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sameer sultan <sameer.ayiesha@gmail.


Decoding the bestseller

1 message

Naveen Valsakumar <> Sun, May 19, 2019 at 2:19 PM

Reply-To: Naveen Valsakumar <>

Dear Sameer

Today, we shall answer the burning questions in your mind. Will my book become a

Every aspiring writer intends to become a bestselling author. But, what is a best-seller?
In most countries, a fiction book that sells over 10,000 copies and a non-fiction book
that sells over 3,000 copies are termed as a best-seller. However, these numbers may
vary based on the specific type of book for each market. For example, the number is
much lower for poetry books and much higher for romantic fiction due to stiff

So, how does one become a bestselling author? Is it even possible? Of course. Most of
today’s successful authors started out by self-publishing their book and then working
their way up the bestseller lists. The success of your book doesn’t depend on the
content you pen down alone. There are a lot more factors in play. Here are some of

#1: Content & Positioning

Content is king and you know it. But, what you may not know is that the way you
present it and lay it out has an influence on how readers relate to your book. This is
called positioning. You need the USP of your book, understand who the target audience
would be, identify an attractive title, add a suitable sub-title to add clarity and also
ensure that your book has zero errors by using a professional editor.

#2: Product Design

Let’s face it, people judge a book by its cover. Most readers pick a book because the
cover appealed to them. The book cover is not just the graphics or images you use. It
also reflects the positioning of the book using its color scheme, title, subtitle etc. In the
age of e-commerce, a minimalist cover with large fonts is the trend as it is clear even in
the thumbnail-sized images that you see on sites like Amazon.

#3: Distribution & Marketing

The ‘Where do books sell’ argument is over and e-commerce companies have won.
Your book needs to be available where your readers are present. You also need to
device marketing strategies to target your potential readers to let them know about your
book. Your potential readers are not everyone. They are the ones who will be able to
directly relate to the book’s content – your primary target audience.

If all this is not your cup of tea. Take up the big task of writing and leave the bigger task
of publishing to us. You’ll be glad you did.

Thank you for taking time to read. In case you have any questions, feel free to call us on
our numbers given below (Mon-Fri, 10 AM – 6 PM) or reply back to this email and one
of my colleagues will be able to help you.

India: +91 044-4252 4252

Singapore: +65 6303 0564
Malaysia: +60 3-9212 9401


Naveen Valsakumar
Chief Executive Officer
Notion Press Publishing

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