Homework #5

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Enterprise, culture and business in the world.

Alejandro Jorge Casares


1. Can you see anything in the values and norms of Islam that is hostile to

"If you are not a good Muslim, don't pray five times a day and don't have a wife who wears
a headscarf, it can be difficult to do business here" This comment is a gentle warning that
Muslims have a higher chance of becoming successful in Turkey.
Islamic countries like Turkey don’t generally have high levels of female employment,
having women focus on the family and religion, this results in less familiar income which
results in fewer purchases and therefore a weaker domestic economy.

2. what does the experience of the region around Kayseri teach about the
relationship between Islam and business?

Kayseri has been growing rapidly, and it is strongly influenced by Islam. They have been
incorporating gestures like prayer rooms, and are making strategies to create new
opportunities for other companies.
Kayseri shows that Islam isn't an enemy of business. Islam is often seen as pro-business,
Muhammad, Islam's founder, was a merchant who supported strongly honest business
activity. In Kayseri, business is adjusted lo accommodate Islam. practices such as the five
prayers per day, limits on alcohol, and have other Islamic practices.

3. what are the implications of Islamic values toward business for the participation
of a country like turkey in the global economy or becoming a member of the
European union?

In this age of globalization and interdependency, Muslims must find a balance between
their beliefs and what is occurring around them.
The effect of Islamic values toward Turkish business's ability to interact in the global
economy will be mixed. Turkish business will be meant to have to a degree in human
resources due to Islamic views of women in business. Turkish businesses might do better in
Islamic countries and Muslims will be more inclined to buy from and work for a company
that follows Islamic teachings and is run by devout Muslims.

 Hill, C. W. L. (2019). International business: competing in the global marketplace.
New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education.
 Syed, J., & Buren, H. J. V. (2014). Global Business Norms and Islamic Views of
Women’s Employment. Business Ethics Quarterly, 24(2), 251–276. doi:

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