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A lesson plan is a detailed step-by-step guide that outlines the teacher's objectives for what the students will accomplish during
the course of the lesson and how they will learn it. Creating a lesson plan involves setting goals, developing activities, and
determining the materials that you will use.


1. A perfect time management tool in classrooms 4. Sets the anticipatory mood for students
2. Builds the confidence in teachers 5. A clear route-map to effective teaching
3. A result-oriented practice

I. OBJECTIVES - A learning objective describes what the learner will know or be able to do after the learning
experience rather than what the learner will be exposed to during the instruction (i.e. topics)

 Knowledge - remembering, understanding

 Skills - applyinganalyzing, evaluating, creating
 Attitude


 Topic  Materials
 Textbook  Skills
 Reference  Values

 Routinary activities
- Opening prayer
- Checking of attendance
- Review of past lesson


Activity method is techniques adopted by a teacher to teach through activity in which the students participate thoroughly
and bring about efficient learning experiences. It is a method in which the child is actively involved both mentally and
physically. Learning by doing is the main focus in this method and more a person learns and longer he/she retains.

 Opening activity - awaken students curiosity and desire to learn.
 Developmental activity - activities that enables learners to grasp the concept more. This is the discussion part.
 Concluding activity - application of the concept learned and determining if the learners have learned something or

2. DEDUCTIVE METHOD - from general to specific. The teacher tells or shows directly what he/she wants to teach.
This also referred to as direct instruction.

 Pagganyak (Motivation) - introduction or acivities that will arouse the learners desire to learn. It should be related to
the lesson.
 Generalisasyon (Generalization) - discussion of the lesson
 Eksemplepikasyon (Exemplification) - strengthening the lesson by giving more examples
 Illustrasyon (Illustration) - application what they learned; could be through group activities; determining if they
learned the lesson.

3. EXPOSITORY METHOD - it is a kind of method that interprets or explains a comprehensive topic or subject matter.
The teacher is completely in charge and guides the lesson. The teacher is also in charge of the discussion and asks
questions by calling on students for answers.

Uses of expository method

- when relevant information is needed to make the class understand a part in the lesson.
- when pupils do not have the information and time can be saved by the teacher telling it.
- when an idea or principle can be learned only by explanation.
- where the use of induction will take too much time to justify its use or wherever the difficulties of its use outweigh its

 Approach - the proper mindset may be established by recalling past experiences related to the lesson. The points
to be explained must be placed before the class.
 Presentation - while explaining, it might be well for the teacher to make use of the following principles:
- relate the new to the past experiences
-teacher and class should have the same view point regarding what is to be explained
-expository means not only explaining but also interpreting
-materials should be organized so as to permit thinking

To make the explanation clear and effective, devices may be used such as:
-analogies and stories
-outlines and summaries to set facts in proper relationship

 Application - applying their new learning

4. DEMONSTRATION METHOD - as the name implies, in demonstration method the teacher or an assigned student or
group shows how a process is done while the students become observers.

 Introduction - stimulus step ( objectives of the lessons are stated. The teacher may be called demonstrator. He
demonstrates the activity before the student that is to be developed.
 Developmental - assimilative step ( students try to imitate the demonstrated strategy. If there is any query the teacher
tries to satisfy them by further demonstration and illustrations.
 Conclusion - application step (the teacher integrates all the activities and then these activities are rehearsed and
revised and evaluated. )

5. TYPE STUDY METHOD - It is an inductive procedure except that only one case is studied. Study a typical case
thoroughly and in detail. Aims to organize into a coherent whole all necessary and related details


 Selection of a topic/typical case - this step is crucial in the type stuy method.
 Motivation - activities that stimulates learners desire to listen and learn.
 Statement of a typical case - key concepts that should be discussed
 Study of details - discussion of the lesson
 Comparing details- the learners will be able to examine the difference between two examples.
 Generalization - summarizes the entire lesson

6. INDUCTIVE METHOD - instruction that makes use of student “noticing”. Instead of explaining a given concept and
following this explanation with examples, the teacher presents students with many examples showing how the concept is
used. The intent is for the students to “notice”, by the way of example, how the concept works. ( Specific to general )


 Preparation - the teacher prepares and stimulates pupil’s interest by giving an overview and relating it to what they
know and have experienced.
 Presentation - the teacher presents the lesson though any of the following ways:
- picture presentation of models
- film strips
- slides or motion pictures
 Comparison and abstraction - the learners identify and analyze events, ideas, objects to state the similarities and
differences that exist among the items.
 Generalization - the pupils are encouraged to establish connection and relationship of unrelated pieces of information
to formulate conclusion through guided questioning.
 Application - the pupils give examples or situations based on the concepts/principles learned. They may either be in
the form of a test or activity to determine whether the pupils have learned or not.

Group 8
- Assess whether learning objectives have been met for a specified duration.
Canete, Georgine T.
Son, Neilchor
- reinforcing/strengthening the day’s lesson Lapera, Catherine
- enriching/inspiring the day’s lesson Lavador, Teresita
- enhancing/improving the day’s lesson
- preparing the new lesson

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