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Every child is a different kind of flower, and all together, make this world a beautiful garden by

this beautiful thought on this pleasant morning I Tasneem and I Mahesh, I welcome our most
honourable principal sir, beloved Leena ma’am, creative coordinators, hardworking teachers
and all my lovely students to the special assembly of our school.
You know why this day is so special, yes, today is children’s day. It’s your children’s’ today.
We have a lot of excitement in our program and we have brought a host of the entertaining
program for all of you. Let’s give a big round of applause to our audience.

Children, there are no words describe how special you are to us. Come on let’s enjoy this day
with fun and laughter. Today to share the moment our teachers has prepared phenomenal
performance and want to present it in front of you. Give them a big hand.

As our school begins with the prayer of the creator of this world, So dear friends lets start with
prayer for that supreme authority by joining our hands , closing our eyes , and bow down our
heads. For prayers I would like to invite our special prayer group of teachers.

Pledge means an oath to fulfill our duties so, lets take an woe with Ms Khusboo
A new day begins with new thought new strength and endless to enlighten us
and brighten our morning assembly I would like to call Ms Anita for thought for the day.
For word of the day I would like to call Ms Navya……
How many of you read news in the morning today. I know most of you could not. But don’t
worry we have brought for you today’s current happenings. So to enlighten us with current
happenings I would like to call Mr Sandeep for news.
The world is full of wonders and new happenings…to recall some amazing facts about the day I
would like to call Mr. Naresh

Now I would like to call Ms Zahabia to express her views on today’s special day


Today _______________________________________________________________________
are celebrating his/her/their birthday. May god bless them. Let us wish them Happy Birthday.
Time for some splashing fun Cheers and jolly time for everyone because it’s children’s Day.
May the love and laughter always stay on every child’s face.
No doubt sometimes we are strict some times we are rude…… but remember that you are very
special to us. And to be a part of your special day our lovely teachers have prepared a short and
special programme for you all. I hope you all will enjoy and cheer your teachers for their hard

For special performance,

I would like to call Ms Usha for reciting a special poem.

Thankyou Usha Ma’am…. For such a wonderful poem.

My dear children now comes something special for u……..Let me introduce the characters
first….Mr. Ghanshyam as a doctor Ms. Navya as receptionist…. Mr. Rakesh as an English
teacher…….Mr. Sandeep as a shopkeeper….Mr. Bhavik as SUPPANDI…..lets begin scene 1
Suppandi at mobile shop….

OMG>>>>A foolish phone….. I can’t stop laughing……hahahaha

Now let’s see what Suppandi will do at doctor’s place!!!!!

Examinations and tests….oh god…..Really hahahaha….,… Such an extra ordinary SUPPandi

Now, Suppandi at school…….

God bless his English teacher…..

Kids I hope you all are enjoying this….Please give a big round of applause to my lovely team
and their hidden talents….Bhavik sir u rocked as Suppandi
Music heals the soul…..Music is divine….to wave you with delight I would like to call Mr
Bharat, Mr. Piyush, Mr. Bhavik, Mr. Mahesh and Mr. Narendra for their special performance.
It was a rocking performance indeed….

I would like to invite Leena ma’am to share some kind words with us…

Thank you ma’am…for such motivational speech.

A starting always has an end. Now we have also reached to the end of our assembly, So let's
end our morning assembly by national anthem. for that I would request the choir team to lead
us. I hope you liked today's assembly.
Now you may move back to your respective classes and have a cheerful day.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

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