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UNIVERSITY ROLL – 091041 NO. 180010


SESSION – 2018-2020


E-learning is a process and E-content is a product. E-content
lesson is generally designed to guide students through
information or to help them perform specific tasks. An E-
content package can be used as teacher is the virtual
classroom situation. (Electronic-content) Digital content that
can be transmitted over a computer network such as the
internet. Application software (app for short) is software
designed to perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks,
or activities for the benefit of the user. Examples of an
application include a word processor, a spread sheet etc. The
definition of a website is a page or collection of pages on the
World Wide Web that contains specific information which
was all provided by one person or entity and traces back to a
common Uniform Resource Locator (URL). Facebook and My
space are examples of websites.

Application software (apps for short) is software designed to
perform a group of coordinated functions, tasks, or activities
for the benefit of the user, Examples of an application include
a word processor, a spread sheet, an accounting application,
a web browser, an email client, a media player, a file viewer,
an aeronautical flight simulator, a console game or a photo
editor. The collective noun application software refers to all
applications collectively. This contrasts with system software,
which is mainly involved with running the computer.
Applications may be bundled with the computer
and its system software or published separately, and may be
coded as proprietary, open-source or university projects.
Apps built for mobile platforms are called mobile apps.

An Application software is a computer program designed to
help people perform an activity An application thus differs
from an operating system, a utility and a programming tool.
Depending on the activity for which it was designed, an
application can manipulate text, numbers, audio, graphics
and a combination of these elements. Some application
packages focus on a single task, such as word processing;
others, called integrated software include several
User written software tailors systems to meet the user’s
specific needs. User written software includes spread sheet
templates, word processor macros, scientific simulations, and
audio, graphics, and animation scripts. Even email filters are
a kind of user, software; users create this software
themselves and often overlook how important it is.

A learning goal describes in broad terms what the
learners will be able to do upon completion of the E learning
course, whereas a learning objective describes, in specific
and measurable terms, specific elements that learners will
have mastered upon completion of the online course.


 Basically, you use application software when you want to

do something useful with your computer. “Application
software” or “Software application” (or apps) help the end
user prefer single or multiple tasks.
 All the useful work is done by application software in your
computer for example Microsoft office. Without office you
cannot do any type of good document work. It has many
tools by which you can make good and effective

Word processing software is used to manipulate a text
document, such as a resume or a report some examples of
word processing programs include Microsoft word, word
perfect (windows only), apple works (mac only), and open


A spread sheet is a inter active computer application for

organization, analysis and storage of data in tabular form.
Spread sheets developed as computerized analogues of
paper accounting work sheets. The program operates on
data entered in cells of a table. Some examples of spread
sheet program are Windows platform/By Winston smizh/
Microsoft Excel Hints, Tips and support: Troubleshooting,
Tricks and Tutorials for Microsoft Excel.


Photoshop is a graphics editing program by Adobe that is

used by professionals and regular consumers. It is usable
on a variety of operating systems and is available in a
variety of languages. This program can be used to create
images from scratch or to alter existing images.

Adobe Photoshop is very popular software among web
designers and image editors. It is a user friendly software
and offer lots of unique tools that help you unleash your
creativity... so, if you later decide to shift from image
editing to graphic design profession, knowledge in photo
shop can help you a lot.


Redundant and unstructured data hinders qualified lead

generation and stumps digital engagement efforts
increasing the sales cost exponentially. There are four
structural types of database management system.
Hierarchical databases, Network databases, Relational
databases, Object-oriented databases.


Auto cad can be defined as the use of computer system to

assist in the creation, modification, optimization of a
design. In this we can create both 2D and 3D drawings
used in construction and manufacturing. It was developed
by John Walker in the year 1982 with the help of
AUTODESK and maintains it successfully.


The word “application”, once used as an adjective, is not

restricted to the “of or pertaining to application software”
For examples, concepts such as application server,
application virtualization, application life cycle
management and portable application apply to all
computer programs alike, not jest application software.


Some applications are available in versions for several

different platforms; others only work on one and are thus
called, for example, a Geography application for Microsoft
windows, or an Android application for education, or a
Linux game. Sometimes a new and popular application
arises which only runs on one platform, increasing the
desirability of that platform. This is called a killer
application. For example Vesicle was the first modern
spread sheet software for the Apple (II) and helped selling
the then new personal computers into offices. For
Blackberry it was their email software.
In recent years, the shortened term “app” (coined in
1981 or earlier) has become popular to refer to
applications for mobile devices such as smart phones and
tablets, the shortened form matching their typically
smaller scope compared to applications on PCS. Even more

recently, the shortened version is used for desktop
application software as well.


There are many different and alternative ways in order to

classify application software.
By the legal point of view, application software is
mainly classified with a clack box approach, in relation to the
rights of its final end-users or subscribers.
Software applications are also classified in respect of the
programming language in which the source code is written or
executed, and respect of their purpose and outputs.


