain you  — A fair taxation system can support public 
can say so, if you want to leave you can say  goods and build a fairer society and economy 
that meets all people’s needs.  
so, and then it will be done in six months.  
  — A lot of the funding will come from taking 
— We will negotiate a deal for departure from  on tax avoidance and corporation tax. Labour 
the EU, which — unlike the Tories — seeks to  will close down tax loopholes, and introduce a 
Tax Transparency and Enforcement  Even if the voter considers themselves 
Programme.  middle or upper class, they may well be 
  worried about their children’s hopes of 
-B​ oth parties are promising to spend more in  getting onto the housing market or tuition 
this election, it’s a choice about what you want  fees. 
to spend it on.    
  — Climate change will affect us all. The latest 
— Corporation tax in the UK is the lowest of  IPCC report warned that drastic, far-reaching 
any major developed economy. Labour is  action is needed to prevent catastrophic 
asking large corporations to pay a little more  climate change. Only Labour’s Green Industrial 
to build a fairer society.  Revolution meets this challenge. 
— Labour’s policies will also increase revenue   
available to the government by improving 
productivity and reducing the costs resulting 
from underinvestment in core areas such as 
health, education, housing, and climate 
Won’t this mean a tax on the middle classes? 
Try saying: 
— Middle classes are set to gain far more 
from Labour’s policies. Those earning less 
than £80,000 a year would face no increases 
in income tax, National Insurance, or standard 
rate VAT. 
— Only the top 5% (those on more than 
£80,000) and major corporations — those who 
can afford it pay for our spending plans for a 
fairer society. That means that the vast 
majority of us won’t have to pay a penny more.  
— Under Labour’s plans, 95% of taxpayers will 
be guaranteed no increase in their income tax 
contributions, and everyone will be protected 
from any increase in personal National 
Insurance contributions and VAT. Only the top 
5% of earners will be asked to contribute more 
in tax to help fund our public services.  
— There will be no VAT on food, children’s 
clothes, books and newspapers, and public 
transport fares. 
But I’m doing just fine/ believe in aspirations 

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