Application software is usually distinguished among two

main classes: closed source verses open source software
applications and among free or proprietary software
Property software is placed under the exclusive
copy right, and a software license grants limited usage rights.
Free and open source software shall be run,
distributed, sold or extended for any purpose, and being
open shall be modified or reversed in the same way.
FOSS software applications released under a free
license may be perpetual and also royalty free.
Public domain software is a type of FOSS, which is
royalty free and openly or reservedly can be run, distributed,
modified, reversed, republished or created in derivative
works without any copy right attribution and therefore
revocation. It can even be sold but without transferring the
public domain property to other single subjects.


Since the development and near universal adoption of the

web, an important distinction that has emerged, has been
between web applications written with HTML, Java script and
other web native technologies and typically requiring one to
be online and running a web browser, and the more
traditional native applications written in whatever languages
are available for one’s particular type of computer.


Application software can also be seen as being either

horizontal or vertical. Horizontal applications are more
popular and widespread, because they are general purpose,
for example word processors or databases, vertical

applications are niche products, designed for a particular
type of industry or business, or department within an
organization. Integrated suites of software will try to handle
every specific aspect possible of, for example, manufacturing
or banking worker, or accounting, or customer service.


The Web, or World Wide Web (w3), is basically a system of

internet servers that support specially formatted documents.
The documents are formatted in a mark-up language called
HTML ( Hyper Text Mark-up Language) that supports links to
other documents, as well as graphics, audio, and video files.
The definition of a website is a page or collection of
pageson the world wild web that contains specific
information which was all provided by on person or entity
and traces back to a common uniform resource locator (URL).
Facebook and my space are examples of websites.
It this language that allows clicking through pages on the
web via links. The web uses HTTP protocol to transmit data
and share information. Browsers such as internet explorer,
Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are used to access web
documents, or web pages, which are connected via links.


 Web technologies allow companies to design a

certain image and to attract and generate
customer’s loyalty. Software applications
specialized in customer relationship
management as users an improved
relationship with the customers.
 It plays a crucial role in exploring an idea
globally. It makes it and easy to collect data
about a topic while searching on the internet.
Owing a website is a nice way of sharing and
exchanging knowledge and experiences with
others. It makes strong impact on the image of
a company or an institution.
 Website, the most useful technology of
modern times which helps us not only in our
daily lives but also in professional lives. For
educational purposes it is widely used to
gather information and to do research or add
to the knowledge of various subjects.


ICT stand for “Information and Communication

Technologies.” ICT refers to technologies that provide
access to information through telecommunications. This
includes the internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and
other communication mediums.
A website refers to a central location that contains more
than one web page or a series of web pages. For example,
computer hope is considered a website which contains
thousands of different web pages, including the page you
ate reading mow.
A website is a related collection of World Wide Web
(WWW) files that includes a beginning file called a home
page. (But a web site implies a geographic place, a web site
can be confused with a web server. A server is a computer
that holds the files for one or more sites.)


 Information websites as mentioned above, informational

based websites were the first versions to hit the internet.
 Brochure/Catalogue style websites.
 E-commerce websites.
 Blogs.
 Personal websites.
 Social media and networking websites
 Photo sharing websites.
 Mobile device websites.


The purpose of a website is to turn visitors into prospects

and the way to do this is to identify the major user types
visiting your site, speak to their needs and give them a
clear action step to take next.
Theanotherpurpose of an information centric website is
to convey specific, hopeful information to a specific
user/audience so that the reader learns something new or
understands a topic better.


 Limited mobile experience coding is extremely does

not quite look “Right” most website builders show
you a preview of the websites before you publish.
 Ease-of-use
Cookie-Cutter template selection
Missing key search engine optimization (SEO)

Today developing technologies are reformulating the
education system and the best of educational apps play a key
role in this progressive change. The use of mobile apps is not
only limited to the field of communication, entertainment,
and gamification but has also extended to various other
fields, especially, education. In fact, the on-going upsurge in
the number of education apps has turned out to be the third
most well-known mobile app category.
A study conducted on children using educational apps
to learn concluded that they are more likely to become
interactive; they will engage more with their parents when
they use educational apps. A child’s receptive cognition
improves when they are using apps.

A successful site requires an effective, sustained marketing

strategy beyond presenting a collection of products, services,
images, videos or other files. That means website design
should be focused on specific goals, along with measurable
objectives to attain them.

A web framework (WF) or web application framework
(WAF) is a software framework that is designed to support
the development of web applications including web services,
web resources, and web APIs. Web frameworks provide a
standard way to build and deploy web applications on the
World Wide Web. Web framework aim to automate the
overhead associated with common activities performed in
web development. For example, many web frameworks
provide libraries for database access, tinplating frameworks,
and session management, and they often promote code
reuse. Although they often target development of dynamic
web sites, they are also applicable to static websites.


Apps and web properties enable unified measurement of

user interactions and events between web and app. If our
mobile app contains embedded web views , an equivalent
web app, or web pages that mirror or otherwise extent the
mobile experience, we should use apps and web properties
for our Google Analytics measurement strategy. Apps and
web properties can be implemented without any additional
tag modifications if we already use g tag. js or Google Tag
Manager .


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